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I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 05-25-2010, 10:48 PM

Phoebe Pomeroy and Maria Deverox are in for a surprise as they met a king.A king who in the end became so obsessed with them he said 'If no one shall have thou then on one shall!'The two friends don't know how much he will affect them...yet.

Maria Deverox's Bio:
Name:Maria Deverox
Bio:Maria is a loving caring person...even though her parents abused her as a young child.Her parents had been horrible even though they were the king an queen for a while.The fact that they had abused her has made her very shy and not very trusting at times.She sometimes doesn't know what's wrong or right...

Maria and Phoebe's home in the woods:
This home no one knows about except Maria and Phoebe not even the king.

Phoebe's played by robinhoodfan13 and Maria's played by me ((hellrose94))

Last edited by loveisforever95; 07-26-2010 at 12:28 AM..

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 05-27-2010, 01:31 AM

(sweet home!)

Phoebe's Bio:
Name: Phoebe Pomeroy
Age: eh...20?
History: Is independant and Maria's best friend. She had parents who constantly worried about her because she was always participating in the hunts, and learning to fight. Not that she regrets any of it...It's been pretty useful lately. She is an excellent archer, though not to good with a sword, she is also a good rider, and an excellent pickpocket. Though her poor parents would likely have a heart attack, if they knew about the last one. Doubtful they haven't disowned her, as she has for all intensive purposes, ran away. It was probably the last straw.


Last edited by robinhoodfan13; 05-27-2010 at 01:47 AM..

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 05-29-2010, 01:02 AM

Maria took in a sharp breath as Veronica,a servant, fastened the girtle tighter onto her."Okay, I can't breath!"She said and Veronica laughed as she walked over to Phoebe and tightened hers as well."Okay next layer..."Veronica said and picked up the white under lace that poofed out the dresses."Oh goodie..."Maria said sacastically sighing and then wincing."I don't even want to meet king!It's not like he's brave..."She complained as she fastened it onto her underskirt and did the same to Phoebe's dress."I've met him in the cubiculo...."Veronica said winking at Maria."Oh my! No way!"Maria said as she slide the silk dress over her head finally done dressing.Veronica nodded laughing and walking to the door."Thou won't be needing my serves?"Veronica asked a mischevious glint in her eye."No...but the king will!"Maria giggled out looking to Phoebe as Veronica left laughing."Do you like the dress?"Maria asked Phoebe her eyes showing affection.Phoebe was the only true person she trusted and she cherished her very much.

<If you don't know some of the words i post go here --------> >

Last edited by loveisforever95; 05-30-2010 at 08:33 PM..

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 05:14 PM

(i got the gist of it.)

Phoebe mock glared at Maria "You know I far prefer my riding outfit, not so much lace, and not nearly as fancy!" she said looking at herself in the mirror with distaste. "All this just to see the king." she muttered fingering some lace. She shook her head "So what shall we do while we wait?" she asked turning to Maria. She glanced around the room, it was made for storing outfits and sewing supplies, not much to do.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 09:47 PM

<Okay like??>
Maria sighed and looked back at her."Well yes I agree with thou,but he told us that he wanted us in 'proper' clothing."She said mocking hos voice when she said the part about him.She giggled and then spun not used to having a huge skirt on."I don't know...what do thou want to do?"She asked just as Veronica came back in."The king will see you know..."She said winking at Maria.Maria giggled and took Phoebe's hand not caring what the king thought.Maria was really nervous about seeing him she didn't really trust him...well to tell you the truth she didn't trust any man at all."You ready Phoebe..."She asked Phoebe softly her's eyes instantly weary.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-02-2010, 05:27 PM

(Phoebe is used to the eh...idk less fancy er whatever talk, because of who she hangs out with...that is my excuse for her language...yeah not the best excuse...)

Phoebe grinned "Ready? To see that man?" she asked, jokingly "Never!" she said dragging her friend into the hall (?). She quickly ran back and gave Veronica a hug, "Thanks!" she said before running back, well as well as one can run in her outfit, back to Maria. "Okay...Now I'm a little bit more ready." she said, holding up the small dagger that Veronica had given her.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-07-2010, 05:57 AM

((Lolz okayz and Maria is...kinda))
Maria looked at the dagger and nodded slightly her eyes dancing with a mixture of fear and weariness.She sighed softly and walked with Phoebe into the dinning hall where the king was.She bowed taking Phoebe with her knowing that she wouldn't have otherwise.Maria had her arm linked with Phoebe's and noted that the king looked at their arms intently.She let her eyes soften and take a non-hostile approach fill them making the fear disappear although her posture was stiff.She looked at Phoebe and then back at the king."Hello my fair ladies."He said and Maria tense posture stiffened even more at his attempt as seduction....

