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Old 10-25-2007, 05:44 AM

She chose her answer carefully. "Perhaps someday...But tonight... I'd kind of like to get some sleep...." For longer trips, perhaps some kind of basket could be fashioned. After all, holding her might get tiring after a while...

Still, she let him have a sweet smile, relaxing as she watched the scenery pass. Tiem to be heading home? Likely.

Admonish Misconstruction
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Old 10-25-2007, 05:51 AM

Winter nodded in complete agreement, making sure not to slam his chin into her skull, a painful experience for both of them. Tonight wold not work, but maybe soon.

Reading her mind in a way, knowing her wanting to be home, and as the skies started to darken he agreed to quickly turn around, readying for a short flight into the creak.

His wings beat furiously, as they bobbed up and down following the gusts of wind that swept against them now. The world was nothing more then a constant blur, Winter's own hair pushed completely back at the exciting speed that he had gain, that sadly had to stop as he readied to land.

As he came in, between the trees folding his wings slightly to slip through the greenery he though of something, how do I land? It was something that had passed through his mind as he left, but it turned out alright.

The had stopped, slightly faster then he wished, his feet grinding into the earthen floor bellow, wings beating heavily to keep them from falling over from the sudden lurches before they had finally come to a stop.

"What was fun," he admitted, swinging his legs out of between her own, letting her loose.

For a moment he breathed, wind beaten face red with slight embarrassment of the way he found out he had been holding her, and the cool air that had blown against him in the last five minutes, all and all it had been wonderful.

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StormRose is offline
Old 10-25-2007, 05:57 AM

Rushes of wind threatened to tangle her hair. Softly, they landed, and softly, pleasantly, Alex let herself relax. Her feet were on good solid ground, and she sighed with contentment. The ride was over, but her hair at least would never let that memory fade. She wasstill flying perhaps in her soul, because she was awful light headed.

though she flet some of the stability offered by him leave(namely, his legs, his arms were still there.She smiled a bit. "That was fun. Just warn me next time so I can wear something more appropriate. She was dressed in forge clothes, not walking ones. She didn't say much else at the time, only relaxing as the sounds of night echoed around and about.

Admonish Misconstruction
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Old 10-25-2007, 07:56 PM

Flop, a good word to describe Winters immediate grounding. He flopped, landing beside Alex, rolling lightly in the comfortable grass, he smell of nature all around, the sound of tricking water, and the breeze that ruffled his brown locks. A smile crossed his lips, the flying had been good, another time he would take her.

Turning he smiled, crossing hands behind head, allowing him a higher vantage point to Alex, as he looked down. "Agreed, different clothing." He agreed. "What now though?" He asked, curious of how the rest of the day would unfold.

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StormRose is offline
Old 10-25-2007, 09:34 PM

She gave a smile. "Ooooh... I'll have to say that now... I'm going to go home...and sleep. I've got stuff to do tomorrow. A lot of packing and the like..."

While it hadn't been the most graceful of landings, it hadn't deabilitated her too much, and she rose quick enough. "If you'd like to drop by tomorrow, I'm often in my forge..." Did she look like she was trying to get away from him? Not at all, but she was tired, and she assumed he was as well. She was smiling too brightly to be offended or to be trying to worm her way out of something.

Admonish Misconstruction
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Old 10-25-2007, 10:39 PM

Winter nodded, smiling down at the girl. He understood, and tonight he could simply sleep her. "Home..." He whispered, quietly as it gently floated against the wind. Living somewhere? That sort of home, never had he experienced such a place, the entire world was the world. And his love for it was endless.

"OK." He said nodding slightly, "I'll wait here if you want, theres a tree around her that I've come to like, and interesting tree, a long past.." Winter trailed off, remembering the tree, a tall willow, beautiful and old, at night he dreamed its past sometimes. It was a good past.

Winter's own connection with nature was close to Alex's own with weapons. He could speak to them, feel their feelings, and at night know their past. Nature, wonderful.

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StormRose is offline
Old 10-25-2007, 10:59 PM

"Sleep? In a tree?" Now she felt a little bad...She couldn't let him do that. "Y-you don't have to do that. There's my house or my forge. I'm sure my parents won't mind.." Or, not so sure about that. she'd just get him up early.

"But I understand if you'd rather sleep in the tree..." He certianly seemed comfortable with the idea. she started walking toward her house. If he followed, he followed if not...


Admonish Misconstruction
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Old 10-25-2007, 11:16 PM

Winter crept forward, trying to settle his shuffled hair. A house? Sounded interesting, he had never been in one, perhaps it would be interesting, if not he could creep outside to a near by tree, or sleep on a ground.

"Sure I'll come. Never been in a house before actually." Winter said jokingly, catching up as he picked up a fast walk.

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Old 10-25-2007, 11:22 PM

She smiled a bit. Never been in a house before...funny... Still she lead the way ,creeping into the back door. "Oooookay. they're sleeping. the guest bedroom is right up these stairs..." She started up them, and quietly opened a door for him, pointing inside. "Sorry it's so simple..we don't have many guests..." the colors inside were blue and white, monochromatic and wasn't anything extravagant.

Admonish Misconstruction
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Old 10-25-2007, 11:28 PM

His eyes swiveled in their sockets, taking in everything in amusement. Winter had been into stores and the like, but never a home, and from his first look it was quite nice, peaceful and cozy.

Slowly he entered, smiling brightly in return, as he slowly crept towards the bed, touching it slightly with curious hands, feeling the softness against his palms, it was soft. But it seemed slightly to soft to sleep on. He'd try it though, for the sake of trying.


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StormRose is offline
Old 10-25-2007, 11:42 PM

Alex smiled. "Your definitely welcome. Consider it a favor in return for the ride." Stretching a little, she backed out of the door waving a little. "I'm right down the hall if you nead anything. There is a dagger hanging from the handle." She gave another smile as she slipped down the hall after a quiet "Goodnight."

She slipped into her bed without much difficulty, slipping into sleep after not too long. Busy day in a way.

Admonish Misconstruction
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Old 10-26-2007, 01:10 AM

((Hmmhmm, do we want to skip to the next day? Nobody else is on and if they really need it to be the same day it won't matter much.))

Winter had wrestled himself to bed, the bed soft and cushioned, yet to comfortable to sleep, making him roll this way and that, till finally he slipped into a light sleep, hands outstretched.

Zane Troy
Zane Troy is offline
Old 11-02-2007, 07:34 PM

((sorry, I guess we forgot to mention that we RP'd kind of slow because of bad internet and the fact that we all have jobs. If you two want to just go ahead and RP whatever it's fine.))

Admonish Misconstruction
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Old 11-02-2007, 07:37 PM

((Its alright.))


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