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Old 11-15-2010, 01:22 AM

"Intresting. Perhaps once we get to know each other better I could help you there." He gave him a seductive look as he spoke, looking in his eyes.

He went ahead and acted on his instinct and slowly put his hand up to Nassii's cheek, loving the feel of the fae's skin. "I've never done anything like that before, just to let you know." He smiled sweetly at him as he idly played with a strand of Nassii's hair that had come loose from behind his ear. He continued to look into the man's eyes, a look of invitation smoldering out from them.

Whispers stopped abruptly as she heard a body hitting a tree. Sliding closer she saw a young girl crawling towards where the boy and girl were. Impressed that she would still try to go forward despite her obvious injuries she smiled to herself. Quickly she went up to the girl.

"Don't. You'll only hurt yourself worse," she said quietly, trying not to draw the other girl's attention. Her scarlet wings fluttered slightly behind her as she looked over the girl. "If you will allow it, I can try to ease some of your pain until you can be fully healed." Her eyes were shadowed as she spoke to her. For all she knew, she could be helping a potential enemy but decided to deal with that later if it became an issue.

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 02:24 AM

Nassii was actually a bit taken aback at Pry's offer. He decided to let it go - this decision was quite easy to make as Prygus's suddenly inviting behavior provided quite the distraction. In short time, the fae's eyes were glowing once again and he moved in closer.

"It seems either this strange forest or just each other's company is enough to make us act a bit out of character..." he whispered into Pry's ear, his breath heavy on his neck. He licked behind Prygus's ear and sucked on his neck for only a moment before pulling away and looking into his violet eyes once again. "You will be sure to tell me if I do anything that doesn't please you, I hope?"

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Old 11-15-2010, 02:49 AM

His breath quickened at the feel of Nassii's breath on his ear and a shiver of pleasure corsed down his body as he felt the man's mouth on his ear and neck. He shuddered slightly as Afanassii pulled away.

Looking straight into his eyes, he smiled. "Of course I will. I assume you will do the same if I do the same." He reached up and caught the fae's head, bringing his lips down to his own in a sudden kiss, his body flushing with heat as he lost himself again in the fae's embrace.

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 03:14 AM

Nassii's compliant reply was lost in a mumble as Pry pulled him in to another sweet kiss. He reached up and ran a hand through the unruly purple hair on his lover's head and ran soft fingers up Pry's spine with the other.

There was still a nagging feeling that he should get to know Prygus better before this... but the chemistry between them was too strong to be ignored. He kissed down the side of Pry's neck and onto his shoulder before taking a quick look to the side to see if there was any chance that they might be interrupted again...

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Old 11-15-2010, 03:37 AM

He readily responded to the fae's kisses by pulling him closer, nuzzling at his neck. He ran his hands down the fae's back, stopping at the small of his back.

"Perhaps we should go somewhere a little more private. Then we wouldn't have to worry about...distractions," he murmured into Nassii's ear.

The part of him that wasn't immersed in this moment was shocked at how easily he had lept into trusting Afanassii. He had always been on his guard and he had erected walls that kept everyone out. Somehow this man had broken down all his barriers. What was it about him, that he was able to do this so easily?

He pulled back hesitantly. "Something about you seems to put me at ease. I don't let that happen very often. Perhaps we should continue this later on once we have found out more about each other?" He bit his lower lip, worry in his eyes that Nassii would think he was rejecting him. "I-i don't really want to, but maybe it would be best." He searched the man's eyes, looking to see if he had caused him any pain or dissapointment.

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 03:58 AM

"Mmm-hmm...." Nassii hummed pleasantly at Pry's suggestion of privacy. He half-heartedly ran through whatever spots in the area he had seen thus far as he continued to enjoy exploring him.

When Prygus pulled away, the fey rocked back on his heels, swooning. It was all to easy to fall into this behavior around him.... something was strange about Pry...

"U-uh... yeah.." Afanassii replied, running a hand through his hair. He was a bit out of breath and he roamed over Prygus as a means to steady himself. When at last he met the worried expression on his perfect face, he swallowed hard and nodded. "I understand. I think... the same thing." He shook his head as if to clear the fog there.

"But every time we try, our efforts get thwarted somehow." He laughed. "You're too much of a distraction..."

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Old 11-15-2010, 04:40 AM

Relieved that he hadn't hurt him in some way, Prygus nodded, his eyes on Nassii's. He grinned ruefully at his last comment. "I'm the distraction?," he chuckled with amusement. "Perhaps we should head back towards the camp, that way we don't just happen to fall all over each other by accident."

He ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to bring some order to it even though he knew it was a waste of time. He stepped back towards Nassii and kissed his lips softly just once more. "Would you like to continue asking questions of each other?," as he stepped back, a high color on his face. His eyes gleamed with wicked humor as he studied the man's reaction.

