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Geekasaurous is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 04:29 PM

Eh, well yeah, my dreams are starting to really freak me out!

Normally, I have cool dreams! Like once, I had an awesome dream including scuba-diving, work experience and meeting Stephen Fry. I wrote to him and told him about it, resulting in him sending me his autograph! So those dreams I like!

But lately, my dreams have become really.. scary! Like, last night, I had a dream that my Dad won this cycle race and he had to give up something precious for some reason and he gave gave them my dog! And they cut his paws off! I know it sounds stupid, but I actually woke up crying. Then I fell asleep again and had like, a continuation of us getting the dog back but then they took him away again!

But they get worse.. A couple months back I had a dream that me and my mum were in the car just pulling out of Tesco's carpark and these two guys walked across the road infront of us. I looked at one of them and he started shouting and me and he pulled out a gun and started banging on the window. I looked over at mum, telling her to drive away, but she just sort of smiled at me. Then I got shot in the neck and when I woke up I could like, feel it. Sort of.. I felt something on my neck anyways..

Phew, okayy last one, I swear! To make another long story short, I had a dream a couple nights ago about my mum killing me with some contraption thing. The next day I was scared to even go in the room where the dream was..

I'm really freaking out about them.. Any idea's/advice people.? Please..? :?

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 05:25 PM

My best advice would be to just relax. Dreams are like your mind's way of letting off some steam. So try to think about what may be frustrating you lately, or any interactions with the people involved that happened around the times of the dream. Dreams can get pretty freaky sometimes, but knowing that alone usually helps me keep my cool (I had a dream once where I went on a violent rampage against one my closest friends and tried to kill her...I felt really guilty about that, actually...=/)

When you have dreams that really freak you out, take a deep breath and relax. Go get some tea or something and calm down. If you're into dream meanings and such, maybe try to think about what that dream meant to you?

haha I get a bajillion crazy dreams every year. But I can totally relate to that injury thing. Back in elementary school, I had a dream that Blood Mary was trying to kill me (it was after the older kids tried to mess with us...T_T'' I didn't even believe it until that dream happened...gosh...). She was dressed like the grim reaper, though, and used her scythe to try to cut off my head. But I moved and she only sliced my arm instead. It actually hurt and I woke up still feeling it. And I could feel it for about a week...>.>

Sooo...I'd say try not to overthink everything. Your brain's mostly just messin with ya and if you're dealing with a lot of stress lately, it should go back to normal when your lifestyle goes back to normal. Alsooo...if you're into writing or anything like that, you could always try fighting back with the pen. As a frequent crazy-dreamer, I love using what I dream. >D

Geekasaurous is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 10:51 PM

Yeah, I don't know, I suppose I may be a little stressed out.. Nothing major, just annoying, idiotic friends.

And yes! Tea is a very good solution! I swear by tea, it cures everything. Lol ^^ I think ima go get a cup now.. And thanks! (: Extremely much appreciated. ;D

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Bartuc is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 11:35 PM

Originally Posted by Geekasaurous View Post
Eh, well yeah, my dreams are starting to really freak me out!

Normally, I have cool dreams! Like once, I had an awesome dream including scuba-diving, work experience and meeting Stephen Fry. I wrote to him and told him about it, resulting in him sending me his autograph! So those dreams I like!

But lately, my dreams have become really.. scary! Like, last night, I had a dream that my Dad won this cycle race and he had to give up something precious for some reason and he gave gave them my dog! And they cut his paws off! I know it sounds stupid, but I actually woke up crying. Then I fell asleep again and had like, a continuation of us getting the dog back but then they took him away again!

But they get worse.. A couple months back I had a dream that me and my mum were in the car just pulling out of Tesco's carpark and these two guys walked across the road infront of us. I looked at one of them and he started shouting and me and he pulled out a gun and started banging on the window. I looked over at mum, telling her to drive away, but she just sort of smiled at me. Then I got shot in the neck and when I woke up I could like, feel it. Sort of.. I felt something on my neck anyways..

Phew, okayy last one, I swear! To make another long story short, I had a dream a couple nights ago about my mum killing me with some contraption thing. The next day I was scared to even go in the room where the dream was..

I'm really freaking out about them.. Any idea's/advice people.? Please..? :?
Have you started watching horror movies or taking any drugs lately? It could be that you are coming to a realization that there is something missing in your life or you are scared of something.

whiteDevilz is offline
Old 07-02-2010, 11:37 PM

hey, my mom said that "dreams are the devils play, Don't believe100% your dreams. Although most have their own reason to come to your sleep.''
''and try t change the dreams with a great imagination you have''

hehe,..kinda funny isn't it?? :boogie:

Geekasaurous is offline
Old 07-03-2010, 12:29 AM

Originally Posted by Tijdon View Post
Have you started watching horror movies or taking any drugs lately? It could be that you are coming to a realization that there is something missing in your life or you are scared of something.
Hahahaha.. Eh, no. Sorry, it's just the thought of me ever watching horror movies or taking drugs is hilarious to me, they are like, two of my biggest hates! Lol. But drugs as in medication, nope to them too.

