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The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
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Old 06-10-2011, 02:37 PM

Alex was fine with just walking along the path in the woods. But what Ryan said really made him think. It would be nice to go see this pond he was talking about. After all, it must be nice if he even bothered to mention it. He smiled lightly at the thought , knowing his father would be mad if he knew. So he nodded and looked over at the guard. "That sounds like a great idea to me. Let's go."

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Old 06-11-2011, 08:29 AM

Ryan nodded his head as he made a mental map from where they currently were. He got in front of Princess Alexis and continued down the sun spotted trail. They would be on the trail for another 10-15 minutes, but when it forked off instead of going either left or right, you cut straight through. He was glad that it hadn't rained in a while, for the sake of both of them, but especially for that of the princess' because she was still wearing a dress from the morning. He knew for certain that if anything happened to the richly embroidered dress that her father would get mad at her, and probably him as well.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-11-2011, 03:03 PM

Alex knew that he probably could very easily slip away once Ryan walked past him. But he knew that his guard would probably be alerted to his absence by lack of noise coming from his walking. So he followed after quietly, occasionally looking over his shoulder to see how far they had gotten from the castle. A sense of relief filled him when the walls were hard to see. This had been the farthest from the place that he could remember and it was kind of exciting. A small smile formed on his face at the thought and he turned his attention back to where he was walking so he didn't end up tripping over anything. When they left the path, he was curious about it, but said nothing.

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Old 06-12-2011, 05:41 AM

Ryan continued to walk as he practically made his footfalls silent. He knew that from what he was told by Alexis' father that she was a runner, and that she would try to run away at the first time that she got the chance. So he was super aware of where she was at all times.

When they came to the fork in the road they went straight and soon they were walking ankle deep in tall grass. "We're almost there," said Ryan as he looked forward to see exactly where they were. Continuing to walk forward they soon were in a clearing with a lake in front of them. "We're here."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-13-2011, 07:24 PM

When they had reached the grass, Alex lifted up his dress to prevent it from getting dirty from anything that might be hidden in the grass. He personally didn't care, but he knew someone at the castle was going to throw a fit about it, namely either his mother or his dress-designer. He nodded lightly when he heard Ryan say that they were almost there. That was good. He was growing tired of walking. He paused though when the lake came into view. It was an amazing sight and it took him a second to speak. A small smile formed on his face and he turned his attention to his guard. "This place looks great." he complimented, even though Ryan had nothing to do with making it look like this... Or did he? He didn't know and he knew he wasn't going to ask, so he wasn't going to worry about it.

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Old 06-14-2011, 05:14 AM

Ryan smiled when he looked at Alexis. He was glad that she liked his hidden place. He had stumbled upon this place when he was thinking about running away. He closed his eyes as he remembered those events. He had heard from his father that he was going to become a knight and that he was going to be living at the academy for the next 3 years. He basically freaked out and ran away from home. In his blind running he came stumbling upon this. "I am glad that you like it," said Ryan as he went closer to the water. There were some ducks swimming around and they silently approached him. "Hey Alexis, come here. Come look at the ducks."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-15-2011, 08:16 PM

Alex glanced curiously at the ducks. He's never had the chance to be so close to one that he approached it hesitantly. He crouched down slowly and situated his dress so that it wouldn't end up getting dirty. The ducks didn't seem to care that he had come over, but he knew that if he tried to touch one that they would more than likely leave quickly. So he kept his hands to himself as he smiled lightly. "They're cute." he commented. They really were. He thought for half a moment to ask his father to get him one as a pet, but he knew that wouldn't work out. The chef might come across it and end up cooking it for dinner. So it was best to just leave them alone.

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Old 06-15-2011, 10:48 PM

Ryan smiled over at the face that Alexis was making. He was glad that one, the ducks were out, and two, that Alexis was enjoying her time. If she thought that they were cute from that far away, what if she got the chance to pet or hold one. Walking over to the water's edge again he put his hand in the water and moved it back and forth. The ducks looked up from where they were in front of Alexis as they came closer to Ryan and onto the bank. Leaning down he picked one up and held it in front of Alexis. "Want to pet one?" he asked as he held the duck in front of her.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-16-2011, 05:29 PM

Alex glanced at Ryan curiously when the guard had stuck his hand in the water. Understanding flashed through him though as the ducks moved away from him and towards the other. He had been enjoying watching them, but he knew he couldn't have the little ducks all to himself. But a smile formed on his face when one of the ducks was held out in front of him and he found himself nodding. "Yes. I do." he said, slowly reaching a hand out and touching the duck's feathers. They were soft and the duck didn't seem to mind being petted, which was good.

