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DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 02:39 AM

((I think if Smores doesnt post soon we're going to have to leave him behind... Did anyone hear if he was on vacation or something?))

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 03:52 AM

((He's been taking exams the past few days. It said it in his last post. He be back on sometime this weekend I would think. You don't have exams on the weekends, do you?))

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 04:01 AM

((Oh right. I totally forgot.. wow im starting to sound really mean!!! Im NOT like my character I swear!!! lol No I dont have exams. I kinda think that summer school is crazy!!! ))

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 06:04 AM

((Haha, silly Dragon. XD Just because we're off school doesn't mean everyone else is. : ) In fact, school just started back up where I am, glad I don't actually live here! <3 Yah, we're just gonna wait a day or two, everyone is still settling in so it's not that bad. I'm thinking that we should timeskip to some classes soon though, because we could do some pretty cool stuff with them if we wanted))

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 09:52 PM

(( I think before we time skip there should be a few posts by everyone getting settled into their room with their roommate first. It doesn't have to even take up a whole page. But I think it would give everyone a chance to express their characters personality as well as show the rest of the RP group what their character is like. Just my opinion though! :D ))

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 10:12 PM

((I think thats a good idea.))

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 11:16 PM

((OH, of course! I just meant that on the first page for the introduction I but that it was three days until classes started, so I was thinking that maybe when we ended this day (as in everyone getting to their rooms, maybe dinner or something) then we could go to classes to spice things up a bit. However, I please tell me what you think, everyone! <3))

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-25-2011, 11:58 PM

((That sounds like a plan to me. That gives everyone plenty of time. :D))

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 04:21 AM

((Agreed! Smores is totally part of the family. Derrik practically wants to adopt Seth as his little brother! XD I'm excited for everyone's characters. :D I think they're all very interesting and well thought out. What are going to do about teachers? Just out of curiosity?))

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 05:25 AM

((Well, I have a few teachers that I could whip out if you would like, or we could draw straws or something. XD Maybe we could have like a survival-like test where the students break up into teams and have to survive for so long. After all, nothing says bonding like risking your lives together! <3 But, then again, it is all open to suggestion! : } ))

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 06:59 AM

((If you need teachers I would be willing to play one!!!))

gotta get a grip
Sugiza is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 07:29 AM

{[I enjoy the survival test idea, as sort of a first-day test-your-powers-team-building thing that the school would organize to push students to fit in and make friends. In addition, each of us could also play a different teacher. I'd be willing to play one.]}

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 12:35 PM

((Excellent!! Thanks for all the support, everyone! Is there a teacher that those of you who volenteered would like to play?))

The Emo Cook...
ChibiMouse is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 04:02 PM

((I'd play the Art teacher or the English teacher, I can't choose! o~o ))

gotta get a grip
Sugiza is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 06:21 PM

[I am willing to play any and all teachers that aren't played by another user, besides the gym and health teachers.]

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 11:03 PM

((I could play a really BA Gym Teacher!! CAN I PLAY THE GYM TEACHER!!!))

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 11:26 PM

((Haha! XD Yes, Dragon, you can be the gym teacher. I can be the school nurse if needed and Mouse can be both if she so desires! Ha, should it be a gym event, or a school wide event? Oh, also, I'll play the head master person! : } ))

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 02:55 AM

((What kind of teacher options do we have at this particular school?The regular core classes or defense teachers? And if we had defense teacher who helped us focus and strengthen our powers... could that teacher be the one to lead the exploration into the haunted woods? And If were were to go through with all that.... Would we split into smaller groups.... or stay our large one? (the groups or pairs could always meet up once in a while too...)

OH! And I'd love to be any teacher. Specifically the math teacher or perhaps that defense teacher... though I think Sugi might be better at that defense teacher... or Smores. They're better writers than me! :) ))

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 03:03 AM

((I think that the survival in the forest thing should be like a student oriented thing. They have like a WEEK TO GET TO KNOW YOUR PEERS WEEK!!! thing. So its like a carnival that the teachers let the seniors and juniors put on so that the new people can get used to a magic school and its not such a hostile place for them.

