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Staria is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 04:55 AM

((didn't you right that he was standing off in one corner of the room? XD or am I mis reading that sentence))

I'm just a girl, one of the grea...
MoonRose is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 04:56 AM

((Talis is the one standing off in the corner, Ravendel was his brother who left after dancing with Momo a while back. ))

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 04:58 AM

((Ahaha misunderstanding! It's alllll good though ;D ))

I'm just a girl, one of the grea...
MoonRose is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 04:58 AM

((Hahahaha, Talis is the one who passionately kissed Nassii. Just remember that and we'll be fine. <3 ))

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:01 AM

((How could I forget?? It totally happened in front of me~:heart: XDD ))

I'm just a girl, one of the grea...
MoonRose is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:02 AM


Well.. Talis had his head off in the clouds because he was thinking about Nassii licking the cake from his face. ))


Staria is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:03 AM

((oh okay xD, and lol it doesn't matter. I doubt anyone could tame miss ice queen even if they were straight :P))

"Oh... I'M fine." She responded with a wicked grin towards the girl who was now cowering even further. One look at her face would show that she was a dangerous girl and the one at the table had made a bad of one only Senka knew. Her eyes sparkled slightly, mischief in her gaze but she then turned her attention fully on Talis. she had made some enemies with the twins AND their fan girls? This was going to be good. Still she had to deal with the careful man ...

"I don't wear heels often... I guess I should be more careful love, dont worry about it." She said with a soft laugh as she stood. She put a hand on her hip, tossing her hair so it would fall back into place and looking over him curiously. He looked familiar but she could not place him...

I'm just a girl, one of the grea...
MoonRose is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:04 AM

((Post coming shortly, just getting food. ))

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:05 AM

(( And that is a perfectly legitimate reason for's Nassii :XD ))

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:07 AM

Kyoya smiled as he pulled back from the girl, her scent still prevalent in the air around him. He chanced a deep breath then, knowing no one would understand he was giving in to a guilty pleasure.

His vague smile spread across his face afterward and he held on to her arm, afraid she might not be quite so steady in the moment after his kiss. An odd thought, perhaps, but the girl had seemed so nervous about the entire exchange that he wanted to ensure she would be quite all right.

Afanassii looked over just in time to see Talis catch a curvaceous girl in a black dress. He cocked an eyebrow, happy to see him up and all together again, but wondering what that was all about.

((Oh, god I am terrible. I'm making Kyoya become infatuated with someone!))

I'm just a girl, one of the grea...
MoonRose is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:13 AM

The ice-queen, or so people called her when they spoke of her reputation. He'd never really bothered to listen to the gossip of course, but watching her now was enough for him to decide that maybe some of the stories he'd heard were true.

Regardless, Talis remained somewhat unimpressed.

"Heels aren't always the best accessory for a ladies delicate feet." He commented gently, somewhat having to force himself to be nice since fangirls were the last people he wanted to get involved with. "Perhaps something a little more casual next time, would be best?"

((Just for quick reference.... Talis and Ravendel are both Bi-sexual though it takes a certain type of girl to actually draw their attention, Talis merely has an infatuation for Nassii for the most part. Doesn't mean he can't charm the girls a little though...

Also, Talis is a guest, not a host. ))

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:16 AM

((GAAAAAASP! For shame! :XD ))

Although happy for her friend, Shadow noticed that Afanassi's attention seemed to be elsewhere. She turned and noticed Talis with another girl in a black dress. At first she thought nothing of it; perhaps he went both ways? ;before it dawned onto her that the girl was Senka. She had somewhat of a bad reputation, and was kind of scary when she wanted to be.


((Oooo cool! Did not know that! <3 ))

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:23 AM

Afanassii sat next to Shadow once again, winking at her. "Pity you didn't get the ring, eh?"

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:27 AM

Shadow jumped slightly, startled to see Afanassii there, before blushing once more. "Ah...w-well, at l-least s-someone I k-knew w-was able to get i-it," she said, giving him a tiny smile.


Staria is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:30 AM

((nuh uuuh you're awesome :P. Because Kyoya deserves some loooove and he never gets in >.< and ari is moving to the main thread hehe ))
((and Senka? A fan girl? >.>.... best not say that to her face if you want to live. ))

Ari was still flushed, but she was steadied now that he held her arm. She bit her lip, looking down at her feet. She wasn't quite sure what she was supposed to do now.... though there was one thing that seemed might be expected of them now. She looked around her a moment and looking to Shadow for courage. Finally nodding to herself she turned towards Kyoya, already back to being slightly shy and formal with him.

