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One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 12-25-2009, 05:35 AM


My eyelids grew heavy. I was tired, bored, and alone but found it difficult to sleep in my bedroom. Finally, I moved out to the living room to sleep on the comfy blue couch. A small pink holiday tree (a tree that’s decorated every holiday for those who are unaware of things in such existence) lit up a small portion of the room which kept me at ease. I snuggled up under the large quilted blanket and closed my eyes, ready to drift off to dream land.
I jumped up from the couch, looking around to see where the eerie voice was coming from. “Johnny,” I nervously called out. But it wasn’t Johnny.
The voice was getting closer, I could feel myself starting to shiver. I was already paranoid enough in my house when it was dark – this random voice was ready to give me a heart attack. But where could it possibly be coming from in such a tiny house?
I clenched my fists, “Is that you, Biff?” It had to be one of my characters – they always had a nasty habit of totally freaking me out at inappropriate moments – like while I’m trying to sleep! Usually, I would yell at them but I hadn’t recognized the horrendous voice calling out for nourishment.
“I don’t have any food!”
“Huh?” The over heard light flipped on and I blinked a few times. I was staring right at the one who called out to be fed. “Who are Johnny and Biff?”
I rubbed my face, “Don’t worry about it…”
“Cool,” the light switch flipped off and the eerie voice started up again, “Fooooooooooooooooooooooooood…”
I watched as the light turned on in the kitchen and heard the sound of the refrigerator door opening up. The feeding frenzy had begun and I was sadly woken up by it. I never knew my sister’s hunger could turn her into such a beast.

Ace, Ice, Johnny, and Biff from Dirty Laundy (Cross over collection)

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 12-25-2009, 05:42 AM

The Food List is now complete.

Moving on to the list I made myself -

Pon's 50 Theme List Inspired by Dorm Room

1.) Procrastinate
2.) Soft Bed
3.) Open Window
4.) Pale circle
5.) Bright light
6.) Zipper
7.) Packing
8.) Recycle
9.) Pink
1o.) Desk
11.) Homework
12.) Communial shower
13.) Trash
14.) Backpack
15.) Ink pen
16.) Noise
17.) 1:48 AM
18.) Closterphobic
19.) Closet
20.) Opposites
21.) Lonliness
22.) Annoyance
23.) Social networking
24.) Anti-social
25.) Decoration
26.) Laptop
27.) Dirty laundry
28.) Lamp
29.) Dreamcatcher
30.) Textbooks
31.) Hard floor
32.) Corkboard
33.) Collection
34.) In the mirror
35.) Empty toothpaste
36.) Flipflops
37.) Broken umbrella
38.) MP3 Player
39.) Tiny television
40.) Mini fridge
41.) Pajamas
42.) Winter coat
43.) Eye glasses
44.) Who needs sleep?
45.) Jam packed
46.) Study
47.) A-
48.) Blank page
49.) Popcorn
50.) Sticky note

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 12-26-2009, 03:34 AM

>>> Bright Light

I woke up to the world’s most horrendous sight...
A confined, white room with a blinding bright light.
The kind of light where you never know what time it is.
The kind of light that you think may be comforting...
But instead you know it means danger.
The kind of light you wish was the lord’s…
To end the evil you’re about to face.

I felt the elbow go into the back of my head before hitting the metal table. They hadn’t made me bleed yet – just starve. My throat was horrendously dry but I’d have to break my silence before I could take a drink of water. But I was keeping my lips sealed – they could break all my bones before I let them know where she was.
“Come on Zander,” my interrogator barked, “How could you break the call of duty for some woman!”
It was easy…
“You’re the best detective this police force has seen.” He shook his head, “And you’re going to go to jail because of your idiocy.”
I loved her.

