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yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 06-20-2010, 03:44 AM

As part of my project to get back into writing this summer, this looks like a good idea. For my list of 100 items, I'm just going to go with whatever random ideas hit me:

list of topicsX

001: sunshine
002: clouds
003: winter
004: red
005: orange
006: yellow
007: green
008: blue
009: purple
010: pink
011: white
012: brown
013: black
014: adventure
015: love
016: happiness
017: grief
018: film
019: work
020: school
021: play
022: hair
023: technology
024: fear
025: trust
026: book
027: animal
028: past
029: present
030: future
031: labels
032: office
033: city
034: country
035: world
036: space
037: protection
038: home
039: travel
040: wish
041: dream
042: nightmare
043: dark
044: fear
045: desire
046: castle
047: fort
048: music
049: perform
050: art
051: sculpture
052: beginning
053: middle
054: end
055: writing
056: belief
057: motion
058: scar
059: pain
060: attachment
061: fate
062: healing
063: death
064: rainbow
065: leather
066: snow
067: family
068: valley
069: exotic
070: mountain
071: sage
072: fire
073: water
074: fog
075: forest
076: lost
077: poison
078: calligraphy
079: ancient
080: diary
081: road
082: window
083: door
084: open
085: closed
086: food
087: fan
088: hot
089: cold
090: fairy tale
091: royalty
092: illness
093: birth
094: male
095: female
096: name
097: place
098: health
099: noise
100: power

Each of my drabbles will be exactly 100 words long. No more, no less. Some might derive from a fandom, but others might just be random mini-stories. Hm, maybe I'll link some of them into small plot arcs. I don't know yet. :D

Comments and feedback are, of course, much appreciated! Do try to be constructive with your criticism, though. If you leave a link with your comments, I'll be sure to check out whatever you've written and give feedback as well!

Last edited by scholar; 05-20-2013 at 11:10 PM..

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 06-21-2010, 03:19 AM

001 :: sunshine

She felt the warmth on her face before her eyes passed the signal onto her brain that there was a bright light shining on her. Such was morning, a wake-up call stronger than any alarm clock. If she ever had to move to a place where her bedroom window faced anywhere but east, she knew being a morning person would become impossible.

But her window did face east, and she was still a morning person -- for now. She rolled over into the warmth, seeking it as most people sought coffee. She yawned and blinked. A new day had begun.

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 05:06 AM

002 :: clouds

"Look! Quick! It's a dragon!"

"What? Where?"

"Aww, you missed it!"

"You mean that one?"


"Well, it looks more like a rabbit now."

Silence. The breeze flutters.

"Look, there's a face on that one."

"Which? Oh, I see. I guess you could call it a face. Looks more like a mottled fruit."

"You don't look fast enough."

Silence. The sky begins to turn a darker shade of blue.

"I like it when they turn all pink on the edges."

"Me, too."

Silence, a longer one. The sky fades from purple to black, and the clouds drift across the starscape.

Last edited by scholar; 07-02-2010 at 05:54 AM..

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zazabar is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 06:36 PM

Mmmm, I can't wait to see the final collection. I've loved each one you have put out so far.

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 06:56 PM

Thanks, zazabar! I really appreciate you coming over here and commenting. :)

I'm mostly using these as a way to get the typing/writing juices flowing, and it seems to be helping.

Last edited by scholar; 06-22-2010 at 11:26 PM..

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 06-22-2010, 11:26 PM

003 :: winter

That year, winter never came. Summer stretched on not only through mid-September, which was normal, but through October (we dressed up as beachcombers for Halloween), November (our trick of putting the Martinelli outside to chill simply didn't work), and then even Christmas, when the scarves and mittens stayed in storage. We had a barbecue for New Years', since it was too hot to use the stove. By the time Easter rolled around, we had given up completely.

But in June, we awoke to find the yard buried in white and the heater going full blast. This was global weirding's winter.

Last edited by scholar; 07-02-2010 at 05:55 AM..

