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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:08 AM

Sholto shrugged as he stretched. "I never said anything about your search being limited to humanity, or mere mortals for that matter." He shifted to his feet and walked to the table as well. His hand found a pitched of water, and the cool liquid soon filled a glass. He swallowed some of it. "You do seem really touchy about the subject though." Sholto hoped his prodding would show results. The conversation already was. The thief certainly wasn't bored anymore.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:19 AM

"And what would you have me love hmm? A vampire...a werewolf? Perhaps something more...magical?" he said, looking to the man. He could place it now, the smell of magic upon him. He watched him for a moment. "It is simply as I said...I have no interest in such ideals such as love myself" he says, "it is a waste of time." He turned his attention then to the cave entrance, it had begun to rain. He could smell it on the air, the sound echoing even now within the cave. Most of the monks would be forced to turn back. In the darkness now, the only light were the warm lanterns above them. They cast a warm glow upon the area, and upon Yin as well. He had always been handsome, even before his transformation. Sought by suitors, but he had dedicated his life to peace and training. The flickering flames caught in his eyes, and seemed to give a darker color to his already black hair. He preferred the night, it was much more beautiful.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:26 AM

"Love can't be forced, and that's not really what I want you to do." He let out a long sigh. What was it with this dragon, this man? He stepped so close and into your personal space without realizing it. Then Yin Long went off about love being far from something he wanted to consider. "Just don't dismiss the possibility that you might find it someday." The thief's hair caught the light, and shone like gold beneath the lanterns. But he didn't notice. His eyes were drawn to the dragon's dark hair and eyes like dark gems. Sholto stared, without realizing it.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:38 AM

He glanced back over to the man within the cave with him. He caught sight of his appearance, as well as him staring. For a moment he said nothing, though there was a few things he could say. He merely nodded, letting things fall as they may with that. "You should rest while you can" he says, nodding towards the bed. It would do no good if the other was to tired to move or anything the next day. Or if they were attacked while the other was exhausted. It was best for him to sleep and rest while he could, so he could relax. Silence filled the cave between them, as he caught the other's eyes, waiting for him to speak or make a move after all that had happened that day/

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:48 AM

Sholto nodded, more out of reflex then anything else. He made his way to one of the pallets. Before even thinking of laying down, he slipped the leather jacket from his shoulders, and let his shirt fall atop it. A loud yawn left his lips. Ater running around all day, was it any wonder he crumpled onto the pallet? The cloth wrinkled under Sholto and he shivered. Rain scented air kept brushing against his exposed skin, making him too cold to fall asleep. Fatigue kept him from pulling up a blanket over himself though. Too tired to move, too cold to sleep.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-13-2014, 02:59 AM

He watched the other move, staying where he was as the other laid down and tried to sleep. As he shivered, Yin sighed, moving a hand to his head. He could already feel a headache setting in with this man, before he moved over to his side. He pulled the covers up over him, allowing the warmth he needed to sleep. Folding up the discarded clothes, he gave a wave of his hand and the food vanished so it did not spoil or attract unwanted things. He had slept enough for now, moving to the mouth of the cave to look out at the rain as it fell in the darkness. Even now, he could see each drop as clear as day. The sound and smell was relaxing, allowing him to begin sorting through his thoughts.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-14-2014, 06:52 PM

The man's sleep was peppered with visions of being chased and hunted. Walls towered all around him, and when he awoke the next morning, Sholto still felt trapped. The blankets wrapped around him like a cocoon. Still half asleep, the blond man wriggled and struggled with the cloth until finally realizing that all he needed to do was to push them aside. Sweat trickled down Sholto's skin when he sat up and glanced at the cave walls. They were cool and rough to the touch. But somewhat was warm against his chest. A glance down reminded the wizard of everything that had happened the night before, and of his reluctant companion.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-14-2014, 06:56 PM

Yin had already woken long before. He sat outside of the cave walls upon a rock near the entrance. His legs crossed, his arms on his legs so that his palms were open up towards the sky. It was a typical meditation pose, his eyes closed as he seemed still like a statue. The air still had a light tinge of the scent of rain, the ground holding a morning dew, as well as the trees. The sun was shining however, and it was a cool morning. A light breeze moved through the area, filtering through the tree's, making them rustle. It also gave a light brush against his black hair, but he did not flinch or even stir at the motion. He seemed at peace, and slightly like he was indeed a statue. No movement at all came from him, not even the notable movements of breath.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-19-2014, 01:00 AM

Sholto walked to the other man's side with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. The young mage knelt, and leaned to the side. His shoulder rested against the dragon's. His head brushed against Yin's. Sholto closed his eyes. Yes, he could do that. He could do whatever he wanted. The dragon belonged to him. What would happen if he freed him though? The thief sighed loudly.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-19-2014, 01:50 AM

He sensed the other approaching, though he did not move from his position. He stayed where he was, meditating. When the other leaned on him, he raised an eyebrow slightly, though his eyes did not move or open. "Did you sleep well?" he asks, continuing to meditate as he waited for an answer. He was calm and relaxed, the other would not cause him to stiffen or anything of the like. He was not worried of them being spotted either, since he could handle it if they were. It was no telling if they would be the out already, or even looking around where they were. They probably thought they had moved on, so they would be plotting their next move.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-19-2014, 02:17 AM

Sholto shrugged. "Well enough. Considering the nightmares." The young man refused to elaborate. The sun was beginning to rise. Orange hued skies greeted his eyes. Every cloud seemed to have a light in its depths. "What are you doing?" He thought he had an idea... But Sholto would never have been able to sit still long enough to meditate like the dragon was doing.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-19-2014, 02:33 AM

"I am meditating" he says, not opening his eyes even then. "Clearing my mind, focusing my chi and energies..." he took a breath, "balance and focus is key, it has been a long time since I last was able to meditate." He felt calm and collected, it could be felt within his body as the other leaned on him. His muscles, though easily felt with such close contact, were not tense. He was feeling good, better now that being mostly free and having space to move was setting in more.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 07:51 PM

"Right, meditating." The thief wriggled a bit and sat up. "Well when you're done, we need to come up with a plan to get out of this place." Sholto pressed a hand against the other man's shoulder before returning to the cave. He glanced at the thins still inside, the cloth, the pallets, the table. He was sure the dragon would be able to make everything disappear with a snap of his fingers, and yet. .. Well that felt like such a shame! So he bent down and plucked up a blanket. He made it into a bundle and settled right down on it. To wait. To think.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 08:03 PM

He sighed a bit, his eyes opening after a moment. The other was up, ready to go, so there was little point in wasting time with this any longer. It was not a waste to him, but keeping the other waiting might cause a problem. He sat there for a moment, his eyes scanning the area. He narrowed them after a moment, the scents on the air told him the monks were in fact actually out again. Seemed they were being more thurough than he would have liked. They were little more than annoyances. He slipped off of the rock, brushing himself off as he stepped towards the cave. His eyes moving to the other, he wondered what he was doing exactly just sitting there.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-27-2014, 01:04 AM

Sholto was considering the situation. Yin had the ability to do anything that was asked of him, anything at all. It would be an easy feat to leave the country. To go anywhere in the world. They could find someplace safe, where the dragon could learn about the world he had missed, the years he had never known. The thief stood up, and walked forward. "I want you to take us to England. To someplace safe there." No one knew him. No one knew the dragon there. It was a perfect place to visit.


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