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girliekeyblade is offline
Old 04-21-2008, 03:07 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Mothers Are A Handful
Selected theme: Respect

After watching the latest Earth Day message flash across the television screen a blond boy sighed. He then called out to his twin sister who was in the kitchen.

"Hey there tree hugger!"

Adreena rolled her eyes, and continued to go to the backyard with her gardening utensils.

"What does it take to get some respect around here?"

The girl sighed, "You should learn to respect others first, Seth. Otherwise, you'll never get any of it in return. How about helping mother nature out a bit today?"

Seth scoffed. "No, thank you. I already have a mother that's a handful."

Forgive the boy, for he is mighty stubborn. I have a second part to this drabble that I might submit later today. I first have to finish it. I just couldn't leave it at that. xD Don't worry everyone, Seth gets his just deserves. :3

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 04:54 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

Dead Account Holder
Erathene is offline
Old 04-21-2008, 04:01 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Erathene
Selected theme: Respect

Over and over,
Fumes rise skyward with toxic wings,
Burning plumage cloaks the sky, once so blue.
I can smell it.

Over again,
The tide creeps in, sweeping away the sand
Like crumbs on a tablecloth, carelessly dropped.
I can see it.

Over the edge,
Eyes glimmer between the stumps and shrubs,
A witness to mankind's destruction.
I can feel it.

Can you sense what I can see?
Can you face your responsibility?

These nightmares can't be stopped.
Thousands of children cower in their sheets,
Shaken and awakened, crying for Mother to make it better.

I can't help them now.

Just something I whipped up ;D
It's supposed to be about how mankind have lost the will to respect the environment, and how Mother Nature sees the consequences of it.
And the effects of global warming will affect our future children, but they're unaware of whats happening and they think it's just a bad dream.

Pretty complicated for a drabble contest xDD

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 04:55 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

Nightingale is offline
Old 04-21-2008, 06:13 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Earth's Nature
Selected theme: Nature
Earth once stood alone in the midst of nothingness. Fearing eternal isolated, she cried great tears, and water was born. Water was always playful, so Earth asked, "Why are you happy?" To which water replied, "I cannot help it. It is in my nature." Water roamed across Earth, but eventually found herself pushed to and fro. Curious, she asked, "Why do you nudge?" The new wind replied, "I cannot help it, for it is my nature." Soon green plants grew and inquisitive creatures walked. They asked Earth, "Why do you nurture and destroy?" Earth smiled warmly, "It is my nature."

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 04:55 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

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ladyumbra is offline
Old 04-21-2008, 07:35 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: ladyuumbra
Selected theme: Conservation
Entry.Conservation is a thing we do not becuase we want to but becuase we must. Mistakes of our forefathers, their overindulgence in using this land as much as possible, without care for it's needs combined hunting for sport and fashion not necessity have lead us to this. We have to little of either left, animals and places of truly untouched Earthly beauty. Conservation is not a celebration of protecting our world for future generations. It is a reminder of our past mistakes. A reminder of our failure.
Oh mother nature, please forgive your children who have made you suffer so.

Cami is offline
Old 04-21-2008, 07:47 PM

XD It's hard to cut 30 words from a piece without changing the meaning.

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Amari Tsuki (Cami)
Selected theme: Love

According to my father, my soul tree was born on the same day as me. It stood in a patch of woods near my house. We were babies together, and together grew taller and stronger. When I was young, he explained that we were the same being in different bodies... human to love and travel, and tree for grounding and strength.

We moved when I was a teenager and years passed before I visited again. A subdivision replaced the woods.

I know my father was just telling stories, but it certainly feels like a piece of my soul is gone.

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 05:03 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

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Old 04-21-2008, 08:37 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Tetsumiro
Selected theme: Love/Respect

"Kyaa!" Ellian looked up at the sound of his companion's panic, rushing into the other room. She had grabbed a shoe and was about to smack something pretty hard when he grasped it from her hold, Korvia looking up at him with disbelief.

"It's a SPIDER, Ell! Let me kill it!"

"He's just a little lost... Let's guide him back in the right direction." Ellian took a paper cup from the bathroom and gently coaxed the critter into it, taking him back out to the garden to set him free among the plants, smiling softly at her. "See? All better."

Clair Voyant
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Old 04-22-2008, 12:06 AM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Clair Voyant
Selected theme: Love
Entry: Gandhi once said "You must be the change you want to see in the world." But what does that really mean? It means something different to everyone because every person has an idea for a change the world can and should have. We can dream, hope, wish, pray for this change, but it will never happen if we don't take up the responsibility of changing ourselves, first. We have a responsibility to the world, to our planet, and that means we show our love for our world. Love our world, be the change that you want. Love our world.

