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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-01-2008, 02:43 AM

*to vincent* Yeah! Barry tripped over the flippin fence and I started laughing so hard I cried. XD I couldn't breathe and it felt like a "Brian" thing to do. >w< I wonder if Jason and Grant saw that footage because I know they would've gotten a kick out of seeing that. XD Those outfits were amazing too. *keeps laughing*
Good boy! Bulk up!

Not as on as much but still arou...
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Old 02-01-2008, 02:58 AM

Originally Posted by MasterChiefrei
*to vincent* Yeah! Barry tripped over the flippin fence and I started laughing so hard I cried. XD I couldn't breathe and it felt like a "Brian" thing to do. >w< I wonder if Jason and Grant saw that footage because I know they would've gotten a kick out of seeing that. XD Those outfits were amazing too. *keeps laughing*
Good boy! Bulk up!
XD I saw that, my mom busted out laughing. I loved how the RP'd in the woods. And I dare say that Brain look good in his Robin hood cos.
Jason and Grant would most defiantly get a kick out of seeing that. XD

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-01-2008, 06:00 AM

*to Stormy1* So did my mom...course when she laughs it's pretty obnoxious. ><;
But I loved that they played around too and Brian's costume fit him pretty darn perfectly. I hope for the Halloween special that he dresses up in that. XD I would totally start a petition on Ghost Hunters for him to where the outfit while they investigate live. >w<
I really hope Jason and Grant saw it. XD

ziggida is offline
Old 02-01-2008, 09:23 PM

Yes, Barry was extremely funny! I thought it was interesting that they got some kind of response when asking questions at the bar.

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-02-2008, 03:36 AM

*to Ziggy* Indeed! I'm glad you got to see that part and the "interview" in the bar was my other favorite part too. Wish I had an EMF so that when we ask questions we could get "answers" if there's any activity.

ziggida is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 06:00 AM

ya but don't feel bad. We are just starting out and god knows how much some of that equipment costs. I think we did the best that we could! I really hope someone needs us to investigate a house or something in the near future.

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-04-2008, 06:58 AM

I know we did our best but I'd still like to get some better equipment. I doubt anyone is going to call us up to investigate but if mom has any other occurrences we can always check those homes. XD
Man...I am seriously needing to twitch from lack of Grant and Jason goodness. ><; I don't want the year to speed by but I kind of want March 5th to come soon so we can see the new season of Ghost Hunters. *sigh*

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Old 02-05-2008, 01:14 AM

yeah well i know i missed alot, cause i havent been on, sorries

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-06-2008, 01:40 PM

*to vincent* Hey, don't worry bout it because I can't always be online either. ><; As long as you watch tonight's episode all is forgiven. XD

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Old 02-07-2008, 05:45 PM

yes i did watch it, and it was a good epiosiode!!!
but my friend was talking to me at the same time, and i kinda missed some stuff, but i love my friend more...well i think that hunt was good and the part i found really interesting was when the dog didnt go in, and that part when ((i forget his name)) that guy saw feet through the crack in the door, then he jumped back and stumbled on the steps, i found that cool yet funny

Striped Chocolate
Striped Chocolate is offline
Old 02-11-2008, 06:14 AM

I love this show! I would watch it constantly if I weren't such a scardy cat.

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-11-2008, 04:57 PM

*to vincent* Friends are definitely more important than a show and that's why we gots reruns. XD
It was pretty interesting when the dog refused to even go inside the building and I know animals are sensitive since they have a sixth sense and can instantly *in most cases* know when some one is present.
It was Barry that saw something through the door and I was really hoping they'd make it to the room but I give them A for effort since it was too dangerous.

*to Striped Chocolate* Aw, well sometimes it's best to watch in small doses but you're not a scaredy cat if you love the show. >w<

Dom is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 07:22 PM

Go TAPS! New episode tomorrow....where are they going again?...The other team of investigators I mean. ^ ^;

Mushy Kylo Hendricks
Mushy Kylo Hendricks is offline
Old 02-12-2008, 08:19 PM

I love watching Ghost Hunters and I enjoy what TAPS goes out of their way to do. I'm doubtful about ghosts, moreso than I was when I was younger and easily spooked, so I enjoy that they don't just say, "OMFG something is HAPPENING!" And you can't see it on the camera, but you're supposed to believe it. They actually try to use facts and evidence, combining that with personal experiences.