"K...kyoya Sama....w...we never did dance. I... I think some people might expect us too..." She said quietly and trailed off. She flushed at her bold request, but it was the truth. Well .. it was part of the truth. She simply didn't want to leave his side, didn't want this night to end since tomorrow he would be a host and she would be just another girl once more.


"I'm not sure I'm a lady but even i have a sense of decorum..." Senka said with a laugh, her penetrating eyes now looking at him a little more fully. Was he in one of her classes? Well it mattered little to her now that she could see he was forcing himself to be nice. Fake.... more fiction presented as truth... it was one of the reasons she held no love the host club and half the people in this school. She rolled her eyes and slid from his grasp.

"Thank you dear, but I think I shall go get my tea" She said with a teasing curtsy. She then began to walk to find a waiter to bother. Once she found one she ordered her tea, standing in the middle of the room now in thought. She'd had her sweets.... but she did promise her father she'd stay unless the alternative was a physical fight. He'd also made sure she wore heels, knowing her abilities were less in them... She sighed, bored...

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:32 AM

He nodded and reached out a hand to play with the ends of one of the locks of her hair. "She is a very sweet girl, from what I can gather."

I'm just a girl, one of the grea...
MoonRose is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:35 AM

Talis made no argument when the girl dipped into a curtsy in front of him, then spun on her heel and walked off to go and retrieve her tea.

Ice queen indeed, the term suited her perfectly.

Not entirely sure of what he should do with himself now, he made his way back to the table where Afanassii and shadow were and took his seat once again with a heavy sigh.

"So, the ice queen of Ouran high is here too..." He made the comment rather nonchalant, directing it at both Shadow and Nassii rather than just one of them. Of all the girls here, he felt that Shadow was the nice one and had no problem talking to her and the russian at the same time. "This night is certainly panning out interestingly."

((Staria :
Talis is like that with all girls when he first meets them, then decides on their general behavior if they're likeable or not. I hope his reaction to Senka did not offend you. ))

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:36 AM

The poor girl continued to turn more red when the Russian host started to play with her hair. She almost pulled it away from him, as those who normally played with her hair didn't play with it nicely, but quickly stopped herself. "Y-yes she is...I'm happy t-to have befriended her; she's quite wonderful to be around once you get to know her a little better," she explained, a slight smile on her face as she reminiscent on those memories.


((OK have to sleep pretty soonish D: ))

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:46 AM

Kyoya bowed at her mention of a dance. "Of course... It would be my pleasure." He held her hand while he lead her in a dance, his first of the evening, oddly enough. Aria was right, of course, after their kiss, the crowd would expect this of them. However it was a delight for him as well.

((with that, I am sorry my dearies, but I will have to bow out of this thread. I'm afraid keeping up with it has made my school work suffer a bit and I have to catch up. Please feel free to join the regular thread in the role playing forums if you have not already, although that one is quite a bit slower which really helps me come up with quality replies. I will not be playing the twins there, though. ))

The Idea Girl
ShadowDemon101 is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:50 AM

((OK then! Goodnight! Hopefully I shall join the main thread this week! Gawd knows how I'm gonna survive it XD;;; ))

I'm just a girl, one of the grea...
MoonRose is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:51 AM

((I think I'm going to follow Nassii on this one, sorry guys.

Talis doesn't seem to fit in too well here now since things are starting to die down. I may join the proper thread in the future with him though I haven't yet decided on that yet.

Thanks for having me with you. <3 ))


Staria is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:52 AM

((lol nahhh of course not. She switches between ice and flirtatiousness and can be a deadly bitchy little thing XD. I dont expect anyone to like her, at least not at first))

Senka yawned slightly as she glanced around her and sipped her tea. She finally found an empty seat, just in range to hear the comment of ice queen. She chuckled aloud and simply gave the residence of his table a smile before sitting at her own. She dug into her purse, pulling out a small notebook that she began to write in. It was all rather coded... apparently her own private thoughts were not ones she intended to share....

((awww okay, night night Nassii *hugs*))

Ari smiled, blissful. Slowly she danced with him, intending to leave after the dance to draw. She had so many scenes she wanted to draw now... Most with Kyoya none to surprisingly...

edit: ((awww T.T everyones leavvvvving))

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:52 AM

(( Thank you MoonRose for giving us a bit of your time - I know you've yet to watch the show so I think you did a splendid job! ))


Staria is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:53 AM

(agreed <3))

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 05:54 AM

(( Sorry to run off in the middle of our magic moment, Staria! XD I hope we can game again soon. ^^ ))


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