But yeah, I'm definately scared of losing people, and my dog of course. ^^ This time last year me and my best friend had a huge bust-up and she still hasn't talked to me. Most of our friends followed her, being a very popular person, and I'm not really friends with any of them anymore. Basically, I lost all my friends except maybe, 3? 3 true friends that is. I'm super paranoid now about them possibly leaving me for others and if I see any of them around town it's like, oww. Gosh, I'm embarrased now.. ;_;"

whiteDevilz: Mr. Devil obviously doesn't like me very much so.. ^^ Yeah, I always try to change them or like continue them on when I wake up, never works though. >_<"

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-03-2010, 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by whiteDevilz View Post
hey, my mom said that "dreams are the devils play, Don't believe100% your dreams. Although most have their own reason to come to your sleep.''
''and try t change the dreams with a great imagination you have''

hehe,..kinda funny isn't it?? :boogie:
lol if Dreams are the devil's play, I have a long history of screwing the devil's playtime over. I totally control all my dreams consciously. XD I always watch my dreams like it's a movie and have a mental commentary going.

ahhh there was one time where Death (like, Grim Reaper kinda guy) was trying to kill me, and I was like "Nahh, man. That's not cool" and he was "Wha? But whyyy?" Me: " got other people to kill. that first." And it went on like that for a while until I had him on a total wild goose chase for nonexistent things and eventually he was like "FINE! Liveee! Gosh..." and I woke up feeling the most victorious I've ever felt... hahahaha

Takumi_Amari is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 12:24 AM

Whenever I have bad dreams, I try to work against them. In the dreams sometimes I realize that I am dreaming and I force my mind to change the situation. Of course this doesn't always work and I have had very terrifying nightmares that have felt completely real. When I wake up I calm myself quickly, telling myself that it was just a dream. Also, I try and logically work out what may have caused the dreams. Dreams are from your subconscious, therefore anything you see and hear will be recorded into memories and stored there. When you are asleep it is like the doors to your mind open up. Every memory you have can shape itself into really cool dreams or really scary nightmares.

While there are some stories of people telling the future in their dreams, they are very rare and are generally more like small conversation related things. I wouldn't worry yourself. Just calm yourself before you sleep. Listen to nice music, or watch happy tv shows or read books with happy endings. It may sound childish, but if you are having nightmares, you should distance yourself from things such as the news, negative people, negative tv shows, or history related stuff.

Good luck! And remember, everyone needs to sleep and lack of sleep will give you insomnia and hurt your brain. ^^;;;

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x_cannibalisticcows is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 03:35 AM

I know dreams may be scary. But you're never supposed to take them literally! If you believe they have meaning, than you have to realize that what you see is never what you get in dreams.
Also, random fact. You don't dream throughout the night - there are sleep cycles. And you only get to the REM stage around 3-4 times a night.

Don't worry about your dreams. If you're having them every night, you just need to work out any conflicts you may be having. But having an odd dream here and there isn't so bad.

I know I have them every night, and like it's been said. Since REM sleep is so close to being awake and conscious, try controlling or manipulating them. I do it all the time. If I get killed by zombies.... I rewind and do it all over again.

Good luck!

HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 04:55 AM

Originally Posted by Takumi_Amari View Post

While there are some stories of people telling the future in their dreams, they are very rare and are generally more like small conversation related things. I wouldn't worry yourself. Just calm yourself before you sleep. Listen to nice music, or watch happy tv shows or read books with happy endings. It may sound childish, but if you are having nightmares, you should distance yourself from things such as the news, negative people, negative tv shows, or history related stuff.

Good luck! And remember, everyone needs to sleep and lack of sleep will give you insomnia and hurt your brain. ^^;;;
Speaking of psychic dreams...Last winter I lost an earring my friend had just given to me for Christmas. There was a TON of snow and I had to go out to shovel. I'd already gotten dressed and wanted to wear my earrings, and I didn't plan on shoveling at all. T_T My dad dragged me outside and I forgot about my earrings and made a snow angel in the driveway (keeping in mind there was about 2 feet of snow).

As we're finishing up, I realized an earring was missing, and I spent the next two or three days trying to find my earring. I got so obsessed over it, digging in the snow all day. Finally, I dreamed I found it, right out next to the lamp post. I could have gone out right then and looked for it, but I was so upset about it. I went over to my friend's house and let myself get snowed in over there.

A few days later, my sister texted me that she found my earring! When I got home, she pointed out where. Lo and behold, it was exactly where I dreamed it was. *sigh* ...Now they're lost somewhere in the mess of my jewelry boxes. XD

But..ya. Just a nice little heartwarming dream story for ya guys. >.>

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 01:33 PM

HappyStarr: I think that it was your mind telling you something you have forgotten/passed over in your thoughts. You must have lost it there and somewhere in the back of your mind you sensed where it was. It's surprising how you dreamt so clearly of what you were thinking of when concious.

Geekasaurus: I have horrible dreams like that too. Like you said about cutting the paws off, I had a dream once were it was like a concentration camp and they cut body parts off of us. They cut my feet off :S! But I think you've got to fully wake up, take your mind off it, and then come back to thinking about it. It suddenly seems less frightening and you don't take it as seriously.

