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Faded Beauty
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Old 08-26-2012, 09:54 PM

- Lol, I know hint why he gave her the envelope. xD -

He looked into his cart at the flyer then back to Aldrea as she spoke. He grabbed his envelope embarrassed at her last question. How dare she ask such a question, he was offended by that. "Of course I can count, how dare you ask such." He hissed at her, she didn't need to know he was obvious lying. He placed the envelope back into his back pocket, he looked at the store threw the corner of his eyes. He would have a word with that clerk later. He took a deep breath before looking back her, her eyes where boring into him. "Alright, God. I can't count-- happy?" He hissed at the witch, he knew she wouldn't let him live that down. What kind of hunter can't count but he kind of could, he could count to ten and that was it. He looked at the witch knowing she was brewing up a comment which would make him regret telling her the truth.

- Just adds to his charm. xD -

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Old 08-26-2012, 11:26 PM

[XD i see XDDD]

Aldrea watched Gray walk to the cart looking at the flyer as she follwed him, Her eyes widen as the envelope was taken from her hand and in his pocket saying he can count, 'If that was true then why didn't you get your money back from the man who ripped you off?' She thought to herself staring at him waiting for something to creep out, but the truth was the last thing she expected from Gray. "Ahh, so you can't read. That's interesting, considering the fact you had the ability to get into a great school unlike many of the girls in the country. Leave it to the men to decided that girls and women are meant for breeding, milking, cleaning, cooking and taking care of the children." Aldrea said softly walking behind Gray and took the envelope from his pocket, "I'll make a deal with you. Come and eat breakfast with me after you're done with your errands and I'll teach you to count and maybe even how to read and write if you can't do that." She said politely, "I give you my word that I won't do anything to you, I only want to help you." Aldrea looking at him dead in the eyes trying to show that she was telling the truth. To her, helping was all she knew how to do and told everyone that one day it will pay off, she just might be able to prove the others wrong that a witch and a human can get along.

[yesh it does XD]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-27-2012, 12:23 AM

- But you somewhat knew Gray, he won't have it. :) -

His green eyes narrowed, without thought he turned around caught her wrist and took the envelope out of her hand with his free hand. "I know how to read and write." He hissed darkly at the witch. "Despite what you think, I never had a chance to do anything. Thanks to a witch who orphaned me at the age of eight." His eyes were deadly calm but his voice lingered with a venomous tone. He didn't like her attitude when she found out he couldn't count, "I personally have no need for a woman, child wise or not. Witches, demons, succubus or plain human; you are all the same to me." He said letting go of her wrist, she hit a nerve. "If you ever take something out of my pocket or from anything of mine without my permission again, I will kill you where you stand." He hissed at her, his anger obviously burning from her comments. He didn't care if the villagers watched him talked out of tone to a woman, he didn't need anything from them or her. He turned and began to walk away placing the envelope back within his back pocket, he hated people thinking he was stupid just cause he didn't know how to count.

- His temper kills it though. :P -

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Old 08-27-2012, 02:53 AM

[we'll change that ^.0]

Aldrea gasped sharply as she looked at Gray as he grabbed her wrist and took the envelope away from her and back in his pocket. "I said if you can't, if you were listening." She said rubbing her wrist lightly. She then gasped lightly hearing that is was a witch who caused him to be an orphan, "I-I s-see." Looking at the ground listening to him talk. She remained silent thinking that meeting Gray was a bad idea. She believed that she was now making his life worse since she was a witch, causing unwanted memories to pop in his head. Aldrea slowly started to back away and started to run. She thought that if she ran away and never saw him again, it would get rid of the memories and he would forget about her. Aldrea ran around the corner and vanished from sight into an alley a few blocks away from Gray. She sat on the dirty ground and sat there in the damp alley and waited until it was good for her to leave and go home. It was like the humans liked it, to live in the world with no witches, so Aldrea thought that maybe she could just go into a deep hidden place and just stay there.

[true, take him 2 therapy]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:19 AM

- I'm sure he will fight every step of the way. xD -

He just ignored her while she ran away from what he said, the clerk and his son began to stock his cart with the items he bought. "I want the money you ripped off of me." He told the clerk who just stared in awe that he found out, the last trip of stocking his cart the man gave him back the money he stole. He finished his restocking before he looked at the way the woman ran. "You should go after her, if her care for her." A older man said to him, he was holding out a small bag of food. It was the local doctor that re-bandaged his wound for free. Gray just looked at the older man, "Don't care for her." He told the man who just laughed at him. The doctor felt bad for Julian hearing the history on why his upper body was covered in so much scars; he didn't want Gray to die alone like he was heading off to do with how he acted and thought. He man just looked at him, "Fine, old man I'm going but I'm not telling her." He hissed at the old man while mounting his horse before he set off to look for her.

