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Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-30-2007, 08:54 AM

(I know I know. xD. Go explain the White Movement to Asher then!)

Tier choose to continue on with the lesson. "For starters, BITs are like living animals. They have their own personality, they look real, and can even 'die' to some extend. The only thing that keeps scientist from claiming that they're alive is that 1. they don't eat, and 2. they're a machine. Each BIT has a special element that they can use, such as fire, water, wind and earth. Phyre for example is a phoenix and naturally one can assume she uses fire attacks." Tier pushed a button on the wall, and a wooden target slide out from the wall.

Phyre made her presence known by landing on Tier's shoulder. "Phyre Fire Stream," Tier order. Phyre spread her wings and suddenly a pillar of fire rose around the target, turning it to dust. "Each BIT has it's own set of attacks. As a BIT grows they learned more attacks. Right now Phyre is a Teen BIT and knows about five attacks.

Battles are very simple. Basically it is BITs fight each other until one of them can no longer battle. AB has set rules and regulation so that no one gets hurt too badly. AB has "health bars" to determine how fit a BIT is. During an AB battle all you merely have to do is get the health bar to zero and the battle is over.

Street Battling is different. Here there are no health bars, and few rules. You battle until you either kill or seriously damage a BIT. Everything is fair game, even attacking the Controller, the BIT's owner. There are only three unspoken rules. 1. Do not kill. 2. Any part of the BIT is up for taking upon lost. 3. When officially challenged start with official AB countdown.

After that everything is done by honor. Usually SB world is watched over by the Royal Court and High Council. We're the ones who try to prevent massive chaos in world. A few years ago there was no Royal Court and High Council and the world of SB was littered with murder and chaos. The White Movement almost succeeded in overthrowing the AB back then. However we moved in to stop them. Luckily we succeeded. Any questions?"

psyrien is offline
Old 07-31-2007, 08:15 AM

Kith shook his head, but then stopped. "What's Nankojiva then?"

They all turned to look at the cat who was demurely licking a paw and ignoring the attention.

Tier shrugged. "She's your BIT. Why don't you ask her?"


A spider's web only needs to be big enough to catch a fly.


She acted as if she hadn't heard and continued her washing.

Kith sighed.

An amused smile danced upon Tier's lips. "Well, let's move on, shall we?"

* * *

Asher bounded into the room much in the same manner of an over excited puppy.

"We are in Tier's house, remember. I suggest you not get fingerprints on that if you value your ability to reproduce."

Asher froze and slumped disheartenedly onto an armchair, while Ayame chose a high backed settee.

Asher was glancing this way and that, almost bouncing in his seat. "So... What are we here for?"

Ayame sighed. This would be difficult enough to explain without having to bring up Kith and his strange BIT. Well, she'd just skip over that part then. He only needs to know his part.

"You're familiar with the White Movement."

"Yes," Asher answered even though it hadn't been a question.

"They want to pull the same stunt again."

Asher blinked. "Overthrow us?"


"That's not good."


"That's really not good."


"That's BAD."

"Thank you for pointing that out." Ayame's expression had a very fixed look to it. "The point is we need to do something about it."

"We do?"

Ayame didn't even bother answering. If she waited long enough, the cycle would play out by itself, and he would arrive at the conclusion that would take a normal person two seconds to come to.

"WE FIGHT! For love! For honor! For freedom!" Asher punched the air with his fist.

Ayame blinked. "Well... I suppose." At least he has the right idea... Between Asher and Kith, this would be a long battle.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 07-31-2007, 10:37 AM

(*cough* For love honor and freedom?! And we'll leave the rest of the battling to ya, since I don't know Nankojiva's attacks. xD)

"Okay, we've established that you know what the White Movement is. I take it you haven't forgot how to SB?" Ayame asked.

Asher frowned. "No I haven't. Just because I stopped Street Battling doesn't mean I haven't forgot."

Ayame nodded. Of course. No Street Battler would ever forget. And nearly everyone started at a Street Battler. It's just some don't ever discover the darker part of it. "So you remember the three unspoke rules, that it's okay to attack a controller, the Royal Court," she questioned.

