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you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 03:22 PM

((Oh perfect! I love it >:D I'll have Alex take them to a new room now.))

Her plump lips grinned and she snuggled closer to him, laying her head in his bicep as she looked up at him. A soft finger trailed across his cheek and down his jaw line. Her finger stopped at his lips and she gently pulled it away, replacing it with her own lips and gently kissing him.

Every time their lips touched she got butterflies, chills, and felt as if electric bolts were running through her blood stream. Of course, she quite enjoyed the feeling. A content smile lit up her features and made her emerald eyes sparkle. "I like that idea. But we'd do it the right way. Talk about the ocean, the mountains, the buildings. Let them believe what they wanted, not what they were forced to," she whispered back, enjoying the intimacy of the moment.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," he whispered to her and returned the passion filled kiss. A life of sun, sand, and surf sounded fantastic, especially compared to their last week of zombies, death, dirt, and blood. He figured the others would agree, but he wasn't so sure about Declan. He had been a Guardian after all, and was taught the Guardian ways. It was just if he himself believed in them or thought otherwise.

Her statement made him smile and he nodded, returning her green gaze with his deep sky blue one. "Running our own little village, without the Convent. I can see that," he said and thought about it. They'd have to find more survivors at first, but he knew they could. They had already found one, though Alex wished they hadn't.

He pulled her closer and gently led a trail of kisses down her neck and to her collar bone, gingerly nibbling on the soft flesh there. With a mischevious grin he looked up at her and stood, offering her his hand. "Let's go somewhere more... private. It's weird having that little monster in here when we... get close," he said and winked, pulling her up softly.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 04:08 PM

((I'm gonna wait till they both get down to their underwear xD It'll be hillarious when everyone runs out of their room and the first thing Declan and Winter see is Alex run out of the room in his boxers xDD))
Scarlett blushed, taking his hand and leading them both out of the room. She kicked the door shut behind her, grinning to Alex. She led him down the hallway until they found a room that was unlocked. She pulled him inside, kissing him passionately and wrapping her arms around him. She led him over to the bed, already having his shirt off his rather nice body and onto the covers next to his head.

"Then I promise you'll never lose me either." She whispered, kissing his neck. She continued to kiss him, not bothering to talk in fear it would ruin their moment.

Declan smiled and kissed back. "Yep. We'll teach them all about how the world was before this mess. Not howthe stupid Convent says the world is." He said, kissing her again. He heard voices in the hallway, but he didn't bother thinking much of it. "So.. are you tired?" He asked, kissing her neck and then her lips. He laid his head back on the pillow, smiling at Winter.

Justin woke up when the door shut. He looked up, noticing he was left alone. "What the.." He muttered, getting off of the couch and going into the hallway. Instead of turning down the hallway to look in the rooms, he went down to the lobby. He peered out the windows, not seeing the SUV. "Dammit!" He said, running down the hotel hallways and looking for anyone of the group he was in. "Those jerks.." He said angrily, peering into a few of the rooms.

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 08-03-2011 at 04:11 PM..

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 04:29 PM

((Bahaha! I love that >:D ))

"I'm kinda surprised you even believe in the ocean," she said and let a finger lightly trace patterns on his chest through his shirt. Her words were hesitant but happy, and she breathed slowly. She couldn't help but let out a giggle as he kissed her neck. It was kind of a turn on spot for her, and his lips were gentle on her smooth skin.

With a kiss back and a soft, content sigh, she let her eyes flicker back open to his. "Little bit," she said with a quiet and cute yawn, using his bicep as a pillow instead of the one provided. It was true, she was way beyond exhausted. But she didn't went the moment they were in to end.

With a last glance at Justin, making sure he was still asleep, Alex followed Scarlett out of the room. They padded down the hallway and finally came to an empty room, closing the door not too subtly. He leaned against her on the bed, hovering over her as he did before.

His lips trailed down her neck, hands on her waist, and finally rested on the spot right above where her tank top stopped. He kissed her soft and beautiful skin delicately before pulling away. He gently yanked off her tank top, discarding it on the ground. "Good," he whispered in reply, his only statement to her in the heat of the moment.

He tugged off his belt, quickly throwing it to the side without looking. He grinned down at her, pausing to run a hand through her hair, watching the movement as if he had never done it before. Their lips connected again, his blue eyes closing passionately as they kissed again.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 05:09 PM

Scarletts eyes were closed while they were kissing, but when she heard his belt hit the floor she opened them, grinning and helping him slip off her skinny jeans. She then eagerly unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down and then letting her legs slip them off of him.

She nipped at his neck, her hands running down his bare back. Her lips went back to his while her hands rested on his boxers. Just as she was about to pull them off she heard screaming. Scarletts eyes widened and she got off the bed, grabbing her gun and thenAlex's hands and running into the hallway. They had of course left heir clothes to go and see what was going on. She laced her hand with Alex's, hating how they couldn't continue what they had been doing.. but their friends were more important than that.