I love the show a lot, for that reason. I don't feel like I'm always being nonstop bullshitted with over-anxious, attention whores. ^_^; No offense, but it seems like that's all some of these people on certain shows are about. Well, I think sometimes even that happens with TAPS but at least they're trying... xD

I like the new show, with them going International. I miss Steve (he's cute, dare I say?) but I like International. I so want to be with them just to go to those beautiful places...*envy*

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 04:12 AM

*to Dom* Apparently they're going to a 13th century German Castle. Sorry that they're not too specific. ><;

*to Mushy Kylo Hendricks* That's what I like too. ^ ^ Jason and Grant are very strict on whether or not to call something haunted but with GHI Robb seems to believe too easily. ><; So far he's said a couple places were haunted when they only had weak EVPs and no video evidence. And some shows tend to want all the attention and bullcrap so I know what you mean but TAPS does try to keep all that low key.
Of course Steve is cute, he down right smexy. <3 XD I love Steve. But GHI does get to visit some awesome places that I'd be more than happy to tag along for.

Mushy Kylo Hendricks
Mushy Kylo Hendricks is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 05:36 AM

Yeah it seems like they're more open on the International than if you have Jason and Grant around. They seem to be less willing to call a place haunted right off the bat.

I've seen some shows where the camera jumps and people jump and they're all screaming about it being haunted and they feel something. No evidence, just hearing them, and you're supposed to buy it. EVERY TIME. TAPS is never like that. They know personal experience isn't evidence or proof; that's what they're trying to provide people with. Actual evidence for their claims. So yeah, TAPS gets so much credit for that.

I mean, my parents got me into the show, because I was doubtful that Ghost Hunters would be any different from the shows I'm talking about. ^^; But when I saw that they really try to disprove things if they can, or put people's minds at ease - I really know they're trying an honest approach to everything. ^_^

Hah! Yay, another Steve fan. <3
I would love to go to England or Ireland or...*starts getting terribly jealous*

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 06:27 AM

Indeed and I wonder if being sensitive to the paranormal has anything to do with drawing out spirits or something because GHI isn't getting a lot of luck...but I guess that's why the show is raved about since they're not going to make crap up every place they go, personal experience or not.
I don't buy a lot of the other fony shows either because they don't try the scientific approach and never actually catch something on camera and then there's the question of "Was that just photoshopped?" ><; But Ghost Hunters caught my interest a couple years ago and I loved their approach. ^ ^ I like how they put kids and concerned families first and don't charge to investigate. Also the team is really easy to get along with...even though Andy and Brian can get annoying at times. XD I wish I could go to Ireland! ;.; That place is beautiful

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Stormy1 is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 12:50 PM

See what I think about GHI calling a lot of places more haunted then normal TAPS is that, their over in Europe which has sooo much more history then the US. A lot more things are going to be haunted cause the ghost residing there no how to interact more cause they have been there for so long. I mean if American was inhabited before Europe was I'm pretty sure we would have more haunted places too (which would be awesome!).

Mushy Kylo Hendricks
Mushy Kylo Hendricks is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 01:07 PM

Yeah it is true that Europe does have more history, but sometimes I think they're more willing that TAPS to actually say, "Oh this place is DEFINITELY haunted."

Brian does get on my nerves. xD I won't deny it. I rather don't mind Andy; he's the one who is so enthusiastic about debunking, right? ^^;

Oh, I know what you mean. Ireland is so pretty, and I'm about a fourth if not close to a third I claim the fact that I'm Irish as a good reason to go! xD

It's nice they do put families and children first. What surprises me is they take children's word a lot more seriously than people parents ever did. If I saw something when I was small, my family dismissed it. My mom later told me that she saw this old lady at her parent's house growing up, and her best friend (who didn't know anything about this) ran out of her bedroom one time in middle school, claiming to see an old lady there... ^^; But her mom dismissed what both of them saw, convinced that my mom had told her best friend.

So it really is nice that instead of those claims being dismissed or seen as lies, they take it for word. They don't question it. They know it might be exaggerations, but they still feel obligated to help no matter what. :3 Claims are still claims, and putting a family at ease, especially children...well, TAPS does a good job of earning my respect in that department.