Finally, he left the room frustrated. I was waiting for someone to relieve him… maybe even a person that was ready to crack some knuckles. Whatever it took, I wasn’t going to speak. I couldn’t incriminate her.
Then the interrogation continued – with a much more severe ultimatum then any jail sentence.
“I know you’re a smart guy, Zander,” he stalled before continuing, “And if you do go to jail, you already planned to have Elliot and Emery stay at your brother’s…”
I cringed. I knew exactly what they were planning.
“But with that recent DUI he had, he doesn’t seem to be a very fit guardian. Looks like your boys could easily end up in the foster care system.”
I couldn’t believe they were going to sink that load. I looked up at that bright light, feeling like death was closing in on me, my family, and the one I loved.

Zander from City of Blues

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 12-26-2009, 06:26 AM

>>> Hard Floor

Today was going to be a cool day.
We pushed all the desks out into the hallway and started squirting the wax onto the linoleum. I usually hate hard floors but I knew today they were going to be EPIC.
“You got your mop,” Ras asked as he grabbed his that was lying against the wall.
I shoved mine in front of his face, “Sure do!”
“Well let’s get waxing.”
We started spreading the stuff everywhere and worked strategically so none of us fell on our ass while mopping the floor with the wax. After we were done, we both kicked off our shoes and took the slipper socks Julia gave us out of our pocket.
“We really should have more people come and play with us.” I told to Ras as I was putting on my socks.
“I know,” Ras pulled out his cell phone, “And that’s why I sent out a massive text message to all our friends.”
I grinned. No one was going to be using the study room today in the West Hall because of a fabricated poster that was plastered every where in the school about some electrician work being done. Ras and mine’s plan was full proof.
“You boys really put those slipper socks to good use.”
We looked to see Miss Julia standing at the door. She was the head counselor for all the students and perhaps our best friend. I noticed that on her feet were lime green socks with hot pinks polka dots on them. With my own socks on, I slid across the hard waxed floor to the door.
“Care to join us?”
“Of course,” Julia leapt forward and slid across the floor towards Ras who caught her.
“Be careful,” he said before sliding across the floor himself.
“You guys look like you’re having fun.” The three of us looked to see Pai and Koji standing at the door with shoes off and socks on. “Mind if we join,” Pai dashed on to the floor followed by Koji. They slid almost into the wall before Koji stopped himself and his girlfriend.
“Who else is all coming,” Julia said before spinning around on the waxed floor.
Ras slid towards me, “Whoever got my text.” He put his arm around my shoulder, “Sebastian, want to race?”
I smiled at him, “You know it.”

Sebastian, Ras, Julia, Pai, and Koji from Saint Saffron

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 12-26-2009, 07:07 AM

>>> Empty Toothpaste

Why does this keep happening?
I squeezed harder but nothing was coming out. It was completely empty. Frustratingly, I threw the empty toothpaste container away. I wanted to yell at whoever was using up all my toothpaste, but of course in my situation I can’t really yell. I can’t actually talk either so the only way I could voice my concern was write it down.
“Joan,” my name was squealed out by pink headed Uriko. She put her hands on my shoulders, grinning before realizing I wasn’t in the mood. She backed off. “Joany, what’s wrong?”
I hated when people asked me questions. Do they really think I can answer them? Sure, maybe if I had my notebook but I obviously don’t. And sign language? Forget it!
Maiko, Uriko’s older sister, sneaked past her sister and me to get to the bathroom sink. “Morning Joan,” she picked up her toothpaste and tried to squeeze it out onto her toothbrush. “Now that’s odd…”
“What’s wrong,” Uriko tried to peak over her sister’s shoulder.
“My toothpaste is empty.”
So I wasn’t the only one who was having their toothpaste used?
I tapped Maiko on the shoulder and pointed to the waist bin with my empty toothpaste in it and then pointed back to myself, hoping she understood what I meant.
“Yours got used up too?”
I nodded. I’m so glad Maiko has the mental capacity to interrupt simple things because Uriko never would have gotten it.
“Oh my gosh,” Uriko waved her arms in a frenzy, “There’s a toothpaste bandit!”
“Or someone who just happened to run out,” Maiko quickly added, “But we should at least tell Tabitha or Baxter.”
I wanted to tell her “good idea” but all I could do was nod in agreement.
However, by the time we found Tabitha and Baxter, the mystery of the empty toothpaste containers was already solved. Sitting in the living room was a canvas painted with various toothpastes and very thrilled Koi.
“Isn’t it awesome,” Koi danced around the campus.
“But what about my minty fresh toothpaste,” Trevor barked.
“Or my damn citrus flavor,” Sindy stamped her foot.
Monica, our group therapy leader, just laughed. “Looks like we’ll be going on a toothpaste shopping trip.”