Declan had finally closed his eyes after giving Winter a kiss goodnight when a scream rang out through the hotel. He jumped out of bed and grabbed his gun, running into the hallway. The scream continued as he opened the door and bolted out. He looked both directions, and when he looked to the right he saw Alex and Scarlett, in their under clothes with guns in hand. He would've stopped to chuckle at the scene, but he realized that Justin was the one screaming.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 05:21 PM

Winter had finally begun to doze off, drifting into sleep peacefully for the first time the weak. She was curled into Declan, feeling the heat from his body wrap around her like a blanket. Her head still laid on his bicep, heartbeat bcoming slow and steady, breathing even as she began to slept.

All of that was ruined as she heard a blood curdling scream, like nails on a chalk board. She followed closely after Declan, own gun in her hand, blinking the sleep from her grass green eyes. They stopped in the hallway and she raised an eyebrow at Alex and Scarlett, briefly smiling at his comment for them to not say anything. However the smile vanished from her face in an instant as she heard another scream. "Justin!" She yelled, immediately know it was him that was doing the terrorized yells.

She bounded after Alex and Scarlett, red hair swishing behind her like a fire gone out of control. She skidded to a stop outside one of the doors and fumbled with the door knob, shaking hands trying to grasp it. Finally she turned it and pushed it open, screaming herself when she saw the sight before her.

A light chuckle escaped Alex's lips as Scarlett helped him pull off her jeans, and he delicately kissed the exposed skin of her hip bone. Her legs pushed down his pants over his own and he kicked them off, craning his neck as she nipped at it. His sky blue eyes fluttered for a moment, long eyelashes casting shadows over his cheek bones. The moon just peeked through the curtain of the window, giving Scarlett a beautiful soft glow.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard screaming, rolling off of the bed and hitting the floor. Bounding back up he grabbed his dark pistol and, with his hand connecting with Scarlett's, darted for the door. He didn't care that he hadn't had time to pull up his pants, but at least he wasn't fully naked.

His eyes were wide with fear and confusion as he looked up, seeing Declan and Winter. "Don't say a word," he said as they obviously noted they were just in their underwear. He whipped his head to the left when another scream rang out and he ran for it, feet thudding on flooring of the hallway.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 10:51 PM

Scarlett ran along with everyone, her hand still linked with Alex's. When Winter opened the girl Scarlett released Alex's hand to run behind the group and puke to the side. After she was done the girl ran back to Alex with her gun in hand. There was about three zombies eating at the remains of what had been Justin. "This is our fault!" She cried, shooting at one of the zombies heads and watching it fall to the floor. This made the other two run in their direction. But all the girl could think about was thanks to her hormones Justin had been left alone.

The dark haired girl shot at the other two zombies but to her avail her hand was shaking too much. When she was out of bullets she bit her lip, backing away from the two zombies that were running to the group. She saw Declan shoot one down but the other was so close to Alex that she grabbed his arm and pulled him back with her. There was no way she was going to lose Alex, she wouldn't let that happen. Ever.

Declan followed after the couple and his girlfriend, feeling the urge to puke at the scene. But he held it back. He frowned when Scarlett vomitted and patted her shoulder, shooting one of the crazed zombies down. He was about to yell at Alex to run but Scarlett pulled him back. He couldn't get a steady aim on the last one, so he was hoping either Alex or Winter would get it.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-07-2011, 11:33 PM

Winter had stood frozen in shock as she watched the zombies literally eat Justin alive. She felt acid rise in her throat, about to vomit like Scarlett had just done, but swallowed it back down. The first two zombies were shot by Declan and Scarlett, but the third one was hot on Alex. She steadily aimed her gun, not shaking. Her gentle nature had hardened as she took precise aim at the zombie. The zombies were faster, probably the hybrid Alex had told her about. They were nearly lightning fast and insanely strong, like superheroes who wanted to eat you for breakfast.

Her lips pulling into a tight line, the redhead fired at the zombie, her face a stoic mask. She had to be strong, couldn't let the others down. The bullet whizzed through the air and hit the mindless cannibal directly in the center of the forehead, making it drop down to the ground in a heap of rotted and bloody flesh.

She stepped towards Justin and checked his pulse. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt a light pulse and she looked at his eyes. For a second it seemed like he looked right back at her, but in an instant there was... Nothing. His eyes closed and the faint heartbeat stopped. Standing back up, wiping the bit of blood which had gotten on her fingers onto her jeans, she frowned and waited. Even though he had been terribly mutilated by the zombies' sharp teeth, it wouldn't deter the change from happening. She stood directly in front of Justin's body and waited, watching him closely. Her emerald eyes were hard and patient, and her gun was at her side.