Asher nodded. "I'm not stupid Ayame, no matter what you think."

"Sometimes I wonder," Ayame muttered.

"Hey! Anyways yes. I remember that. Not too familiar with the Royal Court though," said Asher.

"Good," said Ayame. "The Royal Court is like the SB version of world champions. And because of White Movement being back and all, you've been extended a invitation to become a member of the Royal Court, the Prince."

"Oh. Why the Prince?"

"You and your ego. That's going to get you into trouble one day," Ayame scowled. "Because there is already a King and a Queen and I doubt you want the title of Princess and you're not stupid enough to challenge the King who has the extra five years of SBing while you were ABing."

"Ah. Fine. I agree!" Asher said cheerfully.

"Not so fast. You have be tested first. First test is in two weeks. You'll be tested by High Council, the power balance to the Royal Court. I expect you'll be training... hard," Ayame threaten.

Asher nodded. "I get it, I get it. So... is it safe to assume that Tier is the King and you're the Queen?"

psyrien is offline
Old 07-31-2007, 09:43 PM

(Hey, just be happy I didn't stick "truth" and "beauty" in there too. And yes, I've been watching too much Moulin Rogue. xD for Nankojiva's attacks--I don't actually know them either. xDDDD)

"Now we battle."


"Phyre!" The beautiful, magnificent, and ever intimidating phoenix BIT streaked towards Kith.

Kith stumbled backwards and dodged the swooping phoenix only because he had managed to trip. "Are you mad?" he yelled at Tier.

"Fire stream, Phyre," he said, completely ignoring Kith's question.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Kith ran while flailing and screaming in the other direction. "You're mad, you know--!"

He tripped over something black and furry.


About time you remembered me.

"Help me!"

She grinned that same strange cat-like grin, and her eyes took on a menancing light. The air in the room seemed to ripple, as if something was changing its composition. The light became dimmer until the only glow in the room was from the radiant phoenix.

"What is this?" Tier whispered.

And then suddenly the darkness was complete.

"Phyre!" Tier called. Never in his life had he seen Phyre's light extinguished. That was why Phyre had had to work so hard to become obscure. She could never hide in the dark. She was too bright and conspicuous, always easy to find.

But that light was suddenly gone.

There was a fierce, beast-like snarl that sounded like it most definately didn't come from a simple house cat.

A sharp scream rented the air. It was strangely musical but utterly devasted.

"Nankojiva?" came Kith's small voice. "I can't see you."

In an instant, the lights were back. Nankojiva appeared as a regular domestic cat. Phyre's light was back--the only difference was that she was lying on the ground.


The phoenix raised her head. It had to be done. It was a sort of suffocating attack. It felt like everything was cut off... and that everything was being drained out of me.

"You did well."

Tier, I hope you know that that's not just an ordinary house cat. It changes in the dark. You couldn't see it, and I doubt that the boy knows unless she's revealed it to him. Even I could only see flashes of it in that darkness.

"Well, we'll just have to find out what that BIT is capable of." He stood up and directed his next words to Kith. "Ready for round two?"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-01-2007, 04:48 AM

(xD Ayame is so gonna want to meet Nankojiva's creator. It's not often she gets to meet someone sane enough to go modifty BITs. and yesh you have been watching too much.)

"Amazing you're unusually sharp today Asher," Ayame said sarcastically. "Yes. We are the Royal Court. And don't you dare go bragging about it."

Asher grinned. "Give me some credit Ayame. I know how to keep a secret. Well assuming that this "High Council" is gonna be as hard as battling you or Tier, help me train please?"

Ayame signed. "Fine. I would like to test out your abilties before I throw you to the wolves. By the way you'll have competition for the rank. But chances are win or lose, you'll become a member of the Royal Court... just maybe not at the rank of Prince."

Asher stared. "What?! Who's my competition?"

"Some boy we found with an interesting BIT, that's all you have to know. This hopefully some motivate you to do better. Can't have the World Champion at any rank lower then Prince now can we?" Ayame teased.

