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This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:53 PM

Just the Doctor, and welcome to the TARDIS. This is a continuing thread from the one I made during the Hallowe'en event, I thought maybe some people might be interested. You can see the original thread here.

Although the thread is Doctor Who themed, and I always love talking about anything related to the Doctor, you can chat about pretty much anything in here. I'll probably be interested. Allons-y!

PLEASE, USE SPOILER TAGS WHEN DISCUSSING PLOT TWISTS ETC FROM THE MOST RECENT TWO SERIES (series 5 and 6) AND FOR ANY MAJOR PLOT TWISTS FROM ANY OF THE SERIES! If you do not know how to do this, the code is (hidetitle=Spoiler for "x" season/episode) Insert spoiler here (/hidetitle) with the normal ] marks instead of the ).

Last edited by ljosberinn; 06-10-2011 at 06:28 PM..

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 11-03-2008, 11:54 PM


Last edited by ljosberinn; 11-23-2011 at 12:13 PM..

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 11-04-2008, 11:35 PM

*Hums the theme song absent-mindedly*

It seems as though there are not as many Doctor fans here as I had hoped..

the leenie
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tirethminet is offline
Old 12-08-2008, 08:20 PM

i hope this isn't necroing, as it's only a month old, but it'd be nice to talk to other whovians. :]

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 12-09-2008, 09:34 PM

..a reply? *blinks* I thought this thread was being shunned or something.
*Pokes reply*
What do I do now? D:

the leenie
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tirethminet is offline
Old 12-10-2008, 06:57 AM

i found it by chance! =D
and... i dunno. :[

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 12-16-2008, 11:30 PM

Uhm.. forget all about it, apparently. Sorry, I've been busy with school work. Let's start again: Hi! How are you? : D

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 12-18-2008, 04:23 AM

Hello how are you patrick? ^^

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ljosberinn is offline
Old 12-19-2008, 01:25 AM

Hey Thoth! I'm really good, just came back home today for the holidays and am very excited about meeting my friends tomorrow! : D
How have you been?

the leenie
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tirethminet is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 10:20 AM

well hello? 8D
i should keep track of this thread. >_>
i'm still amazed that there's not more people here. D:

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 03:53 PM

So am I actually. I somehow thought there'd be much more Doctor fans around here, or at the very least hoped so.
Anyway. THE question: What's your opinion on the new Doctor? |:

jessieomer is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 05:54 PM

Dun dun dun -sig stalked here-

Okay I'm probably not as far advanced as you others but i did get most of the way through season 2. the whole season still with Rose but where the doctors died in that one body >.< but yeah I hope I still have fun here. Oh and I have seen some episodes with Donna in them xD.

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 06:24 PM

Hallo. I came over from the discussion in the 50 Book Challenge thread. Just poke me with a stick if I'm an unwanted guest.

I'm putting my reaction in white in case Jessie doesn't want to see it. XD

My first reaction to the announcement was 'Who?' (with no pun intended). Overall I'm trying to think positively because at first I didn't think I would like Christopher Eccleston or Catherine Tate but after a while I just thought of them as 'Nine' and 'Donna' and I was sad to see them go.

Truthfully the fourth series was getting a bit stale in places. There were episodes that I have no plans to ever watch again (The Doctor's Daughter) and episodes that didn't live up to their potential (Midnight). Not like there weren't fantastic ones as well; I just hope that Matt Smith can bring something new to the role and perk Doctor Who up again.

End rant! I don't know where you'll get a stick at this time of night...

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 07:27 PM

Oh yeah, the reason people don't notice this thread is obviously because I don't post enough elsewhere. See, I post in one thread and I get two new people in. xD

Hey guys. :3

Jessie: Where the Doctors died in that one body? Err.. refresh my memory, please, because my brain is too messed up from terrible sleeping habits? xP
I love Donna. I thought I'd hate her at first, but I love her now.

Kat: I'm not a big fan of Moffat, who's taking over the script writing. He's made brilliant plots and all, but he brings too much romance to the shows and I am so afraid they're going to make the Doctor into some sort of sex symbol by making him constantly younger. I was really hoping for an older Doctor this time so I am really disappointed.
But I'm not going to judge Smith before I see him act. I think he's too "pretty" and I may be weird for being disappointed because of that, but I am. The interview with him on YouTube made me that tiny bit more hopeful though, he might be able to pull it through.
The thing is too that well, Tennant is very handsome and fangirls have been swooning over him all the while he's been the Doctor. In addition to that, he's a brilliant actor and brought such a unique energy to the show, it'll be super hard to follow that. So I think it would've maybe helped to get someone more.. different from him for the part. Does that make sense?