Seeing as Justin had been alive at least for a moment after he had been attacked, the transformation would still happen. If he was ripped to a bloody mess, more than he was, had died while being eaten, or was too massacared to rise from the dead, he wouldn't become a zombie. But Winter had felt that last pulse, had seen the last scared gleam in his eyes before they rolled back in his head.

Winter had toughened extremely the past week. Before she was stubborn, hardheaded, but gentle and caring. She couldn't hurt a fly. But things changed and so had part of her. Justin's arm twitched, the first sign of him coming back to life. Winter slowly rose the gun, brushed a lock of red hair out of her face, and shot straight into Justin's forehead.

The final boom of the gun made her turn her head, nearly breaking down right then and there. Besides that moment where her brother had attacked her, she hadn't had a break down. She was raised to be stronger than that. She didn't know how much longer she could last, but she would.

She grabbed a sheet from the bed, letting the others comfort one another. Lips still in a tight line, she pushed off the blanket and only took the white linen sheet. Her arms yanked it into the air, making it fluff as one would see in commercials. It fell over him, covering his bloody body.

Turning on her heel to the others, she watched Scarlett. "It's not your fault," she said softly, rubbing her shoulder. With a sigh she glanced back at the wide open door. "We should try to rest. Make sure to check your rooms and lock the doors," she said and crossed her arms in front of her chest, trying not to shake and tremble.

Alex watched in terror as the zombies had their dinner, and Justin was the main course. It made him sick to his stomach, but for the sake of the others he didn't vomit. He watched them in horror and jumped at the first shot, having not seen Scarlett raise her gun.

The two other zombies whipped their heads around and bounded for them. They were incredibly fast, a speed Alex had seen only once before. It was the hybrid he had told Scarlett and Winter about. The Convent had done testing on an outsider who sought refuge in the Village, her own having been seiged by zombies like theirs. Instead of helping her, the Convent kept her in the Church and conducted experiments on her. When they set her free, outside of the Village from a secret underground tunnel leading from the basement of the Church to outside the fence, Alex had hidden behind a patch of trees and watched.

It was a girl, with long blonde her past her butt. She had piercing pale blue eyes, nearly gray in color. She was about average height and lithe, pale frosty skin that set off her nearly white hair. Alex had never seen hair that color, or eyes that color. As she was left out behind the fence, the Sisters leaving, he came a bit closer to the fence. She seemed to almost watch him too, as if she was an intelligent being and not the zombie she had been turned into. That lasted for a good minute, the two watching each other in a fascinated way.

However it ended and she attacked the fence, arms reaching for him. Her veins nearly popped out of her arms, blue lines making an almost tattoo like pattern across her limbs. She growled and snapped at him, teeth biting at air. He had backed away and she soon realized it was useless. After a half hour of reaching through the fence, she darted off. She had the speed of a cheetah, and from a far distance turned back, looked at him, let out a horrific scream, and disappeared.

The zombies now were much like her. Fast, skin paler than pale with veins nearly popping out, and just a more frightening way to them. Suddenly Scarlett grabbed him, yanking from their lethal grasp. Winter shot and then turned to Justin. Alex's arm wrapped around Scarlett and he breathed heavy, blinking his green eyes. He watched his best friend as she waited for Justin to start turning, then shot him. He had watched her grow tougher and feared she would retreat into a shell as she first had when beign attacked by and killing her brother.

"Shhh. We couldn't help it," he whispered to Scarlett, petting her hair in a comforting manner. He nodded at Winter in a way of saying thanks and watched her, wanting to make sure she too was OK.

"you will fall in love with train rides, and sooner or later you will realize that nowhere seems like home anymore..."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-08-2011, 01:57 AM

Scarlett cried into Alex's chest, nodding a little at Winters words and comfort. "I hope you too get a good nights rest." She said softly, her green eyes filled with tears that were slowly falling down her porcelain face. The dark haired girl took Alex's hand and led him back down the hallway to get their clothes. Once in that room she just picked them up, not wanting to take the time to get dressed. She had a blank look on her face, not knowing what to say.

"I know we couldn't help it.. but i'm just so scared.." She whispered, her ears listening to the silence of the hotel as she spoke. "Alex.. someday I want to have kids. Tons of them.." She said, sighing. "But lately i'm doubting that anyone could raise a family or be happy in a world like this." She said, biting her bottom lip. She went back to his arms, burying her head in his strong chest. "At least at the convent we were decently safe. But out here theres nothing between us and those horrible creatures.." She said, giving him a small kiss. The way Justin had looked at Winter right before he died was playing continuously in her mind.