- Lol, why? Seems fine to me. xD -

Last edited by Faded Beauty; 08-27-2012 at 05:09 AM..

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Old 08-27-2012, 04:25 AM

[XD then let the war begin xp]

Aldrea sat in the alley looking at the ground, “Some great hep I turned out to be. A witch princess who can't even fit in to human life. I have the living thing down though, but if this women thing keeps up, I meant not make it.” She said looking around and seen a rat digging through a pile of trash. Tears rolled down her face as she wiped the tears away a little and picked up the rat, “Hey little guy, are you hungry. Here, I think I have something.” She whispered and dug into her purse and pulled out some cheese and beard. The rat started to squeak as it ate the food. Aldrea smiled softly crying lightly as the tears fell to her lap and the rat cleaned itself. Aldrea placed the rat down as it ran away, she curled in a ball with sadness in her eyes. 'What am I going to do, Gray will hunt me down and kill me. I have to move, maybe do a forget me spell?' Aldrea thought then shook her head, he had to think of something else, that was just stupid. She cried a little more before standing up and slowly walked put the alleyway, wiping her eyes.

[true xp, ok keep him as he is, hes too cute 2 have therapy]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-27-2012, 05:18 AM

- Oh god. Run Gray, run you poor fool. xD -

He rolled his eyes when seeing she didn't make it far, maybe two blocks at the least. He got his horse to stop near her and looked at her with a anger and yet weird expression. "I'm sorry." He practically splatted out in one fast sentence. "I didn't mean to take my anger out on you." He said in the same tone that was more a mumble then anything. "Well, go on." The old man said the Gray, he had fallowed him so he could give him the bag of food. He placed the bag down on the cart and looked at the girl then back to Gray. "She is pretty, I see why-" He was stopped by Gray screaming at him. "Shut up, old man! I'm not going to tell her that, get it out of your head already!" The elder gentleman just chuckled if he knew anything about a woman, he knew she was most likely hound him to find it out. He tipped his hat to the young woman before leaving Gray to glare at him as he walked away. "Hn." Was all Gray could say to the leaving man, how dare he try to be him to admit he slightly liked her. He turned his attention back to the witch, his face still slightly irritated with the old man.

- Lol, even with the anger issue? -

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Old 08-27-2012, 06:14 AM

[nu, xp get him Aldrea XD]

Aldrea sniffled softly wiping the tears away then turned her head to see Gray and the horse standing in front of her. She grunted softly as she looked up at Gray but was surprised to hear him say sorry and that she shouldn't have taken his anger out on her. She blinked, her eyes slightly red from her crying, “I-it's ok. I shouldn't have said what I said to have made you say that.” Aldrea said smiling softly then seen the elder man talking to Gray. However, when he was about to say something, Gray had cut him off, 'Wh-What was that about?' She thought to herself tilting her head as she looked back at Gray, “What was he talking about?” She asked blinking placing her hands on her chest like kitty paws. Aldrea was feeling a little odd since some of the men were looking at her in the strangest of looks...well her boobs anyway, which only made Aldrea feel a little more unsafe.

[lol yesh, the anger moments r funny cx]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-27-2012, 09:33 PM

- Oh crap now he should really run. -

He just watched the man walked away and vanish behind the corner then turned his attention to Aldrea. "Nothing, he is just a crazy old fool." He told her as he patted his horse, he turned his attention away from her and down the road. He was looking at the stores along the street. He didn't want to tell her what the old man was going to say, he wasn't ever sure if there was anything to tell her; just cause he like her didn't mean anything. "Are you done shopping yet?" He really wanted to get out of the town, towns always made him uneasy. He was trying not to make eye contract with her, that would make him feel bad for making her cry and he done his miracle for the day. He had a nasty taste from apologizing to her, and he hated it.

