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Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 01:12 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Check dresser.
iMove 2 to: Check closet.

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 01:16 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to:Library & Indoor Garden
iMove 2 to:Autobiography Bookshelf
iMove 3 to:History Bookshelf

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 01:35 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: sucking finger, hesitatingly checks right flower bed
iMove 2 to: modern sculpted bush
iMove 3 to: willow tree
iMove 4 to: pond

Vox is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 02:04 AM

Yeah, it's usually a good thing when I don't wear a skirt... And wow, can I really lose 3 points? I feel like I haven't earned any, so my score must be negative. :P

Anyway. Back to snooping around in the kitchen.

iMove 1 to: Bottom cupboards
iMove 2 to: Oven
iMove 3 to: Fridge
iMove 4 to: Pantry
iMove 5 to: ...C-can I look in the top cupboards a second time? Spiders are solitary creatures, so it's probably safe now... right?

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 02:26 AM

Wow... How did I miss this awesome thread?

\ (•◡•) /
iamnotspam is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 02:29 AM

=) UPDATED! (=

Silver Storm: You hop off the bed and check the dresser, and then the closet, but true to your luck so far there's nothing there. Disappointedly, you save your last iMove for your next turn.

Kirin Rosenbaum: You move off to the Library & Indoor Garden because, well, because you can. You check the autobiography bookshelf, wherein you find a handy-dandy sketchbook squeezed between two other books. Do you keep it or leave it there? Whatever you do with it, you move on to the history bookshelf but find nothing further.

maidenroseheart: While sucking your thumb like a baby, you hesitantly check the right flower bed - nothing. You skip over to the modern sculpted bush, but your search of that very green giraffe results in again finding nothing. You head over to the willow tree, but again you find nothing. Same at the pond. Well, look on the bright side: at least you didn't find any traps!

Vox: The game host, in her amazing benevolence, makes the spider disappear because none of the players did so for you. But she probably won't do it again. >.>
Then suddenly, without a fit of madness, the knowledge that you can't go below 0 points in this game, and that the players' scores are kept updated in the third post, floats in your mind as you play The Hardy Boys in the kitchen; you check the bottom cupboards first, finding exactly one item that doesn't belong down there. Do you keep or leave alone the flamethrower? Either way, you stroll over to the oven - avoiding the trap door left open, because it wouldn't be very nice to fall down there even though you could come back up the ladder - where you notice a can of spam wedged between the oven and the cupboards. You grab it and go straight to the fridge where you find a clue! Wow, aren't you lucky today? Given courage by your luck so far you check the top cupboards again despite your fear, where you find nothing out of the ordinary at all. Whew. That means there weren't any more spiders in there.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 02:31 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: No traps. So relieved. Not eager to go back inside but... heads to library and indoor garden.
iMove 2 to: I LOVE books so much. First check autobiography bookshelf.
iMove 3 to: Now checks my favorite bookshelf ever... history ^_^


EirianHikari is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 02:36 AM

Yay, free!

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: The Indoor Pool
iMove 2 to: Check the pool
iMove 3 to: Check the closet of pool cleaning supplies

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 02:38 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Move to Library & indoor garden
iMove 2 to: Check Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookshelf
iMove 3 to: Overstuffed chair A

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 02:43 AM

I decide to keep the handy dandy notebook.

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to:Geography Bookshelf
iMove 2 to:Astronomy Bookshelf
iMove 3 to:Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookshelf

\ (•◡•) /
iamnotspam is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 02:55 AM


maidenroseheart: Sighing in relief that you didn't find any traps last turn, you very uneagerly return to the Library & Indoor Garden. You love books so much you just can't resist searching the bookshelves, so you check the autobiography shelf before your ultimate favorite bookshelf, the history bookshelf. You find, in the following order: nothing and nothing. Still, you didn't find any more traps, at least.

EirianHikari: You're so overjoyed by the return of your freedom you scoot right out of the Living Room and enter the The Indoor Pool room - after all, it's on the other side of the house. You go to check the pool but all the water in it is completely frozen! Too bad you don't have a flamethrower or a space heater to melt the now solid block of ice. Your iMove is saved for your next turn, and you move on to check the closet of pool cleaning supplies, where you locate trap right after activating it! All the supplies come tumbling down on you; you lose 3 points for spending half an hour cleaning up the mess.

sadrain: It seems like everyone's heading into the Library & Indoor Garden, so you go there too. After all it's so popular that there must be SOMETHING worthwhile in there, right? You scurry over to the Science Fiction & Fantasy bookshelf, because, let's admit it here, that's probably the best or second-best genre out there. You're pretty sure you searched it thoroughly, but you came up with nothing, so you pout your way over to the overstuffed chair A, where again, you find nothing at all out of the ordinary. Oh well - better luck next time!