Declan pulled Winter to him, leading her back to their room. "I'm sorry.." He said softly, kissing her forehead and opening their rooms door for them. He led her inside and then locked the door behind them. He led her over to the bed and laid her down, giving her a few kisses before laying down beside her. "When we get to the beach I promise i'll try my best to keep anything like this from happening again."

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-08-2011, 10:26 PM

Winter let herself be pulled back into the room. She was numb, and as long as she didn't look anyone directly in the eyes, she would be fine. She kept her gaze off of Declan as he kissed her and laid her down. She nodded at his words, lower lip trembling as she was on the verge of sobbing.

Her green gaze rose and finally looked in Declan's eyes. In an instant she broke, beginning to cry and sob. Tears streamed down her face, the first batch since the end of the zombie takeover. She covered her face with her hands and cried, hating that Declan was seeing her like this but not being able to contain.

Through sobs and harsh intakes of breath, Winter slowly formed words. "I... I killed him. He was alive for a second -sob- and he looked at me. -sob- I couldn't do anything but I should have," here she paused and gasped for air, gulping it in like she had gone without it for a week. "I still killed him. It wasn't him but -sob- it was. Even if he was a zombie. And my brother too," she choked out. Her body trembled and shook and her red locks tumbled over her face.

"Shhh," Alex gently cooed and he watched Winter and Declan leave. His fingers made one final pass through Scarlett's hair to try and comfort her, and he followed her to the room. He gently grabbed the clothes from her and laid them in a plush and lavish looking chair in the corner of the room, beside a small circular table with a large lamp on it.

"Hey," he said as she returned to his arms. He gently swayed to comfort her, frowning at her statement. With his index finger he gently laid it under h chin, using a slight bit of pressure to raise her chin up so he could look in her eyes. "We'll be happy. Us four and whatever survivors we find. In the Convent, it's not even sure we'd be accepted or it would still be there. We'd be condemned to live to their beliefs, and if not we'd be cast out or worse," he said and he frowned. His brow furrowed and he took his finger from under her chin.

Ever so gently he guided her to the bed and laid both of them down, propping himself up on an elbow and watching her. "We'll make a new life for ourselves on the beach. Find survivors, raid the nearest down, erect a fence line. Make our own little Village. But it'll be better. And I promise we'll be happy," he said to her in a light, barely audible voice.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 02:14 AM

Scarlett looked into his eyes as he put his finger under her chin. She listened to his words, even as he laid her back on the bed after they had gotten back to their real room. She looked up at him as he laid on his elbow to look at her. "I know we'll be happy.. I'd always be happy with you." She said, leaning up and connecting her lips with his for a few moments. The dark haired beauty bit her bottom lip. Already she had fallen for Alex. She could tell that even though she had tried no too.. she loved him. Her emerald eyes blinked. "Is it bad to love someone that you've only been with for a week?" She asked, looking nervously at him. She felt that her loving him was probably from all the madness in the world. The horrible things seemed to push her and Alex closer and closer together, and she couldn't help but fall for him.

Declan held her close as she sobbed, kissing her foreahead when she paused. "Ssssh. It's not your fault. You had too. He would've just attacked us and hurt one of us." He said, stroking her shoulder. "You had to kill your brother too or he would've killed you." He said, giving her a soft kiss. "I'm sorry.. it's not your fault." He said, frowning. "When we get to the beach we'll start a new, better life. I promise." He whispered.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-13-2011, 06:31 PM

Winter shook her head, hiccups escaping her lips as she tried to contain her tears. She could feel the salty tears cadcade down her cheeks, leaving a burning path and making her cheeks feel cracked. She could taste the salt on her lips and desperately tried wiping the tears away. Afew runaways still cascaded down her cheeks and dripped off of her chin as she tucked her head into his shoulder. She could feel his shirt get a small wet spot from where she cried on it.

Her breathing quickened to an almost hyperventilating pace, and a few sobs still made their presence known as they ripped through her throat. At long last she took a slow breath, her heart seeming to try to beat out of her chest. She managed to wipe away a few more tears and curled up closer to him, the feeling of his finger tips on her golden shoulder comforting. She nodded roughly and sniffled in, licking her dry lips.

"Promise?" The question was quiet and she looked up at him, green eyes vividly and unearthly bright from her crying. Her gaze was innocent and hopeful, like a child's. Moisture still clouded her eyes but she was determined to not let any more tears cascade over her bottom lids.

Alex chuckled and his chest swelled in pride at her statement. "Good, because all I want to do is make you happy and keep you safe," he whispered and slowly kissed her back. He watched as she bit her lip, the habit quite cute to him. He got caught in her eyes, at first not responding to her question.

"Nah, I don't think so," he said. At any other time he would have said yes. He usually wasn't big on the love at first sight, but with Scarlett things were different. The events that had shattered their at least somewhat calm worlds had drawn them closer together. Even Winter and Declan were getting closer, and he briefly wondered if Winter was alright. He had watched her leave, seeing that hardened look he had grown to know that clearly meant she was trying not to cry.