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 05:51 AM

Afanassii laughed good-naturedly with Pry, loving that he felt comfortable enough to poke fun at him. "I do think heading in around the others might be good. Both for us and also because I am a bit concerned about my friend... and the after-effects of the fight we witnessed before..." He motioned back toward the camp proper and waited for Prygus to lead the way.

"Questions, then..." he rubbed his chin again. "I'm afraid I've forgotten where we left off... Who's turn is it to ask?"

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Old 11-15-2010, 06:01 AM

He thought back a moment to before they had become so consumed with each others bodies. "I think it was your turn. I asked what kind of blood you needed. Your welcome to ask me anything." He smiled good naturedly at his lover as he began to walk leisurely back towards the others. He wasn't in a huge hurry to share Afanassii with anyone else although he could tell he was worried about his friend.

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 06:32 AM

"Oh! Right... of course." he blushed. Being around Prygus was disorienting. It almost felt like Nassii was inebriated somehow.

He took a few steps in silence, enjoying the feel of the forest around him. He was comforted to know that Prygus was right there without even needing to look at him. He could feel his presence. In such a short time they had become closer than Afanassii could ever imagined possible and yet they knew very little about one another. He chuckled at the irony and moved his thoughts back towards questions.

"Is it possible that one of your parents were a nymph?" the question suddenly came to him. But given his strange appearance and the insane amount of attraction Nassii had experienced, it did make sense, oddly enough. More sense than love at first sight? That was still debatable, but either way what was happening between them was beyond natural attraction Afanassii had experienced in the past.

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Old 11-15-2010, 07:05 AM

He smiled as Nassii blushed. He considered the question carefully. There had been rumors in the village of otherworld creatures in the forest, but he couldn't remember any mention of nymphs. Not that ruled out the possiblity of course.

"Perhaps....but somehow I doubt it. Otherwise I would have had many more lovers in my life than I have, plus I don't think I would have been reduced to a thief since I'm sure one of my lovers would have taken good care of me." He grinned as he thought of the life he could have had and then sobered as he realized that if he had had that then he may have never met Afanassii.

He walked along slowly, staying next to Nassii's side and feeling content just being near him. What was this feeling? Surely it wasn't natural. The implications frightened him inexplicably although he did not show it in his face. "Since you were forest born, do you have anyone you consider family? Besides your mother of course."

Last edited by wickedwonderland; 11-15-2010 at 07:17 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
Afanassii is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 07:34 AM

Nassii stopped walking for a moment, considering the question. "I have a mother and a father. Though I wasn't raised by them exclusively." He continued his walk and went on, trying to explain. "I am a product of my parents love but not in the same way most mortals are. My parents decided to leave their imprint on a seed and planted it together."

"The odd thing is that neither of my parents were spider fae. In stead, as I was germinating, I received the blessing of a mother spider who nested in the tree who's seed I came from. My ... "parents" were surprised but didn't reject me. Though I wasn't reared under their direct tutelage as mortals normally are. I know this must all seem awfully strange to you, maybe... But the tree, the lady spider and the two who's love brought me into existence are all my family..."

He gave Prygus a few minutes to digest what he had said and then went on when it was once again his own turn to ask. "Do you only steal to survive and help others? Or is there a bit of the thrill in it for you as well?"

Whisper Invictus
is in your head.

Whisper Invictus is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 03:40 PM

The forest was transforming. Emotions that cut through the trees like harsh wind, the black fog thickening in the air.... so unnatural.

Echo held tight to the boy as he seemed to transform as well. She was certain this boy was her target, her reason for falling from the Heavens. Well, besides the fact the Gods claimed me as a cheating whore... Echo sighed and tilted her head. No, this boy was more than enough reason. He was of interest to her, she just needed to find out why, exactly.

Syn cringed as his scream echoed out across the forest. He clenched his jaw, bitter tears streaming down his face. His eyes sparkled a dark red for a moment- the fog was slowly dissipating. It felt like his mind was being split in two, and he watched as Keith started to heal at a rapid rate. Keith... He didn't even know the demon, and yet...

Echo glared as the demon boy straightened from his pained hunched position. There was a new... determination in his eyes that frightened her a little. Hissing at the broken human that tried to threaten her with petty words once more, Echo lashed out with her hand, her long, pointed nails a weapon not to be reckoned with. Echo whipped around and sped off into the forest, Syn's weight slowing her down. Dammit. This was turning out not to be that fun...

royal randomness
royal randomness is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 06:01 PM

pip flew as far away as she could get , she hated seing violence she didn't like people to get hurt she kept flying even when she begin to grow tired when she finally slowed down she was near what seamed like a lake she flew closer to it and sat on a log and stared out at it.