Spoilers for fourth season:
Yeah, I know what you mean. I did like The Doctor's Daughter though, and I thought Midnight was.. scary as hell, but still bloody amazing. xD I don't know though, I need to see the fourth series again, only seen it once.
I did not like the whole River Song plot though. Eghhh. And having Rose come back was.. ahh. Not necessary. >.<

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 08:11 PM

ljos: I hope they don't make the Doctor a sex symbol either. Especially since the Moffat/Smith pairing is supposed to be a new 'darker' Doctor Who I hope they understand there's a lot more to being edgy than sex. I don't really know enough about Matt Smith but hopefully Moffat can play off his abilities as an actor in the way RTD played off David Tennant's natural humour.

I think Smith is pretty boy, but he has his flaws which is what I find attractive. The same with David Tennant with his gawkyness and occasional tendancy to grow a beard.

Spoiler response:
I liked the idea of River Song but not the execution. The idea of her being a future companion I could cope with but the idea of them being lovers/married was just silly. It overshadowed (no pun intended) what I did like about Silence in the Library.

Even thinking about Rose's sugar coated happy ending makes me twitch. Gah.

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 08:40 PM

Ahh, I couldn't agree with you more about.. er, everything. P: Going into details about it would end up with me repeating everything you just said, so eh.

Exactly, the plot of the two episodes was great and having a future companion was a pretty cool idea as well. It was just the romantic twist that completely ruined it.
I think that's probably one of the reasons I love Donna so much, she's the only companion in the new series that hasn't fallen head over heels for the Doctor. Doctor Who really doesn't need romance and in fact, that was one of the things that I loved about the show originally, that it didn't seem to be too focused on romance. It was just action and adventure and fun.
Anyway, the Doctor can't fall in love because it would absolutely break him. As he himself said, he has to go through life seeing everyone he loves wither away and die, which is why he can't get too emotionally attached. He did it with Rose and his character really shouldn't be stupid enough to go and do it again.

Okay, done ranting. Hee, my friend who introduced me to the series came to London for a weekend visit yesterday and I took him to Earl's Court - didn't tell him why we were there and then told him to close his eyes when we got out of the station and led him to the Police Public Call Box. The reaction was pure gold.
Then we hugged it. xD

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 08:56 PM

Aww, I live in the North East so I'm miles away from these shrines. >.<

I agree with what you say about Donna completely. The Doctor needs someone to deflate his ego every now and again!

Apparently Matt Smith has his work cut out:
Katie says:
No, it's alright to like Matt Smith.
Raych says:

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 09:06 PM

Oww. I saw it for the first time just before Christmas, I'd been meeting someone and we were walking back to the station when I spotted it. It must've looked pretty funny as the other person was talking about something and I sort of.. slowed down, zoned out and started walking towards it with my hand outstretched. xD

Mmm and just to, you know, get rid of the tension that was always between him and Rose/Martha/pretty much any young female that he meets. e____e

Haha. Most fans are devastated Tennant is leaving and although Smith is bound to get some young fangirls gawking over him, there are so many fans he's going to have to work reeeeally hard to convince. Poor bloke, I don't envy him, really.

jessieomer is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 09:23 PM

Where he changes from one to the other. In a sense I called it dieing. But where he was that half bald guy with the weird nose changing to the cutie with the headfull of hair. umm lemme see.

from this guy x to this guy x

I fear that America is a few seasons behind Britain. Well at least My city is. Seeing as no one knows who Doctor Who is.

This is an obnoxious and offensi...
ljosberinn is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 09:45 PM

...the regeneration. Where 9 regenerates into 10. Their names are Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. >.>

Mmm, I guess it is. Where are you located?
I think Iceland is showing the first or second serie on TV. My friend who showed it to me had downloaded the series. Since I came to London I've bought the first two. Mmm, pretty box sets. I really want the third and fourth series as well, but they be expensive. :C

jessieomer is offline
Old 01-24-2009, 09:53 PM

I live in Michigan. ^.^

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 01-25-2009, 08:19 PM

I have the first series DVD box set where it's shaped like a TARDIS, because I got it for Christmas but I don't have any of the others. They repeat them all of the time, I just watched The Unicorn and the Wasp again last week.