He yawned quietly and tried not to think about Justin, solely focusing on Scarlett. He kissed her bottom lip, and then kissed her full on on the lips. "Let's try to get some sleep, okay," he asked gently, letting one of his hands entangle gingerly in her hair.

((If you wouldn't mind in a bit, I was thinking they could find survivors. Maybe we could introduce a few more characters, I love posting for many characters at once ^^))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-13-2011, 07:25 PM

((Sure ^^ Eventually they'll find too many to post for xD But sure, they can find a few on their way to Florida.))

Scarlett blushed, watching him stare at her. At his words she smiled. "I'll do my best to keep you safe and happy too." She said, nodding a little."Sure, lets go to sleep." She said, kissing him back. Sheclosed her eyes and draped around his chest, putting her head up to his chest to hear his heartbeat. She had to hear it. It was the only way she knew he was still with her when she was sleeping. She closed her eyes, letting him put his hand in her dark hair. She liked the feeling. It helped her fall asleep a lot more quicker. She silently prayed, not wanting to have nightmares about Justin. She slowly drifted off to sleep.

Declan nodded. "I promise." He whispered, kissing her again. "Now lets get some sleep.." He said, holding her close and closing her eyes.

((Sorry its short, I'm reallly busy today >.< )

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 04:55 PM

((Haha I know! We can just post for like one or two main ones and then the others can be like little characters that we don't get super into detail with, you know?))

Winter nodded, kissing him back. His words calmed her and put her at ease. Swallowing back the last of her sobs, following with exhaling a ragged breath, she wiped away another runaway tear. "Don't tell anyone I broke like this, OK?" She whispered to him, not wanting the others to find out. She had to act tough, be tough, for all of them.

With a sigh she let Declan close her eyes and snuggled even closer, if that was possible. His warmth wrapped over and with her eyes still closed she kicked off her boots, curling up in a small ball against Declan. She wrapped one of her arms around his neck and breathed out slowly, her lips parting just a bit. Her mind slowed but she was still haunted of images of Justin, of the look he gave her before he died. She tried to focus on thoughts of the beach, of Declan and the others, and slowly began to fall asleep.

"Good," he whispered again, moving a piece of hair out of her face. His hand wrapped around her waist and he gently pulled her closer. His eyes slowly closed, eyelids feeling like they each weighed a ton. He focused on the sound of Scarlett's breathing, letting it tug him into sleep. Oddly enough his mind slowed down to the pace of a snail stuck in peanut butter, and thoughts of Justin thankfully kept out of his sleeping mind.

((It's alright :) Mine is short too.))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 02:31 AM

((Morning? xD ))

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 02:34 AM

((Yeah! :) ))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 02:59 AM

(Once again, All my guys are hard to wake up so ima just post for Scarlett. Plus I needs to go and get an ice pack > . < I sprained my ankle today xD I was walking next to my friend in this field and he grabbed my arm, I looked over and then tripped right into this whole :c It was very blonde of me lol ))

Scarlett woke up wrapped in Alex's arms. Her hair flowed around her like a halo until she sat up, yawning a little. She then straddled Alex, kissing him passionately. "Morning Handsome." She mumbled, giving him another kiss until she trailed her fingers down his strong chest. The girl was feeling much more cheerful than yesterday. Her dark hair fell around her face as she hovered over him, flashing her pearly whites at him.

((Sorry its short, Couldn't think of much to say while she woke him up.))

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 10:54 PM

((Sorry it took me so long. So busy with the plays I'm in >.< Yikes! Are you alright? Lol!!))

Winter's eyes reluctantly blinked, emerald irises not recognizing the room she was in. She half groaned and used a hand to idly rub the sleep from her eyes. Once she had at least been up for a minute, she turned her head upwards, grinning as she saw Declan. She was curled into him, head resting on his chest, his arm around her.

The sight of him sleeping, chest rising evenly and rhythmically, made her smile. She nudged him gently, frowning when he didn't wake up. She tried a little harder, hoping he wasn't as deep of a sleeper as she suspected. Nothing. Of course, she thought with a roll of her eyes. She stood and combed her fingers through her hair to tame the crazy red wavy locks.

Her mood seemed better, a much needed night's sleep having filled her with energy. Though she wasn't much of a morning person, she felt oddly rejuvinated. She tapped her chin as she thought of how to wake him. Her eyes lit up with a devious smile, sparkling with a hidden smile.

