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Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-21-2013, 09:25 PM

(Weavile is a he lol, and he is more trained as a worrior and having been mainly around ice and snow growing up, his senses had to be trained to be heightened even more in the icy conditions. owo idk just fit XD. He isn't saying or doing anything about it anyways, nor does he know fully even what she is or why she smells a bit off.)

The dark pokemon said nothing for the moment, feeling a tad out of place umong the clan members. He wondered for a moment, if he should excuse himself and be on his way. He did not do to well with many pokemon, after what had happened within his clan back up north. He sighs a bit, closing his eyes. He gently scratched near the jewel on his forhead, pondering possible paths that were open and available to him. There were few at the moment.

Ivy spoke to the Starly, who's name was Pip. He was a messanger around these parts, helping out whoever needed his services. Most of the time, he stayed within Ivy's area helping him, but he was useful to many of the other clans around the area. He was dependable and fast for such a little bird. Ivy listened to his reports of a hoard of ghost types moving in from the east. "Ghosts...why would they be coming into the forest?" he asks. "Their being led by a Gengar" the little bird chirpped. Ivy glanced to the eastern direction, "how long till they reach here?" he asks. "They will be here by nightfall" the little one said, before spreading his wings and taking off. Ivy sighed, the motives of this group was unclear, would they be friend or foe?

(I will intro a Geengar and Mismagius later when night falls for this if others wanna make a ghost type for the group. XD for a little excitement, unsure if they should be friend or foe yet. Pip is playable for anyone to o.o, if needed)


The trees rushed past as a blur, with how fast the electric type was moving. His specialized eyes allowing him see the path up ahead through the trees easily. He moved towards the water, a river where a large grass type would be he knew. They had become friends, though unspoken, since he had been injured and come here for help on his way through. He had no other place to go for the moment, so he had been repaying the kindness by helping with the hostile pokemon in the forest. So far, there had been quite a rise in the number of them. An odd feeling was setting in, the air seemed heavier, dark clouds were begining to roll in overhead. Up ahead he saw the large Meganium talking to a Starly, across the river a Ninetails and an Espeon sat drinking.

His fur bristled a bit, but if the Meganium allowed them, they had to be alright. However, from behind them and out of the forest, a large Ursaring came out of the trees. His eyes narrowed, the pokemon did not look happy at all and was heading for the well as the two pokemon. He growled, putting more power in his legs he sped up, shooting through the trees and rushing to the edge of the water without hesitation. Crouching down a bit, he pushed himself off and over the river to the other side, over the pokemon's head. The bear like pokemon roared, raising a clawed paw as the electric type rammed into its' chest. It flinched, stumbling back a bit, placing a paw over its chest and growling. The Luxray slid back a bit, catching his footing as he landed. He growled at the large pokemon before him.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 07-23-2013, 03:48 AM

Darkstar watched Violet tease Wildkit, then turned to Shade. "If nothing else, allow us to thank you with breakfast. There is plenty of fresh kill at the camp, and you are welcome to it." He offered kindly. Despite his name, Darkstar was a kind Pokemon with a good heart, and he always honored his word, and payed back his debts.

Wildkit sneezed at Violet's tail bopping her on the nose. She shook her head and glanced at Shade to make sure he hadn't seen. She wanted to look like a strong warrior in front of him. "Violet, I'm not stubborn. And I'm not a kit anymore. I'm going to be an apprentice soon, and I'll have the best mentor, and then I'll be the best warrior!" She said proudly, hoping the Weavile was impressed. If he wouldn't join the clan and be her mentor, then she could at least impress him while he was around.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-23-2013, 07:42 AM

Firefly listened as the plant type introduced himself. Ivy, it seemed a fitting name for a pokemon like that. He lapped at the water a bit longer, though he stopped when Ivy made his way across the water to speak with another pokemon. Firefly's ears twitched but they were two far away from him to hear what was being said, he gave up on trying eavesdrop and quickly ate the berry that had been left for him, after sniffing it a moment. He stretched, feeling rather refreshed after the water and the berry.

