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Kifflemonster is offline
Old 06-25-2010, 04:39 AM

Here There Be Monsters

So I've decided to take up the challenge of 100 drabbles in my own, unique little snowflake of a way. I desperately want to make my own webcomic someday, and to do so I need a bunch of ideas. I have a general plot idea for it, but a bunch of mini-plots would be choice. THEREFORE. I'll administer my characters to 100 themes and see what I can come up with in the way of character development, possible plots and the like. So sit back, relax, read and enjoy!

We all know the fear of monsters living in our closets, or under our beds. But, do we really stop to think about why they would choose such places to live? Why do they haunt children in the first place? For that matter, do they even exist? Noel Baxter has just started kindergarten in a new shool, in a new home, that has a new closet... looks like any other closet in any other home, on any other street in any other town. Yet, what lies beyond that closet could prove to be the stuff of dreams...

...or nightmares.

100 Theme List, as posted by Seito on to_be_inspired.
1. Bite
2. Green Pen
3. First Flower
4. A Beautiful Day
5. Water
6. Jars
7. Buttons
8. Silence
9. Trash
10. Chain
11. Rain of blossoms
12. Chapstick/lip balm
13. Cards
14. Quiz
15. Fans
16. Fish
17. Smile
18. Chocolate
19. Scissors
20. Pillows
21. Jacket/Blanket
22. Glare
23. Jealousy
24. Misunderstood
25. Holiday
26. Bell
27. Dog
28. Bridge
29. Minute
30. Flying
31. Bird
32. Cloud
33. Umbrella
34. Snow
35. Singing
36. Square
37. Curtain
38. Popular
39. Rubbish
40. Jellyfish
41. Circle
42. Matches
43. Deception
44. Paper
45. Heart
46. Color
47. Moonlight
48. Death
49. Candle
50. 50%
51. Obsessive Compulsive
52. Technology Challenged
53. Lurk
54. Stalk
55. Doom
56. Butterfly
57. Check
58. Make up
59. I feel pretty
60. Clock
61. Midnight
62. Cocoa
63. Tinsel
64. Spiffy
65. Spilled Ink
66. Paw prints
67. Cute
68. Mess
69. I’m coming
70. Late
71. Missed
72. Spellcheck
73. Mail
74. Tied up
75. Nails
76. Small terror
77. Spider
78. Wine/champagne
79. Cross-dressing
80. Instruction Manual
81. Confetti
82. Glitter
83. Shiny objects
84. Rebirth
85. Marbles
86. Lamp post
87. Charcoal
88. Markers
89. Scribbling
90. Board games
91. Love
92. Sibling
93. Coffee
94. Sticky
95. Sweet
96. Sour
97. Hyper
98. Apathy & Empathy
99. Lost cell phone
100. Happily Ever After



"Noel, why on Earth are you screaming at this hour of the morning...?"

The little girl peered over her blankets to see her mother in the doorway, leaning against the frame in a lingering state of half-slumber. She quickly threw open the covers and scrambled over to the woman, hugging her legs. Her mother blinked down at her.

"Spider?" Noel shook her head.

"Then what?"


"Monsters? Oh, Noel, you know there's no such thing."

"Mommy, there are monsters under my bed! I saw it! One of them tried to get me, and it bit my leg!" The little girl hopped up and down on one leg while holding up the other as if she was desperately trying to prove her point.

Her mother knelt down and tiredly examined the girl's leg. "It's nothing but a scratch," she told the girl, "and look, it's scabbed over. You probably got it out on the playground today." She picked up Noel and patted her back gently as she carried the child back over to the bed, tucking her in. She patted the girl's leg from between the covers.

"There are no monsters, Noel. None under your bed, and none in that closet of yours."

"The monsters in the closet aren't mean..." Noel trailed off when her mother gave her another of those looks. She knew to stop talking then and there and instead hunkered down into the sheets with a small, disappointed frown.

Last edited by Kifflemonster; 06-25-2010 at 07:28 AM..


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