Joan, Uriko, Maiko, Koi, Trevor, Sin, and Mocia from Tissues for Issues

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 12-30-2009, 11:36 PM

>>> Jam Packed

“It always sucks being a Jew during Christmas.”
“But Christmas is over,” Tatum tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She regretted not wearing a headband because she knew the piece was going to continue covering her eyes. “They’ve taken down the decorations,” she looked around the mall, “And now all the stores are trying to clear out their inventory.” Everywhere the two girls looked there were sale signs and huge clearance events. The sales were the main reason they went to the mall in the first place, that and the two could finally have some alone time without worrying about their families.
Bella folded her arms, “Still, a lot of this stuff on sale is Christmas themed.”
“And its gaudy too,” Tatum shrugged her shoulders, “Would an ugly Hanukkah sweater make you happy?”
“Oh, no,” she shook her head, “Those grandma sweaters are the worst. I wished they’d stop making them.”
Tatum smirked, “But then we couldn’t have ugly sweater parties.”
Bella disregarded the comment from her girlfriend. She had no intentions of ever dressing “down” or to be made “fun at” at a party. Tatum’s friends were into being silly and wearing whatever, but Bella liked having some fashion sense. In fact, fashion was the only thing Bella really thought she was good at. Tatum wouldn’t judge Bella for being narrowed minded about clothes because even Tatum knew she was guilty for wanting to dress better than her friends. The only one she could never really top in style was Estella, whose wardrobe from France was completely different from the American styles all the other girls wore.
“Let’s go to that store,” Bella pointed to a chic fashion store known for its cute styles and inexpensive prices. Tatum had shopped there before and agreed; heading off to the store’s direction.
“Oh god,” Tatum looked around as she walked into the store with her girlfriend, “This place is jam packed.”
Bella cringed looking at the line and the only one cash register opened, “That’s so stupid. Why would you only have one person working the register?”
The girls both walked right back out.
“Want to try a different store,” Tatum asked.
Bella nodded, “Yeah – not one so crowded with only one person working.”

Tatum and Bella from Girls Need Love Too

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 02-12-2010, 11:57 PM

>>> 1:48 AM

It was 1:48 AM – why hadn’t she come back?
Grandpa Joe had went to bed at ten thirty. He told me to go to bed too, even though I was on the couch. He used to get mad at me for not sleeping in my own bed when my mom worked the late shift, but eventually he gave up. I love Grandpa Joe even if he can be stubborn and mean – he’s my best friend.
My mom says that it’s great that Grandpa Joe is my best friend but she thinks I need to find friends my own age too. I always tell her that I’ll try but the truth is, I gave up trying. The other kids don’t like me. I told Grandpa Joe and he said that I didn’t need those kids – “a man has to rely on no one but himself.”
I like Grandpa Joe being my best friend too. He’s a retired corpsman and likes to show me a lot of cool medical stuff. I really like when we go out to the creek and catch frogs. He’ll take out his pocketknife and dissect the frog right in front of me – that’s how I learn anatomy. Then we’ll use the frog as bait to catch fish… but we hardly ever catch anything. Grandpa Joe says the fish must not be French. I didn’t understand him at first so he explained that the French eat frog legs. He said when he visited Parris he had some and it tasted like chicken. I don’t see how that’s really possible… I mean, frogs don’t have feathers.
As I looked back up at the digital clock on the VCR, I heard Grandpa Joe stumbling in the dark in the hallway.
“Grandpa,” I said lying down on the couch, “Are you okay?”
He coughed, clearing his throat. “Kingston, help me find the hall light switch.”
I quickly got off the couch and ran to the hall, flipping the on switch. The ceiling light came on and I looked up at my grandpa. “What’s the matter?”
“Kingston, get dressed. On the way home from the bank your mom got in an accident.”