- Depends really. -

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Old 08-27-2012, 10:46 PM

[run like the wind Gray CX]

Aldrea looked at Gray nodded lightly to him. She highly diubted that it was nothing, the elder man seem to be hiding something and she wanted to find out what he was talking about. She thought about all she had to do in the town and realized that she hadn't done anything she needed to do. "O-One moment." She said in a soft voice and started to look around her. Aldrea walked down the sidewalk a little and seen a little boy and a little girl with a cup out in front of them. Aldrea bit her lip and walked to them smiling softly, "Hello little ones, what are your names?" She asked with a smile as the boy and girl looked at each other and back at Aldrea. "My name is John, and this is my sister Stephanie. She can't talk." He said holding Stephanie close to him. "My name is Aldrea and I'm here to help you. Here, take this money and it will help you." She said softly placing the money in the cup, "Whenever you need more, just say 'Mighty Sky, please help me and my sister. Please lend us the money.' And it will appear." She said softly staning up, "And if you need me, the money will guide you." Aldrea said walking back to Gray and smiled, "I'm ready now." She said softly and jumped on the back of the horse and held Gray tightly.

[yesh it does, but sometimes its funny]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-27-2012, 11:06 PM

- If you can't find him, you'll know why. xD -

He just watched the witch, adjusting his hat as he waited on his horse. He mentally smirked at her giving the children some money. He pulled out his envelope, he did all the shopping he needed for a while. If he needed more he would just hunt down another bounty. He tossed the envelope on the ground in front of the children and tipped his hat at as Aldrea got on the horse. When she wrapped her arms around him, he just rolled his eye. She seemed to enjoy it or so he felt, he clicked at his horse to start heading back to the camp site this time smoothly. Granted it was slower but he was actually being nice to her, even thought it was funny listening to her the ride in.

- Not if they are abusive. -

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Old 08-28-2012, 12:33 AM

[lol i see XD then i will try]

Aldrea smield softly at Gray's actions, she liked how he helped the children by giving them the money. Aldrea hugged Gray a little tighter, "That was really nice of you Gray." She said softly as she looked around, making sure no one was around. Aldrea smiled softly resting her head on his back, "I would like to fly, do you mind flying with me?" She asked softly as she looked up at him. Aldrea sat up a little straighter so she wouldn't hurt her back as mucha dn make Gray any more uncomfortable.

[i kno, im talking about the funny comments they say wen they're calming dow and srry 4 the shortness T^T]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-28-2012, 03:37 AM

- I'm so making him run for his life. -

He ignore her comment of his generosity to the children, he remembered what it was like as a child; how hard it was. He made a face of disproval when she laid her head on his back only to ask if he would like to fly. "No," he simply said sternly that was the last thing he would ever do is fly. He liked his feet on the ground or where they belonged in the saddle. "Why do you keep placing your head on my back, people are going to start thinking the wrong idea; you know." He told her trying to figure out why she was, it made him feel funny and he didn't like that she was giving him those feelings.

- It's okay, short replies can sometimes not be helped. I been having writer's block so mine have been short. -

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Old 08-28-2012, 05:58 AM

[dont wrry, things wont happen....yet]

Aldrea looked up at Gray as she gently tapped his cheeks, “Ok Julian.” She said resting her head as her body slowly started to lift off the ground, she released her grip from around Gray and flew into the air. She flew next to him in a laying down poses with her leg bent and her head rested on her hand. “Well it's not my fault your back in comfortable. A firm back on a strong man with the manners of a hunter, interesting indeed.” Aldrea said in a tender voice, 'Not to mention cute.' She thought to herself turning onto her back as she flew. “So, um, why don't we play a game. You can name a mythical creature and I can tell you everything about it. I know everything, I know a few things about you that you haven't told me, and knowing you, you'll think I casted a spell on you.” Aldrea said looking at the sky with a smile and giggled lightly.

[ahh i see, well im not complaining cx they r still very detailed, until mine XC]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-29-2012, 03:31 AM

- Sorry so many Rp's to reply to with little of time. xD -

He hated when she tapped his cheek, he wasn't a child and he hated how she acted like he was at times. A irritated glare found it's way onto his face when she called his by his face name, 'Damn vampires.' He thought to himself, she knew his first name cause of Agatha; he was glad he killed her slowly for that reason. "Don't ever call me by my first name, witch." He hissed darkly to her as she floated near him, he didn't like how she was flying in daylight; someone could see her and they both would be killed as witches. His face turn red when she made her comments about his back and him being strong, he didn't understand why he was blushing from them but he was. "How about we don't play a game." He told her bluntly, "I know everything I need too from fifteen years of hunting down every kind of creature." He told her bluntly, he knew allot of stuff granted all he couldn't do is count.

