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Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 02:26 AM

hahaa. I'm signed on to the main account too! I'm making some changes to the front page...:D

luciole is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 02:32 AM

oops sorry! im off now XD making the headshot for dalia. thats digital.. the three stages will be marker, a project for later today.. right now im still sleepy *_*

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 02:37 AM

No problem! I'm just writing goals for RP in each stage...So far, I'm not making hardcore RP requirements...We just wont' grow them if we don't see some RP.

hehe. Yeah, I'm sure it's early there! Did you have a nice sleep? :D

Whee, headshot!

A Thousand Gardens
A Thousand Gardens is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 02:58 AM

Okay, I think I'm done with front page edits for today...I have to go to bed on time tonight! XD

luciole is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 03:14 AM

X3333 goodninght!!! <33 i'll take over from here with the aarty fartsy side of the shop!

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 03-14-2007, 03:29 AM

I'm not gone yet. I've got about 30 mins or an hour before I have to go to sleep.

I'll keep you company for awhile! :D

How're things?

luciole is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 03:34 AM

<33333 i have to be out this evening but I'll bring my sketchbook in case theres time to doodle some ideas.. and i might be getting some new copic colors too, i know i dont have enough pink and light purples ><;;;;

A Thousand Gardens
A Thousand Gardens is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 03:41 AM

pic upppp dalia has cuuuurls <3333

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 03:45 AM

Cool. Well you enjoy yourself this evening! Don't work too hard on everything. Everyone needs a break sometime!

Did you see the changes I made? Do you approve?

ooh, copics! I love PURPLE. SO MUCH.

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 03:46 AM

OMG, she's SO PRETTY!!! I do love the hair. I wish I had wavy purple hair...

XD Thank you Luc! <3333

A Thousand Gardens
A Thousand Gardens is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 03:50 AM

i saw the changes, they look good to me!! <3333

X33 and yeaaaaaah i need light purples *_* i love that color too. and curls + purple hair = loads of win!

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:01 AM

Good stuff. I'm glad you approve. :D

I'm going to go through the rules tomorrow and add some things and clarify some things.

And then I'm going to start on the first RP/storyline piece.

It's going to be Dalia's coming into the world...Or the Gardens as it were. *nods* XD

Purple and curly is excellent. I've noticed your love of purple things. I think we may have much in common. When's your birthday?

A Thousand Gardens
A Thousand Gardens is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:07 AM

X3 yeaaah the rules too! they were made by aree initially when shes helping me with the shop in gaia. so tweak it abit cos things are abit different here now.

XD hell yea purple! lets have purple events.. and birthday events XD. mine's sept 16 <3 whens yours?

Azure is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:15 AM

Originally Posted by Sizzla
Way to win the avatar spotlight for the week Az! XD
  • awe thanks so much x) <33
    and u can buy my crowns for 300g each.. if u are interested. ;)

    and omg sexy Dalia <33

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 03-14-2007, 04:15 AM

Oh, and I have a favor to ask you...Could you make a banner and a post for Locations? I want to put a basic description of each place in the Gardens in this thread somewhere. I'm just going to take your location descriptions from the Gaia guild and spruce them up.

Maybe later there will be a guild system where we can make a separate thread for each location...until then though, we can at least provide players with a description of each place, and then when we set up individual RPs in the B&C Roleplay Forum, we can tag each RP with where it's located within the Gardens.

There are an awfully large amount of rules. They can definitely be consolidated though. So tomorrow, that's another one of my goals.

ooh, we could have Purple Day in the Garden! :XD We'll celebrate with everything purple!

Our birthdays are pretty close together! Mine's October 24th.

So, are you a Virgo? How old are you btw? *curious*

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by Azure
Originally Posted by Sizzla
Way to win the avatar spotlight for the week Az! XD
  • awe thanks so much x) <33
    and u can buy my crowns for 300g each.. if u are interested. ;)

    and omg sexy Dalia <33
You're quite welcome! :D

heh. i'm actually questing. I can buy crowns if I want with RL money...I need to get a couple more of each really...I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Dalia is sexy! XD

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:18 AM

Okay, I need an opinion.

I'm going to buy one of those tiaras now that I have 800g. I just need to know which one to buy: the amethyst, sapphire or diamond...

It's a tough choice! UGH. I wish I had enough for ALL of them. *ROFL*

Azure is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:19 AM

  • maybe purple one to represent ur Dalia? <3

    and yeah its better to buy crowns with $ to help this site out <3

luciole is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:20 AM

okay! i'll put em umm... somewhere in there and move the posts XD

and maaaaaan yeah hope we an get guild or something >>; but i thin thats far far in the future.. oh well. if i have time next week i'll try and draw up a map, the front page looks boring at the mo.

XDD yeahhhh the rules are kinda scary arent they?

oct 24th! hell yea! two events after the other! thats gonna be a fun time X3
yes, im virgo <33333 very, very girly.
24th.. thats libra isnt it?

luciole is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:21 AM

XDDD about the tiaras... well. gosh, i duno. get one that will suit all your clothing? *_*;;;;;; the diamond will look good in everything but your avi will have specific colors

A Thousand Gardens
A Thousand Gardens is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:32 AM

and there we go. map's is called the visible gardens, below the npcs list.

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:33 AM

hehe. Yeah, I saw you had some reserved posts on the front page, but the map really wouldn't go down that far would it? Aww, I hate to have you rearrange!

I'll bet it'll be awhile before there's a guild system. Until then, we can work it out with individual RP threads, or I can make a RP thread for each location, and we can just have links to them on the front page. I like the idea of setting up individual RPs though. Well, mmmm. Actually, I may do both. *nods*

A nice map would be good too. And to make the front page more interesting, once Mene gets more bandwidth, we can do thumbnails of the faeries and stuff.

I don't like to have too many rules, otherwise you look like rule-nazis. And that's no good. No one wants to play with anal people...heh.

Yeah, the fall will be an exciting time! My best friend in the whole world is a virgo. Sept. 5th. :D So I'm sure we'll get along fabulously. She's not very girly though. heheh. I'm a Scorpio actually. Well, I'm on the cusp, but I feel much more like a Scorp. I have a lot of other planets in Libra though. *nods*

As for the tiara...I have no clothes really. I have this skirt, this black shirt, a white swimsuit thing and the yellow welcome shirt...and that's it. XP

So that's why I narrowed it down to blue, purple and clear tiaras. hehee.

Maybe diamond?

Gangsta Biatch
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Sizzla is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:34 AM

Originally Posted by A Thousand Gardens
and there we go. map's is called the visible gardens, below the npcs list.
Awesome! Thank ya' ma'am!

A Thousand Gardens
A Thousand Gardens is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:43 AM

XD its no problem, finished already in fact <33

individual RP threads? hmm XD id hate to hog the b/c forum though. but if its necessary, why not.

X3 map will come later.. perspective *shudder*

XD yeah delete which rule you think is unnecessary. as long as its covered in the FAQ or elsewhere <333

Tabi Kat
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Tabi Kat is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:47 AM

*hoards moneys*

Let's see...Luciole art, a good RP, fairys...ummm ...yeah, no way I'm passing this up.


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