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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 05:14 AM

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One Night Masquerade
A Private Roleplay

2009, Baltimore, MD, USA

So, you're the popular girl in school; everyone loves you, everyone wants to be you, everyone wants to date you. You have everything you want - a nice car, no curfew, high grades, and friends don't just wait on you hand and foot but are true friends who adore you.

In total 180, you're the outcast of the school; the one everyone avoids like the plague, the one with very few friends, yet one of the coolest guys they'd ever meet if they actually took the time to get to know.

When Leane Supton, the popular girl in school, and Matthew Sommers, the outcast, meet at the Halloween Masquerade Ball, their worlds come crashing down around them as they try to find a safe balance between their friends and their growing love for one another. Is it fate, or just plain crappy luck, when these two worlds collide - throwing both worlds into utter chaos and confusion? Will the two be able to keep their love as well as their friends, or will their lives be ruined forever - pushing them apart and creating a growing hate between them?

The Main Characters
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Leane Supton, the Popular Girl

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Matthew Sommers, the Outcast

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 11-29-2010 at 03:09 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 06:14 AM

Leane sighed as she propped her head up with her hand, resting her elbow beside her books on her desk - bored in History yet again. It was only three days until the Masquerade Ball on All-Hallows-Eve and Leane had yet to consent to bring any of the boys who had asked her.

At seventeen, Leane was still uncommitted in a relationship - she found the boys in her school just that - boys. What she needed was a man who would treat her properly and not care that she was the most popular girl nor that her Daddy was a very rich man. Unfortunately, she would have to consent to bring one of these boys to the Ball with her, she couldn't very well go date-less after all. But how could she choose? She didn't want any of the boys to get the wrong idea, after all.

Then a thought struck her. "That's it!" Leane shouted as Mr. Culvey had just got done speaking of Marie Antoinette's untimely death. Mr. Culvey lowered his glasses and eyes Leane, "Yes, Ms. Supton?"

Blushing, Leane quickly thought of a response, "I-I was just thinking, the French are very unkind to Royalty! I mean, sure, Marie Antoinette had a lot of problems, but her husband wasn't much help! She simply used the money to get back at her husband, she and her children were innocent in the scenario and should not have been murdered. It was cruel and her motives were clear, she honestly did not think about the way her actions would effect the common people. Had the French simply listened to their case and learned the facts, the whole bloody mess could have been avoided!"

This earned her applause from the class, as was usual, she admitted with a sigh, due to her being popular and everyone hanging on her ever word. But although most of the class agreed with her, there were a few who remained silent.

Mr. Culvey simply rolled his eyes and turned back to the chalkboard, "Thank you, Ms. Supton, for that enlightening view. Now may I continue my lesson on the French Revolution?"

"Yes, Mr. Culvey."

"Thank you. Now, unlike Ms. Supton's view on the matter, the French people did not...." Mr. Culvey went on with his lesson and Leane returned to her thoughts - her thoughts filled with different ways to choose a date. 'There's always my original thought - name drawing,' she mused to herself as class went on uninterrupted.

say-i-love-you is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 06:25 AM

Matthew sat in the back of his History class, doodling on his notebook. This lesson was particularly boring. The lines from his pencil started to take shape of a girl. One of his best friends in particular. His photographic memory proved to be helpful as he drew the lines of her curves, remembering yesterday when this particular girl had laid on his bed as they listened to a new CD she had been saving her money to afford.

Matthew's head had snapped up at Leane Supton's remark. His pencil shifted at the sound of her voice, drawing a line that connected Gena's elbow to her knee. Matthew's mouth set in a tight line. Leane had ruined his picture, disfiguring the girl he had come to love.

Typical... He thought to himself, still scowling. The girl's popularity was nearly painful to put up with. What with everyone hanging on her like she was some kind of goddess. Matthew sat, doubting whether or not Leane Supton had anything on her mind outside of the upcoming dance and her fancy designer clothes.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 06:48 AM

Leane sighed as she stretched in her seat, her Aéropostale baby-doll-tank-top slightly riding up to show a sliver of her bare skin. Relaxing, her shirt going back down to it's proper place, Leane picked up her books as her friends gathered around her desk. It was finally time for lunch and they were curious as to the cause of Leane's outburst. The girls instantly began inquiring as the students slowly trickled out of the classroom.

