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Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-06-2007, 09:38 PM

Rayna forced another smile. "Rayna. Nice to meet you, Kat." She said shyly.

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Old 12-07-2007, 12:23 PM

"And you." she said, "Here you can have the seat next to me if you like." she waved her hand to the chair next to her.

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 05:52 PM

Rayna nodded and sat down next to Kat. "Thanks." She looked around trying to get the layout of the new classroom. "No assigned desks...that's a first." She said quietly.

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Old 12-07-2007, 07:10 PM

"Tell me about it." she said shaking her head.

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-07-2007, 11:01 PM

Rayna sat back and took out her chemistry book. Flipping through it, she looked around. No where to escape should her parents come to take her away to a new life and school. She sighed.

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Old 12-08-2007, 05:10 AM

Christoph made his way slowly to class. He wasn't in a hurry, since he already knew what the lecture was going to be on. Surely being a "bad boy" didn't mean he'd slack in his schooling, though most people thought he did. On the contrary he had very good grades, but pretending he needed a tutor was one of the perks was what he decided as he passed a cute blonde.

He gave the girl a smile, not bothering to remember her name since she was in a group of other girls staring at him, a wistful look on their faces. He quickly passed by them, noting a few of them broke from the group to follow him to chemistry. He smiled to himself as he thought about the fact that they obviously waited on him before going to class. With that in mind he stopped at the door and opened it for the girls, motioning to the inside of the class,
"After you, ladies."

The girls blushed as they passed him, a few of them winking at him as they did so. Once they were all inside the classroom he followed, sliding into his desk with ease as he looked around and noticed the new girl. Grinning he moved from his usual desk to a desk behind her, "Well, well. What do we have here? New girl, charming. Might I ask your name?"

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-08-2007, 05:57 AM

Rayna looked up at him. "Rayna." She said and put her book away and grabbed out a novel. Seeing her mother in the doorway, she decided it would be better to be nice than have to deal with the consequences later. "And may I ask who you are?" She asked nicely with a smile.

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Old 12-08-2007, 06:14 AM

Christoph grinned, leaning to the side to place his bag on the floor before getting his book out of it. He placed the book on the desk and leaned on it, smiling at the new girl. "Christoph, at your service, miss Rayna."

His grin turned more into a pleasant smile, no doubt faked as he turned slightly in his desk so he could get a better look at Rayna. Giving her a once over he ignored the antics of some girls a few seats back, trying to get his attention. Instead he propped an elbow on the desk and moved his hand to about his neck, still looking at Rayna, "So, anyone offered to give you a tour of the town yet?"

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-08-2007, 06:20 AM

Rayna shook her head. "No, not yet." She looked back at the girls. "Great I'm already making enemies." She sighed and looked to see her mother nodding and urging her to be nice.

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Old 12-08-2007, 07:52 PM

It was the beginning of the week, the beginning of the day, and Erin was already tired. He had come to school a little early, so instead of hanging about he simply went to his first period and sat down at a random desk, where he could quietly sleep. The teacher didn't seem to care anyway, so he settled comfortably in the back of the room, and stuffed his bag under the chair. He took off his jacket to be used as a pillow, then crossed his arms and lay down his head, his hair slipping down to obscure his face.
It had been a while since then, and the room was filled with the chatter of annoying, overexcited people. Normally he wouldn't mind, but he heard familiar voices nearby and slowly turned his head to the side, trying to find the source. With a lazy gaze, he discovered Christoph was right in front of him today, and was talking to... uh, some girl. Nothing new, he thought, and flopped his head back into his jacket with a deep sigh. Back to sleep!

...Or not, as some rude passerby elbowed him shortly after he put his head down. With an irritated growl, he lifted his head back up, only to find that there was absolutely no one there. Grumbling some more, he rubbed his face, deciding maybe it was just time to wake up. At least for an hour or so.

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-08-2007, 07:55 PM

Rayna looked back to find out where the growl had come from. Her mother seemed overjoyed that she was surrounded by boys. SHrugging she began to read her book.

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Old 12-09-2007, 03:50 PM

Christoph looked to the growl and grinned to see Erin a wake. Giving him a small wave, Christoph lifted his head from his palm and turned to talk to him a bit, "For a moment, I thought the growl was from an admirer." He then turned to Rayna giving her a smile before nodding towards the girls before lowering his voice so they couldn't hear him, "Don't mind them. They're all bark and no bite. Probably just mad that I didn't sit in the seat they saved for me. Which I may just move to."

He turned back to Erin now, a conspiratorial grin on his face, "Maybe you should join me. I hear Laina thinks you're kind of cute. And with my connections and a little smooth talking, you can have a hot date in no time."

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-09-2007, 08:24 PM

Rayna nodded. "Ah I...see?" She said resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "Tell me are you this flirtatious with every girl in school?" She asked.

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Old 12-09-2007, 10:37 PM

"What kind of growl would that be...?" he grumbled in reply, and stretched, still laying on his desk. With a sigh he relaxed, hands now flopped down into the seat before him. Just as he was wondering which girl Christoph was talking to today, he turned back to Erin, who merely stared back up lazily.

"Laaaainaa.. Laina... who was that again?" His friend knew so many girls, that he'd lost track of them all long ago. Glancing back at the girl, who seemed a little familiar, he tilted his head in her direction. "Is it this one?" That was probably a stupid question, as the girl seemed oh so very uninterested in the boys, but no matter. He smirked at.. uh.. Laina's? question and bluntly replied, "Preeetty much."