Kirin Rosenbaum: You literally scour the geography bookshelf, but your hope at finding any spam there didn't come true. Dismayed, you check the astronomy bookshelf next, where you again find nothing. Finally you make your way over to the science fiction & fantasy bookshelf, waiting politely until sadrain was done there, and find exactly what she found: nothing.

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 03:29 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: geography
iMove 2 to:astronomy (almost went into studying outer space)
iMove 3 to: favorite genre for reading... sci fi and fantasy ^_^

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 03:33 AM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Move to Library and Indoor Garden
iMove 2 to: Check Murder Mystery Bookshelf (fight not to get distracted reading the books.)
iMove 3 to: Check Autobiography bookshelf
iMove 4 to: Check History bookshelf.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 03:59 AM

I got a mental picture of all that stuff falling out on top of me now, lol.

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: The bedroom
iMove 2 to: Check the queen-sized bed
iMove 3 to: Check the bedside table
iMove 4 to: Check the dresser

Damia Flagg
Damia Flagg is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 05:32 AM

That was a good sandwich.
I'm sure someone will be happy to have the other sandwiches.

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
With the iMove left from last turn: move to the Dining Room
iMove 1 to: Check the Glass Cabinet:
iMove 2 to: check the Dining Table & Chairs:
iMove 3 to: then check the Flower Pots:

Queen of Dragons
Alexstrasza is offline
Old 12-31-2013, 11:56 AM

I don't mind being wet, but I'm even colder from before! "Gee.. thanks for freezing the pool and almost me as well " I would say out into the open just before Erian decided to join me at the pool. I watch as she looks disappointed that the pool was frozen, she wasn't the only one. And then I noticed supplies tumbling down upon her. Woah, whatever ever this ice ghost spirit thingy is it sure was right about the trap. But what about the other places? Were they really traps.. what does it want.. *freaks out*

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Mysterious Door
iMove 2 to: Pool closet once more

"Please go back, I want no trouble... and I'm trying to find spam, and you're not helping."

Vox is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 02:15 AM

Sounds dangerous... Sure, I'll keep it!

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Pool Room
iMove 2 to: Mysterious door
iMove 3 to: Pool

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 05:46 AM

*has given up and has curled up in the library to read*

\ (•◡•) /
iamnotspam is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 02:52 PM


~*~ Updated, yay! ~*~

I've just been informed that my internet time has been restricted to two hours a day.

maidenroseheart: You nearly tear the books out of their places in the geography bookshelf as you look for anything worthwhile, and find something you did: you found a small flashlight! This might be useful somewhere in the Kitchen. Since you almost went to college to learn to study outer space, you figure the next best place to check is the astronomy bookshelf, where you find A TRAP!! You watch your fingerprints on a particular book turn blue, and even though you try to wash it off with the nearest liquid source (your spittle, sadly) and your sleeve, the substance remains intact. Frustrated, you check the shelf with your favorite books to read: the sci-fi & fantasy bookshelf WHERE THE SAME THING HAPPENS. C'mon!! It's the new year!! How could you have such luck as to find two traps in a row, you wonder?! You lose a total of 6 points.

Silver Storm: It's a new year and you want to start it off with books and more books, and maybe a few flowers here and there wouldn't hurt, so you walk yourself right into the Library & Indoor Garden. Upon spotting the murder mystery bookshelf almost as soon as you enter the room, you make a beeline towards it; now, as you fairly drool over the selection all the while fighting the temptation to read a good murder mystery novel - oh look: there's several Murder, She Wrote books in here - you're disappointed that you don't find anything. You barely tear yourself away to check the autobiography bookshelf, but somehow you manage to do so in a mere five minutes, wherein you find a can of spam! Hooray! You hurry over to the history bookshelf, where you hurriedly check the selection, but sadly you find no more spam. Oh well, at least you found something.