When I have dreams involving one of my family or friends, if it frightens me I tell them which is very helpful. They will be shocked and tell you they would 'never do that' and comfort you. It kind of wipes away the possibility (even if you didn't ever think it would be able to happen). Maybe you're doubting your mums protection over you, or more likely (considering your dreams are like my own) you have a great fear of your mother doing something like that, because they mean so much to you and they are the one person you would not expect them to behave like that.

Geekasaurous is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by lunanuova View Post

When I have dreams involving one of my family or friends, if it frightens me I tell them which is very helpful. They will be shocked and tell you they would 'never do that' and comfort you. It kind of wipes away the possibility (even if you didn't ever think it would be able to happen). Maybe you're doubting your mums protection over you, or more likely (considering your dreams are like my own) you have a great fear of your mother doing something like that, because they mean so much to you and they are the one person you would not expect them to behave like that.
Yeah I told my mum about the getting shot one and my dad about the dog one and they just laughed. But, I didn't get them anymore so thats good I guess.. ^^

I havn't had super bad ones in a while, just my normal, weird ones about my ex-bestie who hates me but doesn't it the dream.. Weird Lol.

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PrinceLeopard is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 12:03 PM

You keep on having dreams involving you dying and your mom? Hmmm...I'd keep an eye on her if I were you XD

whiteDevilz is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by PrinceLeopard View Post
You keep on having dreams involving you dying and your mom? Hmmm...I'd keep an eye on her if I were you XD
my grandma used to said that when we dream about someone else death, that's mean they have a long journey to go.
that's mean, they live long..or maybe the opposite one..:angel:


Originally Posted by whiteDevilz View Post
hey, my mom said that "dreams are the devils play, Don't believe100% your dreams. Although most have their own reason to come to your sleep.''
''and try t change the dreams with a great imagination you have''

hehe,..kinda funny isn't it?? :boogie:
when I said about devils, that's mean I'm not one of them..:eager:
please don't misunderstood it...:boogie:

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Sforzando is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 04:31 AM

I think you need to find a way to get rid of your stress. I know when I have bad dreams, it's usually something that I've been thinking about for a while and has been causing me stress.

I've woken up several times crying from dreaming someone I cared about was going to die. My teacher and my mother, mainly. But before I dreamed about my mom dying, I had had a big argument with her. I recently dreamed that I was going to be killed by this boy who was the brother of a girl that I hated.

Just, try not to go to sleep angry or worrying about things. There's plenty of time to do that in the morning. Clear your mind.

Fabby is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 07:09 AM

First of all, try not to think about those dreams! xD The more they're floating around in your mind, the more likely you are to continue having elements of them in new dreams. I find it helpful to try and eliminate triggers for negative/scary thoughts around bedtime... also, listen to kesson shoujo while you're sleeping because no one can have nightmares while they're listening to that. Haha.

Last time I had a dream that really freaked me out, I found it most helpful to completely over analyze every inconsistency in it. Basically, I dreamt that my sister showed up at my door chopped in half, shortly followed by my father with a rather large knife. However, this really stopped being scary when I thought about it; how the HELL would my sister get here with no legs? Does no one notice a 13 year old girl dragging herself 10 miles to my house and call an ambulance!? Why didn't SHE call an ambulance? Why the hell did my dad let her escape anyway, surely she would have attracted attention! See, it's actually fun, try it ;D

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Vickster is offline
Old 07-10-2010, 07:32 PM

So much to read, I only read the first couple of responses, I admit..
Maybe you dream of your parents like that cause you are afraid they will turn on you like your friends did?
Sure, it might seem dramatic with the shooting and loss of paws.. but the mind is weird.

I dream freaky dreams almost all the time. Always had. I used to cry when I was little, sometimes still does, I admit.. if its very realistic that is. When I was young, like 6, it might of been of killer my little ponies that tried to eat everyone.. I dont think I even want those dreams explained! But as older it might be of peoples deaths, weird sicknesses and such. I remember once, me and my family was chased by some kind of gang I guess, (I am often chased I might add) and we had this getaway apartment which we used a secret knock. I got there first. Someone came knocking desperately, but the wrong knock so of course I didnt open.. and then I heard my sister being killed on the other side.. it was dreadful -.-;; I guess it might be me somehow progressing a way of letting my family down?

Maybe if you try see why you dream them maybe you wont have such weird dreams, maybe talk out about the things you come up to. But I doubt you have to worry too much, I am sure it will pass sooner or later. I cant say for sure, since I still dream like that, but after like 17 years of them they are slowly subsiding to less... bloody and horrific ones I guess you could say and more daily dilemmas. Anyways, if they dont go away you will get used to them and it will feel weird if your dreams suddenly are "normal". XD If I could remember all the dreams I had, I would definitely have written a horror book.!

ChaosCass13 is offline
Old 07-11-2010, 03:35 AM

Have you looked anything up in a dream dictionary? It's actually very accurate, except for one in which all of the dream signs are translated into sexual frustration... >.>

A dream dictionary has actually really helped me out. ^.^ I'd definitely suggest one, or suggest looking one up online. But It's up to you, I guess...


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