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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-30-2012, 08:32 PM

Loki's ears twitched almost nervously, but the wolf wasn't nervous. Just a little uncertain. He looked at the dragon, then the woman with Amadeo and finally at Amadeo. Loki stepped up to the white haired demon, and reached out slowly. His hand lifting to rest the palm against Amadeo's cheek gently. "Apparently, I'm such a terrible mate that I cause my lover to run to the arms of strangers. I've no idea what I did to cause this kind of betrayal, but if Regan is happy with you then I won't stand in his way or your way."

Loki had sounded very defeated, and he let his hand fall away from the other demon's face. He was a wolf, and wolves mated for life. To be betrayed like this, and not just once, but twice was almost more than he could bear. Loki himself would not take another mate, not until Regan was dead, because Regan was his mate. Loki had said his piece and now he turned from them, barely glancing at the angel and hardly looking towards Karlin and Adax as he made his way back into the Tavern.

Amadeo had tensed when Loki came closer, but the wolf did seem calmer, or rather he seemed very dejected. He closed his eyes for a brief moment when the wolf touched his cheek. Those eyes opened quick enough as Loki spoke, and he listened to the words with a slight frown, then Loki was leaving him before he could even say anything. "...But...I'm not in love with the vampire." His brow furrowed slightly. Amadeo had just been using Regan, true he trusted the vampire but he didn't love the vampire. Regan had been kind and Amadeo used him to ease the physical pain.

Amadeo hated himself for it, but it was the truth. He glanced at Sio. "His name is Loki, and I slept with his mate." He raised a hand to gently rub at the newly healed ribs. How would Sio react if she knew that Loki had been the one to injure him? She was his friend wasn't she? He glanced at the dragon, then to the angel that had come out. Amadeo seemed very uncertain now. What should he do?


Staria is offline
Old 06-30-2012, 09:02 PM

Sio tensed but did not stop the wolf from touching Amadeo much as she wanted to. The way they reacted she had a sneaky suspicion that he was the one who broke 'Deo's rib and she had no intention of letting him do such a thing again. Still, he did not seem to mean any harm and the white haired demon was doing nothing to stop him so she would trust his judgement for now. She frowned as he said he didn't love the vampire, then that he'd slept with him. She said nothing at first but then simply spoke in a quite, serious tone.

Does this... Regan know you don't love him? If not you should tell him" She advised simply. She then turned to gaze at the abandoned building. It looked like it was kinda rough around the edges... Would the wolf let her fix it up or fix up a room anyway? She knew only healing and light magic so it would be by hand but she had learned basic construction very well and knew how to use a dust cloth. It seemed it was attracting people to it like a flame.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-30-2012, 10:18 PM

Regan tensed when he saw Loki leave the Inn and walk forward to speak with Amadeo. His ears strained to ear every word and catch all the nuances in their voices. A small choked sound escaped him as the two men spoke. The vampire shook his head roughly and let out a long sigh. Absentmindedly he fidgeted with a loose button upon his coat as he debated between going to Amadeo to yell at the other man or ...

The second option was best, to his eyes. It had gone unthougth because Regan had already raced off to the Inn silently to follow the wolf and wrap his arms around him. The redhead nuzzled the shorter man's neck while making soft apologies beneath his breath.

"How could I ever have doubted you? You love me enough to let me go." Regan leaned his head against Loki's shoulder with a small sigh. He just had to remember this, and make a huge effort not to jump to conclusions about everything. So many arguments between them had started because of that, or for lack of true communication.

With a small laugh, Karlin held out her bag and waved at it genially. "Here, why don't we go trough my things together and see if we can find something that might suit." She was rather excited about all of this, so much so that going trough the myriad of things she had in her bag didn't seem like such a tedious prospect.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 12:12 AM

Loki stopped in mid step when Regan ran up and put those arms around him. God he loved that feeling, but he pushed away the desire to just melt into those arms and hold Regan close. Loki didn't move. "But you don't love me enough to trust me." It hurt to say it, but it was how Loki felt. If Regan trusted him this wouldn't have happened, would it? "Tell me, pup. Do I really treat you so badly that you need the comfort of others? Tell me honestly." All Loki wanted to do was relax into Regan's arms and forget all about this horrible mess, but twice. This was twice Regan had betrayed him, how could he trust the vampire after such a thing?

Amadeo blinked, looking at Sio. "It's his own fault for assuming, besides, I had needed him." He knew it had been wrong to let the vampire think he had feelings for him, but it had been so much easier to travel with a vampire he could trust. Someone that could ease his pain by pulling the excess blood out of him, besides, it felt good whenever that happened and Amadeo would much rather have it done to him by choice. Being bitten by one vampire was much better than being owned and used by a coven of vampires. "Besides, he's a vampire, and vampires are evil." Most vampires, but Amadeo didn't really believe Regan was evil. That man was very untypical for a vampire.