EirianHikari: You've searched well for so long now that you believe you deserve a rest period, so you head off to the Bedroom. The first thing you do is snuggle down in the bed - no one will mind, right? Since you've put in such an effort to find the missing spam and all - and take a snooze. You soon wake up, however, when a solid object pokes your back. You reach under yourself and pull out -- a clue!! The game host must have foreseen this in her awesome wisdom or perhaps some manner of time travel was employed; because this is the clue she sent you by mistake yesterday! Well well, this new year is starting off pretty well for you, so you decide to push your luck by checking the bedside table, but you don't find anything of worth to you there. So you walk over to the dresser and give it a quick once-over in and out, but again, you find nothing.

Damia Flagg: Satisfied with your sandwiches, and confidant that someone or two someones will enjoy the other sandwiches, you move into the dining room where you check the glass cabinet. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Next you check the dining room table and chairs, once again finding nothing. Then the flower pots, but again, no spam and nothing useful to you. Well at least you didn't start your search during the new year with a trap, right?

Alice Eve: After considering all of that followed closely by freaking out for several minutes, you take in many deep breathes to calm yourself, then you head BACK to the Mysterious Door?! Sure enough you open the Mysterious Door, because obviously the last time wasn't enough creepiness for you so you want to beleaguer yourself even more! What a way to begin/continue your search in the new year. Anyway, you cautiously edge open the Mysterious Door, only to have a large dark chocolate brown rabbit exit (nearly hopping over you in the process) calling out "I'm early, I'm early, I'm very very early! At least I think I am... Does anyone have the time?" Do you interact with the large dark chocolate brown rabbit? It might go better if you had a watch or a battery-powered alarm clock. Feeling a bit secure that someone else activated the trap in the pool closet, and kind of guilty that you feel that way, you head over to it to try searching it again. Whoo, you found a can of spam! How did EirianHikari miss this while cleaning up? Huh. Well, that's +5 points for you, anyway.

Vox: With a wicked grin you keep the flamethrower; it's too big to pocket but it has a shoulder strap, so of course you put it on right away - but you're not eager about it or anything, nooo, not you! Well, okay, maybe a little bit eager. But anyway you feel like starting the new year off with a bit of craziness, so you enter the Indoor Pool room, heading straight for the Mysterious Door (which has mysteriously closed itself again), passing Alice Eve and the large dark chocolate brown rabbit with a strange look on your face. You boldly yank open the Mysterious Door when out comes Tames K. Jerk, captain of the U.S.S. Enterprison, engaged in a most vicious battle with Dark Invader! You quickly move out of lampsaber range (even though the concept of a lampsaber powered by The Will never really made sense to you) and dodged phasing rays shot around the place by heading towards the pool - you'd check it but it's still frozen solid. Maybe the flamethrower would melt the ice back into water?

Kirin Rosenbaum: You just want peace and comfort on the first day of the new year, so you curl up in the Library & Indoor Garden to read. The game host will miss you (and she's sure the other players will too) but she wishes you a happy new year anyway.

Damia Flagg
Damia Flagg is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 03:04 PM

Good morning Spam.

Well no traps is a good thing, not finding any cans of spam isn't so good.
Time to move on & check somewhere else.

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: the Living Room
iMove 2 to: check Board Games Cabinet
iMove 3 to: then check the Forgotten Christmas Tree

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 03:59 PM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: as much as I love books, I hate traps and I don't want blue dye on any more books... goes to the kitchen brandishing the flashlight
iMove 2 to: pantry
iMove 3 to: oven

Kirin Rosenbaum
I am a Kiri-fish.

Kirin Rosenbaum is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 05:58 PM

I can still chat here.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 06:33 PM

Sorry I'm late with this, I got my sister's cold, and the last 12 hours have been awful.

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Move to the Kitchen
iMove 2 to: Check the top cupboards
iMove 3 to: Check the bottom cupboards

Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 08:48 PM

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Check Geography bookshelf
iMove 2 to: Check Astronomy bookshelf
iMove 3 to: Check Science Fiction and Fantasy shelf.

Queen of Dragons
Alexstrasza is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 08:50 PM

I'm sorry to hear that Spam! :( Any idea why?

I'm ready to take my turn, please!
iMove 1 to: Living
iMove 2 to: TV Stand

Hmm *rubs chin* where would they keep a watch, that rabbit needs the time and stat!


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