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 02:48 AM

Phoebe glared at the man quickly before hiding her emotions under a blank mask. "Good Morning to you as well Your Majesty." she said politely curtsieying (spelling?) slightly. In her head, she imagined a mental clock, waiting to see how long it would take the king to reply...he was probably to busy looking at their bodies...though with all these layers, there wasn't much to look at anyway.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 03:03 AM

Maria smiled back at him as he replied.She sighed gently and took a deep breath letting her stiff posture loosen."Sit sit..."The king said and Maria left the soft smile on her lips.She walked with Phoebe to two chairs beside his."How are my ladies today?"The king asked gently his voice husky and deep....

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 03:05 AM

Phoebe forced back a snort of disbelief, turning it into a cough. "I'm sorry my Lord...I have a slight cold..." she apologized quickly as she sat down. Really...Who did this guy think he was? Who cared if he was a king? That didn't make you a god.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 03:12 AM

The king noticed the soft gentleness of Maria and focused his attmepts on her."It's fine my lady..."He said to Phoebe looking at Maria softly/seductively.Maria held back a shiver of disgust....he was cute and kind but she knew what the real king was like...let's say not very pleasant..."I'm fine how are thou?"She asked the king looking away from his attentive stare...

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 12:30 PM

Phoebe sighed...Seems the king didn't like her...good. By the time she was done, he would hate her. "Good, because I wouldn't want to be rude or anything..." she said pretending nervousness.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 09:57 PM

The king laughed and smiled at them."Well that's fine..."He said with a slight glare to Phoebe that Maria didn't see."And I'm fine my lady.Are you ready for the meal?"He asked his voice still gently and seductive.Maria sighed softly filling the almost silent cool night air that blew in from the windows."Is that a no my lady?"The king asked with a playful smile on his face."No,no sire....we're ready..."She said her voice gently and uncaring now.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 10:00 PM

Phoebe grinned " So what's on the menu for tonight? Roast duck...or something I don't know...peacock?" she asked hopefully, looking up at the king with big innocent puppy dog eyes. She might hate the guy...but she did like good food...

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 10:12 PM

"Hmmm...I think ribs,half a chicken,half a potato,garlic bread,soup,and an apple turnover."The king told them smiling softly at them.Maria smiled back she usually didn't eat this well...."Yumm...I mean that sounds delicious your majesty..."She said blushing softly.The king laughed just as the soup came out in metal bowls....

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 10:24 PM

Phoebe sighed..."This better be good." she said looking disdainfully at the soup. She picked it up and drank some, her eyes widened "Whoa...This is good! Who's your chef?" she asked forgetting her dislike of the king in her joy over the soup.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 10:31 PM

The king laughed slightly and drank his soup looking over Maria..."I'm glad you are enjoying it..."He said softly as Maria locked eyes with him giving a smile and then looking away quickly."This is great...."She said her voice shy again but uncaring.She really did like the soup but her joy would be to the chef not this thing of a man...

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 10:53 PM

Phoebe huffed in annoyance "You know...I'm not just talking to myself!" she said glaring at the king...and paritally Maria...she was seriously just going to sit there and take his, disgusting attempts at seduction.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-24-2010, 10:10 PM

Maria looked over at Phoebe with disdain and then sighed."I'm sorry...we have a woman that cooks for us her name's Mariah..."THe king told Phoebe a soft smile flowing over his lips.Maria gave a soft sigh of content as his attention was taken from her and focused on Phoebe.She drank her soup slowly and quietly not saying a word unless spoken to."So Phoebe how have you been?"He asked with a soft glint in his eyes.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-25-2010, 05:55 PM

Phoebe sighed...great...maybe that last comment hadn't been the best idea. least Maria got a break. "I've been good, thank you. And yourself?" she asked politely.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 02:38 PM

"Great now that your here."The king replied letting his genuine smile flash across his soft lips.
Maria laughed and then blushed as he looked over.That was a sucky pick up line...She thought to herself as another small giggle escaped her lips.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 06:37 PM

Phoebe raised her eyebrows in suprise at Maria's giggle "Well I'm glad." she murmured, for some reason having the odd urge to laugh herself. She quickly shut her mouth to prevent the giggles from escaping.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 04:22 PM

Mariah let her giggles die as she looked over at Phoebe.She shrugged and looked back at the King."Sorry..."She said quietly a slight blush on her cheeks.
The king looked back at Mariah."What's so funny?...My love?"He asked and she raised an eyebrow at my love statement.

robinhoodfan13 is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 04:26 PM

Phoebe couldn't contain her laughter with what he just said. She quickly covered her mouth, trying to smother most of the giggles.

I won't mess with your head or p...
loveisforever95 is offline
Old 06-29-2010, 04:52 PM

Mariah glared at her sister and looked back at the king her voice grave."Nothing sire."She said flashing him a genuine smile to see what Phoebe's reaction was.The king smiled softly at her noticing the genuine smile."Thou too just seem to be miss laugh a lots today."He said smiling as the chicken came in.The waiters placed trays infront of each of them containing chicken ribs and potatoes.


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