Staria is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 12:22 AM

Sio watched the pair a moment and sighed. It was moments like this she was almost glad she'd never found love or been in a real relationship. They both seemed so desperate, so hurt. She turned to Amadeo as he interrupted her thoughts and inwardly frowned. This was not the Amadeo she knew. He had not been so judgmental, so filled with pain and hurt that he could say such a think. She glanced at the scars and knew now what they were from. There was something he wasn't telling her, or rather many things he wasn't telling her....

"Why did you need him then? You use to be the one to protect me.... what happened to you? Why can't you remember me?" She asked softly as she put a hand on his shoulder. She searched his gaze and tried to find some clue, other then their eerie color change. She knew that it probably wasn't in front of a dragon they should speak and after giving the dragon an apologetic look briefly pulled 'Deo a little closer to the tree. With so many supernaturals they would likely be heard anyway unless he whispered in her ear but it gave soem sense of privacy.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 12:38 AM

He tilted his head to press it against the wolf's. Regan had really missed this, even if right now there was all too much strain between them. "It's not that. Never that. But ... I feel like you don't need me, not at all. You leave me behind without a second thought, without word." And others, even if they didn't love him they made him feel more needed then the wolf did. "And I feel like I need you enough for the both of us," said Regan in a low whisper. He was glad they were inside the Inn, away from prying eyes. He wanted no one else to see the unshed tears at the corners of his eyes.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 10:31 PM

It was clear to Loki that Regan didn't understand how hard it had been for him to leave the vampire behind. Only slightly easier because Luce was there to look after him. "Idiot." Loki leaned against Regan. "Do you think I'm so cold that leaving you behind was an easy thing for me? I left you behind with more than just a second thought. I thought you understood me better than that, I thought you would know to wait." Perhaps all of this was Loki's fault, he should communicate better with his mate. "Do you really think I don't need you? Do you really think that I'm so strong that I don't need anyone?" Loki's voice was just a whisper, but he needed to know the answers to those questions.

Amadeo blinked when Sio pulled him aside, he shrugged. The bat wings over his ears twitching slightly. "It doesn't matter." Those things seemed to matter to her though, and Amadeo couldn't help but feel a little bad for not answering her questions. If they truly were friends in the past, then telling her the things that had happened to him would only upset her. "The past isn't important." He spoke those words softly and moved away from her, going back to stand near the dragon. Amadeo was thinking though. Sio might push for more answers and eventually he would probably tell her. But not right now and not here in this place


Staria is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 10:43 PM

"It matters to me. Why won't you answer me? Do you no longer feel you need or want my friendship? Do you feel any friendship towards me? Why are you being so cold?" She asked quietly, her voice soft. She gripped his arm, not allowing him to return to the dragon quiet yet. She did so with surprising strength, having trained with weaponry since they last met. She spoke with little emotion, though hurt was hidden deep in her eyes. She didn't' understand... they had been nearly family they were so close of friends before. Now he didn't seem to want to even talk to her and didn't seem to remember her.

If he no longer wanted to be her friend she would let him go, but he would have to clearly tell her so. He was treating her like a stranger, if he would not tell her why he would at least have to tell her what he wanted. There was a time that every time they were next to each other he had a protective arm over her and followed her to the point many misunderstood their relationship. He had changed true, but it was more then that.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-01-2012, 11:05 PM

The vampire sighed, and lapsed into memories of the past. "It almost always seems like that. The only time I felt like you ever needed me, was when you nearly left the Red Rose. I chased after you, and saw your dire wolf form, remember?" It had been such an emotional time for the both of them. Of course they'd been arguing, though it had turned into something so sweet. Regan smiled a little as he remembered that, and bent his head to press a kiss to the wolf's cheek.

"To answer your question more directly, yes that's what I think. You've ... never really given me a reason to think otherwise." His arms tightened around the wolf at that as if he was afraid the other man would bolt now. Even when Loki had been at his most vulnerable, Regan had always felt somewhere in the back of his mind that he just happened to be there when those things happened. It could have been Luce, or Vex there to comfort Loki instead and it wouldn't have mattered.

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 07-02-2012 at 03:02 AM..