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Old 06-17-2011, 04:07 AM

Ryan smiled when Alexis approached the duck that he was holding. Typically the ducks in this hidden pond really didn't like people, nor did they have much contact with them, save for Ryan himself. After finding the pond he made it a habit to come often to the pond whether he was angry or not. He loved being near the water. The duck that he was holding let out a soft quack as he rustled its feathers and looked at Alexis with its black bead colored eyes. "I think he likes you," said Ryan with a laugh.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-17-2011, 07:54 PM

Alex smiled lightly when the duck quack at him. The little creature really was quite cute and he let out a small laugh of his own when he heard Ryan laugh. "I'm glad he does." he said. It was a good thing the duck liked him. He really didn't want to end up getting bit by a creature that had no teeth.

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Old 06-18-2011, 12:56 AM

Ryan was glad that the duck was so comfortable around the princess. He would rather not have to keep the ducks away from the princess for fear that they would attack her. Pulling the small animal away though he looked at the duck, and watched it struggle within its arms. Kneeling down at the water's surface he let the duck go, and it went swimming away towards the other ducks. Glancing at the princess again, he looked at her and smiled. He then looked at the sky, judging by the position of the sun he could tell that it was already late afternoon. Probably about 4 in the afternoon. "Princess," said Ryan as he looked at Alexis. "I do believe that it is time for us to return to the castle."

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-18-2011, 01:59 AM

Alex watched the duck that Ryan was holding struggle in the guard's arms and then as it swam away. It really was quite cute... Maybe he could talk his father into getting him one as a pet... No.. Bad idea. He pushed the thought from his mind as he turned his attention over to his guard. A small from formed on his face for a moment before he sighed. "You're probably right." he admitted even though he really didn't want to leave yet. It was nice to be out of the castle, but if he stayed out any longer than his parents would worry. "Let's get going."

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Old 06-18-2011, 05:08 AM

Ryan nodded his head, glad that the princess agreed with his suggestion. That meant that they had to navigate back through the underbrush back to the main path. As soon as they got there, he most certainly knew how to get back from there. "Shall we then?" asked Ryan as he motioned with his hand for the princess to go in front of him.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-18-2011, 02:46 PM

Alex was silent for a moment before nodding. "Yeah.. Let's go." he said, unwillingly turning and heading back the way they came. It was so nice and peaceful here that he really didn't want to leave. And the fact that this was probably the most bit of freedom that he'd get for awhile wasn't making him want to leave anymore. But he knew his mother was more than likely freaking out by now, worried something had happened to him. So it was best to help her ease her worried mind.

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Old 06-19-2011, 06:12 AM

Ryan could hear the sadness in the other's voice and hastily said,"Maybe the next time that we get the chance we can come back out here. If that is what you wish that is, Princess Alexis," said Ryan as he followed dutifully behind Alexis. He needed to get back into the habit of calling her Princess and Princess Alexis again because they were heading back to the palace where there were always people watching for any kind of slip up anywhere at all times. Walking back took a lot less time than getting there, and soon they found themselves at the front gate again. Ryan looked up towards the sky and saw that the sun was beginning to dip behind the horizon, which told him that it was getting closer into the evening, and dinner time as well. His stomach growled loudly, twice, to prove that point. "My Lady. I do believe that dinner will be served soon. Would you like to retire to your room to freshen up a little bit?"

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-19-2011, 06:15 AM

Alex nodded. "Yeah. That'd be nice." he said to the offer of coming back out. But he had been hoping that the walk back to the castle would take more time than it took to get away from it. But sadly, that wasn't the case and he found himself in front of the gates a lot sooner than he would have liked. He glanced curiously at Ryan though when he heard the guard's stomach growl and he couldn't stop a small laugh from coming out. "I would normally pass on freshening up, but based on the fact I've been out in the woods, it'd probably be best." he said as he headed into the castle. If he didn't change clothes and looked decent for the meal, he knew his father would say something. After all, you never know if someone important was coming by.

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Old 06-19-2011, 06:26 AM

Ryan nodded as he followed the princess back to her room. He decided that if he was going to be eating there as well, as her royal guard, then he would need to freshen up a bit as well. Standing outside their rooms he looked at the princess and bowed his head as he stood back up he said,"What time should I meet you back out here?" He knew that he could get done with everything that he needed to do within an hour, if that, but Alexis was a Princess, no she was a girl, and he knew that girls always took insane amounts of time freshening up and getting dressed.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 06-19-2011, 06:32 AM

Alex liked the quiet walk to his room. Normally a guard would stop and question where he's been since he's been gone for so long, but thankfully that hasn't happened yet. When he heard Ryan's question, he thought for a moment. He knew girls were supposed to take a long time getting ready... But the sooner he was ready the sooner they could eat. And since he wasn't a girl, he could go as fast as he wanted. "Um... I'm going to say somewhere between a half hour and an hour, if you don't mind." he said, wanting to make sure. After all, he was just bathing and changing clothes. He didn't do anything with his hair unless he was absolutely sure someone was coming to visit. And even then someone else had to do it for him since he didn't know how.

