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Old 08-03-2009, 03:37 AM

Exactly what the topic title says.
Has a video game ever made you cry? And if so, what game was it?

I've yet to meet someone who's beaten Metal Gear Solid 3 without shedding a tear.
I sure didn't. ;____;

Agent Fergus
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Old 08-03-2009, 03:38 AM

No, I can't say it has, but I am curious as to why it would.

Bane Rie
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Old 08-03-2009, 03:57 AM


I cried when Axel died in Kingdom Hearts 2. Mainly because of the fact that he just wanted to help his only friend, even if Sora wasn't really Roxas and Axel was a bad guy. I had to pause the game after that for a good ten minutes.

I also cried at the end of Galerians:ASH. It was just so... DEPRESSING. And for all the over the top narm, the Devil May Cry games have made me cry before as well.

I cried near the end of Okami as well. That was just. Sad, no other way to describe it.

EDIT: Sorry! I did put that in white but apparently it didn't work last night...

Last edited by Bane Rie; 08-03-2009 at 05:45 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 08-03-2009, 02:19 PM

Ugh, please, no spoilers! Put it between spoiler tags if you have to, but some people haven't played the game yet! Including me! >__<;;

ANYWAYS. When haven't I cried from a game? I'm a big sentimental sap, so almost anything will make me cry. The Final Fantasy games stand out for me, though, mainly because I haven't played a video game in like... a few weeks... and maybe even longer than that.

Wannabe Schemer
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Old 08-03-2009, 06:52 PM

Oh lawd. >> I know there are definitely video game scenes where I've baawwwed like a baby. Or just little things...
I'd have to go actively flipping through my games to see what really wounded me, but let's see...

Kingdom Hearts, like always, springs to mind. Now, in the Castle That Never Was, there is an area called "Proof of Existence". This had panels which showed the Organization members number, title, name, and weapon. Those who are alive have their panels green. Those who are dead are red... But this only really struck home when I was browsing through the Tearjerks in TV Tropes. (It's a bad habit, so I really need to stop doing it. >> ) As the Troper on there put it...

"•This Troper could never be counted among the game's fans, but when playing the second game through to the end out of a sense of completeness, he came upon an area referred to in the menu as 'Proof of Existence'...a graveyard for all the Organization members Sora has killed. Because they don't leave bodies when the die, so...Proof of Existence...*sob*"
I'm sure I could name a few others, but most of the time, I just get pissed at the villain, who usually causes the tears in the first place. For example, Fable 2: He kill my fucking dog! And my family! What the hell!? And there's one mission in Mass Effect which gets me... But I'd have to look it up. I have a bad memory, which I know is a shitty excuse, but what can you do. >>;

Green Tea Pocky
Green Tea Pocky is offline
Old 08-03-2009, 09:26 PM

I'm sure I've cried over more then one video game, but the only time I can truly remember is on final fantasy seven and legend dragoon


when Aerith (or Aeris however you want to spell it.) dies. Also when Albert dies on legend of dragoon. So not cool when people get killed off.

Dainty Cut Throat
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Old 08-03-2009, 10:05 PM

MGS3 for me too.
And RE: Code Veronica X.
You know why, Steve. Lulz.

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Old 08-05-2009, 06:19 PM

A few games have made me get pretty emotional, the most recent being Lost Odyssey for the 360. The whole game was so well written, especially the 1000 Years of Dreams. Even without having anything other than just words on the screen, it was able to evoke all kinds of emotions in me.

Another game that made me pretty emotional was Final Fantasy X, but only really the ending.

JaeElegance is offline
Old 08-06-2009, 12:15 AM

I cried in Grandia II when I was younger when a certain someone dies. D: I mean, he didn't have to die...he was just corrupted by evil. T__T

Nuriloo is offline
Old 08-06-2009, 05:02 AM

MGS3 made me tear up at the end, and inFamous got me a little mopey at a few points. I never really broke down crying or anything though.

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 08-06-2009, 04:37 PM

I cried during Drakengard 2 around the end when a certain dragon dies. It was quite sad.

The only other one I can think of is Crisis Core which had me sobbing for a good thirty minutes and had me depressed for the rest of the night.

Which reminds me I need to play it again.

Sanny is offline
Old 08-07-2009, 08:12 PM

The ending of the game Infinite Undiscovery, cause I found the ending wasn't all that great..I was close to crying for wasting my time playing for a bad ending. v.v

Cursing Demon Man
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Old 08-07-2009, 08:42 PM

MGS2 Got me with the Ending and the "can't say goodbye to yesterday" song playing MGS3 ending and other assorted points Final Fantasy series in general, though specifically 7 9 and 10.
Also kingdom hearts 2 could be pretty soul crushing.