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 07-02-2012, 07:15 AM

Adax looked to her bag and, without even asking, snatched it away to rifle through her belongings. Most of the trinkets he passed over, finding little value in them or not really caring about what they could do. But he stopped, hand hovering over one. He grabbed it, lifting it from the bag with an interested look. It was flat, ovular in shape, tapering to a point at one end. It seemed to glow lightly in the dim light, even more so around the edges of his fingertips. It seemed to be a scale of some sort. "Where...did you find this?" he asked, turning to her with now weary eyes. This scale was not something many mortals got to see, let alone possess. The creature that had shed this did not associate much with them.

Honlogaaf watched the as the three demons conversed, shaking his body and turned, ears twitching incessantly. The sound of muffled movements caught his ear and he turned, facing the old and worn out inn now. He began to move steadily toward the noise, nostrils flared as he attempted to identify it. But the stink of rot was all he could smell and he grew nervous, beginning to growl at the almost silent creature, ears perked forward, trained on the thin form of a young angel.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 07-02-2012, 07:27 AM

Calla remained where he was, slightly nervous even after Loki left, followed by the vampire. Withdrawing into himself, he didnt really pay attention to the conversation of the other two, wondering why he'd been drawn to such a place. He did notice the dragon moving to the old building, but dismissed the thought, snapping from his inattention when he heard the growling. Leaf colored eyes flickered to the male that Loki had talked to, and the female that was with him, before turning around and moving to the dragon slowly. "Is something the matter?" He barely caught himself before adding a title. He wasn't sure what to call the magnificent being, but he didn't want to insult it with human words if it did take offense to such things. Plus he was wringing his hands in an attempt not to reach out and pet it either. While many found reptilian scales to look slimy and feel weird, Calla thought it felt more like a leathery kind of silk. Very cool and soft to the touch.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-02-2012, 04:15 PM

Karlin peered at the object, and wondered silently why it was he seemed so wary of her all of a sudden. With a frown, the orange haired woman tried to recall where she'd gotten it. A spark lit her eyes as the memories returned with full force. "I'd broken into some cult's meeting place and saw it on their shrine. Considering the place was abandoned, with no one in sight ... Well I took it without thinking too much over it. I though it was a dragon scale, but I don't know for sure." Karlin shrugged. She wasn't ashamed of the fact that she'd basically stolen it from a sacred place. The cult hadn't been around for years, and it had just been lying there unattended.

Hidden Cupcake
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Old 07-03-2012, 07:01 AM

Adax blinked, looking between the scale and her. He sighed through his nose, obviously relieved. He eyed the scale with a strange sense of distant longing. " a Dream Weaver scale," he said, handing it to her. "I do not know what their scales can do, but I know their bones possess great power. If you know any arcane words, I suggest using them while holding this. The effect will shift to match the immediate situation..." It had been many years since the Collective had last come into contact with a Dream Weaver. Enough years that they had nearly forgotten entirely about the creature. They were so young then...only five hundred souls strong and ferried about in a gourd bottle by the very body they now resided in. "It seems we may have found a solution to your problem..."

Honlogaaf twitched at the musical voice that met his ears, relaxing almost instantly at the noise. He sat, breathing slowly as he continued to sniff the air lightly. "Nothing is wrong...I am...blind you see," he said, grinning widely in the direction the voice had come from. "I can't see and the smell of the...body," he shuddered the last word, having been keen to try and ignore the unnatural tilt and tone of the creature's many voices, "over there is making it difficult to judge what is present here. I do not know how it still walks, given the amount of stink it's emitting..." He paused for a moment, tip of his tail twitching lightly. Until he jerked, realising teh rudeness he had been displaying. While communing with mortals was something his kind detested, they took pride in adhering to their customs when interaction could not be avoided. "Oh forgive me, but I am Honlogaaf." He bowed his head lightly, ears still continuing to twitch. "May I ask for your name?"

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 07-03-2012, 07:14 AM

The angel smiled lightly, glad the other hadn't taken offense and chose to respond. "I see. I am not so sure myself, but if you would accept it, I would be willing to speak of what I see for you." It was rather bold of Calla, but he was trying to better himself, and what better time to start than now? He did feel a flash of guilt at knowing on a subconscious level, if he did offend or upset the dragon, it would probably more likely for the petite male to survive the encounter of the blind dragon than another who could see. Chuckling lightly as Honlogaah's ears twitched, Call shook his head. "There is nothing to forgive Great Honlogaaf. I am but a simple Earth Angel called Calla." Maybe coming here had been a good idea after all. So far he'd met two people, well one wasn't really a person, and they'd been friendly to him.