We are heroes; heroes of the nig...
Kiako is offline
Old 11-24-2010, 11:26 PM

Keith moved past everyone and everything that stood in his way. He kept his eyes fixed on the woman who held Syn, his Syn. Keith's reflexes were Faster than that of Kai's; he was easily dodging loose tree branches and fallen down logs. It was not long before he and Izaradas (who Keith still held closely in his arms) were gaining on Echo and Syn. The demon growled as his approached, his breath becoming very heavy but remaining at a steady pace. Keith was surprised with something about himself, however. Most demon lost sight of themselves when they became this enraged. They can not recognize friend from foe; Keith had little difficulty in this endeavor. It surprised him greatly to realize that no matter how enraged he was becoming, no matter how much pain he felt, he was still completely in control of his actions. He would need to confront Kiako about this feat at a later time.

Kiako looked at Bard and was about to open her mouth once again to speak when Rai came rushing through the woods and told her of Keith's transformation. Kiako shook her head, turning her body so she was facing both Bard ad Rai before speaking. "I am sure you have both come to realize that my son is no regular demon," he voice was very quiet as she spoke, barely more than a whisper, "and in being that make him both very powerful yet very weak. Keith, much like Tzipporah and I, is very much run by his emotions. When he was a child, he asked that I seal them away. It just him the ability to keep his calm, but it also took away any ability in him to really feel for anyone.

"Now, as of late, my son has grown up into a fine and powerful young man, but in doing so he has, without realizing it, began to break his emotional seal. In doing this, Keith is now prone to snapping much like I can and do, although he is in another spectrum. You see, my beloved son is said to be a reincarnation of the first demon god to have ruled my people. Whether this is true or not, I am not entirely sure. All I know is that he is very strong, has never been bested in a fight, and he can, to answer your question Rai, keep control over himself when he snaps." She paused for a moment, thinking over the information she had just given out. Kiako had never before mentioned to Keith any of this information, partly to keep him safe and partly because it was something she wanted the young man to learn on his own.

Kiako sighed before looking back to Bard. "Who ever pissed my son off will be one very dead creature once he catches them."

Tzipporah smiled and kissed Andre's hand. "Yes he did. Come on then, before someone gets really hurt..." he voice dragged on in the last bit. Even though everything around when Keith had been was dead, Tzip still found something deep within her that made her smile. Being with Andre filled her with a new sort of feeling. She wanted to follow after Keith, she wanted to help this poor demon. Something in her pushed her to do so. She would have felt the same for Andre. But like Andre said, they owed Keith something. He had risked all to help her, a demon he didn't know, for a man he didn't like. Tzipporah would be eternally grateful to this demon.

Aiasha was not at all pleased when Ko wasn't planning on taking her with him, however if he asked her to stay she would remain behind. She rose to her feet as the tengu took off and chased after the male demon. He hair danced in the air his powerful wings has generated. A small tear was growing in her eyes before she brushed it away. "You best come back, you here me!" She yelled to him, wondering if he could actually here her or not. "Be safe..." She whispered under her breath.

Pandora nodded her head. Camp would be a good thing. She was sure Aiasha was still there, and she needed to give the woman a piece of her mind for leaving her alone in the forest. Pandora held tightly onto Sho's hand, trusting him to lead her safely back to camp. She stayed closer to him then she would have normally done. The forest was still silent and it bothered her immensely.

The only way you can love me is ...
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Old 11-25-2010, 07:46 AM

Izaradas could feel the change in Keith. He felt something for the boy, it made her feel so many emotions she thought she was going to be sick. She felt anger, saddness, hate, love, she doubted herself and so much more. Izaradas buried her emotions, she didn't know how to react to them never having felt such things before. There was something familiar about the love feeling, something she felt so long ago. She shook her head, wiggling out of Keith's arms and stood away from him. She eyed the girl who held onto Syn. The boy all but beg for Keith to save him, it made her chest hurt.

Izaradas' eyes began to glow a dangerous green, her hands glowing the same shade. "You better let him go, dearest." Her voice was cold and even, spiders coming from the surrounding woods. There were hundreds of them, large and small, all watching and waiting for Izaradas' command. She knew they wouldn't be needed, but if the girl ran from them, the spiders would stop her. She wouldn't touch the girl, she'd leave that to Keith. Izaradas knew that he would want to punish the girl for touching what was his. She frowned, her face twisting in anger, she was mad at herself. She was jealous, why was she so jealous? So many emotions tore at her, she started to feel faint. She fought the feeling for as long as she could. She was stronger than this.

Bard watched as Rai came rushing over to them, he was a little upset that people keep interrupting them. He wanted to hear what she had to say. When she spoke of her son being a powerful yet weak demon. Bard saw her son as a very powerful demon. He couldn't imagine Keith being weak, he just seemed so strong. Bard couldn't understand why a child would want his emotions stolen away from him. "Was that hard for you to do, love?" He asked her. He let himself smile at her last comment. "Very true. I've seen him fight just to fight, I can't imagine what he'd do when he's in rage mode." Bard chuckled softly.