She gently tugged the pilllows out from under him. "Oh Declan," she whispered lightly in his ear. She repeated his name lightly and teasingly, pulling away from him. She grabbed the pillows from the other bed and stretched her arms, biting her lip to keep from giggling. A small laugh escaped her lips as she quickly and expertly sent down a rain of pillows on him, hitting him with the strength of her arms. The soft pillows, however, would cause no real pain. After running out of the pillows, having hurled many at him in hopes of startling him out of his deep slumber.

She jumped on the bed, bouncing lightly on her feet to wake him. The bed was oddly easy to jump, and very soft, not something she would have expected from the rinky-dink motel. Then again the fact that she had spent the last few nights in the car made the run down motel seem like heaven.

Alex grumbled, not wanting to wake up. With Scarlett in his arms and the soft mattress beneath him, he had slept like a baby. He never wanted to wake up, floating in his abyss of sleep happily. His peace was interrupted as he felt Scarlett straddle him and run her fingers down his chiseled and bare chest.

He shook his head, brown curles shaking with the movement, in a motion that said he didn't want to get up, wouldn't acknowledge it was morning time. The spot where Scarlett had been curled into him was still warm. However he soon realized how cold it was in the room. Actually, it wasn't that it was cold. It was more like that feeling when you're sleeping and the blanket is tugged off of you. He thought of that as cruel and inhumane.

His blue eyes slowly creaped open, feeling like they weighed a ton. "You're such a pain in the neck. You're lucky you're so gorgeous," he said jokingly and sat up, taking her by surprise as his arms wrapped around her waist and he kissed her.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-19-2011, 02:42 AM

Scarlett giggled when he surprised kissed her. "Really? I'm not that gorgeous.." She said, kissing him back. Her hands ran through his dark curls until she opened her eyes, still on top of him. She was still sitting in his lap, even though he was sitting up. She gently trailed her hand across the chiseled features on his chest. "Your lucky your sexy.." She said, giving him a soft kiss on the chest. "Of course i'd like you even if you weren't, though it just adds on to how much i'm attracted to you." She said, fluttering her eye lashes.

The dark haired girl let her wavy hair fall over her shoulders as she leaned over to give his chest another kiss. She had forced herself to let go of last nights horrific images. They hadn't even known Justin that long, so she wasn't going to make herself be scarred from it. She knew that she had a good life with Alex and the gang. Even though there was a zombie apocalypse, it was good.

Declan slept soundly until he felt Winter creep out of his arms. He let one eye open lazily to watch her gather the pillows. When she threw them all on him he let out a small chuckle, bot his eyes opening.

As she started to jump on the bed he grabbed her and pulled her down so that he could easily get on top of her. He trailed a few kisses down her neck and then to the V of her shirt. "Morning Beautiful." He grinned, flipping his hair out of his eyes.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-22-2011, 12:08 AM

Winter squealed as Declan pulled her down and she toppled to the bed, laughing as she did so. She had always had an infectious laugh, a rare sound from her lately. But she had tried to look on the bright side, to convince herself that one way or another things would get better. It was how her family would want her to think. They wouldn't want her to close herself off from the only people around her now.

A few more giggles escaped her lips and her green eyes fluttered as Declan easily climbed on top of her and she pretended to resist, but relaxed under him. She bit her lip, the pink flesh pulling up into a grin as Declan trailed kisses down her smooth skin. Her neck was very sensitive and she gasped before smiling again as his lips reached the V cut of her shirt.

"Good morning, handsome," she said back and ran her fingers through his hair, staring into his eyes. Her red hair spread out on the bed underneath her, like a fiery halo. "Seems like you slept good," she teased lightly, in a sexy voice as she grinned up at him. Her breath caught in her throat like it did every time she looked into his beautiful irises, making her heart beat like a caged butterfly.

Alex shook his head, brown locks tousling with the moment. Scarlett's hand ran through his dark curls and he returned the favor before recupping his hands on each of her hips. She was lean, but not grotesuqely thin. Great body, tall for a girl but definitely shorter than him, and all around gorgeous. He still couldn't muster up the answer to how he had gotten so lucky to have her.

"You're more than gorgeous. There's no word to describe how breathtakingly beautiful you are," he said to her, his words confident and strong, true to his heart as they always were. He rarely ever lied to people, and would only do it if it would protect them from harm. In the end he either told them or let it go, but when he did tell them they always understood. Sometimes he could be a little truthful, a tad blunt, but Winter had changed that about him. She kept him in line when it came to that, but they could still go all out crazy together and have wild escapades.

No more wild escapades. This is probably as wild as it gets and nowhere near as fun, he thought to himself. He shook off the negative thought like a crumb on a place mat. His vivid blue eyes returned to Scarlett. "I know I'm sexy, you don't have to tell me," he teased cockily, but it was all in good fun. He winked and laughed, a lovely velvety noise. "I'm glad, same for you, beautiful," he said and kissed her again before easily and playfully tossing her to the side so that he was now hovering over her. He kissed her lips once more, he could never get enough of those pink plump lips, before standing.