A fire lit in Asher's eyes. "NEVER! I'll train every waking minute I get! Beside, I think Zephyr is on the verge of a new attack." Asher's blue dragon yawned a little, at the sound of his name.

Ayame grinned. "Good. It never hurts to have a new attack ready. This will be his fourth one right?"

"Yup. Now let's train Ayame!" Asher shouted.

Ayame's eye brow raised. "Very well. Let's check your adaptility. Kitsune. Ice Bullet."

psyrien is offline
Old 08-02-2007, 06:05 AM

Kith stumbled into his room tiredly. "I never want to do that again."

Well that's too bad because you're to do the same thing tomorrow.


He ran a hand over his face. "I don't see the point. I'm not really learning anything. You do everything yourself. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do besides run away from attacks directed at me."

Nankojiva's tail twitched. I have an idea.


I'll train you.


Tell Red that you no longer need his training.

Kith blinked. "Umm... okay. But--"

Trust me. She fixed him with a steely look that didn't allow any questions.

Kith grimaced at the thought of Red's reaction would be. "Well, I guess I'll tell him later."

No. Now.

"But why?"

Trust me. She told him in her ever cryptic manner.

Kith sighed and stumbled back out the door to what he was sure would be his premature doom.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-02-2007, 07:19 AM

(chu have you gotten the carnival hairpin?)

"You seriously need more training," Ayame said flatly. In the span of two minutes, the battle had come to an end. With the expection that the door was covered in a layer of ice and the window had a hole in it, the room was still in tact.

"I haven't done this in a while. Of course I'm out of shape," Asher said breathlessly. He manage to dodge most of Ayame's direct attacks. She had taken the direct approach to minamize the damages to the room. Soyala only attacked when she knew the attack would hit Zephyr. Asher took a deep breath. He would have to admit, one of the few things that impressed him endlessly about Ayame (and Tier) was the ability to switch styles and the level of connection they both shared with their BITs.

A while, Asher had found out that there were three levels of battles that Tier and Ayame shared. The first being the most common was almost lazied bored style of attacks. One that allowed them to observe their opponent and take them out as soon has they were satisfied. The second level was more dangerous. They held nothing back, crushing their opponent as swiftly as possible. Both fell silent, allowing the connection they had with their BIT cover the useless of words. It took a lot to get them to raise to this level and Asher had the pleasure of battling Tier at this level for the World Championship. The final level was the most dangerous, one rarely you see. Ayame and Tier's teamwork was flawless and together nothing stood a chance against them. It was like they shared a telepathic connection so they knew what moves the other was going to make before it happened. There was a fourth stage, training stage. Which mean endless pound the student until they learn fast enough to think on their feet.

Asher hated the fourth stage, but fear two and three the most. God the next two weeks were going to be hell if Ayame was gonna train him. But it would be worth it.

psyrien is offline
Old 08-02-2007, 07:45 AM

(Carnival hair pin? WHERE? Edit: Nevermind, I found it. ^^v)

Kith was back in the battle room with Nankojiva, but this time there was no Red.

"So what exactly are you going to teach me?"

Nankojiva paced through the room with her tail swishing back and forth. After a few lengths, she settled herself in the middle of the floor and curled her tail around herself.

The way I understand it, there are only three rules in street battling. Those rules are don't kill, the loser's BIT is for forfeit, and you start with some countdown. Anything outside of those rules is perfectly fair.

"Yeah. That's what Red said."

Well, then it's perfectly fair for you to fight too.

"M-me? Fight?" Kith sputtered. He looked at Nankojiva incredulously.

Yes. Two are better than one.

"Well," Kith ran a hand through his hair, "even if I did fight, I don't know if it would actually help things. I mean, come on Nankojiva--me against a BIT or Red or Silver?"

That's why I'm training you.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-02-2007, 08:33 AM

(hehe xD That's good)

"Well congratuations you managed to last another minute," Ayame congraduate.