- I try, but I'm so going to do something sick and morbid. xD -

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Old 08-29-2012, 06:21 AM

[its ok, im patient. I just read the posts as i wait]

Aldrea smiled as she gulped lightly with a nervous smile. She eyes widen slightly as she puffed her cheeks lightly, “Then stop calling me witch and we're even, you know my name.” She said flying in a small loop-de-loop sighing only to see Gray's face in a blush, 'Aww he's blushing. So cute.' Aldrea thought to herself giggling then gasped lightly hearing him saying he didn't want to play and that he knew all he needed in his fifteen years of hunter. “So you were 8 years old when the 'incident' happened and when you started hunting. that's interesting Gray. But I don't think you ever went up against sirens, orges, trolls, screamers, angels or ghosts.” She said sitting on the horse as a man with a cart full of apples drove by, tilting his head as a greeting.

[hmm i see. Cant wait XD]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-29-2012, 07:03 AM

- Lol, sorry. I got a new victim to let me be the bad guy. I tend to get carried way with being evil. xD -

He just stopped the horse and got off of it ignoring the look he got from the guy as he passed by. The blushing gone as he looked at her, "I faced more then you think." He took off his jacket and tossed it to the cart then his shirt, showing off his mostly scarred chest, back and arms. He had more scars then actually skin, he pointed to one on his left shoulder that was diagonal. "I got this from facing a siren, she tried to go for my heart." He pointed to one on his lower stomach, "This was from a orge when he slammed me through wall. I had to go to a holy man because I had board sticking through me." He lifted up his hair away from his neck and showed her a nasty scar on on both sides. "These were from a screamer, she almost ripped my throat out." He told her bluntly, "I fought angels, trolls and ghost, and everything else placed on this earth including my own kind. I am not stupid just because I can't count despite your belief." He told her, he wasn't anger just annoyed at her. He just looked at her with his shirt off waiting for her reaction. He fought nearly everything place on the earth and nearly died countless of times.

- You will regret saying that. xD -

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Old 08-29-2012, 08:25 PM

[lol i can see that XD]

Aldrea blinked and looked at Gray get off the horse and took off his jacket and shirt to reveal scars from the mythical creatures he encountered over the years. She gasped lightly as he explained some of the wounds from a siren, screamer, and orge. Aldrea got off the horse and walked to Gray and gently placed her hands on his chest and gently traced one of the scars, “I'm sorry, I know your not stupid, I was offering to teach you, if you want me to and someone your age shouldn't have to do this for their entire life.” She said softly following the scars along his chest before removing her hand quickly, knowing he didn't like being touched. “But you can't hide it, no matter how long you fight, how long you hunt. That feeling inside you will never go away.” Aldrea said said softly as she started to fly again and went up higher, “I have caused unwanted memories and fustration to boil inside you, I will depart and you'll never have to worry and seeing me again, it will be as if you never met me.” She said looking at him pulling out an apple from behind her back and bit into it.

[O.o, wat r u planning]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-30-2012, 02:34 AM

- Sorry for the late reply. -

Gray just watched as she got off the horse then felt his scar along his chest, her words were soft; sad in a way. When she told him she knew he wasn't stupid, he wanted to reply but decided not too. Her words fallowing surprised him, it was all he knew; all he was good at. When she jerked her hand away from his chest, he just watched her still. His face was plain as she began to float away, the older gentleman's voice rang out in his head when she started to speak again. He just took a deep breath and fallowed it with the simple sentence. "Screw it." He grabbed her free hand and pulled her to him, before she could say anything. His lips greeted hers with a very soft kiss, his lips trembled from his nerves. He didn't know how to reply to her so he figured this would work on his feelings. The kiss was short but sweet, he was shaking from nerves after all it was his first kiss. He cleared his throat after he pulled away, his face was lightly pink as he grabbed his shirt and pulled it back on. He knew she was going to make a comment after she got out of the random daze he gave her but waited for her reply.

- Ha! I shocked you. xD -

Last edited by Faded Beauty; 08-30-2012 at 03:43 AM..

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Old 08-30-2012, 04:01 AM

[its ok, i had just gotten home]

Aldrea smiled softly as she turned around and was about to fly off, until she heard Gray speak up and grab her hand. Her eyes widen feeling a tug and a kiss afterwards, a gentle kiss, a sweet one. Aldrea's cheeks turned bright red, she placed fingertips on her lips lightly as the feel of his lips stayed on hers. She watched Gray put his shirt on, “O-O-Oh my, th-that wa-was unexpected. But i-it was very sweet and pl-pleasureful.” Aldrea said walking to Gray and hugged him tightly, laying her head on his chest and slowly started to look up at him with a gentle smile, “And I believe there's a spark, I'm not completely sure what it is but it seems small.” Aldrea said moving her hands to Gray's chest and held them there.