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 09:05 PM

I thought Europe and all those places would have more hot spots for hauntings too and would beat our record for paranormal activity. Instead Europe doesn't look very haunted at all. ><; I know that ghosts don't just appear on cue and sometimes the equipment isn't placed in the right spot but this is starting to look like a dud. Which is why I'm thinking they probably would've had more luck if Jason or Grant were there since those two are sensitive to the paranormal and know how to draw our spirits better.
And America WAS inhabited at the same time or shortly after Europe. ><; Just because Columbus didn't get there until 1498 *it took his third time to reach America. ><;* doesn't mean people weren't living here. We had the native Americans on the North and South continents so we are not a baby country in the sense of people inhabiting the land...well maybe except Asia but still people were here.
I'm glad that TAPS doesn't dismiss what little kids say they see because too often do parents and adults wave away what they say when they truly did see something. ><;

Mushy Kylo Hendricks
Mushy Kylo Hendricks is offline
Old 02-13-2008, 10:23 PM

I need to brush up on my history of Europe; I just know Native Americans were here for centuries. ^^; I was thinking places like England would only be more haunted because they're smaller countries. Native Americans were probably more spread out before Europe colonized over here. I know South America was inhabited by many tribes that were wiped both South and North America, rats from Europe brought diseases that those tribes weren't prepared for at all. ^^; So really, come to think of it, there's plenty of potential and even some violent history and bloodshed, that could contribute to possible spiritual activity within the Americas. ^_^; *is a big fan of South America* TAPS should go to South America. xD

Yeah, Jason and Grant definitely are more sensative, and they don't get so easily...disorganized either. I don't feel like International is solid enough. As far as a dud, I'm not sure. Could be the disorganization amongst the members. The team seems to be going off on their own. Jason and Grant have...structure? Yeah, something like that. I guess that's what I'm saying. And Steve too; they can keep it together as a team.

International seems to have inner conflict between people. Different ideas are fine, but when they start to irk other members, then the show starts to become more like a drama fest. Before, the only drama was with Brian. <.<; And he's, guess where? Doing the international stuff. xD

Yeah, it hurts to be dismissed like that, when you're not making anything up. I appreciate TAPS a lot for that. ^_^

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 12:14 AM

There's been a lot of disturbing history and bloodshed when it comes to Native American background. Not only did the tribes fight with each other and do disturbing things with the bodies when Columbus came over they massacred the South American tribes. A story we read in American history stated that the Spanish would take the babies from their mothers and throw them to the dogs and made the women watch the little ones get eaten alive and scream. I was very sickened and realized that an icon such as Columbus was really a demented and disgusting person. So there's more than enough injustice for spirits to cling to with our history.
But I agree that GHI doesn't feel very solid and that the team really doesn't stick together. There is a little drama going on but it doesn't seem very big and feels like it can be dealt with. Brian is actually doing better on GHI than he was on TAPS so I'm pretty proud of him at the moment. And as for them visiting South America I think they will be going there but don't quote me on that. XD

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Old 02-14-2008, 01:25 AM

Have they played the episode when they went to Dracula's Castle?
I keep falling asleep through the new episodes...T_T

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 02-14-2008, 01:39 AM

I don't think they've been there yet...I know they went to Vlad the impaler and I don't think that's near the same but I could be wrong. ><; Tonight's episode doesn't give me enough information to where exactly they're going. I hope we didn't miss it but I think we would've remembered because it's a perfect opportunity for Andy and Brian to make jokes. XD
Drink coffee! Dun go to sleep hon! XD...unless you have DVR...then sleep and watch later. >w<
TONIGHT THEY ARE GOING TO DRACULA AND FRANKENSTEIN'S CASTLE!...just wanted to post that before the episode aired. XD

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Old 02-14-2008, 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by MasterChiefrei
I don't think they've been there yet...I know they went to Vlad the impaler and I don't think that's near the same but I could be wrong. ><; Tonight's episode doesn't give me enough information to where exactly they're going. I hope we didn't miss it but I think we would've remembered because it's a perfect opportunity for Andy and Brian to make jokes. XD
Drink coffee! Dun go to sleep hon! XD...unless you have DVR...then sleep and watch later. >w<
TONIGHT THEY ARE GOING TO DRACULA AND FRANKENSTEIN'S CASTLE!...just wanted to post that before the episode aired. XD
OK. I didn't fall asleep this time!! woohoo go me! XD it was pretty interesting episode. I wanna see the ones that I have missed DX


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