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Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 02:55 AM

Years after Alice's last visit to Wonderland, she is brought back by the Mad Hatter, simply just for Tea. As the Mad Hatter tends to be quite lonely now that the March hare has passed.... Wonderland, is no longer the bright and cheerful place Alice once remembered, As it's doubtful she will remember...

Name: T.M.Hatter, But call me Hatter.
Age: How Positively Rude to ask... Although if you must ask I am 23.
Bio: Some say that the the hat I wears is stuck together with Mercury glue. Causing me to go quite mad... Although I say that is Polliwog, and I have always been this mad.
Favorite Quote: Do you have any idea why a Raven is like a writing desk?

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 03:02 AM

Name : Alice
Age : 15
Bio: back in wonderland she thinks it is all a dream.....There she will be reunited with her friends frokm the first time she was there.


Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 03:08 AM

Hatter sighed and walked in front of the doors. Alice was late, she should have arrived fifteen minutes ago. "Oh dear, she absolutely, positively late, late, late!" He muttered taking his hat off and tossing it about in the air. "If she is late for tea, it shall all have gone to waste! Such a beautiful party I had planned for her..." He muttered placing it back on his hat and opening the door and peering inside.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 03:16 AM

Alice ran as fast as her feet could take her she was running late and she knew that hatter would be panicking.
She got to the giant double doors and pushed them open as hard as she could. She ran in yelling "I am awfully aorry it will never happen again I swear" She took her seat next to hatter.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 03:22 AM

The Hatter Glared at Alice then sat up straight and smiled. "My dear! Your late, and out of breath! That is no way to show up to your own party! No matter, have some tea." He said pouring tea into a glass that was missing half, yet still sloshed around as if it were a full cup.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 03:26 AM

" I am very sorry hatter I awoke late i over slept i promise never to do it again please forgive me" Alice looked at him with sad sorry eyes. She began to drink the tea it tasted wonderfully. She looked around wonderland was all she remembered it but she still thought it was a dream....

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 03:30 AM

"Tis quite all right dear, you know I can never stay mad at you! Well... Madder then usual." He said bowing causing his hat to topple off his hat and land on the cake. "Oh buttered pixie wings!" He exclaimed picking it up and licking off the frosting. "I'm afraid this may stain..."

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 03:33 AM

" I can get the stain out I believe I can" Alice smiled. " Oh and hatter this tea is wonderful i have never tasted anything so good" Alice drank the rest of her tea. Once she was done she turned to hatter. " would like me to get the stain out now?"

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 03:36 AM

The Hatter blushed at her comment on the tea. "Oh Tosh dear, simply tea bags in warm water." He said sipping his own tea. When she spoke of getting the stain out, his eye's flashed open and he smiled. "Why dear Alice, if you can get that stain out, I believe I shall love you forever." He said handing her the hat.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 03:44 AM

Alice blushed and smiled at what he had said " Sure I can" Alice toke the hat and walked inside and washed it in the sink.
Alice got the stain out and ran back out side. " Here you go all cleaned and like new.....I hope it dries quickly so you may wear it again" Alice smiled at him as he toke the hat.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 04:00 AM

"Simply marvelous, He said taking the hat. He stuck his hand inside and spun the hat until it was dry then plopped it on his head. "Tell me dear Alice... Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?" He asked as he stood and dusted off his striped pants. Stretching his toes he spun his head around to pop it.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 11:46 AM

Alice pondered for a moment. " I have no idea why?" Alice looked at the hatter wondering what the riddle could possibly mean?
She saw that the hat was nice and dry already and that made her happy to see hatter happy.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 03:06 PM

"I believe Poe wrote on it." The Hatter said letting out a Mad Giggle, then with a Poof the Chesire cat was laying on his hat, his tail swishing in the Matter's face. "Hello Sire." He said yanking the tail, causing the cat to shreik and hope down. "I do say, is this Alice?" He asked popping on Alice's head and looking her in the eyes upside down. The once plump cat, was now small and skinny, and worn.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 03:13 PM

" Hello " Said Alice a little scared " My you have lost some weight haven't you?" Alice remembered the cat being much heavier and now he was skinny like an alley cat.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 07:25 PM

"Indeed.... It's harder to catch butterflies, and rocking horse flies, when they tend to vanish as of late... The queen of hearts has indeed taken over and demands all wonderland creatures bow down to her... Such a silly old broad." Shire said as he slowly began to vanish, curl by curl of his tail, until he was nothing more then a head floating in the air. "He's quite silly isn't he..." The Mad Hatter said glaring dangerously at the Cat.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 07:38 PM

Alice was in shock from hearing the news. " What about the white queen? Has she done anything about it?"
Alice looked at hatter she also disliked the Red queen she was mean and nasty. " How did the Red queen take over?"

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 08:22 PM

"After she was banned, she gained the friendship of a few other banished creatures, They rode up to the white queen's castle and beheaded her!! Flopped the hat right off her neck... Twas a very sad day in wonderland... But she forbid us from mourning for her... She said one thing before she died..." The Hatter said taking his hat off and holding it to his chest as he hung his head.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 10:35 PM

" Dear heaven" Alice was in tears what an awful news she could not understand or believe it. The white queen was beautiful and kind. " The red queen is an unforgivable monster!!!!!" Alice cried harder then ever before just like the time her father died

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 11:00 PM

The Hatter jumped forward and grabbed Alice covering her mouth. "Hush dear, this place is not safe to say such things... The tree's have birds." He said watching as a few birds flew off in the same direction. "Tea time over, what say we go visit Absolen?" He asked placing his hat back on his head.

Last edited by Ember Mist; 04-05-2010 at 11:34 PM..

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 11:30 PM

" okay " Alice murmured in a low sad tone. " I can not believe someone has ended the life of the most wonderful queen"

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 11:33 PM

"Tis sad indeed." The Hatter said as the Cheshire Cat hoped on his hat again. He took Alice's hand and lead her into the forest and to a giant mushroom were Absolen the caterpillar sat on his mushroom smoking.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 11:41 PM

Alice felt the hatters hand close tightly around her own. Alice could not help but wonder what would become of wonderland

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-05-2010, 11:56 PM

Absolen looked at Alice and chuckled as he slid down to her. "Back in wonderland? So soon?" He said laughing and blowing smoke in her face. "I called her back, we need her to... well... we just need her." The Hatter said standing behind Alice and placing his hands on her shoulders.

angelic eruru
angelic eruru is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 11:58 PM

Alice coughed as she inhaled the smoke " How could you two have let the white queen die?"

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 04-06-2010, 12:03 AM

"I! I Did nothing! YOU LEFT!" Absolen yelled as he puffed up more smoke. The Hatter Took Alice and hid under the mushroom. "He gets very angry sometimes you know... Not enough tea I think..." He said stroking his chin.


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