He watched the Meganium a few moments longer, then something else came into view across the river. Then something roared from behind them, Firefly turned quickly, his fur bristling slightly and his tails flicking anxiously behind him. Those eyes on the Ursaring, then the electric type he had glimpsed across the water was flying overhead to hit the Ursaring in the chest. Firefly glanced at crystal, and moved to position his body between her and the fighting pokemon. He was unsure, so very uncertain. Firefly knew how to fight, but he had never actually fought since being abandoned by his trainer. How was he supposed to know which attacks to use without someone to tell him?

That body tensed and he kept himself between Crystal and the Ursaring, watching it and the Luxray. He would fight though, if it proved necessary. He was sure he could find the power inside of himself to protect his friend. He glanced at Crystal. "Stay behind me." He had whispered the words, not wanting to draw the Ursaring's attention to them.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-23-2013, 06:54 PM

The Weavile looked over at the little pokemon trying so hard it seemed to make a good impression. "You have a lot to learn little one, humility may be one of be overconfident can lead to being cocky, which can lead to you ending up in trouble you cannot escape from" he sighed, tapping the jewel on his head a bit more in thought. "I have no where else to go or to be, so I will stay around for a while...I insist on doing my part in the meantime though, so whatever is needed of me do not hesitate to ask." He opened his eyes a bit, looking at the little one again, "we will continue working as I am around as well....if you believe you can keep up and work hard" he says, not in the mood to take on a lazy student.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 07-24-2013, 03:34 AM

Darkstar nodded. "That sounds fair enough. You are welcome to stay as long as you need, so long as you don't mind being treated like a warrior of the clan." He said. He wanted to be kind, but he was certainly not going to allow a freeloader. No, the other Pokemon would have to pull his own weight, just as he promised.

Wildkit looked up at the Weavile and her tails drooped. "Oh, right. Okay." She said. Humility. She would work on it. When she heard that Shade would be staying for a while, however, she instantly perked up. "Of course! I promise I'll work very hard! I know I won't be your real apprentice, since you're not a clan warrior, but while you're with us I'll still be the best apprentice I can be for you!" She promised determinedly.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-24-2013, 05:27 AM

"I have no trouble with that" he said to the leader, he would not have it any other way. He would work for and pull his own weight as he always had in life. As for the other, it could not harm to teach a bit of what he had learned in his lifetime right? Who knew, perhaps he would come to enjoy this place and find a new home away from all of that which haunted him in the past and back where he had come from. For now, he would not think of that, shaking his head to push away such thoughts. For now he would focus on the present and maybe a bit of the future. He felt something within the air, something odd that did not seem to be boding well at the moment with him. He did not know quite what it was right now, but he would keep his senses peeled.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 07-24-2013, 07:16 AM

Darkstar nodded. "Excellent then. We might as well head back to camp, the rest of the clan will be waking up soon and I dislike being away from them for too long." He said, turning to lead the way back to the Moonclan camp. "Violet, would you do me a favor and run ahead, so you can explain if anyone asks where we've gone?" He asked the Ditto in disguise.

Wildkit stood to follow Darkstar happily, seemingly having forgotten the morning's events. She looked up at Shade and wondered if she would ever be that big. "Shade? Is something wrong?" She asked, noticing that the Weavile seemed distracted.

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 06-09-2014, 05:44 AM


Khema is a cute little Eevee with little to no worries. She goes out into the wilderness to find others and make friends with everyone, while avoiding anything bad, which hasn't happened so far, she's 2 years old in human years, and she loves to play around. She wants to evolve badly, but hasn't fought anything, since others do it for her.

Did I do this right?

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 06-10-2014, 03:52 AM

((You did it right, the problem is that no one has posted here in a long time. ))

Kawaii Neko Teaa
Kawaii Neko Teaa is offline
Old 06-10-2014, 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~ View Post
((You did it right, the problem is that no one has posted here in a long time. ))
((Oh, I see... I can RP with you if you want?))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 06-11-2014, 04:19 AM

((Wolfie would like that. PM her so we can work out the details.))


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