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Old 09-28-2007, 10:59 PM

Lottie chuckled "I always thought she was a bit barmy myself." She replied as she stood up, taking her coffee with her. "Come on then, let's go before we're late." She shrugged obviously intending to finish her coffee in the class. Again, she took her seat in the back corner.

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Old 10-01-2007, 12:35 AM

[NPC] Mrs Reno
Good morning little ones, said the teacher in a happy voice...well I hope everyone had heard what Mr Ericsson said about comunications, we will have to work with our books and the library like in the old times, until internet is back with us....hahahhaha she laughed like only old ladies can do ...n a funny way.
I will leave you some work about world war 2 which started in 1939 and end in 1945 ...I want to know about the countries who got together to fight Hitler that would be Germany and what happened with the jewish people during the war.
I want everything in detail you can work in teams of two or three people if you want and this practice work will need some explanation posters and maps you will have to work on for the time you have to explain your work in front of the rest of the students.
So now I want everyone to work with your partner on these questions...
*she started writing on the blackboard.

Lilim is offline
Old 10-01-2007, 04:30 PM

Maddie walks out side from the dorm and opens her umbrella hopping to get to wet since it was raining so hard outside. She walks slowly since she has lots of time before class starts. She just wanted to get a head start on the day. Seeing how she's almost always late.

She signs as the feeling of loneliness takes over her. She looks down at the white jacket still not sure where she got it from. But seeing as it fit her she and she liked anime it kept wearing it.

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Old 10-01-2007, 06:43 PM

Lottie shuddered a little bit at the teachers assignment. World war two had to be her most loathed subject. Mostly because her grandmother had left Germany in 1940. She wasn't Jewish but that made the subject even more hated because only the jews were remembered when you spoke about the camps. She closed her eyes, she didn't need to go to the library for this subject. "You in my team Felicity?" She asked quietly.

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Old 10-08-2007, 10:11 PM

Name: Loll!pop
Your character name: Indiana Pendra, though I prefers Dia or Indi.
Grade: I'm in the 11th grade.
Age: I'm 16.
Personality: I believe I'm original,but that's just my personal opinion. I thrive for attention, and am ready to fully let go. What's the point if you can't be beautiful? I mean, seriously? At least, that's my point of view on life. I'm quiet, even when hyper. Around those who are my friends, which are very few, I am sort of hyper, but it's saddened. I'm quite odd if you do get to know me, which you won't.

No one wants to know me. I bring all down. It's the aura around me. I'm shy, as you may know. It greatly affects me. I'm actually quite the music lover, and play the guitar as often as possible. Oddly enough, I also draw. Occassionally, you'll see me singing.
Why were you sent to Saint Andrews: My father was tired of me avoiding him and causing him stress at his job.
Family background and story: I was born in San Francisco, California. I lived with both my parents, but at the age of four my father split. I used to always wonder where he was. That is, until I was about eleven. I gave up on him, and on my twin. He was also...misplaced. I rarely knew either, so it's okay, I guess.

Then the accident came. My mother was driving me to a school play, in which I was to be lead. I used to love to act. She had just bought me my first guitar as a congrulatory gift. She was blindsided, her side of the car. I suffered a small concussion and a broken wrist. She was paralyzed from the neck down. The summer before my freshman year, she died. I was devistated.

I was then sent to live with my father. Apparrently, my grandmother (who hates me.) had been in contact with him. He found out where I was, and bought a ticket for me to come live with him. I was hoping to see my twin, but sadly, he was shipped off to a boarding school in some random country. I didn't care, although. I've been living with my father since, and avoiding the homelife as often as possible. I started smoking around that time. I figured it was a way to calm my nerves. It worked. I also started avoiding food around that time

Lilim is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 04:55 PM

((Welcome Loll!pop))

Maddie walked a little faster to her art class since the rain was coming down hard. The umbrella didn't look like it would take much more of a beating from the rain. Just a few more steps to the door and her umbrella gave up and broke...

The front side of the umbrella's bars inside broke in half. Poping Maddie in the forehead before she got stocked from the rain. "AH!" Maddie screams cause of the rain being so cold as she throws the umbrella down and runs inside.

Maddie then signs as she wiggles her feet on the mat trying to dry off her shoes so she doesn't slip and fall. Since she is always falling down somewhere


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