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Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 10-31-2011, 04:13 AM

Cain's eyes calmly closed as he expected to feel the impact of a blade against his skin, though once more it seemed that, that was not yet his time to return. His eyes opened when he heard the angelic female speak. "Stupidity has nothing to do with it. You're already steeped in the desire to sin, and the evil that rests within you is begging to be freed. You're slipping I can see it. I wonder how long you'll be able to fully resist as you are..." he responded with another smirk.

His eyes flashed, reflecting the darkness within his very soul, giving him the look of the very personification of evil. Soon they began to glow a darker shade as she once more spoke and pulled him to her. His hand reached up and roughly grabbed her chin. "You best get something straight now. You are the one that choose to initiate this not I, and you best get that through your falsely enlightened head. You think yourself so high and mighty, but let me 'enlighten' you. You've sin practically engraved upon your soul and already tainted. I tire of your game of blaming me for your actions. I haven't even had to lift a finger or even use my powers on you for you to be corrupted, that was of your own doing. Besides I already know you hold lust within you as well as wrath, what good can you possibly be if you've already two deadly sins within you hm? Even your 'threat' is one made out of rage. The only thing you've proven 'good' at is stabbing and disturbing my sleep" he snorted before breaking his gaze. His power was beginning to surge inside of him, trying to fight against the effect that contact with a being of light was having on him. He knew by now he should have simply either forced her to end his life, forced himself upon her, or simply tried to kill her himself, but something was currently preventing him from either three.

Happy with my Master Master Scot...
Alana-Vartos is offline
Old 10-31-2011, 07:25 PM

She growled and released him letting him fall to the ground. As much as she wanted to deny it he was right. She was feeling the sin go through her body like a virus. The rage built up with every word he uttered. She sighed and fell down on her hands and knees. She said a prayer. Her eyes shut tightly.

"Please lord look out for me. I need your help in keeping this demon from stealing my soul. Please lord help me out. I need all the help you can give me. I am fighting hard but can not manage without your help"

As she spoke her voice trembled. Her eyes kept closed tightly and she imagined herself somewere else. Somewere safe from demon influence.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 10-31-2011, 10:48 PM

Cain allowed his body to collapse once more to the ground, as it was a bit more comfortable then the growing dizziness he was gaining from standing too long with little energy. Of course he probably also didn't have the energy to stop himself or willing to use the energy necessary anyway. He could see the rage continue to build within the angelic female's features as a small grin spread on his face. His grin soon turned to pure laughter as he saw her collapse herself and utter what sounded like a prayer. "Steal your soul? I've enough of those at home that are much more...pleasing then yours would be. You're suppose to be the purest of all creatures and yet here you are being filled with sin. I almost wonder what the other angels looking down upon your sorry self think, or even this Lord you're praying to. You're falling to sin so easily, you may very well be beyond even his help" the demonic prince laughed.

An almost devilish grin passed on his face as he saw just how tightly her eyes were closed. "And you're being reckless. Instead of keeping an eye on your enemy they're tightly closed" he said with a chuckle. Carefully he used what power he could to move himself behind her. "It's rather dangerous you know, especially with me as your opponent little angel..." he whispered into her ear, though his tone was now a bit darker then before as it seemed to hold hidden promises. "I doubt you've fully recovered from the little surprise...session from before. For example that lust that lies within you...I could...tamper with it now that I know it's there..." he continued to whispered as his tone switched back to the more seductive one he had used before as his hands came to lightly rest on the skin of her arms. His touch was lighter then before, though like his tone, it held the same forbidden promise.

Happy with my Master Master Scot...
Alana-Vartos is offline
Old 11-01-2011, 05:51 PM

She did not open her eyes as he spoke to her. She kept them tightly closed. Her lips still moved as she prayed for guidance and help from her lord and savior. He would not forsake her. Would he? No no no She told herself over and over. He loved her and cared about her wellbeing. She would pass this test. She knew that her god was there for her no matter what. Her god would support and help her. She flinched as he touched her skin and opened her eyes wide suprised at his proxemity. She stared at him her eyes wide with fear and she fell backwards on top of him. As she struggled to regain her composure fear took over her body. Fear of him. Fear of what he could make her do and what he was trying to make her do.