Asher was lying on the ground. "You're cruel you know that Ayame?" he weakly complained. That was the other thing he hated about Ayame. Some many odd years of martial arts. Asher had found it out the hard way when she decided to punch him for ruining her book. He couldn't feel his stomach for a week and it was afterwards that Tier so kindly mention to him that Ayame practice her style of martial arts. As clumsy as he was, Asher mad sure he never touched anything of Ayame's again.

"I know. At least you remember how to dodge and attack. I think you managed to bruise one of my ribs and my right arm, but I won't know until morning," Ayame said flatly. Asher was being a bucket of surprised today. For once he was sharp with his wits and thinking on his feet. Her eyes narrowed as she thought about it.

Nankojiva was a very smart and very unique BIT. There was no doubt in Ayame's mind that the BIT would lead Kith to his full potential. If it wasn't for Nankojiva, Ayame would have never considered using Kith at all. Still while Nankojiva seem powerful, both BIT and Controller were still new to the world of SB. Perhaps that is why she was banking Asher to take the title of Prince. It would certainly make her life easier.

psyrien is offline
Old 08-04-2007, 06:33 AM

"Owwwwwie." Kith clutched his stomach that was bleeding freely.

Owie? If Nankojiva had eyebrows, she would have narrowed them.

"Well, you did just give me a beautifully large slash on my stomach... and you ruined my only shirt."

You. Did not move fast enough.

"Why couldn't you just say something? If this really necessary?"

Do you think an enemy is going to tell you to please jump quicker before you get hit? No. If I were truly trying to attack you, you would have more than just a shallow cut.

Kith sighed. He tore off a length from his sleeve and bound his wound. He winced, but just gritted his teeth and hissed. "Alright."

Nankojiva's tail swished in a pleased sort of manner. You know, Kith, you really aren't so bad.

* * *

Kimi sang softly to herself as she walked home. She wondered about the new student. He was a strange boy--he wasn't rowdy or showy like the others; he wasn'd disdainful. He was quiet, but sweet in his own way. Quite adorable, she concluded.

Her rabbit BIT trotted next to her and was looking up at her questioningly.

Kimi looked at her BIT and shook her head. "No, Trish, I am not in love with him."

Trish didn't look convinced but simply tottered along obediantly.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-04-2007, 06:51 AM

(gah... writers block)

Ayame had fallen asleep. It was rare, but she had fallen asleep. It gave Asher the much needed break though and he wasn't about the complain. 'Guess this means she trusts me enough to fall asleep when I'm around,' Asher thought to himself.

Slowly he took in deep breaths and wiped away the sweat from his face. Zephyr didn't look much better and Soyala was watching them with a careful eye.

'Man she's tough. I always knew she was on the same level as Tier but she doesn't give up!' Asher thought.

'That's why she's the Queen,' Zephyr spoke back to him.

'I supposed. Man, what did I get myself into?'

psyrien is offline
Old 08-04-2007, 07:50 AM

(Sorry this took so long. I finished it awhile ago, but the internet was being grumpy. xP)

"Hi Kith!" came the bright, cheery greeting that Kith almost resented. How could someone be so happy when everything felt so painful and in school.

"Mmm..." He responded grumpily.

Kimi's head suddenly popped into his range of vision. "Is something wrong?"

He managed to perk up so that he didn't look so much like a bedraggled dish towel. "Just tired."

She didn't seem to believe him. Those lovely pink lips were pressed together worriedly, and the look in her eyes was sincere. "You sure?"

Kith sighed and ran a hand through his hair. It fell very prettily, she noticed.

Of course he couldn't tell her. But saying it was nothing felt like he was betraying her in some way.

You don't owe her anything.

"Nankojiva?" Kith said outloud.

"Huh?" The concern in Kimi's eyes deepened.

Don't talk outloud, you idiot.

You gave me a heart attack.

There's no reason to tell her. It would just put her in danger.

"Kith? Are you alright?"


Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-04-2007, 07:54 AM

(wait... where are we again? in school? Another day? same day?)

psyrien is offline
Old 08-04-2007, 08:02 AM

(Wherever. We're in the period in which Kith and Asher are both being trained. ...They certainly can't be trained in just one day, so I'm sticking school filler stuff in to help with the time passing. You can write a training scene, a school scene, or something else completely random--which ever you prefer. could always go and write something that the White Movement is doing.)