"Think the water runs," he asked and glanced to the bathroom in the motel room. The lights worked, so therefore the water had to work. Right?

Last edited by musikfreakx; 08-27-2011 at 05:31 PM..

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-26-2011, 02:13 AM

She laughed at his comment, shaking her head a little so that her dark hair swayed slightly. "I'll remember that." She said, winking. She blushed when he pushed her to the side so that he could hover over her. "Breathtakingly beautiful? I've never gotten that before." She said, her voice soft and barely audible when she spoke under his strong body. When he stood up she nodded. "It's bound too. And i'd love a hot shower." She said, closing her eyes at the thought of having a warm shower.

She went over to the mirror, pushing up her ample breasts to fix her bra. Her black lace bra was getting a bit too small for her, so she had to keep re- adjusting herself. She then pulled her tank top down a little so that her flat stomach wasn't exposed.

She stretched, bending over and pulling down her pant legs so that they looked straighter. Then let a small yawn escape her pink, full lips. "There. Now i'm ready for the day." She grinned, running her hand aimlessly through her dark hair. It slowly fell back into place after a few minutes of looking over at Alex. She was already excited for Florida. "I'm going to need a bikini for a Florida tan." She smiled.

He gave her another kiss. "Of course I slept well. I had the most beautiful woman sleeping next to me in this entire zombie world." He smirked, putting his hands on her hips. "I think i'm going to go take a shower before we leave, I'd rather not kill you with my stench." He joked, chuckling a little.

He kissed her again and then stood up. "Your welcome to join me if you want." He winked, pulling off his shirt to expose his well toned chest. He was pale, but anyone could tell that Guardians had to be in the best of shape by the way his muscles flexed whenever he moved.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 08-27-2011, 05:42 PM

"Aw, aren't you sweet," Winter replied and winked, her hands around the nape of his neck, lightly teasing the smooth skin with her fingers. Every time they kissed felt like the first time, and she couldn't help but smile into the kiss as he pulled away.

Winter still reclined on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows and laughing at his comment. She watched him pull off her shirt and she grinned once more. He was muscled and tone, with a flat stomach and abs any guy would die for. She stood and pulled off her black tank top, revealing her fire red bra, nicely sized breasts, and her own flat stomach.

"I like that idea," she said and smiled, discardng her tank top on the floor. She sexily and seductively grabbed his hand, leading him to the bathroom. Her hips swayed as she walked, graceful long legs gliding her to the bathroom.

"I'm surprised no guys in the Village had asked for your hand. Then again if they did I might had to have to convince them otherwise. I wouldn't want anyone else getting their hands on you," Alex said and winked at her. He was still in his boxers, having slept in them. His biceps flexed as he watched her, slowly trailing behind her to the mirror.

His eyes soaked in the sight of her ample breasts, beautiful skin, and toned stomach, even though he had seen them in the same state the night before. He shook his head as she straightened her clothes and wrapped his arms around her waist, gently kissing and nibbling her neck.

"Well, I think we should shower and then go look in the shops or whatever this town has for some new clothing and swim suits," he suggested and grinned. It was true though, they could all due with some new clothes. They had of coursed changed multiple times at the Guardian shelter, but even Alex would kill for some new threads. He was nearly jumping out of his skin at the thought of Florida and the beach.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-30-2011, 12:01 AM

Scarlett smirked when he wrapped his arms around her. "Oooh, a shower? And would this involve both of us?" She asked in a seductive tone, turning so that she was facing him and then slowly taking off her black tank top. She took both ends of the tank top, sitting them on his shoulders as most of the tank top was behind his head. She pulled on the ends, making him lean forward a little so she could kiss him.

"I'd really like that idea.." She said, taking his hand and trailing his fingers down her chest. Her black lace bra was still on, so all he could see was the skin bulging out of it due to the bra being a bit too small. "I'd like to go shopping. I'm really in need of a bra as you can see." She said, winking and then stripping down to her black lace underwear. She put both her hands on his lower back, grinning as she led him into the bathroom by walking backwards towards the bathroom door that was slightly ajar.

"One did ask for my hand, but I denied him. Remember Gale Stone? Well, he asked me to marry him. But I said no because I was hoping you'd ask me.." She said, fluttering her black eye lashes. "And still am.." She whispered, trailing a few gentle kisses down his chest as they entered the bathroom.

When Winter pulled off her tank top Declans eyes almost fell out of his head. His jaw dropped for a moment, but then his hands were instantly on her hips as he followed her to the bathroom. "Are you sure you want to shower with me?" He asked, giving a small grin. "Because with you looking like that i'll want to do more than shower.." He said, kissing her neck as they entered the bathroom.