I have a taste for games that can make me feel that way.

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Old 08-08-2009, 01:37 AM

I teared up in Portal when I had to incinerate Companion Cube. It did nothing wrong. ;____;

Amara is offline
Old 08-10-2009, 06:32 AM

These are the only ones I can think of that I have played so far. I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting. Shadow of the Colossus, Fatal Frame 1 and 3, Darkengard 2, Final Fantasy IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and X-2.

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Old 08-10-2009, 07:04 PM

As embarrassing as it sounds, being a guy and all that...

I cried at the end of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 because When Zack dies, its just so obvious that with how powerful my character was, that he could have survived that easily. Its hard to see him die and know you can't do anything about it, that its destiny. And to see Cloud crawl to him in the aftermath... "You're the proof that I lived. All my hopes and dreams... They're yours now." It just chokes me up, ya know?

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Old 08-12-2009, 02:38 AM

Originally Posted by Dainty Cut Throat View Post
MGS3 for me too.
And RE: Code Veronica X.
You know why, Steve. Lulz.
Oh, RE Code Veronica for me as well. :gonk:

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Old 08-12-2009, 09:01 AM

I've only cried to a few,

I cried to MGS4 at the very end you know when, Snake seems to kill himself, then I was pissed off when he didn't lol.
In Shadow Hearts one and two in SH1 when, you get the scene that gives you the good ending. And in SH2 when, Yuri tries to bring Alice back and they say they love each other. :'(

Originally Posted by Lilikka
A few games have made me get pretty emotional, the most recent being Lost Odyssey for the 360. The whole game was so well written, especially the 1000 Years of Dreams. Even without having anything other than just words on the screen, it was able to evoke all kinds of emotions in me.
I really agree with that, those dreams were so depressing. They were really sad but, I didn't cry just almost :|

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Old 08-12-2009, 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by Novariko View Post
I really agree with that, those dreams were so depressing. They were really sad but, I didn't cry just almost :|
I really lost it during the first one, Hannah's Departure. I guess because I've got a little girl and I was kind of imagining her in Hannah's place. But quite a few others made me bawl like a baby, too. I really love Kiyoshi Shigematsu's writing, I suppose.

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Old 08-13-2009, 04:25 AM

Originally Posted by Green Tea Pocky View Post
I'm sure I've cried over more then one video game, but the only time I can truly remember is on final fantasy seven and legend dragoon


when Aerith (or Aeris however you want to spell it.) dies. Also when Albert dies on legend of dragoon. So not cool when people get killed off.
You are so dead on. I cried completely to that one part in FF and still brings tears to my eyes as well. I cried on all Tales games I played. The middle like part of Abyss is so tragic. I still can't think about it or even watch the vids of it online.


Asch dies so beautifully it is tragic. He sacrifices himself just so the replica (Luke) can save the world. It just is so tragic and depressing. And then when Luke goes missing at the end of the game and shows up on his birthday so many years later because he made a promise to Tear. You just wanna bawl your eyes out.

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Old 08-14-2009, 02:34 AM

Oh, and another one.
Tales of Vesperia when Yuri goes to save Estelle and tells her that he'll kill her. I really thought he might do it >.< I mean, it seemed to be the only way. And having to Fight Estelle? Torture. Not to mention when Karol was crying in the guild city (the name of which I cannot spell but its Danghrest or something...) but I really felt for the kid.

Flowery Pit
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Old 08-14-2009, 05:51 PM

The latest Paper Mario for the Wii. Oh my gosh, the ending. I was like "NOOO!" I haven't played it since, because it's so sad.

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Old 08-15-2009, 02:27 AM

The end of Rhapsody made me cry. And i got a little sad at the end of Disgaea too. Yoshi's story made me cry at the end, the first time i beat it, but it was happy tears.

Kingdom Hearts 2 didn't make me cry. It just made me hate Sora all the more. First he was annoyingly optimistic, then he started killing the orginization, most of whom, by the way, are NOT responsible for what happened to them, while they try to get their hearts back. :illgetu:

Joico is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 05:03 PM

final fantasy has.

carlosXrocks is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by eCrink View Post
Exactly what the topic title says.
Has a video game ever made you cry? And if so, what game was it?

I've yet to meet someone who's beaten Metal Gear Solid 3 without shedding a tear.
I sure didn't. ;____;
ii have beaten metal gear solid and i didnt cry and i didnt care about the part when you have to face the boss


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