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Sassy is offline
Old 04-03-2008, 02:14 AM

Forget Him

Forget his name, Forget his face
Forget his kiss his warm embrace
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember he's with her tonight

Forget the way he used to walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget how close you two once were
Remember he has chosen her

Forget the love you two once shared
Forget how much you truelly cared
Forget those things you used to do
Remember he's replaced you.

Forget the way you feel alone
Forget the life you once had known
Forget the pain, Forget the tears
Remember all the loving years

Forget you lived to be his wife
Forget you gave most of your life
Forget he said he'd leave you never
REMEMBER your better now then you were EVER


The choices we make in our loves are our own.
Do we make them with knowledge or just desire?
Do you chose to live or be led?
What choices you make turn to ice or to fire.

Do you chose to be steady
Or do you chose to fly free?
Will your life become stable
like you hoped it would be?

Those choices you make
when you are leading your Life
will you help your friends mend
or be the one to cut with the knife?

Do what you will
Make the choices yourself
but always remember
Friends are worth more then your wealth

Once apon a time
you were given a chance
To leave the hell you called home
and and not give it a glance

but you chose to throw it away
for the Love you held Dear
someday you will see
all those choices so clear

The friendships that you left behind
broken, tatered and torn
The friends who you left, standing all alone
All the hearts that were broken that you didnt warn

You cant reverse choices
that you make along the way
you must live with them
each and every day

So make your choices
each and every day
knowing your friends
could have helped guide the way

Stop chosing to leave them
all broken hearted and used
they helped you escape
the life you had full of abuse.

They chose to be there
thru the good and the bad
Holding your hand and your heart
Helping you to not be so sad.

You can fix the present
and the future if you so chose
but if you keep treating them poorly
it will be you that will lose.

what do you think?

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Sasha1985 is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 07:04 AM

Here is the very first poem I wrote just after new years, It's called My Lighthouse

I Once was a drift in a vast ocean of misery and pain…I thought that this was the meaning of life. Just drift and drift day in and out to go from one pain to the next. Being lost and not knowing where to go; adrift amongst grief and sadness. And then all of a sudden, coming upon this glorious lighthouse, one that brought such light, and such hope. Piercing loving light, to wash away all my sorrows and innermost pain. To then come upon the path your feet must follow like it had been there the whole time of your existence; and knowing that it was there inside of you the whole time…and you just realized it. So you start to follow it unquestionably into the dark with no fear, just seeing that light off in the distance warming you when you are cold, and giving you hope when you thought all hope was forever lost amongst the thrashing waves.

And my second one I wrote shortly after called The Tattered Heart.

Their once was a heart that was all but torn apart because of the misjustices that it had seen and been through this poor tattered heart found some refuge amongst beloved family and friends. But I could not figure why it didn’t quite feel whole again. It tried and tried with all of it’s might, but no matter what or how hard it tried it still felt it was dead inside just like from the start. Until one day when it happened upon another heart, a much stronger brighter heart. So the tattered little heart said I will go seek the council of that heart! Surely it must be smart! So the tattered little heart went up to the strong and bright heart and said “ Oh bright heart what must I do to repair my poor tattered heart? It has fallen to pieces and I have been trying so desperately to pick them up again and put them back from where they came, but it has not worked. What shall I do to be whole again?” The strong and bright heart looked at the tattered little heart lovingly and said “My beloved little heart there is nothing you can do to repair your poor tattered heart”
The tattered little heart thought to it self “All is lost! If this wise and smart heart says it cannot be done then all is lost!” But just then the bright and wise heart said” Don’t despair my poor beloved heart, because even as you cannot repair your poor tattered heart there is another who can.
The tattered little heart said, “Who is this one who can repair my poor tattered heart? How can I find him?” The wise heart said give up your pain and sorrow to the great light up above and you will be anew. So the tattered little heart did just that, and sure enough the tattered heart was not tattered anymore it shown so bright and warm that the hearts beloved family and friends did not eve recognize it upon it grand arrival home and so the once tattered heart shared it’s new found light with everyone that came near to gaze upon the now bright and warm light of the once tattered heart. And for once in it’s life it wasn’t just patched up, there were no scars from its former being, it truly was anew. And like the once tattered heart we can be anew though Jesus Christ, our great light.

Tell me what you think about them.

Seeker of Gnosis.
Seeker of Gnosis. is offline
Old 05-26-2008, 08:30 PM

Yes, I write poetry! or, at least, what I hope is poetry. Ahahaha.
The link to my thread is here: Two Poems - I hope you enjoy.

I apologize for the small amount I posted. I'm afraid of plagiarism despite my copyrights. It could still happen!

Anywho, this was an interesting read, this thread.


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