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Azeriel is offline
Old 12-21-2010, 03:40 AM

Hello everybody!

I haven't been on Menewsha in a while, I only pop back in every so often. But, I've been active in a Harvest Moon RP on Gaia, and I thought it would be really cool to find someone who could draw Harvest Moon Heart Events.

What I'm basically looking for is someone who could do the following:

- draw at least one full body picture of my person, and be able to manipulate the face, and possibly an arm and hand, to give him different expressions, ranging from happy, to sad, to angry, etc. So I end up with several different versions, but it only takes the artist as much time as it does to draw one full body and some extra revisions.

(If this is too difficult, I can settle for a half-body picture with changing expressions. But I thought, if only the facial expression, and perhaps an arm and hand, will be changed, it wouldn't matter if it was a full-body or a half-body).

- come up with some sort of format for a Heart Event I can use. If you're never played Harvest Moon, usually, half of the character's body shows up above a box of text. I just need the basic set-up completed - I can fill in the text I want and crop the character's picture where I want it myself.

- come up with a background for the basic format. In Harvest Moon, two character sprites usually meet up in a 3D setting, over which the text box and 2D character picture appear. I'm trying to avoid picking out a general photograph to use as the background, and trying to get one that is more personalized. But even I'm kind of stuck on what I can request for, it's kind of hard to explain. Just, let me know if you're interested in this.

(This second and third options are actually optional. I think I can find any graphic designer to make a basic format for me to use and manipulate myself, and I can always just choose a generic background. These two options can be done by a different artist than the one who does the first and each other, but the first has to be done completely by the same artist).

I hope this all makes sense?

Menewsha hosts some of the best artists, and I'm theoretically more well off on Menewsha than on Gaia, so I figured I would have a better chance of getting high quality art here rather than there.

If anybody bites, you can respond here, or via PM, with some samples, and what you would roughly ask for payment. Or, what you usually get as payment for one full-body.

I really hope I can get this, I've been wanting to do this for ages.


P.S. The character I use in the RP is mine, but the character design belongs to Heise at She drew that character for herself, not for me or anyone else that uses it. I just use that picture as a representation of my RP character.

I just wanted to make that clear, in case I post the actual picture in the future on this thread.

Just in case no one wants to read through these paragraphs, here is a summary of what I'm looking for.

Originally Posted by Art Request

- Draw one full body or one half body picture of my character, and manipulate the face to show several different expressions. This is what I'm really after, everything else is optional for the same artist or others to take on.

- I will pay extra if you're willing to do some minor tweaks to the full body/half body, such as raising an arm and hand, pointing a finger, maybe an obnoxious lift of the head, for particular expressions. This is optional.

- I'm really looking for clean, simple art that is high quality (correct anatomy proportions, etc). But if an artist is able to draw CG art and change the facial expressions as well, I'm more than willing to pay for the higher quality art.
Originally Posted by Items for Offer

- Panda Slippers: Lowest offer, ie my base price

- King's Crown
- Female and Male Welcome Shirts
- Orange and Yellow Welcome Balloons
- Easter '07 items
- Scarf of Order
- Oriental Fan
- Astral Halo
- Kitsune and Caboodle
- Various Headwings and Anklewings
The end!

Last edited by Azeriel; 12-27-2010 at 02:12 AM..

Azeriel is offline
Old 12-26-2010, 03:28 AM

Hmm, no one's biting. Maybe I need to list all my available funds? I have old collectibles and event items dating back to March 07, if that entices anyone to take a nibble.

Azeriel is offline
Old 12-27-2010, 02:08 AM


I dunno, is my request really hard? I didn't think just changing the face, eyes, eyebrows, and mouth, would be very difficult. Especially for a...what are they called? Hard-celled shading? Non-CG art. But maybe I'm wrong, I've never tried it myself.

Well. I'm getting kind of desperate, so I'll go ahead and lay down an official offer. I'll pay at least:

Panda Slippers

as the very base price. Meaning I'm willing to pay Panda Slippers to anyone who bites. I also have the following I know for sure I can add on, dependent on the quality:

Scarf of Order
Oriental Fan
Astral Halo
Kitsune and Caboodle
King's Crown
Various Headwings and Anklewings
Female and Male Welcome Shirts
Orange and Yellow Welcome Balloons
Easter '07 items

These are things I have multiples of that I know I can offer as payment immediately. I have other items I'm willing to offer, but I need someone to work and haggle with. IE, if they really want that/those item/s that I have on reserve, I can offer them.

Last edited by Azeriel; 12-27-2010 at 02:15 AM..

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Kia_ is offline
Old 12-28-2010, 01:04 AM

Good Luck!!!

Azeriel is offline
Old 12-30-2010, 06:54 PM

Thank you very much! Same to you and your art request thread. Looks like we're both having trouble reeling people in. Maybe it's the holidays? I know I'm not on my computer a lot, since I'm spending this time with family and all.

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 01:24 AM

I would totally help you out if I could do a computer drawing. Unfortunately, my tablet died a long time ago and I can't draw on a lap top. :( I'm sorry.

Azeriel is offline
Old 01-02-2011, 11:27 PM

Ah, bummer. I don't know what I would do if my tablet stopped working.

Thanks anyways for dropping in, though!


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