It would be a fear trial thing. You know... Test of Bravery... The seniors think it will let you get to know some different people.... like? Dislike? ))

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 03:08 AM

((Or maybe instead of a student-oriented thing... a secret SNEAK-OUT thing... risking expulsion. OOOOO.... DANGER. lol. And I think that may work. I'll let the others give their opinions. :D

And you'd have to change the carnival thing to be run by specifically Juniors and Seniors returning to the school for atleast their third year... Becaue we have Junior and Senior RP characters that are first-timers to the school! ))

Last edited by AsherCliff; 06-27-2011 at 03:10 AM..

DragonicKiss is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 03:14 AM

((If its a sneak out thing then theres a good chance that the good kids arent going to want to do it and Honey certaintly isnt going to want to do it with people she doesn't like. Instead of Jrs and Srs then perhaps student council/government?))

AsherCliff is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 03:24 AM

((True. The only reason I offered that though is because in the beginning of this RP where the rules of the school are explained, I thought it said that the forest was forbidden to students unless a teacher was supervising, see? But I'm sure Faerie can change that!

And I think the student council/government thing would be perfect!))

Angelo is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 03:34 AM

Piper stared at the plastic, laminated ID card that she had been provided with, ignoring the whispers and glances behind her back as students wondered about her tiny size. This happened pretty much everywhere she went. People assumed she was anywhere from three to five, and treated her as such. Even after they were made to understand that she was actually thirteen, they continued to treat her like she was helpless, always doing things for her that they figured a child, and therefore she, wouldn't be able to do. The five stars at the bottom confused her, but she figured she could ask someone about it later. When she found what she was looking for, her face lit up in triumph before she grabbed her bags and began wheeling them towards the stairs.

247, 247, that's my room number, she thought as she neared the stairs, absently sucking on a sugar candy. She was shocked out of her reverie when she walked into a wall, though. She fell back onto her bags with a gasp of surprise, burning the candy up in an instant to keep it from lodging itself in her throat. Blushing with embarrassment, she looked up at what she had walked into, only to see that it was actually a person and not an inanimate object like she had believed.

"I'm so, so sorry!" Piper exclaimed, standing and brushing her faded denim jeans off. As her hands ran over the pink and red rhinestones arranged to look like ladybugs, she winced at their childishness, though that was to be expected when a person could only fit into clothes made for toddlers anyway. Quickly, she glanced up at the girl for any sign of a reaction. If she was angry, well... Piper would probably have to run. With so many unique powers around, who knew what she was capable of. The girl looked relatively human, though Southern. Like pretty much everybody, she towered over Piper, and appeared well-developed, with curly brown hair and well-tanned skin.

Looking herself over quickly, Piper was happy to note that her shirt was just plain purple, though it did have childish ruffles around the sleeves and bottom. She was also relieved that her Pull-up wasn't sticking out. That usually reinforced a stranger's notion that she was three, which meant it was a lot harder to convince them otherwise. "My name's Piper by the way. What's yours?" she asked politely with a smile she hoped was warm. Hopefully it would diffuse any anger the girl felt towards her. While she was waiting, however, Piper reached into her pocket and withdrew a piece of hard candy. Again, it was plainly flavored, being pure sugar. That was the flavor that lent her energy, enough to stay up for twenty-four hours straight with a gram of the stuff, whereas she usually passed out after ten. As a consequence, it was her most-used flavor, though people tended to look down on her candy habits as unhealthy due to their belief she was a child, or treating her like one anyway. Regardless, she's never had a problem with cavities, or her blood sugar, though her doctor had admitted it's almost impossibly high. Piper just believed it all to be a part of her powers, and so didn't worry about it too much, if at all.

gotta get a grip
Sugiza is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 05:31 AM

[[I think, for canon purposes, the 'survival and bonding' experience would most likely be run by the school board. In addition, the Gym, Defense, and Power Control teachers would be the ones who were supervising/organizing events within the forest. Speaking of, I'll create some a history, an english, and a power control teacher [three separate ones]. I can create others if the need arises.]]

FaerieWhngs is offline
Old 06-27-2011, 07:12 AM

(( Awesome intro Angelo! When Smores gets back I will be sure to reply! <3

Haha, the forest is forbidden unless otherwise instructed. Besides, I was thinking the principal would be able to see everything that goes on from a crystal ball or something so they kids would always be watched. Seniors would probably be obstacles, along with the forest itself and maybe a few teachers, and then we could have teachers patroling to make sure no one dies. It's just supposed to be like a "show off your powers and get to know your classmates" thing. What do you guys think?))


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