SilverRosemary is offline
Old 07-03-2012, 12:11 PM

She scowled as she walked into the tavern, picking twigs and leaves out of her hair. "Why do the treas like to mess with walking beings?" she grumbles as she kicks her shoes off, the damned things annoying her.
She looks around as she enters and sees who is all in there.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-08-2012, 12:29 AM

Karlin nodded with a smile, then turned her attention to another question. "Why does it sound like there are so many people talking at once when you talk sometimes?" Tilting her head to the side, the orange haired woman looked at Adax intently. She was still trying to figure out what exactly this walking corpse was. He wasn't any kind of zombie ... Frustration was beginning to build up in the young woman's mind at the ignorance which resided within her about this man.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 07-08-2012, 06:03 AM

Adax jerked at her question, the mass growing quiet for a second. They were all silent for the first time in over a thousand years. And it frightened them. He trembled, shaking his head lightly. "We....there are thousands of us..." he said, lifting his hand and placing it over where the body's heart lie dormant and rotting. "Over one thousand souls inhabit the Vessel. We think as one, move as one....feed as one." The last phrase was muttered, as if, deep down, he was ashamed of it. As if the entirety of the Collective was ashamed of it. Of course, they couldn't truly feel. They were a monster. A monster that should have remained a simple tribal legend.

Honlogaaf puffed out his chest at the compliment, a large grin spread across his snout. "No thank you, little one," he said, ears twitching. "I'm developing a system to see through sound. So far, it has kept me from bumbling into that old shell of a building over there." He flicked his tail absently in the general direction of the building, shifting on his feet. "But...if you could describe to me what has died around here, I would be glad to be rid of it...There is this horrible stink in the air..."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 07-08-2012, 01:32 PM

The young woman's mouth opened slightly as her eyes widened. That certainly was unexpected! With a shake of her head Karlin snapped her mouth closed and moved to place her hand over Adax's gently. "Your vessel seems to be in bad shape." A thought crossed her mind, making her smile slightly. "My name is Karlin, is there any one name I can call you?" The adventurer was so used to strange happenings that she took this new information in stride. Now she was trying think of something, or someone, who would be willing to share their body with these thousands of souls. Someone with a rather long life span, so the stink of rotting flesh wouldn't linger until a truly long time had passed.

SilverRosemary is offline
Old 07-08-2012, 04:45 PM

She shifts to human size as she continues to pick twigs and leaves out of her hair. She looked around, wrinkling her nose as she smelled something foul-to her at least-and looked around, trying to find the source of the odor. "Whats that smell?"

Closet Shadow
Goblin Inkorperated ;P
Closet Shadow is offline
Old 09-18-2012, 05:27 AM

Deadri fell harshly onto the road below her. The portal in the air just two feet above her head closed with a soft whoosh and was gone forever. With a small sigh she pulled herself up off the ground. With her first inhale she knew she had guessed wrong as to the destination of said portal.
"Nope. Wrong again. By the First." she cursed under her breath. Another long search ended in vain, "But giving up isn't an option. Portals are everywhere, else the Seven would not have been able to travel so far throughout the worlds." Deadri reminded herself as she dusted off the sacred text she carried with her everywhere. Her search for Paradise would one day come to a conclusion and she would find peace at last.
"So where have I landed this time?" Deadri finally looked around and observed her surroundings. She was on a dirt road, long since abandoned, that lead in one direction to a town, and in the other to a tavern. Deadri breathed deep of this new worlds' air and closed her eyes. The town was filled with life, but the tavern... something distinct wafted from the tavern. The mixed smell of varying creatures and emotions. Naturally, Deadri felt pulled to the tavern, so that was where she headed.
She walked slowly down the short expanse of road to the tavern, taking that time to inhale all the scents of this world. It was acient and old like many of the others she had stumbled upon, and nothing like the world she had originated from.
Deadri stopped walking when the certain scent she had learned to be dragon came to her nose. She turned her attention towards the smell and did in fact she one of the grand creatures there on the road before her. Next to the dragon was a young man, an... angel? Was that the name of the creature that held that scent? Deadri was not sure. They appeared to be talking and she did not want to interupt them, but she did want to know where she was. So with a deep breath she continued forward.
"Pardon me," her voice was soft and hesitant for she didn't want to seem too intruding, "But could one of you please tell me the name of this realm?" Her brown eyes glowed with the light that all vampire eyes held and her fangs delacately showed passed her lips as she spoke. Her mahogany hair was in a deshevled bun and her clothes were a mis-matched array of various fashions from the worlds she had travled. Around her shoulder was a passenger bag overflowing with all she owned and she clutched her red velvet-bound book close to her heart. The only shining thing on her person was the pendant that hung from the simple metal chain around her neck: a gold goblet adorned with tiny rubies around its rim.


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