"So?" prodded Jenny, a tall blonde who fit the stereo-typical description of a cheerleader, "What happened?"

"Really, what was that outburst all about?" added Joanna, a short slender girl with glasses and long chestnut hair that hung in long ringlets down her back.

Leane chuckled as she bent down to adjust her Hot Topic jeans that were stuffed inside her Gucci boots, her long raven hair falling over her shoulder, her streaks of bubblegum pink and cotton candy blue glistening in the light, "I was thinking of way to choose which boy to bring to the Ball, and I've come up with a solution. Anyone who wishes to go with me, will be written down on a small sheet of paper, thrown in a hat, and drawn at random. Each boy will have a fair chance and won't get the wrong idea if I choose them. The decision will be made tomorrow during lunch."

"Oh Leane, that's perfect!" gushed Jenny.

"We'll arrange everything for you," added Joanna.

"Leave it to us," finished Jenny.

Leane chuckled as she picked up her books and made her way out of the classroom, heading for her locker as the two girls began arranging things amongst themselves for her.

'Well, at least they're honest and will help me,' thought Leane as she gently shook her head and she spun the combination on her locker.

say-i-love-you is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:02 AM

Matthew hurried from the room after the bell hand rang, having over heard Leane Supton gushing to her friends about drawing a boy's name for a date. Was she kidding? He wondered as he reached his locker. She had to be the most egotistical girl he had ever met. As if every boy would fall for a chance to date her. Please.

"Matt!" He heard Gena calling as she hurried down the hall and nearly ran him over. "Whoa." She laughed, her arms clutching Matthew's for support. His heart nearly skipped a beat at the sight of her. She was absolutely adorable in his arms. Calm down, its just Gena... Matthew thought to himself. "You'll never believe my luck!" She said, her mouth spread wide in a grin. "I have a date to the ball!" She said, laughing with happiness as she leaned against the locker next to his.

Matthew looked at Gena, his mouth gaping slightly in suprise. He felt his heart fall to his stomach. He had been planning to ask Gena and now it was to late. She had a date and clearly, she was quite giddy with excitement over who she was going with. His throat twisted with pain as he struggled to release sound. "Who's the lucky guy?" He asked, hoping she wouldn't notice the tightness in his voice.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:20 AM

Closing her locker, her books tucked inside, Leane turned towards her friends. Sticking her hands in her back pockets, they made their way towards the cafeteria, their plans almost complete by the time they reached the doors. As her friends opened the door, Leane looked around the cafeteria and noticed that the majority of the eleventh and twelfth graders had already filtered in. Smiling as she looked around, Leane made her way to the center of the cafeteria.

Their plan of action finished, Leane clapped her hands and looked around, the conversation slowing to a hault. Standing on a nearby chair, Leane looked out at the sea of people, "I have an announcement to make. Since so many of you have asked to take me to the Ball, and I can't possibly choose between all of the charming candidates, that I've decided to hold a drawing. Each of you will be able to enter your name only once into a top hat. From this hat, I will draw a single name during lunch tomorrow - the person who's name is on that paper will be my date for the following night's All-Hallows-Eve-Ball. I believe it will be a fair way to choose, what say all of you?"

The cafeteria rang with cheers and many of the guys rushed up, surrounding her in a large circle as they began inquiring about how they could enter.

Leane chuckled before she continued, ignoring the boys around her, "However, there will be one requirement - you must be in the eleventh or twelfth grade in order to enter your name. Sorry, but no underclassmen." With a smile, Leane stepped down and made her way through the crown towards the lunch line, where she was instantly let to the front, to get a lunch of Caesar Salad, a slice of pizza, and a carton of chocolate milk - groans from the ninth and tenth grade boys, but cheers from the eleventh and twelfth, radiating behind her as she paid for her lunch.

say-i-love-you is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:39 AM

"You've got to be kidding me." Matthew murmured as he sat with Gena, Ben, and Jack.

