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Sanctuary is offline
Old 10-08-2007, 10:44 PM

((Alisha- I beleive it started with that intention, but as far as I can tell, there hasn't been any sort of romance.

I'd forgotten it was intended that way until you mentioned. The roleplay tends to be more of the conflict right now between angels and demons.))

Hatch is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 01:20 AM

Syn rolled his eyes around and stared at the angel that had joined them.
"Uh maybe...because you don't deserve death? I thought I explained this before, it's much more rewarding to see you live and suffer than to give you what you want." He picked at his nails and sniffed.
"I'm not out to kill all angels..not like everyone wants you to believe. I'm trying to hunt those that are particularly strong...ones that will prove a worthy don't even seem to want to fight back." He sighed and let his head fall back against the bark.
"I'm starting to think I've killed them all."

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Old 10-09-2007, 02:48 AM

::[Hikari]I let out a long painful sigh and stood once again, leaning against the tree for support then walked towards him.
"So...if I fight you, you will kill me?" The pain was almost unbearable and seemed to worsen by the second. I stopped and stood before him, panting from the pain and I pulled the knife from the holster on my thigh and make a fighting stance. "Cmon bastard... Show me what you got.." I spit on the ground beside him and let out a groan, every motion I made hurt my wing more. It began to bleed again and dripped to the ground beside my foot. I widened my legs and waited for him to stand::

Hatch is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 03:00 AM

A disgusted sigh and Syn was on his feet. He whipped out an arm and grabbed the Angel's wrist twisting it back to wrench the dagger from her hand.
"You don't get it do you?" He threw the blade into the grass behind him and crossed his arms, legs akimbo.
"I'm not going to kill you just because you fight me. You've got to be strong enough to provide a challenge, with the way you are now, that's not even an option." He sneered at her wings and rubbed his nose.
"Damn...Come 'ere." He gripped her shoulder to turn her around and covered his nose.
"So that's what we've been least cover that wound before you drive us crazy." He looked down and ripped off the lower seam of his jacket and bound what wounds he could.
"At least now the smells faded.....for whatever good that'll do." He flopped back to the ground and held his head in his hands. He really needed to stop acting out these weird urges he was getting...they were starting to make him seem...ew...nice.
"What makes you want to die so badly anyway Birdbrain?" He rolled his gaze back to her face and quirked an thin brow.
"I never knew Heaven was that bad."

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Old 10-09-2007, 03:10 AM

::[HIKARI]I let out a curse as the blade fell from my hand. He spoke to me with such disrespect I sent him a glare. "I'm..not one to fight, but If I have to I will."
My eyes widened as he whipped me around and I blushed as he spoke.
"Knock it off...I cant reach my wings. i tried to wash it but I couldn't reach...why do you care anyway.. i'm suffering aren't I? Its just what you wished for.." I then felt the cloth being tied around my wing, I let out a hiss in pain as the pressure was put on it.
I turned around, looking at my wing and it was dressed. I muttered a thank you and sat down, a legs length from him.
"I...wish to rejoin my family. I'm not allowed back in heaven. Ive been caught observing humans and earth animals and Ive been banished to earth. I cant be running around freely here... so I just want to die. I have no reason to live.." I didn't know why I was telling him this... but maybe he would see why I wanted to die and could help me end my suffering. My wing still throbbed and I curled it over my shoulder and stroked my bloodstained feathers softly.::

Hatch is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 03:22 AM

He scoffed at her thanks and rubbed a thumb under his nose.
"That's not the suffering I'm into..Pysical pain is easily endured...psycological..that's diffrent."
Syn could have died then and there, laughing as hard as he did.
"So what!?" He cried wiping a tear from his eye.
"You did what you wanted to do, and now you're here." He sighed and leaned back, a happy smirk still plastered on his lips.
"Think about could be like him." Syn jerked a thumb at Marr.
"But you're not, you're here where you've been before, not so least there's things to do." He picked under his fingernails again and let his eyes wander her face.
"Face it, you've defied Heaven, you're as bad as one of us FeatherHead."

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Old 10-09-2007, 03:43 AM

::[HIKARI]I groaned and brought my knees to my chest and let out a sigh "Ive endured alot of psychological pain after my family's death... i don't know how much more I can handle.."
I shrugged as he pointed to the passed out Marr. "I cant do much on earth... the humans will see me.. I was almost caught once... I... dont want to be here. Ive been alone long enough. The Humans don't trust me... demons either want me dead or suffering and I...just want to not be alone anymore." I closed my eyes and brought my arms around my legs.
"Im..not like you demons... I'm good... I always see the good side in everyone..everything... I was taught in heaven that humans, animals and demons were all evil. I didnt see the evil in the humans and animals... and even now.. I dont see alot of evil in you or him.. no matter how bad-ass you make yourselves look. I know theres some good in everyone... its just up to me to bring it out.."::