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Old 06-19-2011, 07:11 AM

Ryan nodded his head. "Then I bid you farewell for now," said Ryan as he bowed again. Walking to his door he turned and said,"I can meet you back outside here then." He walked into his room as he made a B line straight for his bathroom. Stripping off his clothes, he jumped into the shower, and took a rather quick one as he dried himself off. He then wrapped the towel around his waist as he went to go and look for proper attire to wear in front of the King and Queen, as well as the Princess too. Rummaging around in his closest he found something that he could wear. He knew that they probably wouldn't be leaving the palace anymore for the night so he decided that he could dress in a pair of black pants, and a modest looking button down top with the royal insignia on it. Walking back out of the room he made sure that he looked presentable as he went to go and lean on the wall across from Princess Alexis' door.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:52 PM

Alex waited until Ryan was out of sight before he turned and headed into his own room. He went straight to his private bath and drew up some water. While it filled, he stripped down and stepped hesitantly into the hot water. But only for a moment because he relaxed a moment after. He breathed a sigh of relief as he settled down, fully intent on relaxing for as long as he could before he absolutely had to get dressed. Alex made sure to keep his hair out of the water, knowing that he would more than likely get scolded if he went to dinner with a wet hair. That's how it normally was. He was on the edge of falling asleep when he sat up abruptely, realizing that now would be a terrible time to take a nap. Surely someone would come looking for him if he took so long. So he very reluctantly got out of the bath and drained the water. With a quick glance at the time, he knew he was running out of time for when he told Ryan that he would be ready. So he dried himself off as he made his way to his massive closet. He only scanned the clothes in there briefly before grabbing a dress that was so very similar to the one he had been wearing earlier, but only a shade darker. He ran the brush through his hair to get rid of any unwanted knots before looking at his reflection. Alex absolutely hated how feminine he looked and he sighed as he turned away and headed out of his room. He put a smile on his face when he seen Ryan waiting for him. "Ready to go?" he asked politely.

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Old 07-02-2011, 04:43 AM

Ryan continued to wait for Alexis as he turned to look out the window. He smiled as he saw the houses below and in the rest of the upper quarter of the city. He could see his own house as well. Since his father was a General of the King's army he and his family were given a rather nice house. He wondered what his family was doing right now. It was still rather early in the evening, they were probably sitting down to dinner. Speaking of dinner he wondered what was taking Princess Alexis so long. He heard the door open though and turn around as he saw Princess Alexis standing there in front of him. He nodded when he heard her ask if he was ready to go. "Yes," he replied. "Lead the way princess." As a knight it was improper, unless guarding the royalty, that they walk in front of the person.

The Cloaked Schemer
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Old 07-20-2011, 02:59 AM

Alex put a small smile on his face as he nodded before heading down the hall towards the dining room. He hated being called princess, but he knew that he couldn't ask for Ryan to call him anything different. That wouldn't be good for either of them and the last thing he wanted to do was cause problems. He was silent for a few seconds as he walked before brushing a stray hair out of his eyes as he glanced back at his new guard. "So... How're you enjoying the castle so far?" he asked, hoping his voice sounded interested. He hated walking in silence sometimes and wanted to talk about something just to make noise.

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Old 07-20-2011, 11:38 AM

Ryan continued to follow after the princess not really liking the completely silent hallways that they were walking down. Being trained as a soldier and a knight his whole life he knew that silence meant that something bad was going to happen, so when it was silent around him he became even more alert straining his ears to hear every little sound. He was glad though and relaxed a little bit when he heard Alexis ask him something. He didn't really care what they were going to be talking about he was just glad that the silence had been broken. He thought for a moment about the princess' question and then smiled at the other and said,"It is truly a magnificent palace. I have never seen anything more decorated before. It's like a maze though, so I am glad that I am able to follow around a wonderful guide while learning where everything is." He knew that his answer had been rather clinical, but he was a soldier, a knight, first. He could be a friend to the princess second. His job was always first priority.

The Cloaked Schemer
An almighty ninja~
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Old 03-01-2012, 09:57 PM

Alex had started to think that Ryan wasn't going to answer him. He was so glad though when the other started to speak. The silence was really starting to press into his mind to the point where he thought he was going to go insane. At least the last guard he was assigned figured out quickly to just talk idly when walking with him. He smiled lightly, taking a quick glance at Ryan before dropping his gaze again. "I'm glad that I'm able to help you then." he said, scanning the hallway. The dinning room was just around the corner and he mentally winced when he heard his stomach start to growl quietly.


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