"Is she serious?" Gena asked the group, spinning her bottle cap on the table.

"Hey, you should enter her little contest." Ben laughed, nudging Matthew's elbow.

"Since the girl you were going to ask kinda has a date now." Jack added, with a smirk and knowing full well that Gena was the one Matthew had intended to ask.

"Oh." Gena said, perking up. "Who were you going to ask?" She asked, placing her elbows on the table and leaning towards him.

"No one. Its unimportant. And I think that a night of suffering about being alone looks like a trip to Disney compared to going to the ball with Leane Supton." Matthew said bitterly, pronouncing Leane's name like he was talking about a particularly gross bug.

Matthew looked down at his food, taking a fry, and missing the look that Ben and Jack shared. He wasn't going to get out of this one. As his friends it was their duty to keep him from feeling lonely on the night he had been prepared to tell Gena how he felt, something that was a long time coming.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:52 AM

Sitting with her friends at a table outside the cafeteria, Leane bathed in the sun as she ate her pizza. Her friends, hardly eating anything as they tried to maintain their trim waists, gazed at Leane's food - their mouths watering. Leane rolled her eyes, "You two should eat, you'll die if you keep up that eating routine."

The girls simply shook their heads and continued to drink their 'diet' water. Never had Leane understood the latest diet crazes - especially the one where a brand of water was supposed to have less calories than regular water. 1. Water had no calories, 2. How can a substance with no calories, possibly have a diet version with even less calories.

Continuing eating her pizza, Leane sighed, thinking to herself that she would keep to her own way of dieting - eating as much as she wanted, whenever she wanted, and not exercising a bit outside of gym class and gymnastics.

As lunch went on, many boys came up to Jenny and Joanna, handing them small pieces of paper with their names on it to be added to the drawing. Some were typical - geeks who admired her and wheezed when they saw her, jocks who wanted to say they scored with her and took away her innocence, the typical sorts who pined over the most popular girl in school. However, there were a few names that were a bit of a shock, and quite a laugh, from the girls. However, their names were added to the list, though knowing full-well they would never stand a chance amidst all of the names of the gorgeous boys on campus.

say-i-love-you is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:57 AM

"We'll catch up with you losers later." Ben joked, taking Jack's elbow. "Make up bio lab." He said with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Whatever dudes." Gena said, twirling her hair absentmindedly.

"Later." Matthew said, dipping a fry repeatedly into the ketchup.

"Don't get to excited." Jack laughed as Ben and him left the table and ducked out of the cafeteria before turning towards the table where they would find Leane and her friends.


"Ladies." Ben said with a dramatic bow when he had reached the table where Leane sat. "Your Highnesses." He said, standing upright with a sly smirk.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 08:14 AM

Jenny, who happened to think Ben was quite the charmer, laughed along with Joanna at his entrance, "What do you rejects want?"

Leane, looking up from her pizza, a bit of sauce sticking to the corner of her mouth, smiled at the boys. Licking the sauce from her lips and swallowing her food, Leane chuckled as she glanced them over, "Ben and..... Jack, right? What brings you out here?"

"Surely they can't want to enter their names," said Joanna with a sarcastic grin.

"For they clearly know they'd never stand a chance against the gorgeous men who oppose them," added Jenny with a wink in Ben's direction.

Leane shushed the girls with a wave of her hand as she took a drink of her Ginger Ale, "Jenny, Joanna, be kind. 'tis not their fault they're outcasts. Now, let them speak and tell us what they want so they can get out of my sun," Leane teased with a laugh, for in truth the boys had no effect on the amount of sun she was getting and they knew very well that that was the case.

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Old 06-28-2009, 08:25 AM

"Ah. Leane, Leane." Ben said as if chiding a child. "You shouln't flatter yourself so." He laughed. "We've come to enter the name of a friend. And if said friend is chosen we expect you to give him the night of his life." He said, coming behind her and placing an arm around her shoulders. "I promise he's a good dancer. I would know." He said, winking.