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-04-2007, 08:09 AM

(ah... okay. I wasn't sure. School is good. xD I'm not up for complex right now)

Ironically, Ayame concluded. School was the only place where she could sleep. Sleeping at home rarely happened because of the nightmares or the insomnia. But strangely she could always fall asleep in school. She supposed it had to do with the fact that the teachers just drone on and the fact that her body becomes exhausted after being up all night.

She sleep carefully overcame her, she vaguely thought of what happened yesterday. Asher was steadily improving and Kith had rejected their training and went to train with Nankojiva. That, Ayame had admit, was a pretty smart move. A little too early to be doing that, but hey, they might surprised her.

Ayame closed her eyes. But for now, she wasn't gonna think about it. Sleep was more important for once.

psyrien is offline
Old 08-04-2007, 08:24 AM

"Hey, Nankojiva..."


"Dodging is good and all, but didn't you say that you wanted to me fight with you?"

Her smile was so catty that he thought it would have been a sin if she weren't... well, a cat.

Of course.


Come at me.

"What?" Kith just stared at her. Attack his own BIT? Was she crazy? Not only did he not want to attack his own teammate, but he knew that he would most definately fail and end up being severly injured instead.

Well, if you won't, I'll come to you... And there was that great shadow beast coming at him again.

* * *

Kimi looked at the empty seat next to her. She hoped Kith was alright. The idiot boy had insisted nothing was wrong yesterday when he had obviously been dead on his feet. And today...

The tardy bell rang.

"I guess he's not coming," she murmered to herself.

Trisha popped her head out of Kimi's bag. Like him. Like him. Like him.

"Hush," she hissed at her BIT.

"...I just miss him, that's all," she told the empty desk next to her.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-04-2007, 08:33 AM

Denmri concluded that he should just order a hopsital worth of supplies seeing how between Mr Kith and Mr Asher, his stocks were gone by the end of the day.

Luckily Master Tier was paying for everything.

Still blood was a hassle to clean out of the carpet. He would have to ask Lady Ayame to refrain from spilling too much blood. Though he must give the girl credit, she at least tried to clean up the blood. Only the hard spots did she ask for Denmri's help.


Denmri cringled. That was not a good sound.

"Asher... you did not just break that," he heard Ayame ask in a dangerous voice.

"Ummm... it was an accident?"

Denmri turned a sigh. Just another thing to clean up. It was a wonder the house and the hideout were still in one piece.

psyrien is offline
Old 08-05-2007, 04:59 AM

No Kith again. Trish announced to Kimi.

She sighed. It had been a little more than a week since she had last seen him. There was no word from him. The teacher either refused or couldn't tell her anything, and she hadn't had the chance to get his number. She flopped her head onto her desk miserably.

"You alright, Kimi?"

She perked up, hoping for some reason that it would be Kith. She shrank back down ever so slightly without being disrespectful to Mr. T.

"Yes, sir."

He nodded and went on with his lesson.

You fall in love too easily, Kimi.

"I'm not in love, Trish," she muttered back sulkily.

* * *

Life was just peachy for Markl. He had new clothes; he got to go to school--the same school as Red and Silver; he had an actual house to live in. It was almost like...

A sharp memory resurfaced in his mind. Markl grimaced at it.

No. It's not like before. It will never be.

Sylphie's head stuck out of his shirt pocket, and she watched worriedly as the vibrant emotions flitted across his face.

"I'm alright, Sylphie." He put on an incredibly forced smile. "Really."

Sylphie seemed to sigh. You know you don't have to do that.

Markl's smile wavered and broke. He clutched his BIT and cried into her fur.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-05-2007, 07:14 AM

Tier rubbed his forehead. He had skipped school for two days to watch Kith's process as well Asher. Thus he was here, on a Saturday picking up the last bits of homework. Luckily it wasn't too hard or complex and could be comlpeted within an hour or two.