He picked her up by her hips, placing her on the bathroom counter as he went over to the shower and turned it on. He turned the knob so that it was on warm, but not hot enough to burn either of them. He then looked back to her, swiftly walking over and placing his hands on her hips again, his kisses trailing down her neck and to her chest. "You look so good.." He mumbled, his voice sounding like he was fighting to not kiss her. He didn't know how she would feel about him suddenly all over her.

you are a hurricane prone area, ...
musikfreakx is offline
Old 09-06-2011, 04:37 PM

Winter's cheeks lit up a rosy pink, the color of her plump lips, as Declan stared at her in awe. She had a wonderful hour glass figure, 34C breasts, toned abs, and sun kissed skin. She ran her fingers through her long locks, appearing as nonchalant as possible, and smiled modestly as Declan took her in. She nibbled on her bottom lip, just showing tid bits of her pearly whites.

Suddenly his hands were on her hips, cupping them as they made their path to the bathroom. A small shudder riveted her body as he nibbled on her neck, a major erotic zone for her. She let out a small giggle as he picked her up by her hips, her being very light and him being obviously very strong, and placing her on the counter. She momentarily crossed her long legs and watched him, a sexy look flitting across her emerald eyes.

"Well, we'd be wasting time with all four us taking separate showers," she said teasingly, still blushing from his comment of wanting to do more than shower. He turned on the water and she watched him, eyes tracing up and down his in shape body. Suddenly he was back at her side, his lips trailing sweet kisses across her front. She leaned her head back in pleasure and wrapped her legs around his hip bones, her fingers splaying in his hair.

Alex grinned and winked at the black haired beauty. "Only if you want it too," he teased and grabbed her hand, tracing patterns on the soft skin of her palm. He willingly let his head be pulled closer to her by her black tank top and couldn't help but chuckle as they kissed for the billionth time that morning.

"Yes, I can see. But it's not necessarily a bad thing," he joked and couldn't help but let his eyes fall down to her breasts, shaking her head and having to force himself to look back into her eyes, which made him want to melt like butter underneath her gentle touch. He once again watched as she stripped down, briefly wondering if she was just trying to tempt him in every way possible. The thought made him oddly smile and he rubbed the light stubble on his chin.

She led them both to the bathroom, Alex obviously willing to follow. His brow furrowed as he thought of Gale Stone. "Never liked that kid. I beat him up for stealing Winter's pudding and making fun of her cause she was missing her two front teeth after she lost them. She had a lisp until they grew back in. It was adorable, but she hated it," he said and laughed, eyes lighting up at the fond memory.

"Well, I guess that's a good sign. Just you wait until Florida, there'll be quite a few surprises for you," he said secretively, eyes glinted with hidden thoughts. He did secretly plan to ask her for her hand as they would have in the Village, but he wanted to do it at the perfect time.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 09-06-2011, 08:01 PM

Scarlett blushed as she saw his eyes look down at her 42D breasts. "Oh, I want it too." She said in a slightly suggestive tone, her eyes looking him over. "I never liked him either. He only treated me like a piece of ass, nothing more." She said, turning and going over to the shower, she leaned over, her nice curves showing as she turned on the shower. "I hope you like it hot." She said, standing back up straight and going over to his arms. "Cause I can't take cold showers." She said, giving a small shiver. The heat wasn't on in the building, and now that it was getting closer to winter she couldn't wait for Florida.

"Gale always was stealing things. Plus he wasn't nice to anyone but his mom." She smirked, trailing her hand gently down Alex's collarbone. "Thats why i'm so happy I found you. Despite all of this zombie madness. . . I found that one special guy." She said, her voice soft and velvety at that point as if she had finally found her Prince Charming.

Her green eyes shined a little as she looked up towards the bathroom light. "Surprise?" She smiled, though he mind was reeling with all the things he could possibly give her. "Then I suppose i'll have to get you a surprise as well too." She said, her left hand going up to his dark hair and running through it gently. "I just want to go to Florida and live Happily Ever After. Like all those fairy tales ya know?" She said, her hands trailing to her back where her bra hook was. "If you want I keep covered up if.." She said, though she obviously didn't mind. She loved Alex, and if he saw her naked she could care less.

Declan nearly melted as her legs wrapped around him. This girl was definitely the one for him. He was sure of it. They might not have what Alex and Scarlett have, but he knew that he wanted Winter to be his always. He'd have to ask for her hand. But what good would that do if there was no one to marry them? Still, he would try.

He kissed her gently and then looked towards the shower. "Ready?" He asked, his hands on the top of his boxers as if waiting for her to tell him he could take them off. The male let his eyes linger on her body, forcing himself to look back up at her amazingly beautiful face. How had he gotten so lucky? He was an average male; strong, good looking, but there were better choices that had been in the village. But now she was all his. For as long as they lived.


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