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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 05:55 PM

You guys talking about games?

Airheaded Spaz Cat
NekoSari is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 05:56 PM

Ahm! Somewhat? *laughs* We were talking about distractions from Mene, and I mentioned WoW, and it branched off from there, I think?

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 05:58 PM

hehe Soooo has anyone looked at the stuff in the event shop yet? I'm rather curious about what's in the eggs.

Amelia is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 05:58 PM

I wont really let my bf play WoW. He used to play (before he met me) and he's told me how much time he spent playing it, it was waaay more than healthy. He's had friends ask him to start playing with them again and I just give him that "Don't you think about it >O" look.

He doesn't want to get back into it either though, I'm just there to keep the temptation away. xD

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 05:59 PM

heh That's funny Amelia.

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:01 PM

@Neko: Oh trust me I haven't played WoW, but just about ALL of MMORPGs (especially the ones similar to WoW) are pretty addictive. I choose not to play Wow because I know from experience that it will ruin me! xD

@Amelia: Maybe one day I'll play Sims3 and get into it. I currently just don't own it!

Hi Papillon! I suppose we are talking about games now. xD At the moment I'm playing earthbound and drawing a little. What are you up to?

Amelia is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:02 PM

Pap: I've gotten two eggs so far so I've discovered their secrets. xD

Demo: That was kind of my problem. I didn't have a computer that could handle it well enough until a few months ago. It was one of the first things I bought though when I had a good enough computer. :3

Airheaded Spaz Cat
NekoSari is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:04 PM

It's only bad for you if you let it be, I think. Personally, I like playing, but I'm not about to lose sleep, or take off work just to play. It's mostly casual for me, though it is a lot more fun to do stuff with friends in there. Unless they're into the intense stuff like raiding or pvp. That's what usually gets people, cuz guilds will put those on a schedule and make it mandatory to show up. That's a no-no for me :<

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:05 PM

one of the eggs has a cute hairpin.

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:05 PM

That can apply to some, but I get addicted to things very easily and it takes me forever to get off it. xD

Hi Dessert! Thanks for the hint. :3

Amelia is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:07 PM

Neko: He has an addictive personality though, and has admitted it was probably the reason he dropped out of college a few years ago. :/
So I definitely don't think it's good for him to ever get back into it.

Airheaded Spaz Cat
NekoSari is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:08 PM

O: Nyou! No addiction! It's probably a good thing you don't play then XD
A lot of people play just to play whatever new race has been released, and to reach the level cap o.o

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:11 PM

I'm the same way as Amelia's bf. The first MMORPG I got obsessed with was Ragnarok online. I invested so much money into it. I played on a private server and donated little by little over time. The only reason why I peek onto it every now and again is because my account is actually worth money. Thank goodness I'm not addicted to it anymore. Every time I find a new MMO that strikes my fancy, it get into too much until I either stop or move on to something else.

Amelia is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:13 PM

I'm glad that I don't get that obsessed with games, but it's probably because I've played veeery few MMOs. xD

AlexandriaBrandt is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:14 PM

I like video games :D

Airheaded Spaz Cat
NekoSari is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:14 PM

Jeebuz! o.o
Makes me glad I don't have an addictive personality myself. But! It's now time for me to leave for the weekend D:
I get to look forward to working 8-9:30 saturday, but at least we're closed on sunday due to easter. I'll try to sneak on, but I won't get my hopes up. See you guys hopefully later! If not, happy egg hunting!

Amelia is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:15 PM

Bye Neko! Have a good Easter and have as good of a time as you can at work tomorrow. :3

Hello Alexandria.

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:18 PM

Hi Alexandria! What kind of games do you like?

Byye Neko! :hug:

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:20 PM

And another egg has a goose >.>' and he is attacking my skirt .....

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:22 PM

Oh nooo! *swats at goose*
Man he's a stubborn one! D:<

Amelia is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:22 PM

Dessert: He's trying to strip you!

Demo: I'm glad most of the video games I like are just RPGs so they're not nearly as addictive or time consuming.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:23 PM

Yeah, interesting items the creators made....

Amelia is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:23 PM

They're cute though. :3

Chickie Nuggs
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Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:29 PM

@Amelia: The latest game I was addicted to was Minecraft, but I haven't been playing it as often anymore. Most of me prefers just console games that are single player or multiplayer. Online games are bad for me as fun as they can be sometimes. T_T

@Dessert: Yeah agreed...
Can't say I'm all that into lamb slippers or a goose that bites at us. Hopefully the other eggs will have something cute in them.

Amelia is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 06:30 PM

Demo: I've never played that either, but I think I've seen my brother playing it. xD
I like games like Final Fantasy...but I haven't played any of the recent ones.


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