Hearing the disappointed girls quietly talking amongst themselves with jealous faces, Erin let out another exasperated sigh and plopped his head back down, then reached a hand out to grab whatever was nearby. It seemed to be the edge of Christoph's shirt. That works. "Well, you're already sitting here, so how 'bout you stay so I can have a pillow." he mumbled passively, tugging on the fabric he'd grabbed hold of.

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-09-2007, 10:53 PM

Rayna groaned and got up. "Excuse me." She said and walked to the back of the room. Listening to the girls talk and the glares that were passed her way, she sat in an empty seat in the corner.

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Old 12-10-2007, 12:09 AM

Christoph frowned at he moved to poke the top of Erin's head, mumbling to himself. He looked to where Rayna moved to and frowned once the teacher came in. There went his chance for conversation before class, since all Erin would do is sleep. For revenge he poked at Erin's head once more, making sure to ruffle his hair right afterwards, "Did it ever occur to you that she wasn't Laina, but instead the new girl? And that I might actually try being nice for a reason other than getting in a girl's pants?"

Removing his hand from Erin's hair, Christoph wiped his hand on his jeans, feigning like the other boy's hair might be greasy. He then motioned to a girl in the middle of all the other girls, a pretty redhead, "Also, Laina is the pretty redhead that everyone talks about."

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 12:15 AM

Rayna watched the two boys and shrugged. Watching the teacher, she pulled out a notebook and a pencil. If anything, she could doodle during class. One of the girls walked by and knocked a few of her things off the desk. "Whoops, sorry." She giggled. Rayna glared at her scooted out of her seat and began picking up her things.

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Old 12-10-2007, 12:36 AM

Christoph watched the girl bump Rayna's stuff over and sighed, shaking his head. He looked to Erin, talking lowly to him, "It's been a blast. But I think I'd best go talk to the fangirls before they declare war."

Standing up Christoph nodded to the teacher who was preparing to start class and grabbed his things, moving to sit in the middle of the girls who were oggling him, and in front of Laina. Once situated he gave the teacher a fake-shy wave, "I see best from here, so don't mind me." He seemed oblivious to the teacher's eyeroll as he turned to some of the girls flashing them a smile, "Who's up for lunch together, usual place?" His suggestion was met by a few swoons and a soft chorus of agreements as he turned to pick up his book and flipped it to a random page to pretend he was paying attention.

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Old 12-10-2007, 12:57 AM

Grumbling some more after the hair ruffling, he imagined popping his head up to bite that oh-so-annoying hand of his. But, that would probably taste bad, so screw it. He lifted his head and pouted. "I didn't think she'd go away. And... there's a new girl?"

Frowning slightly, he tried to look for the girl Christoph was talking about. At last he managed to locate a bright, crimson head. "Ah. I see her now. Myyyy bad."

Hearing a few simultaneous "thunks" on the ground, Erin looked up to see some classic female bullying going on. He nodded at his friend, who left to save the day, and pondered following him. Those girls are such a pain to deal with, though..., he thought, lazily, and decided to stay put for the time being.

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 12:59 AM

Rayna finished picking up her things and the teacher smiled at her. "Will everyone welcome our new student Rayna Delvo. Are there any volunteers to show her around the school?" Rayna rolled her eyes upward and then waved at the teacher.

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Old 12-10-2007, 01:10 AM

Okay. So here was an opportunity to redeem himself. He stared up at the teacher for a moment, then shrugged and raised his hand. "Ehh, Christoph and I will, sir." he replied, somewhat cheerfully, and then slid back into his chair, satisfied.

Now the only problem left was the jealous flock of fangirls. Hmm, I think I'll at least trip 'em the next chance I get... He smiled deviously at the thought, then glanced up near the front of the class. To move or not to move. The back was always the best, and the teacher never noticed him asleep. He sighed then laid his head back onto the desk in defeat; he was just too tired to make a decision.

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 01:16 AM

"Wonderful. Thank you Cristoph, Erin. Rayna, these two young men will show you around." Rayna sighed and nodded in defeat. "That's fine. Thank you, sir."

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Old 12-10-2007, 01:17 AM

Christoph was about to volunteer to show Rayna around when Erin finally got some initiative in class and not only volunteered himself but Christoph as well. He was in the middle of smiling with satisfaction when he noticed the death glares the girls around him were sending the new girl's way before he sighed.

He enjoyed being around them, really he did. Being fawned over constantly was a huge boost to his otherwise nonexistent ego, but the rabid fangirlism, with the bearing of fangs at the sign of him giving attention to anyone outside of the group was kind of getting annoying. He nodded his agreement, speaking up for himself finally,
"I'd be pleased to show her around the school. Hate to admit it, but I make an excellent tour guide."

Quickly, to save face and keep any of the girls from lunging in the middle of class he turned to a few of then and winked, smiling innocently right afterwards.

Windy Opal
Windy Opal is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 01:25 AM

Rayna glared right back at the girls and nodded to the teacher. "Thank you, Cristoph and Erin, right?" She said sweetly.

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Old 12-10-2007, 01:32 AM

Hooray, he'd done something right. And so early in the day! Christoph seemed fine with it, but the girls surrounding him obviously did not. Alright, so this was starting to get really old. Letting out a deep sigh, he scratched his head, and grumbled some more.

Well, now that I'm doomed to be awake for the rest of the period, I might as well move toward the center of attention. With a frown, he reached for his bag, then walked towards the front, and slumped down into a desk behind Christoph. He lifted his hand to wave at Rayna, although it wasn't exactly an enthusiastic one, and flopped his head onto the cold wood before him.


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