Kifflemonster is offline
Old 06-24-2010, 06:00 PM

This is a lovely idea, and I'm really enjoying your snippets so far. :) Are other people allowed to do the list, too? (In their own thread, of course.)

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zazabar is offline
Old 06-24-2010, 08:46 PM

Yep, they sure are! There is actually a stick at the top of this subforum about it. There are even some pre-made lists to help you get started, if you are interested.

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 06-25-2010, 05:23 PM

@Kiffle: Yup, lots of people have 100 drabbles. You're welcome to use my list if you give me as your source. (You might have to use a quote tag under Mene rules, but I'm not sure... That's why I made my own list. :D )

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 05:53 AM

004 :: red

Seeing red. I'd heard the expression before, read it in books galore, but never truly experienced it.

Seeing red. It was intense when it happened. A slow build of rage, from the fast heartbeat, sweaty palms, uncomfortable breathing, to realizing that I was truly—

Seeing red. What caused it? Blood dripping into my eyes? A build-up of capillary pressure? A mental thing? I found that I was wondering how it happened even as it did happen.

Seeing red. I wanted to scream, to rage, to kill, but I could barely see past the red covering the world, covering his face.

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zazabar is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 05:55 PM

Yay, glad you are writing again!

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 07-03-2010, 01:24 AM

Me, too. "Red" stumped me for a few days, and then in a fit of exhaustion last night that kind of poured out.

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 07-25-2010, 04:55 PM

005 :: orange

I always loved watching her cook: the smells, sounds, sights of the knife, the ingredients, the oils.

"It's easy, really," she would say, her fingers deftly adjusting the onion to create exactly even mince. "You just have to care."

I cared about food, but she was passionate. I remembered the moment I realized I loved her for that passion, beyond admiring her skill. She'd been carefully sectioning and chopping a bell pepper, an orange one. The color of it made me stare, first at the vegetable, then at her hands, then at her face.

So beautiful, everything. I loved her.

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 09:36 PM

006 :: yellow

The field had once been full of flowers -- wildflowers, all colors, all shapes. I had come there often, as a child, to sit and dream, to think... and later, as a young adult, to be with my beloved.

But then the war had come, and the field had been bombed, and my beloved had died.

It was a year since that day, and my first visit to the field. I'd brought flowers, to mark the spot where we had made ourselves one.

But nature had anticipated me, and my small bouquet fell softly onto a patch of yellow daisies.

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 09-05-2010, 07:16 AM

O.O WoW! these are really good! cant wait to read more!

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 09-06-2010, 07:09 PM

Thanks, sweet_serender!! I kind of write them whenever the mood strikes me, so you might not see many of them.

Oh, and in relation to your signature -- be careful about reviving dead threads, as there are rules on Mene about "necroing." Some threads can't be revived past a certain age. :D

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 06:01 AM

oh yeah... I only revive ones hat are only dead for a few days >.< I have my limits LOL

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 11:51 PM

Good to know! I think the lit forum, or other forums where topics have only one thread, can be revived indefinitely. :D

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 11:56 PM

LOL yeah cause most are stories hahahaha I should really try someting like this >.<

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 11-20-2011, 08:01 AM

070: mountain

They're always there. No matter what color, how visible, how beautiful or ugly, how misted with rain or covered with smog or obscured by the buildings which rise over the years in this city, the mountains are always there.

They shelter me. They comfort me. A view of them from whatever high place I can find amidst the skyscrapers and suburban sprawl revives my point of view.

My humanity has given me such arrogance with the world; it has allowed me to take Nature for granted.

But the mountains are, and always will be, more than I can ever be.

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 05-20-2013, 11:08 PM

007 :: green

Green: the color of life, usually. Green, rolling hills; green branches of trees; green moss sparkling in the dew and golden glow of sunrise.

But green is the color, too, of death: a sickly green, a puke green, a mold green. Horrible hospital green or asylum green.

Yet it's green for go and green for prosperity and green for a sustainable future. And maybe Green for president!

I'd never thought the spectrum would be so spectral, resist so completely the binaries it visibly fights. Metaphor, for once, has not broken down.

All this is making me want salad for dinner.


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