"No you can not make me sin. I am still pure." She screamed out knowing good and well that these small snatches of sin did not fully count against her just yet. As she screamed at him an angelic aura took over the area turning it pure white. An angel girl appeared and glowered at the boy.

"I have come to help my sister." She said simply as she pushed him away from the girl and picked her up gently putting an arm around her shoulder. "Do not think boy that my sister is corrupted. Those snatches of sin do not count. You have yet to make her do a sin that will cause her to suffer true banishment." In her hand she held a large staff. She continued to glare at the boy. Hershort hair done up in pigtails. She looked to be about twelve in human years. "I am the angel Talitha. I have battled evil and can defeat it."

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 12:50 AM

(Lol I feel Cain shall need a person on his side of the fight. XD)

Cain couldn't help but grin as he saw the fear in the angelic girl's eyes, though the grin soon turned to a look of slight annoyance as the female fell back onto him. "Seriously what is with women, or more exact you, falling on me today? What do I look like? A pillow?" he mumbled as he tried to suppress his annoyance. He was about to comment on her screeching when a bright light erupted from her, forcing him to quickly shield his eyes, though not before getting a full dose of white light flashed painfully into them. As it touched his unprotected torso he could feel the burning sensation begin to form, though it soon passed as the light faded.

Carefully he opened his eyes to see yet another angelic girl there. Calmly he met the glowering stare of the girl with a cool expression of his own. A smirk though appeared on his face as he heard the other girl, whom had introduced herself as Talitha, speak. "I don't bloody well care who you are. If you wish to turn a blind eye and claim she isn't corrupted then that's on you, though she is tainted. The seeds of sin have already been sown into her, and they shall grow for as long as I exist. She can fight against them now if she so chooses, and though her small indiscretions don't count against her now they shall soon enough. How long will this God of yours turn blind eye? Three out of seven deadly sins have already surfaced in her, one being the same that had been growing within my own father before his fall" he stated with a laugh as he picked himself up and brushed himself off a bit.

His laughter only continued as she summoned a large staff, showing that she truly believed she could really battle and defeat evil. "God could never kill nor surpass Satan in their power struggle. If God can't even beat my father then you little girl don't even have a prayer against me. If you wish to challenge me know that it will only end in your own death and corruption. Kill me and I guarantee you'll commit a sin that shall end in either one or both of your banishments, retreat and this world shall be turned to ash and darkness" Cain stated as his tone turned serious and his eyes began to glow.

His attention was momentarily diverted as a feeling of increase pain from his arm flared up. Casually he glanced down, noticing that the cut he had previously gotten on his arm from the other angelic girl's previous sword attempt, had grown and deepened. Blood flowed from the wound bringing with it darkness and evil that dwelt within his body. It wasn't just his blood that his power was seeping out in, but from the wound itself as it continued to flare and grow within him. He knew at the current rate that if his powers continued to flare that even he wouldn't be able to contain it.

He could feel an internal flare in his body as his power had a sudden spike causing his eyes to begin to glow as the triple six too began to glow and slowly bleed. His eyes closed for a moment, knowing he needed to try and contain his powers. His eyes slowly opened, knowing he was starting to lose control as his body began to be enveloped by darkness in the light surrounded area. Cain knew he didn't have the energy to release the power built up within his body and survive, though at the moment it seemed the most viable option as he began to call out to his power, when a dark ball erupted from the ground, floated for a few moments then touched the ground, transforming its shape.

The ball continued to shape until finally the figure of a small demonic girl formed. Pinkish cat eyes glanced up towards the Prince of Darkness as a small childish smile spread across her lips. "You look in pain my Prince, and it looks like your father sent me just in time to assist you" the small girl giggled as her gaze shifted towards the two angelic females with a look of danger and promise of torture in them.

Last edited by Arechi; 11-11-2011 at 06:19 AM..

Happy with my Master Master Scot...
Alana-Vartos is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 04:07 AM

(-stares- ummmmmmmmm I feel so intimidated by that post ><)

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 10:25 PM

(Lol don't be intimidated by it. I actually don't think I wrote it all that well to be honest. ><)

Happy with my Master Master Scot...
Alana-Vartos is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 10:52 PM

(-intimidated- ><)

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 11:04 PM

(Lol what's intimidating you about it? If it's the length I can try chopping it down. And trust me I probably won't be able to dish out something like that again anyways. :sweat:)

Happy with my Master Master Scot...
Alana-Vartos is offline
Old 11-17-2011, 09:27 PM

Talitha stood still letting the boy speak. She knew that it would take time before he would be able to seduce the girl and she also knew she could not interfear directly. When another girl showed up she growled softly. She summoned an orb of light around the boy and girl blocking them from interfearance from the new girl.