But all of this was beginning to test his patient. Normally he had the patient of a rock. However between Asher's endless energy, Kith's stubbornness, Nankojiva secretness, and Ayame's unstable mental health, things were just a little complicated. He could cope with each one separately but all four were beginning to give him a headache. He didn't even want to begin to think how much work he would have tomorrow. Frankily he wondered why Ayame hadn't collapse yet from stress. She was handling the training of Asher, homework and over half of his paperwork for work.


Tier answered his cellphone.

"Good Day Tier. I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Not at all," said Tier, shifting the books and assignments into another hand. "Have you recieve our message?"

"Of course. We await your students in four days on the island."

"Thank you Hotaru," said Tier. The phone call ended there. Tier sighed. Back to work.

psyrien is offline
Old 08-05-2007, 10:38 PM

"Why are we here again?" Kith stood in the middle of the fitting room while Nankojiva browsed through differnet outfits.

Because, she flicked aside a pair of flimsy gloves with her tail, do you think I'd let you fight with me like that?

Kith glanced down at his street clothes. Honestly, he didn't think it was that bad. They weren't exactly designer clothes, but at least they weren't rags. And he thought that they matched rather well.

I'm not criticizing you fashion sense, which could be worked on a tad, but really isn't too bad. I told you, if you're fighting, you need to be protected.

"So like this?" He held up a chain mail shirt.

Nankojiva snorted. Not so obvious. She tossed him a pair of gloves.

"Gloves? But it's the middle of summer."

Look at them closely. They're not just gloves.

Kith examined them closely. "Sorry, I don't see anything."

She sighed. Well, I suppose you can't tell because you've never seen them before. They're Handle-Anything Gloves.

Kith's eyes lit up. "So I can do things like hold fire and ice?"

That's the idea.


Now for the rest... She began nosing through a pile of garments.

"Hey, Nankojiva," Kith said.


"Where are we?" She had led him to this place--a seemingly abandoned old warehouse. Inside there were piles of strange things--some ordinary, some extravagant, and some seemingly ordinary but not.

That's my secret.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-06-2007, 02:35 AM

Hotaru sat back in her chair. It was quite surprising to find out that Red and Silver had two students that they wanted to be tested. She thought the two lone wolves that made up the Colour wouldn't bother taking up any students.

But then again, times have changed and the White Movement was on the move again. She and the rest of her family had gotten involved in SB only because they were all orphans from rich families. With nothing better to do with their money (seeing as the businesses more or less ran on their own), they all seeked out a thrilling adventure. None of them expected to find a plot to overthrow one of the foundations of the world, AB.


Her boyfriend looked up from the book he was reading. "Hm?"

"We're going to Devil Isle in four days. There is some new blood we get to test for the Royal Court."

psyrien is offline
Old 08-21-2007, 04:09 PM

(Hey look! I'm alive! xD)

Kith examined his new garb in the mirror. In addition to the gloves, Nankojiva had outfitted him with a jacket, belt, a new pair of boots, and a completely new set of regular clothes. The last item wasn't actually special, but Nankojiva said that it matched his other new additions. Kith did admit that they were nice--the fabric was well made and easy to move around in.

But Kith was slightly worried. While getting new gear was nice, he still didn't know what the old warehouse was. And before he had left, he had sworn that he had seen a woman in a white coat coming through the other door. Nankojiva had refused to answer his questions about the woman. All she would say is that it wasn't stealing, that is was perfectly fine, and to shut up about it already.

"Time to go to school!"

"Coming," Kith called down the stairs. He took one last appraising look of the strange new garments that he was to now wear under all circumstances 'because one never knew when a challenge would arise' in the words of Nankojiva, and he headed out the door.

* * *

"Kith!" The call only gave a milisecond of warning for the uncannily fierce hug that knocked the wind out of him.

"Oof! Hey, Kimi."

"Where have you been? I've been worried about you." She was still clinging to him and somehow managed to make herself audible while her face was buried in his shoulder.

"Oh... well..."

You idiot. Why didn't you think of this earlier.

Shut up, Nankojiva.

"Well? Where've you been Kith?" She lifted up her head and looked at him. Her eyes looked strangely bright.


She looked at him expectantly.