Crim shifted from foot to foot as he stood behind Rai. He didn't know what to do or who those two were. Appearently, the small woman was the big demon's mother. He couldn't see that as she looked like she was so young and fragile. He wasn't one to scoff at things he didn't believe. He put a hand on Rai's shoulder, giving her support. She was going to wear herself out and make it take longer for her to heal if she kept going like this.

Fyre smiled after her and followed. He kept up with her with ease, using his flaming wings to keep him hovering above the ground, allowing him to dodge trees and branches. He wondered what was so important to the demon to take off all of sudden.

Andre smiled at Tzip, taking her by the hand and leading her into the woods. He could sense the spiders that Izaradas had summoned. She called a lot of them, maybe too many of them. There was something off about her, however. Her power felt weaker than normal. She always had a strong energy vibration to him, he could always feel her. Not now, she's was fading. He was struck with worry all of sudden.

Shojiro lead Pandora back to the camp to find that Keith and the dorw Izaradas were gone, as well as a few others. He looked for his brother but could find him. He lead Pan back to her friend, who was staring intently at the woods. He held onto Pan, keeping her close to him. "It seems like you forgot something in the woods." He said to Aiasha as they neared her.

Kojiro had heard her as he left, a smile tipping his lips up. He raced through the woods, catching up to where everyone was headed. He changed himself into a crow, sitting in a tree and just watched the action. There were so many spiders around, it kind of creeped him out a little.

Devil Incarnite
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Old 11-25-2010, 08:22 AM

Ari followed as quickly as she was able and soon stopped when they caught up and watched as Izzy summoned spiders. She looked over to see Fyre near her and she spotted Ko in a tree. She wouldn't get in Keith's way, but she would at least be here should he need help. She had to admit to herself that so many spiders were worrying her a little. Pulling her bow and arrow she targeted it on the girl holding the boy Keith was so interested in. "If she is smart she will let him go." Ari said quietly.

Rai was relieved at what Kai had said and smiled. "Yes, I can't imagine that Keith would be very forgiving." Realizing that she seemed to have interrupted them Rai bowed quickly. "Thanks, for the information." She smiled as she looked up. "I will leave you alone now." Taking Crim's hand Rai starts to head in the direction that Keith and the others had taken off in. When Kai and Bard were no longer in sight she dropped her shoulders and her wings drooped a little. "I am not sure if we could manage to find them now. I am wondering if we should stay here." Rai thought more to herself than anything. Wrapping her arms around her to keep herself warm Rai sighed, knowing that she couldn't leave it alone and squaring her shoulders she stepped forward into the forest and attempted to make her way to where everyone else was. "Let's just hope that it isn't to late."

Cyra nodded at the voice she had heard, her vision was so blurred that she couldn't make out much. "Please and Thank you." She was having a hard time breathing and she was sure that her ribs were broken. She hoped that the boy she had tried to help hadn't been harmed.

Whisper Invictus
is in your head.

Whisper Invictus is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 11:53 PM

The nymph turned and faced her chasers, backing up against a large oak tree. The demon and his drow, and a few others surrounded her, with a few rather large summoned spiders. Tsking at their foolishness, Echo prepared herself.

Syn, his eyes turning darker by the second, stared at his pursuers who he didn't even know. The strong force between himself and the demon Keith was... completely out of line. It felt like an emotional, maybe even romantic tie that was just there. No explanation needed. And it grew stronger as Keith grew stronger.

Echo reached around Syn's body and stretched her hands across his chest, pulling him against her own. Then she spoke out loudly. "This is my forest... and you all have made a grave mistake entering her." She looked around at the crowd as she spun this terribly perfect lie. So she hoped. "Soon enough you will find there is no way out but death. Unless of course you become the killer..." She cackled and ran her fingers down Syn's chest, her nails digging in. She felt the boys chest weaken as part of his soul entered hers. Hopefully that would illusion his death enough to be believable.

Echo reached behind her and grabbed hold of the tree, her nymph spirit combining with that of the oak as she became invisible to the crowd in front of her... she smiled to herself and started to fly off through the forest, riding the wind.

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Old 11-28-2010, 05:32 AM

Whispers silently went up to the girl and surveyed the damage. It looked as if she might have broken ribs. Kneeling down beside her she slowly ran her fingers over the girls ribs, taking care not to hurt her. Looking back to where Dream stood she motioned to him. "Can you help keep her still? I can heal her but not if she moves around."

She turned her attention back to the girl. "That was very foolish to engage that woman. You could have been killed not just merely hurt. I need you to lie still while I heal you." She took her hand and squeezed it softly to let the girl know she didn't mean any harm.


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