[lol u did my friend and is it just me or did u laugh wen the kiss happened on the number 69 XDDD]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:26 AM

- Oh, cool; I didn't know how to reply; so what better way to say you want the woman to stay but with a grab and kiss. xD -

His face turn red, he just wanted to let her know he didn't want her to leave; that he liked her. Now she was hugging him, he should have thought before acting. 'Spark? What spark?' He didn't understand what she was talking about. He looked at her and raised a eyebrow, he didn't know how to react to this. He half expected her to slap him and fly off after placing a curse on him; not hug him. He slowly but gently pushed her off of him, his left eye twitched slightly. There was too much touching with her, "It was a simple kiss not a engagement." He told her, his face still lightly red from her hugging and his kiss. He grabbed his jacket and placed it back on, bending down he grabbed his hat and dusted it off. He didn't understand why she made a big deal over him giving her a simple kiss to stop her from going. He placed his hat back on while watching another carriage ride by, the driver looking at the two weirdly but Gray just glared at the man who just quickly turned away to avoid his piercing green eyes.

- Lmao. Complete accident, I swear. xD -

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Old 08-30-2012, 05:10 AM

[hmm, im not sure lol but it will be very interesting now]

Aldrea smiled softly as she gasped lightly looking at Gray as his eye twitched lightly. She giggled, “I know, but it's still pleasureful, a kiss is a kiss.” She said softly watching him getting ready. Aldrea looked up to see other driver went by, she waved smiling and hopped back on the horse, “Don't worry, when he's completely gone, I'll go back to flying. If you want though, I can tell you some things about me since I know some things about you.” She stated looking back and waited until the person was far enough so she could start flying again. After a few moments, Aldrea flew again, only low enough to no one can see her; well thanks to the cart she could fly.

[sure it is lol XD]

Faded Beauty
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Old 08-31-2012, 01:13 AM

- Over a kiss? God, women. xD -

He just rolled his eyes at the witch, he knew she wouldn't let it go easily. He mentally beat himself up for this actions as he grabbed the reins of his horse before walking slowly, thinking on how to get her to stop fussing over a stupid kiss. He was quiet as he walk and she flew, they were slowly making their way back to his camp. He didn't want to talk to her after that event. He felt like a idiot just acting and not thinking, he face stayed pick the more he thought of it; why did he kiss her. He didn't love her only liked her, he wasn't even sure if it was in a romantic way; then again. He never experienced this feelings, he didn't like them, they made him feel weak.

- Lol, it was one. A very funny one. -

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Old 08-31-2012, 07:13 AM

[i was talking about something else but ok XD]

Aldrea flew in little loop-de-loops thinking to herself, she seen Gray's face as if he was thinking himself. She clamped her mouth shut and flew in the air higher as her eyes widen remembering something important. “Oh crap. I'm late!” She shouted speeding down to Gray's side and shook his hand, “It was a wonderful day to spend with you but I have to go, I have a few errands to run. Farewell Gray.” Aldrea said with a quicken tone and kissed his cheeks, before zooming off towards the sky and back to the town.

An elder woman slowly walked along the path Aldrea and Gray was, but she was ahead of them. She looked grandmotherly, at least in her late 80s early 90s, a flower scarf on her head and a light purple shaw over her shoulders. Her dress looked like apale dark blue with white cuffs and a cane in her hand. The elder woman hummed softly to herself, her home about a quarter of a mile away, she looked back periodically to make sure she was in no one's way and continued on her way.

[trolol CX]

Faded Beauty
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Old 09-02-2012, 01:17 AM

- Lol, sure you were. xD -

Gray watched Aldrea quickly fly away, he didn't like how she had kissed him on his cheek before leaving. His face was pale pink from her action before leaving. "Darn witch." He hissed darkly at the disappearing witch, knowing all to well she couldn't hear him. His horse just looked at him, "Shut up." He told his horse, his horse was mocking him and he knew it. He just continued to walk back in his camp in silence, a small smile upon his face as he did. He really did like her and she knew it even despite his grumpy attitude towards her.

He unhooked his horse from the cart before gathering things to wash in the nearby river, his traps were reset before leaving for the river. He made sure no one was around before stripping and bathing, the water was cold but it did it's job in cleaning him. Once he was clean, he replaced his dirty clothes with clean ones; he remained shirtless in order to fully dry off and cause the fact he only had one shirt. He slowly began to wash his one shirt, careful not to rip open the bad stitching.

- Dork. Sorry for the late reply. xD -


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