The Dark Ringmaster
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Old 10-09-2007, 03:57 AM

Originally Posted by Yotsy
Yotsuba follows behind Saki with some distance. She was very confused, he was contradicting everything he had said before now. She shook her head as she lifted a hand to her hip, stopping; Staring at his back. "Saki... What type of demon are you?" She muttered. It wasn't like any demon she knew to turn down a chance to spar, or hurt someone for that matter. "Why are you so afraid of fighting me? That's a stupid fear if you ask me" She added. "And not even a day ago you were spatting about being my protector even if I didn't want you to be! And now... Your wimping out and saying it's my choice now" She growled a little under her breath, quite angered by the way he acted. "...All of your actions really make me question why my father got rid of you..." She muttered lastly not caring if that was a sore spot.
Stopping alittle ways from the clearing as he turned around his hands still in his jacket pockets. He was kinda taken back from what he just heard from her but he understood. "Your father got rid of me because back home I murdered other demons just because they pissed me off." Steps forward towards Yotsuba looking at her with his crimson eyes hoping that she would take in what he was saying. "That is why I am banished here to this rancid world. So what if I dont want to fight you. If we do one of us will end up dying and I am not going to take that chance of killing you."

LunaValentine is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 04:37 PM

is there room for me to join?

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Old 10-09-2007, 04:55 PM

And me, by chance?

Lilim is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 05:36 PM

If this messes up your role play I will get a mod to delete this and I'll PM my accepting to sweet tooth

Name- Pinta
Age- She appears to be 18 but looks can always be miss leading
Gender- Female
Race- Snake demon
Personality- Twisted, a flirt, a bit unstable.
Looks- Long black hair up in two pony tails wrapped in beads. A large collars with jewels and a loop as if she was someone's pet at one point. A long colour dress with beads and jewels around the arms and collar. from this point she looks human till you get to her legs... And she has none just a long snake like body...
Weapon- Her eyes that are kept covered, they can turn they ones she hates into stone and give the one she loves a heartache
History- Pinta wasn't always a a demon she was a human. But she fell in love with an angel. He love grew bored of her and throw her side. But once you've loved someone from another world you don't give up so easly. This upset the angel she loved and he throw her into a caver to die. Lilith spent says with no food or water. She was on her death bed. As she layed there in the caver her last few hours of life she promised her self she would make him pay no matter what. That is when a snake bit her and gave her this gift you could say. The snake promised her something every human dreams of. To live forever and to have powers...
Other- She dosen't remember her past XD

"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Yotsub...
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Old 10-09-2007, 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by The Dark Ringmaster
Stopping alittle ways from the clearing as he turned around his hands still in his jacket pockets. He was kinda taken back from what he just heard from her but he understood. "Your father got rid of me because back home I murdered other demons just because they pissed me off." Steps forward towards Yotsuba looking at her with his crimson eyes hoping that she would take in what he was saying. "That is why I am banished here to this rancid world. So what if I dont want to fight you. If we do one of us will end up dying and I am not going to take that chance of killing you."
Yotsuba stared at him, she was still angry and you could tell by the look on her face. "Who said we were fighting until one of us died? Did you not catch me when I said the word 'Spar'?" She spat quite infuriated by all of this. She couldn't help wondering though, through all of her anger why Saki was so afraid of fighting. And if he was so afraid of fighting demons, then he wouldn't be able to protect her from the demons who would eventually come after her for her life. Was he really this useless? And was he this useless to Father? She let a heavy sigh escape her lips. "Saki, you are useless a demon. Useless as a body guard and I can see now why my Father didn't keep you around. You have way too many fears to be a body guard, you can't even do what's asked of you" She muttered in a fit of anger and turned her back on him and started to walk back to the tree that she had been standing in before.

Hatch is offline
Old 10-10-2007, 12:48 AM

Syn chuckled again and shook his head.
"Hate to burst your bubble, but you're exactly like us...what is a demon? Nothing more than an evil angel. What is evil? Nothing more than disobeying Heaven, in all pretexts you're a Demon too." His smirk fell and he glared.
"Hey, hey! Hey now...I'm evil, and bad-ass. No matter how you look at it, I've still killed untold numbers of Angels, and won a rank in Hell, do you know how hard that is?" He leaned back from where he'd scooted forward to emphasize his point.
"And good luck to you trying to prove won't happen."