Wow, this is terrible. >__<

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 04:56 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

ToriKat is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 01:03 AM

*excited from the entries* Yay! <3

I'll be checking the word counts and updating the entries post now. ^^

R i t s u k a
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Old 04-22-2008, 01:04 AM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Alyssa Goodwin
Selected theme:Nature
Wonder what God said when he made the earth
wish I could see through his beautiful mind
Wonder what he was thinking as he gave birth
To the thing known as mankind.

Wonder how he thought we would see things
Like the Sea rushing over and painting the shore
As well as the trees with there spread out green wings
Did he think we would sell these things at a store

Beautiful things placed all around
Set upon the sky the sea and the ground
Wonder what he thinks now his white clouds grey
Still wounder what he would say

ToriKat is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 05:35 AM

Just to note that everyone who's posted before this post will be posted up in the raffle. :)

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Old 04-22-2008, 05:40 AM

8D Really? <3 *luffs on tori*

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critternator is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 05:41 AM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: critternator
Selected theme: Respect

Gary Grump, went on a walk.
He saw a pup, kicked him, what a shock!
Nature called,
"Grump, you calm down!"
He shrugged, moved on, with his usual frown.

Gary Grump, went on a hike.
He found a river, threw a can, such dislike!
Nature called,
"Grump, you get lost!"
Gary went on, not caring the cost.

Gary Grump, went to swim.
He saw a poor duck, punched his gut, how grim!?
Nature called,
"Grump! Warned you twice!"
She was angry, he would pay the price!

The earth gobbled Gary up. He was crushed into millions of pieces.
The End.


Jeez making it one hundred words, killed it!

ToriKat is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 06:14 AM

Alright, the entries list has been update and you've all been entered into the lottery. ^^

1. If you're not listed in the entries page, you have not met the 100 words requirement. I suggest getting RoughDraft to check your word count because that's what I'll be using. When you edit your post, feel free to post that you have done so.

2. You may enter as many times as you like! Each entry also gets you entered in the raffle!

3. Yes! Poetry is allowed! Just make sure it's 100 words!

Micki Chiba
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Old 04-22-2008, 06:55 AM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Micki Chiba
Selected theme:Critters
Long time ago, there all types of animals on mother earth,no buildings,no things that we take for granted..

Humans and Animals used to share their common interest until the human desided to stray away was thiers..

then when Techology started to surfaced and more buildings to amurged,animals less and less..

the question: what will happened to the animals who humans loved? where will the animals go if there's no place left?

will this be the future of our little friends? :?:

Red Calypso
Red Calypso is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 07:12 AM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Red Calypso
Selected theme: Nature
Entry: I watch Calypso howl at a siren and I wonder how such a little dog could be descended from a
wolf. So many wolfish traits remain in her and my other dogs, but they could never survive in nature as their wild forefathers did. Dogs, cats and all other domesticated animals are the result of our interference with nature, and for the most part we love them dearly. We care for them, give them food and shelter, and make their lives as easy as possible. Why can't we take as good care of nature as we do of our pets?

I think this is 100 words, please let me know if it isn't so I can fix it. :D

Californiaswimmergirl is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 01:09 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Californiaswimemrgirl
Selected theme: Respect
There are people on this Earth that care about the Earth and everything on it. Bu what happens when they die? Our planet dies too and it is dying slowly as there are less and less of these people and more and more people that pollute and do not respect the planet. We need more of these people. The Earth is a precious gift and we must take care of it properly and it's gotten to the point where it is not a choice to help save, protect, and preserve it. It's gotten to the point where you MUST help.

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 04:57 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

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girliekeyblade is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 05:04 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Grandma's Garden
Selected theme: Nature
Entry: The blonde little girl smiled as she planted some flower seeds. She knew they were going to become the most beautiful flowers in her grandma's garden one day. Her grandma always taught her to be kind to mother nature, and appreciate all around her. Unfortunately her brother was more like grandpa, stubborn old goats.

Seth followed Adreena soon after to apologize, only because his grandma made him. He looked at his sister, and smiled remorsefully. No words were exchanged as the wind blew slightly.

She smiled in return then, "Come help me if you're really sorry."

"Alright Mother Nature's disciple."

This is a follow-up to my prior entry, but it doesn't need to be read all together to make sense. It's just a little added bonus for myself. I promise only to submit one more. *embarrassed* It's the last part of the mini Seth and Adreena tale. I hope that's all right!™

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 04:58 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

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Old 04-22-2008, 06:21 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Sun
Selected theme: Love
Just as you, feel on yourselves a pinprick, I too, felt pain, in a tiny corner of myself.
A tree, Infection withered.

How it did hurt! Eating away at me... I feared that it might spread.
One day, a truck rolled, over my skin and to the epicentre of my pain.
A single man armed with a whizzing saw, hacked away at, until the tree fell.