"Been around," he finished lamely.

"Been around?" Her voice was a deadpan whisper.

"Um, yeah, you know... around."

"I see." She wouldn't look at him anymore.

"So... why don't we just go to class?"

"You go."

"Are you alright, Kimi?"

You are an idiot, boy.

"Alright? You think I'm alright? I just told you that I missed you, that I was worried about you, and you can't even tell me where you've been. Why not, huh? Were you seeing some other girl prettier than me? Do you have a secret life or something you're keeping from me? Aren't I your only friend here? Aren't I in love with you? Don't I deserve to know?"

Kith blinked blankly. "Kimi... I've only known you for a week and a half. But no, I'm not seeing anyone else. And yes, you're my friend, and--wait, did you just say you were in love with me?"

"Boys are so stupid!" she screamed and stormed off.

Great work, prince charming.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-21-2007, 06:19 PM

(huzzah! you're alive! xD mental note to send you an email)

Ayame paced back and forth. To say she was nervous was the understament of the year. It was strange because normally she doesn't get nervous. Of course then again when the faith of the world just might depend on two boys, one who's an idiot and the other a beginner, one might be nervous too.

She hated, this feeling of nervousness. Frankly what could she do? Things were already spiraling out of control. Too much to think about. Perhaps it was time to go visit a mental ward and lock herself up for a few days.

'One day left' she thought to herself.

'They'll both do fine. High Council is tough, but they're ready.' Soyala's voice rang in her mind.

'Frankly I believe that. No I'm more concern how they'll handle it after they learn the truth.'

'They'll just have to trust you. So they refuse to help, well then it's their own fault to whatever... misfortunes that befall them.'


'Don't worry. I won't do a thing to them... not unless they hurt you. But then again my brother will.'

'I know. They both will.'

psyrien is offline
Old 10-03-2007, 10:45 PM


Are you serious about her? Nankojiva sat on the fence. Her tail swished back and forth, seeming to match Kith's pacing.

"I..." He made a sort of strangled sound that lasped into silence. He closed his eyes and shook his head. "She's..."

Nankojiva waited. After all, Kith was only a boy of seventeen or so.

He took a deep breath and seemed to come to a conclusion. "I like her. But I don't like her. She's a sweet girl, but I honestly don't know much about her. I think that maybe I could've fallen for her in time."

If she hadn't confessed so suddenly.

"Exactly. Now it's just... awkward. I don't think I could ever fall for her now." He kicked the dirt half in frustration, half in helplessness.

Nankojiva leapt down from her perch and walked over to him to sit by his feet. Kith crouched down and stroked her between her ears. "What am I supposed to do?"

The cat's eyes were half closed in contentment, and she only answered after Kith's hand stopped moving. Her eyes opened and she looked at him. You should explain yourself to her. Not who you are. Just that you aren't interested. And be kind in your words; she's already hurt enough and will be hurt again, but your don't have to--

"Rub salt in the wound. Yes, I know." He started stroking her between the ears again, and she began to pur.

And all too soon he stopped again. "I suppose I should go now then."

The tiniest moment of disappointment flickered across the cat's face. Her tail twitched and she yawned. I suppose. Good luck.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 10-03-2007, 11:02 PM

((O.O you posted!!))

Kyoushi smirked to himself. So his sister was gathering forces. No matter. It would be just more pieces to hurt her with. An insane light gleamed in his eyes. She would be his all too soon, the world would be his all too soon. It was just a matter of winning the game.

The first pawn was set up.


"So... tomorrow we're gonna meet these High Council people?" Asher asked.


"Are they hard?"

"They're on the same level as Ayame and me, what do you think?"

"Damn... I'm not gonna get break am I?"


Asher fell back into the chair. Waiting... he most hated activity. He really just wished that tomorrow would come already. Stoic Tier wasn't exactly the best company either. Ayame looked like she was ready to bite off his head when he walked into the room.

He briefly wondered who the new kid was. Tier and Ayame avoided the subject all together. But if he had their approval then he would be in for a challenge. Asher grinned. Tomorrow would be fun.


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