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Old 10-10-2007, 02:47 AM

::[HIKARI]I frowned at him "its NOT evil to want to learn more of the beings around me. I'm not bad... im just... curious..."
I waved my hand at him "Okay okay, youre evil and a bad-ass. Just... dont start killing the defenseless Angels, alright? If anything..kill the humans who are starting to get evil... they need someone to set them straight." I brought my aching wing around me and let out a long sigh.
"Rank is nothing... everything... Life his how you live it.. not what your status is while yo live.." I sigh. it was like preaching to a monkey and I brought my legs down and sat indian-style.
"We'll see..." The wind picked up and brought my hair to my face. i groaned and tucked it behind my ear.
I point at Marr "I..sure hope he's alright.."::

Sanctuary is offline
Old 10-10-2007, 04:12 AM

((And this is the terrible part about having your only charector incapacitated . . . heh.

Wake up Marr, darn you. I want to roleplay.


The Dark Ringmaster
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Old 10-13-2007, 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by Yotsy
Yotsuba stared at him, she was still angry and you could tell by the look on her face. "Who said we were fighting until one of us died? Did you not catch me when I said the word 'Spar'?" She spat quite infuriated by all of this. She couldn't help wondering though, through all of her anger why Saki was so afraid of fighting. And if he was so afraid of fighting demons, then he wouldn't be able to protect her from the demons who would eventually come after her for her life. Was he really this useless? And was he this useless to Father? She let a heavy sigh escape her lips. "Saki, you are useless a demon. Useless as a body guard and I can see now why my Father didn't keep you around. You have way too many fears to be a body guard, you can't even do what's asked of you" She muttered in a fit of anger and turned her back on him and started to walk back to the tree that she had been standing in before.
Saki stood there as he quirked an eyebrow his left hand started to twitch from the words Yotsuba had just said to him. Hearing those words continuously floating inside his head as he suddenly flipped. His demon aura started to turn the color of blood as he roared in anger. "Your father got rid of me because I came off as a senseless killer." His black sword detached itself from his back and lunged at Yotsuba as it stuck into the tree that she was heading to just missing her shoulder and head by inches. His black and white hair was over the front of his face just one eye was visible glowing crimson a smirk going across his face.

"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Yotsub...
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Old 10-14-2007, 01:54 AM

Yotsuba's hair flew past the side of her face as Saki's sword was thrust at her, barely missing her and stabbed into the tree she was walking to. She didn't move, nor did it seem to phase her that she could have easily been harmed. She stood where she was for a few moments, staring at the sword with a grin plastered across her face. "So... You are easily riled up" She muttered loudly so he could hear her.

She wasted little to no time at all extending her claws to their full length. They were coated in silver, so they couldn't easily be broken. It would seem that these claws of hers were her only weapon and that is exactly how she wanted it to look. She held her favorite weapon close to her heart and very few people ever lived long enough to actually see it appear. She flexed her hands a couple times, the claws scratching against one another making a terrible racket. They sounded like knives being sharpened and the sound didn't bother her delicate ears one bit.

She turned for only a moment, her eyes narrowing on Saki just before she turned back to his sword. She took a few steps closer to the tree and let her clawed hand wrap itself around the hilt of the sword. "You really shouldn't throw such nice things at people... You could end up losing them"

Loaded Complex
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Old 10-14-2007, 08:20 PM

[[Name- Kato
Age- 299
Gender- Male
Race- Demon
Personality- Mysterious, A little on the insane side.
Looks- With a long, lithe and lanky frame Kato its fairly well built for his Age (harharhar). At 6'8" feet tall he's pretty scary to come across when you see him at first. With his shoulder length black hair, tanned skin and Duel toned eyes he seems to be something out of this world. Infact he is. His eyes were both originally yellow but a long scar over his left eye cause it to turn milky white while the right keeps its orinal dark green color. With two black horns protruding from his forehead, Black feathery wings and a dark green spade tipped tail, Kaito is not your average looking demon. Donned in a black trenchcoat (which has two sets of zippers for his wings and a 'pocket' for a pair of daggers), Black pants with a white pinestripe, a white 'pirate' shirt and a black Fedora with a gray ribbon and a peacock feather and a pair of dark gray knee high kitten heel boots he looks rather Charming. Though around his waist are three belts. One Black going through the belt loops and the other two criss crossing over his hips. Each holds a weapon. Kaito also tends to wear a pair of Romani style sunglasses that add to his Mysterious but charming look. With pointed canine teeth and 1/4inch long finger nails, Kato is a rather Sexy Demon.
Weapon(s)- A one-handed sword on his left hip (kept there via belt), a gun on his right and two hidden daggers that slip into the back of his trenchcoat and look like this: and are about 8 inches long each.
History- Kato can't remember much about his past, other than the fact that neither angels or demons wanted him, so he was stuck wandering the earth to this day.
Other- He's Bisexual but he leans more towards guys.

Hope that works]]

"Nothing Says Lovin' Like Yotsub...
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Old 11-01-2007, 02:46 AM

{{Has everyone forgotten about this Rp? *wants to continue to Rp with everyone* I'll check back then I guess.}}


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