One of my friends used to buy them as they came out in the 3/4 episode blocks. I wish I could afford to do that! :sweat:

the leenie
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tirethminet is offline
Old 01-25-2009, 09:35 PM

@ljos - like i said in the 50 book challenge, i won't make judgements on matt smith until i see him as 11.
i did see a couple clips of him in secret diary of a call girl, but it was weird and short, so D:!
and i did try finding ruby in the smoke, but apparently no one is seeding the torrents. D:

... moffat is making doctor who into romance? DO NOT WANT.
that interview of smith on youtube, i almost exploded into laughter. just the way and speed he moves his hands, i think he has enough crazy to be the doctor.

dude. police public call box? ;_; want to go to londonnnnn

@jessie - ohgawsh. the regeneration. from eccleston to tennant. nine to ten.

america is actually less than a year behind the UK.
if you get scifi or bbc america, anyway. i don't know if any local public stations are broadcasting it and what schedule they're on.

@kat - i think it's a little ridiculous to buy them in the blocks because they're in separate dvd cases, there's sometimes less special features and they're more expensive. the only upside would be to get them sooner. :[

i am thinking anything voyage of the damned and back can be spoken of freely and anything 4th season on should be spoilered (whited out). just as a general rule? and as soon as the 2009 xmas special airs, 4th season with be free range?
or we can change it around, but still have xmas specials as the marking point.

my mom actually bought all four seasons (but i'm the only one in the house to have seen all of them in their entirety.)
she managed to lose 1-3 during the move over the summer, though. they're in a box somewhere. D:

whited, but for ljos and kat:

@kat - DDD:! i loved the doctor's daughter. well. not the episode, but the character. xp i wish she'd come up again.
and midnight was creepy, but kind of. fail? blink is still the best scary episode. XD
and donna. i cried for the last ep of season 4. CRIED. each time i watch it. D:
even for the end of season 2, i only cried the first time.

@ljos - dude, the whole river song thing freaked me out.
but then: SPOILERS! XD they could make a market for those tardis journals.
and man, rose. she was kick-ass there, but unneeded.

@kat - gaaahhh, dark and sexy? are they turning doctor who into torchwood? BECAUSE TORCHWOOD IS THERE FOR THAT.
doctor who is supposed to be fairly KID-FRIENDLY. >_>;;
also, nice unintended pun. XD
silence in the library was almost as freaky as blink. D:
i jumped at every skeleton. T____T
happy ending, blaaaaah, but it easily took care of what to do with clone!ten. if they were to drop it off with anyone else, it could have been disastrous. except for maybe sarah jane.

jessieomer is offline
Old 01-25-2009, 10:58 PM

ahh well it seems every time Im on its season 2. xD. >.> and the Doctor Who marathons. NOMNOM. Anywho. Maybe I can like do with Doctor Who like I am with Supernatural. finding all the episodes on chinese youtube and watching them xD. the only problem is the chinese subtitles xD. so its all good.

Starlet on the rise
KatMagenta is offline
Old 01-26-2009, 12:57 AM

I was just trying to white out anything I assumed Jessie hadn't seen. I have a habit of smooshing the third and fourth series together so just poke me if I'm doing it again.

I just saw an article with the title:
Tennant stuns kids at Davison's party
But my eyes decided to fail and made me see "Tennant shuns kids at Davison's party". I was worried for a few seconds there. XD

Tireth: I was looking at the "The Doctor's Daughter" from the wrong perspective to start with which was just massive DO NOT WANT. In the end I liked some of the ideas, such as the war only starting a week ago, but I was so strongly opposed to the principle of the thing I was never going to truly love it. Jenny was a bit cookie-cutter 'feisty' for my liking but I can see why people did find her likeable.

'Dark and sexy' are the words in the press releases and the news articles but I just meant the show still being kid-friendly but not directly aimed at the younger demographic. I think the show is at it's best when the jokes mean different things to people on different levels rather than it being straight up slapstick or bitterly dark comedy. I do love Torchwood, but it's ever so silly. It sometimes trips over itself trying to be edgy. Guns! Shouting! Homoeroticism!

Apologies if that makes even less sense to you than it does to me. -_-
(Removed picture link which must have changed... to a girl giving the finger? I have no idea how that happened.)

Last edited by KatMagenta; 06-30-2011 at 12:49 AM..


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