Kingston, Grandpa Joe, and Karie from Silvercrest Hospital

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 02-13-2010, 12:28 AM

>>> Soft Bed

Mike ran off – I couldn’t tell if he was about to cry or not. I must have really pissed him off.
Everything hurt like hell. I couldn’t believe some douche ass, dumb ass broke my nose. I’m glad Zage came when she did because I know if she hadn’t, I’d be in the hospital or even worse – dead. I never really realized how weak I was until today. I was hopeless.
I had been hopeless in the past but stubborn. I wouldn’t give up so I never thought I was weak. But now? Things have changed.
If I’m so weak… if I’m so pathetic… how am I ever going to catch up to Minna?
I love her but love’s not enough to bring her back home. The Dark Night’s taken her over and I don’t even know why… I didn’t even want to know why she did it the first time.
I wanted them dead…
How can she say that? How can my wife, the woman I love and have three kids with, admit to such horrors? Was being a savior to the people of Mahou truly too much for her? And now… she’s back… the Dark Night is back and I don’t know why.
She hasn’t murdered any civilians this time… but what are her plans?
“Go to bed, Goukai.”
I looked up to see my little sister walk into the exam room before tossing me a prescription bottle.
“They’re pain killers.”
“Thanks, Zage…”
She turned to leave, “Whatever you are worrying about – stop. Mike needs hope – he wants his mom back.”
Hope? I was the most hopeless son of a bitch in the universe.
I slid off the exam room table and walked down to my corridor. Mike was already curled up in my bed. I flopped down beside him, forgetting that this wasn’t the soft bed I had back at home.
Mike rolled over to my side, “You okay, Dad?”
“I forgot I was bruised up.”
He chuckled, “How could you forget an ass beating like that?”
I smirked – he wasn’t mad at me anymore. I could take all the punches and kicks in the world but nothing was more devastating then not being there for your family when they need you the most.

Goukai, Mike, and Zage from The Wild Wingz

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 05-17-2010, 03:26 AM

>>> Procrastinate

I don’t know if it’s procrastination or something else. Maybe I’m just scared to do it. Everyone’s afraid of failure, right? When I look back on those years, I wonder if it was confidence that kept me at it or just sheer ignorance. Back then, I wasn’t worried about what others thought – well, at least when it came to that. I was always self conscious about my body and what others thought about me. But writing? Nobody could take that enjoyment away from me. The days where I’d stay at the computer, typing a way for hours in a whole new fantasy world. I could produce so many pages – and yeah, maybe now they seem like crap but at least then I wasn’t afraid to type… to write… to let my creativity flow from my fingertips to the keyboard. Each tap on the keys in front of me led me one step closer to finally telling that story I always wanted to tell. Now what? Now where is that story at?
It’s been chopped up, spit on, cried over, and dead on the editing room floor of my mind. As much as I want to go back to it, as much as I want to return to the eternal bliss of writing without a care in the world, I hesitate. I procrastinate. I try to forget it but still, it lies there.
“Hey, Ace…”
I turn around, looking up to see a most familiar and beautiful face.
“Kid, why don’t you get some sleep?”
I nod, realizing my eyes had been aching and my ears ringing from the lack of sleep. Maybe a good night’s sleep will allow me to battle my demons tomorrow…
Who am I kidding?
Sleep is just another word for procrastination.

Ace and Biff from Dirty Laundry


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