Jack scrawled Matthew's name onto a piece of paper and handed it to Joanna dramatically. "Guard this with your life." He said in his most serious tone yet his eyes sparkled with life.

"Now ladies we bid you good day." Ben said as he wriggled his eyebrows so that he looked like a cartoon villian. Grabbing Jack's arm, they turned to leave.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 08:34 AM

Joanna rolled her eyes as she placed the piece of paper into the pile of others, not bothering to read the name.

Jenny winked at Ben as he turned to leave and gave him a small wave, "Later."

Leane laughed as she called after him, "If this friend of yours' name is drawn, I give you my word that I shall make his life complete by the end of the night."

Jenny laughed, "And how do you expect to do that, Lee?"

"Really, you'd go to great lengths to lower yourself and actually kiss the outcast?" added Joanna with a smirk.

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Old 06-28-2009, 08:42 AM

"Oh, Matthew." Ben said with a large grin as Matt left the cafeteria with Gena. "We've just braved the scariest, skinniest-"

"Dietyest?" Jack added with a laugh.

"Girls in all the land." Ben continued, his wide grin still in place. "We've added your name to the list of gentlemen all awaiting the same fate." He said with a smile. "You have a chance at a date with Leane Supton!" He announced, earning a few strange glances as he waved his arms dramatically when he said her name.

"You didn't." Matthew said with a frown while Gena started to laugh next to him.

"Ah, but he did." Jack added with a smile. "We're all rooting for you pal." He said, clapping Matthew on the back.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 08:56 AM

Jenny chuckled, "Then how are you going to, and I quote, 'make his life complete by the end of the night'?"

"Why, by making him instantly popular instead of remaining a social outcast. If he's seen with me, he'll obviously be uprooted from his dreary life and escalated to a life of popularity," replied Leane simply before taking a bite of her salad.

* * *

When lunch was finished, Leane and her friends went from class to class in a regular routine, more boys approaching Jenny and Joanna with each class. Soon it was time to leave and Leane climbed into her black Toyota Prius, placing her books on the seat beside her next to her Prada Purse. Slipping on her D&G sunglasses, Leane turned on her radio, blasting 96.7 with the bass turned up as she began backing out of her usual space, nearly running into someone trudging along a few feet away in her path.

Slamming on the breaks, Leane put the car in park and shoved her door open. Taking off her seat belt, Leane slid her glasses into her hair and turned to glare at the boy standing behind her car no more than 3 inches away from the rear fender. Stalking over to him, she shoved his shoulder, "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know to get out of the way when someone is backing out?! Pedestrians do not have the right away in this parking lot, weren't you clued in?"

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Old 06-28-2009, 09:06 AM

Matthew whirled around to see an angry Leanne facing him. "Pedestrians always have the right away." He retorted angrily. "Stop being such a princess." He said, his mouth set in a line. He took some relief that he didn't have a chance at the date with her.

Matthew walked away to his own car, a beat up hand me down from his parents. It looked positively horrible but it worked. Gena, Ben, and Jack all piled into the car. "Talking to your future date?" Gena asked with a laugh.

"So help me if she's anywhere in my future. She's a complete brat." Matthew said, getting into the driver's seat.

"To the zombie movie marathon!" Jack cried, his fists in the air.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 09:17 AM

Steaming, Leane whirled back around and got into the driver's seat. Putting her car in reverse, she backed her car so it was behind Matthew's, blocking him into his spare and preventing him from leaving. Turning off the car after putting it in park and shoving the door back open, Leane got out, slammed the door shut, and stormed over to the driver's seat of Matthew's car.

Putting her hands on the open window, "You! What right do you have to call me that?! You don't even know me, you miserable little cretin! First, you try to commit suicide by jumping out behind me as I'm backing out, and then you have the nerve to say that I'm the one in the wrong?! Just who do you think you are you horrible, vile, wretched little urchin!"

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Old 06-28-2009, 04:28 PM

"Me?" Matthew spat back in reply. "You're absolutely insane!" He cried in disbelief. "You nearly run me over then yell at me for it! Its called checking your mirrors. And then you park directly behind me because I called you a princess? You should be glad I called you that because I think of about 50 other names for you that are far worse." He said angrily, his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel in anger. "Just who do you think you are?"