A young girl stood nearby watching. Thought it sad.
If she could hear me... Don't feel morose, for the life of this dying fragment, many others have been saved from contagious disease.
That's love.

From the view of Mother Nature.

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 05:02 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

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girliekeyblade is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 06:42 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Butterflies Instead
Selected theme: Love
Adreena finally recruited her brother to help her with the planting.

He couldn't believe that spending time with his sister would actually be fun. They finished and thought about what they could do next.

"Doesn't it look beautiful?" She smiled.

Seth arched a brow and looked down at the soil, "Whatever you say..."

A pink butterfly fluttered nearby, and observed the children. The dumb look on the boy's face caught her attention, and decided to perch herself on the top of his nose.

The girl giggled, "I think she likes you."

Seth could only blush at how foolish he felt.

Forgive the double post, but I was told to post every entry separately. ;3 So here's the conclusion between Seth and Adreena. As well as my last submission. Thank you!

Last edited by Ferra; 04-26-2008 at 05:01 AM.. Reason: Fixed weird symbols

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Blondheart is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 08:18 PM

Ok I tried another one. XD

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Blondheart
Selected theme: Recycling
Entry: One bright and sunny afternoon I was strolling along through the park humming a little tune, and enjoying the warm weather. Suddenly off in the distance I caught sight of something. It was lying in the grass glinting like a precious jewel in the light. My heart raced as I drew near, certain I found something rare and special. I fervently hoped no one would get to it before me and steal it away! Imagine my disappointment to find out this rare and special thing shining in the sun was just a dirty cellophane wrapper someone hadn't bothered to recycle.

I think I got the right amount of words. Thank you!

Ferra is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 08:19 PM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Ferra
Selected theme: Critters I guess? XD
Entry: A golden ray of sunlight shone down upon the honeycomb and out emerged a groggy bumblebee wiping the dew of winter's sleep from his eyes. The sun kissed his cheeks as a grin spread across his face.

"Wake up everyone, it's spring!" he called excitedly and soon the whole colony was awake, rejoicing for the long-awaited change of seasons. They eagerly set off to search for the first blossoms, but met a startling revelation. "No flowers?" There's hardly anything, even the trees were leafless.

"Steve you idiot! Haven't you heard of global warming?" And they went back to sleep.

(It's 100 words according to RoughDraft. :3)

Last edited by Ferra; 04-27-2008 at 05:10 AM.. Reason: Blasted typo DX Why don't I see these things sooner?

RoyalSquishy is offline
Old 04-22-2008, 10:57 PM

Not entirely sure if it's a hundred words though >>:;

I don't think this cuts it..not really a story >>;; Oh well :<

My Ode to Nature!
Name: RoyalSquishy
Selected theme: Conservation
Entry: Global warming, pollution, deforestation, extinction: who has caused all of this to happen? Well, obviously humans who think they are the most superior race on the planet. We think that we own the world, but I ask you, can you own the sky, the air, the sunsets, those glorious mornings that everyone shares? No yet people destroy these things we share by being the wasteful, greedy, ignorant little creatures we are, even knowing that we are hurting ourselves more as we continue to waste the planet's limited resources. So please do all you can to keep the world from dying.

Dystopia is offline
Old 04-23-2008, 03:48 AM

I edited mine so it fit the 100 word limit.

Anthony Darkyn
I'm an Arter Computist :3
Anthony Darkyn is offline
Old 04-23-2008, 04:40 AM

I think conservation is the best theme here. I've actually watched the development of the town I live in, and it's been ridiculous and seemed very unnecessary. Most of the recently (in the past ten years) developed homes are empty. So, that became the basis for my drabble. <3

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Anthony Darkyn
Selected theme: Conservation
Entry: I believed in Fairies, that they drew rainbows in summer, and pulled flowers open in spring, and pulled leaves from trees during fall, and dropped snow in winter.

My family moved to the city when I was ten. I hated it. Trees were fenced in on sidewalks, and grass was yellow or brown. There were no Fairies in amidst steel and smog.

Twenty years later, the fields were filled with developments. The trees were cut down to make way for new shopping centers. The grass was chemical green and the park smelled of fertilizer. The Fairies had died or fled.

Witch is offline
Old 04-23-2008, 05:10 AM

My Ode to Nature!
Name: Witch
Selected theme: Respect
“Burn a Witch, Save the Earth!”
Well, that definitely doesn’t sound right.
There are many things we can do to help Mother Nature and secure the place where we live, for the sake of the past, the present and the future.
The first most important things to do are to always gather facts and do researches before taking any actions, otherwise your good intentions could end up with unnecessary damages.
Recycle your garbage, plant a tree, stop polluting, turn off unused electricity, and conserve energy are some of the better things to do to reduce the growth of global warming.


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