"You shall not interfear as I shall not. This is a battle they must fight on thier own all we can do is observe."

She took a seat on a nearby rock to wait it out and see what would happen. Interfearance was somthing she would protect against but other than that it was up to Ariana to get by them. She would simply watch and make sure that the evil one did nothing to interfear.

Ariana watched as at first her sister showed up and then another demon. She sighed as she heard they could not interfear. When she was surrounded by the light with the boy she just stared at him. This was a test and she would not fail. She moved to the side and pulling her knees up to her chest she closed her eyes and sat there refusing to look at him or anything around them. She would not screw up this time. She would not fail this test. If she did then she was doomed and she was not willing to accept that.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 05:59 AM

The small demon female's gaze shifted towards the female angel with a rather intense gaze. "You shall not keep me from my Prince, and if you know what good for you, as well as that other female and this world you'll release that orb of light. In his current condition he doesn't have the mental control he usually has, a condition that can be blamed on that girl in there" the female stated as she pointed an accusing finger at the Princess. She could clearly see the glowing triple six mark on his back the slow darkening of his eyes as they too began to glow slightly. The demonic female was also rather aware of the sudden spike in energy coming from Cain.

Cain's eyes shifted as an orb of light suddenly enveloped both him and the Princess of Light. He could hear the conversation between the other two females. He didn't particularly like the interference of the angel named Talitha. "You have already interfered. I have not agreed to any sort of battle, and I refuse to be forced by you or any other being of light understood?" the prince practically growled as darkness surged around him. The light seemed to only aggravate the darkness and evil that was surging in him. Like his father before him, Cain refused to bow down and go along with the plans of a being of light.

"I'm tired of your kind forcing these sorts of decisions on my father, myself and my race. None of you are in control of us. Your kind is not the superiors of us, and the sooner you get that through your thick skulls the more you'd realize there's not a point in fighting us, especially the likes of me or my father. Now I suggest you follow's advice and lower this down or I'll lower it for you" the prince quietly threatened as his tone took on a deadly edge. He wasn't exactly in mood for the two female's games, not when he was tired and pain was coursing through his veins. Glancing down again for a brief moment he noticed the wound in his arm increasing size and deepening as the power building up within him was attempting to claw its way out.

Happy with my Master Master Scot...
Alana-Vartos is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 04:21 PM

"I do not fear you creatures of darkness" Talitha replied. "That shield is inpenitrable unless I remove it and that is not possible since I am leaving now." She poofed into a cloud of flowers her voice sending a distant message "Good luck sister" Before she poofed she shot a healing blast at the boy regenerateing him to full abilities and then took off to heaven to watch what happened.

Ariana sat still staring out of the bubble with a frown on her face. She was stuck here with this creature until she passed some sort of test. She wondered what had made god choose her for such a test. She sighed and leaned up against the barrier which was like a giant bubble.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 11-18-2011, 11:59 PM

Cain sent a glare at Talitha as she spoke, before directing his gaze towards the demoness that his father had sent. "Return to Hell...I'll be there shortly. My powers have been underestimated greatly. A simple spell such as this perhaps can hold a lower demon, however I am not of that caliber. You claim this to be impenetrable, though I'm sure I could easily prove you wrong, but then why waste the small amount of energy I have exerting myself if even a little when there's a much easier way to escape. I believe little angel you've forgotten that your kind cannot imprison nor withhold a damned soul that is destined for Hell. If your princess is to be tested fine, that's your business, however choose a different demon I'm too busy to play childish games with the likes you" he stated with a snort, not appreciating Talitha attempting to force him to stay in a place he had no desire to be. His wounds may have been healed but his powers were once more raging from elongated exposure to light energy and he was still far too tired to deal with it at the moment.