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 06:14 PM

Leane smirked as she glanced behind Gena at Ben, "Ben, I'll say your friend here has guts. But he'd better watch it," she added icily as she turned back to Matthew, "If he's not careful, I'll make his worst nightmares come true."

Leaning into the car, Leane whispered softly into Matthew's ear, her lips and warm breath brushing against his ear as she spoke due to their close proximity, "You better be careful as to what you do and do not say to me, outcast. You, well, you have friends in unimportant places. My friends however? Can ruin your miserable existence far more than it already is."

Flashing him one last smirk, Leane pushed herself away from the car and headed back to her own, her Gucci boots 'clacking' on the pavement as she headed back to her car, not noticing the crowd of people who had gathered around, all curious to see what had caused Leane to go into a tizzy and witness her fury.

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Old 06-28-2009, 06:47 PM

"Could you at least be civil?" Ben teased from the passanger's seat. "She is your dream date after all." He laughed, noting Matthew's sour expression.

"I can't believe you signed me up for that girl's little contest." Matthew said with a sigh. "She is completely full of herself." He said, moving his mouth towards the window as he said, quite loudly, "Now if she'd just move that car her daddy bought her we could be on our way!" He said, being a bit obnoxious.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 06:55 PM

"At least my car is a hybrid and environmentally-friendly and isn't a gas-hog like your piece of junk!" shouted Leane before turning around and sticking tongue out at Matthew. Facing her car once more, Leane opened the door and hopped into the driver's seat. Pulling her D&G sunglasses down and fixing her hair, Leane took her sweet time turning on the car, making Matthew even later.

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Old 06-28-2009, 07:10 PM

"Come on, princess." He yelled to her. "Some of us have better things to do then worry whether or not our shoes match our purse." He said angrily.

"Maybe it was a bad idea to enter his name." Jack laughed. "They clearly aren't getting along so well."

"Maybe but also very entertaining for us." Ben replied with a smirk, earning a rude look from Matthew.

"Very." Gena agreed, moving forward to turn on the radio.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:16 PM

Leane smirked as she flipped down the visor and reapplied her lip-gloss in the mirror, only doing so to make Matthew later and cause him to become more angry. After a few minutes, she was satisfied and flipped the visor back up. Putting the car into drive, Leane finally made her exit, heading home to finish homework before going out and meeting her friends to search for the perfect Masquerade attire.

say-i-love-you is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 07:23 PM

"What a brat." Matthew said, pulling out of the parking spot.

"Let's go! I want gore and horror!" Gena called from the backseat. "To the movie marathon." She said, lifting her feet to est behind Ben's head.

"To the movie marathon." Ben and Jack replied.

"I"m driving around a bunch of idiots." Matthew laughed, putting thoughts of Leane out of his mind.

"Ah, but you love us." Gena said. "Right?"

"Yeah, yeah. To the movie marathon!" He laughed as he pulled into traffic and drove back to his house.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-28-2009, 09:43 PM

After locking her car in their two-story garage, Leane grabbed her things, put her sunglasses back into her hair, and headed into the house. Grabbing an apple on the way through the kitchen, Leane stopped in the living room to see what her brother was watching.

Looking up as Leane hovered behind him, Josh grinned at his younger sister, "Yo. You look absolutely pissed, rough day?"

"Yo yourself. And I am pissed," Leane replied as she gently slapped the back of his head before climbing over the back of the couch and settling in beside him, her back leaning against his side as her legs hung over the arm of the couch. Placing her books on the floor and taking a bite of her apple, Leane took the remote and turned the TV to Cartoon Network - Tom and Jerry was on.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Josh said as he ruffled her hair, "and get off me, I'm not one of your puppy dogs boy-toys who wait on you hand and foot!"

Leane rolled her eyes and snuggled in closer to him, "You know you love me. And besides, that show was boring, Cartoons are much better entertainment - especially when you think of the one getting hit all the time as Matthew Sommers and the one doing the hitting as Leane Supton."

