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~Squiggle~ is offline
Old 11-30-2009, 07:39 PM

Name: Margarette Dawson (Maggie)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: She is very clever, kind, quiet, caring, neat, energetic, proud.
Bio: She is a very quiet girl who doesn't complain about anything. She is the eldest of four born to a rich and wealthy business family, though she was disowned at the age of twenty after getting into a spot of trouble which involved her giving birth to a baby girl called Rose. She now works as a nanny in a large manor home to three children, David, Angus and Loretta. She uses all her money to try and give her daughter the life of dreams, but is finding it very difficult.

Butterz is offline
Old 11-30-2009, 08:49 PM

Name: Emmalie Georgia Wong
Age: 18
Personality: Outspoken, neat and proud of herself.
Bio: She is the only daughter of a rich chinese buisiness man living in Britain. She gets what sh wants when she wants it.

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~Squiggle~ is offline
Old 11-30-2009, 10:03 PM

I woke up early, it was still dark outside, well the part of outside I could see. I shivered as I scarmbled into my black pinofore and starched white apron. I could hear the soft snoring of one of the other maids near me and the soft snuffling of Rose. I smiled as I scooped her up into my arms. Her nose was red and runny, her face pinkening, making her soft blonde curls look unnaturally light. I let down the front of my bodice and proceeded to feed her. She gulped and slurped enthusiasticly. I smiled down at her, squirming as I felt her cloth diaper get slightly moist. I sighed.
After she had ate her fill I hurredly changed her before taking her in my arms and scutling out the quarters, I needed to get up to the childrens rooms and light the fire before waking them up. I looked down at Rose in my arms and put her back in her crib, it hurt me everyday when I couldn't take her with me. I tiptoed over to Frances, who today said she would monitor Rose.
"she is all yours. Thank you!" I whispered before hurrying off.

Butterz is offline
Old 12-01-2009, 06:51 PM

The curtains drew back, making a unnatural scraping noise againt their rails. The room was filled with daylight, revealing the expensive furniture that furnished the fine bedroom. A fourposter bed with silk bed sheets took up plenty floor space in the middle of the room. A grand wardrobe sat pushed against the wall in the corner. The vanity desk to the left of the bed was stacked with make up and hair brushes.
"Oh, Marjorie. Please, close those dasdardly curtains. The light is horribly blinding first thing in the morning!" The young girl occupying the bed hissed at the frail old maid.
"Ah, my lady, your father requests that you are at his breakfast with the Duke of Wallbery." The girl sighed while getting ready.

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~Squiggle~ is offline
Old 12-01-2009, 09:09 PM

As I walked into the main part of the manor I had a message. The mistress wanted to see me. This could not be good, I gulped as I walked into the drawing room where she was sat, occupying herself with a cross-stitch. I smiled and then curtseyed to her.
"You called Miss?"
She looked up "Ah yes, I have some excellent news!"
I looked at her, what could she mean?
"I have found you a new position, not quite as nice as your job here though I am sure it will apeal more to your...circumstances. You have been invited to take the place of maid at the Wong household. Their maid is getting on a bit and is doing something less strenuous. You are to go there today to meet with them for their breakfast, I shall have you taken there in tha carridge, it shan't take long, they are keen for you to work with your baby along side, they are thinking of taking the cjild under their wing, giving her an education. It really is a good deal, that has been accepted, so collect your things and meet Dereck at the doors in five minutes," she said and smiled, waving me on with her hand before going back to her cross-stitch.
I stood for a second before moving down to the servants quarters. This sounded too good to be true, there had to be some catch, she mulled this over as she threw her and Rose's belongings in an old sack and made her way, baby and sack in her arms, to the front doors.

Butterz is offline
Old 12-15-2009, 06:51 PM

"So who is this new servant, father?"


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