One of the demon prince's hands rose as he allowed some of his powers to be released and formed them into the shape of a sword that swirled with dark energy. "Enjoy your imprisonment here. I doubt this'll be the last we meet, although I'd rather prefer it would be. I don't have time to play around with weaklings that hide behind others to accomplish their goals" he stated coldly before flipping the sword in his hand allowing the point to now be directed towards his chest. He was never one for suicide, but as he had stated he refused to go along with something that was being forced upon him by a creature of the light. 'I'd rather not return home empty handed, but I suppose one out of two missions isn't all that bad' he thought with a shrug as he watched the demoness he had commanded back to Hell nod, and then proceed to carry out the order.

Happy with my Master Master Scot...
Alana-Vartos is offline
Old 11-19-2011, 02:14 PM

Staring at him with wide eyes Ariana approached the boy and grabbing hold of him she pushed him behind her just as he released the sword so it stabbed through her instead of him. She cried out in agony as it went through her body. She fell to the ground in an agony of pain. The light orb vanished suddenly and She opened her eyes looking around them with a frown.

Talitha came back down from heaven and smiled softly. "You passed the test sister. You gave your life to save his. A worthless demon. You have proven the good in you. I am so proud of you."

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 11-19-2011, 04:20 PM

Cain was rather annoyed with the angelic girl and had been about to lash out when a whisper in his mind suddenly called his attention to a fact that had just occurred. Instead of angry words or rage laughter erupted from the demonic prince. "Well...congratulations you've proven the good within you...but you've now condemned your soul to Hell. Suicide is a sin and that is how Hell is now judging your actions, and not even God himself can reverse that unless the 'judge' of Hell can be convinced otherwise...And I'll assure you I'm not easily convinced" he stated in between his bits of laughter.

His finger then pointed towards Talitha. "You've also been condemned to Hell. I told you this...'worthless' demon didn't have time to play your childish games. By imprisoning me in a field that was...'impenetrable' there was no one to keep the darkness, evil and sin in the world in check. You were so 'focused' on testing this pathetic angel you hadn't even noticed that within the few moments I was trapped this world had grown darker. Without anyone keeping it in check constantly the darkness of this world roams unchecked, infecting thousands of once pure souls and enhancing others already tainted. Millions have died and their deaths now rest on your shoulders. Once innocent souls have now been sent to Hell because of your blunder. Millions more will die yet if I don't reestablish order over the darkness, which at the moment isn't possible. Not that I would want to reestablish my links since I've been trying to break them for years, and you've made that possible. Even if that wasn't the case though, exposing me to so much light has aggravated my powers, and all my concentration is currently being used to prevent it from ripping free of my body. So I congratulate you both on your new status of condemned and your idiocy of getting it" he said as his laughter continued. He knew that if he wanted he could reverse the decisions as well as the effects that were now ravaging the Earth. He figured God would probably be in an uproar trying to quell a darkness that not even he could and sending out as many of his angels as he could to try and reduce the mass numbers that were currently swarming into Hell's gates. He knew his father too would be in an uproar, after all Hell could only hold so many at one time and from what Cain could tell they were rapidly gaining on that maximum number.

It wasn't before long that the prediction of his father was soon met as a booming demonic voice roared into his mind. The question of whether or not he would return the ties he held to the darkness of the world was soon answered by his father. Satan was perhaps one of the only people that the Prince of Darkness would immediately grant a request to, after all his father may be hard on him but Cain still wished to please him. Of course this made up his mind about another issue that he had originally thought solved. "It seems my father's feeling...merciful today. In light of that perhaps I shall be as well. I shall not yet strip either of you of your angelic status or title for at the maximum of three days. Within that time I shall give you the chance of changing the Judge of Hell's mind about your sins. If you can convince the judge that your actions were indeed not sins then the order issued for you both to become fallen shall be void. I'll even be...generous enough for you each to choose one other to help 'defend' your case with the exception of my own father, he's a bit too...busy at the moment to be bothered by the likes of angels. I'd also advise the one you each pick be one that would actually be able to change the mind of a demon, in other words angels or God probably wouldn't be your best bet. Since your sins are rather...different from one another you'll have a one person per 'person' restraint. With that I'd wish you both good luck, but then that would be against my nature" he said with an almost tired sigh and shrug of his shoulders. He figured that with that he could focus on a few other issues that were now needing his attention, or at least think about them since he wasn't quite yet ready to return to Hell.

Last edited by Arechi; 12-09-2011 at 03:54 AM..

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-17-2011, 04:27 AM

(*Poke* Do you need me to edit my post?)


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