Josh laughed at the mention of the boy, "That outcast? How'd he even get your attention?"

"Ben and Jack. They entered his name in our contest," admitted Leane miserably and she took a bite out of her apple.


Leane then went on to explain about the Ball and how Ben and Jack had entered Matt's name into the drawing.

Chuckling, Josh patted his sisters thigh, "Lee, you're fine. I doubt he stands a chance, you'll probably get one of those dense jocks who'll just drink all night and leave you alone like you want."

Leane sighed, "Not all jocks are like you, Josh."

Josh laughed, "Hey, I was a decent jock last year and you know it."

"Yeah, too bad you graduated. Now you'll be corrupted by the college jocks and the high school ones will remain dense and wretched!"

"Ah, but maybe I'll have a good effect on them, eh?"

"Yeah right. You? A good effect? Now that's a laugh," Leane teased as she finished her apple, placing the core on the table beside her for the maid, who was walking by at the moment, to pick up and throw away for her.

"Ha ha," Josh retorted as he began tickling Leane's sides, "Now say you're sorry!"

"I-I-I'm sorry!" Leane managed between laughs before Josh finally gave in and stopped tickling her. Placing a kiss on her head, Josh sighed, "What am I going to do with you Lee. You're more trouble than you're worth."

"Nonsense! I'm the perfect little sister and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah, sure you are. Don't you have homework to do and a dress to buy?"

Leane groaned as she got up, "Yes, and I have texts to answer too. I ignored them on the way home, they're all wondering why Matt and I got into an argument that led to me parking behind his pile of junk so he couldn't leave and bitching him out."

Josh eyes her curiously, "Really.. care to explain?"

Leane rolled her eyes and gave him the short version as she picked up her things, "He tried to commit suicide by walking out behind my car as I was backing up, so he pissed me off, I bitched him out, then he pissed me off some more, so I stalled and put on lip gloss, and then I left, leaving his pile of junk in the dust behind my gorgeous hybrid."

Josh laughed as he turned back to his show, "Honestly, Lee. One of these days you're going to find someone who won't put up with you. And won't you be in for it when that happens!"

Placing a kiss on Josh's cheek, Leane teased, "Never. How could anyone not love me and 'put up' with me, as you so kindly put it."

With that, Leane headed off to her bedroom that nearly covered half of the upstairs. She had her own bathroom, small library, vanity with only the best make-up and perfume, desk with the latest technology, four-poster-king-sized bed, window seats, a small balcony that looked out over the garden out back with an elegant patio set set up on it, small exercise machines - you name it, she most likely has it.

Setting her purse down on her desk, Leane walked over to her bed and landed face first into her comforter. Giving one good screaming groan into the comforter, she felt a little better and sat up so she could do her homework and reply to all the txts she'd been receiving since she left school.

'It's a good thing I'm a whiz with this thing or else it'd take me forever to reply to all these..," thought Leane with a laugh as she looked at her 20 messages, all from her close friends and the few people who knew her cellphone number.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 06-28-2009 at 10:28 PM..

say-i-love-you is offline
Old 07-05-2009, 02:28 AM

"Don't open the door!" Gena cried, rolling her eyes as the main character opened the door. "Why do they always open the door?" She sighed. "I've never seen a good movie where the stupid main girl doesn't fall and hurt herself while running or opens closed doors with weird noises behind them. They shouldn't look for the killer. They should run." She ranted, leaning against Matthew's legs as she sat on the floor.

"Eh, it wouldn't be as interesting if there was no killing." Matthew said.

"You're so weird." Jack teased.

"I'm weird? You guys signed me up for a date with Leane." Matthew said, shaking his head.

"You were going anyways." Gena said, tilting her head to look at him. "You're outfit is sick, she'll be puddy in your hands."

"Ew." Matthew said, sinking into the broken down couch. He stuck his hand into the bowl of popcorn and taking a large handful. "I don't want her in my hands." He said after swallowing.

"You never know." Ben laughed, wiggling his eyebrows as he always did.


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