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Old 02-15-2011, 04:06 AM

HELLO! Welcome to the RP thread that's also a part of Pretend You Love me, Flink's RP contest!

The setting is simple, really. It's nothing more than a quaint little inn. Use your imagination for what's there. But be warned no fighting, nothing above PG-13, and DON'T BITE THE MAILMAN. Er, sorry, don't break the TOS/be jerks to eachother.

Next to the inn is a haunted bakery with ONE single ghost, that is all. No more, unless you make some up. And apparently they only serve Booberry muffins.


I needed a place to put them. :)

Originally Posted by Whisper Invictus
Hope I am doing this right? Making a profile in case I get a chance to step into your rp. But beware, I suuuuck at funny >.<

Name: Clarisse
Age: 19
Race: Hooman
Appearance: Short, blonde (but not the dumb-colored kind), brown-eyed. Female >__> with a weird birthmark on her big toe.
Backstory: College-bound and hair-brained, this girl is headed to the boring spectrum of life, law school. Her life has been full of obstacles, from her cat who managed to hang itself from the living room blinds, to he love life (nonexistent). Everything and everyone has gotten in her way. The high school tease was severe ("Hello, Clarisse~" ring a bell?) but she's prepared to take on the world. Again.

((Hope that wasn't too vague/long >.>))

Originally Posted by star77
Name:Kegan Dare
Racehuman for the most part. (bumbum bummmmmm)

Backstory: Kegan is and always was a fighter. He loved to fight, he finding out the hard way that fighting isn't always the way to be happy. He now want to find someone to love.... Though he has no clue what the word even means. Kegan just got back from one of the 'missions' he planed and now is looking for a nice place to rest.
Originally Posted by KageShio
Name: Hiro "Kage" Shiomataru
Age: 705
Race: Dhampir (half vampire of sorts)
Appearance: His lean, muscled body is ivory pale and littered with scars. He stands 6'4" with nearly androgynous features. Midnight blue almond eyes with thick lashes, high cheekbones and a fine, strong jaw. Thin, long hands and a slim waist give more to the illusion of femininity, as well as nearly waist-length, sleek raven hair.

Clothing tends to be tighter-fitting and dark, long sleeved shirts, black slacks and leather boots. Most often seen with black leather fingerless gloves, trench-coat and fedora as well. Always wears a ocean blue stone pendant in a silver setting and chain. Though rarely seen, he always has at least three knives on him at all times.

Backstory: Born to a Japanese noblewoman and a vampire lord from Russia, Kage was gifted with a unique form of Vampiric gene. Instead of being a half Vampire that has either all the strengths of a vampire, and weaknesses of a human or vice versa, he has a blend of the two. Having many of the strengths of vampires, and few of their weaknesses due to the spiritually-inclined human blood of his mother.

He was raised in Japan for most of his young life, but taken to Russia where his father started to train him relentlessly. Intent on taking advantage of his son's strengths, he made sure Kage was trained in the arts of weaponry as well as diplomacy. He seemed to not care for his true well-being, confining him and punishing him severely every time he even spoke out of line. This treatment lasted decades until his father deemed him ready for his final teachings- the art of stealth and assassination. After almost a century of training in that mansion, he was put to work for his father. That is, until the day he got a better proposition. He turned on his father, paying the master Vampire back for the years of indifference and pain.

Kage still works as an assassin, often for other vampires or other supernaturals, though if you could follow his tracks, you would find him behind some of the deaths of human royals through the ages.
Originally Posted by FidelisRaor
Name: Eleanor Potato Fryzbee (pronounced 'frisbee' not 'frysbe' thanks)
Age: I'm like, eighteen, but could totally be twenty. That's in human years. In demon years I am way older than that.
Race: I'm a half-elf demon vampire.
Appearance: I have long, flowing black hair with one rainbow streak. My eyes are mauve, not red, mauve. Oh, and I dress in all black, and I only shop at Hot Topic because that's where all the cool vampires go.

Backstory: I'm the last of my kind. I grew up in Europe, but wish I lived in Japan cos it's so kawaii desu. I've had so much time to learn that I'm fluent in almost every language ever. When I get angry I shoot lasers from my eyes, but usually I'm not because people are always nice. People always feel sorry for me cos I'm so beautiful and the last of my kind. Some vampire hunters killed all my family. Oh, and in my spare time I like to draw art.
Originally Posted by kionaredhawk
Name: Kiona RedHawk
Age: 17
Race Half human, Half Kat demon
Appearance: In my human form, I have my mothers hair, a flaming red. Though my eyes are purple, a result of the pairing of her parents, I am blind; but can "see" better then anyone.
My skin is fairly pale, though not white, unlike the rest of my tan tribe. I took after my mother in that I am about 6' 2" tall. I weigh about 150 pounds with a somewhat athletic build. As in, I have all the curves but the muscles to back them up. :)
Sometimes, I change into my mothers heritage, a Kat demon. That from is like what is called a panther. A very large, very black cat. My eyes are still purple and blind however. In that form, I am bigger then a normal sized panther...much much larger.

Backstory: My full, true name is Kiona Kilyo of the Red Hawk Klan of the North.
The Red Hawks are a clan of elite warriors, trained to fight and hunt. Of the Northren tribe, they are the best. There are always two in every generation hand-picked to be the top. They are trained from one year old to be who they are, trained by the Elders of all the Clans within the tribe. Rarely are the two related.
I am one of the two top fighters. I had been the one of the best since I was ten years old. Not even my parents could win when we would spar with them. The other is my twin brother, Kye (ky-yay).
My father was human, the one born of the Klan. His eyes were blue, his hair black. My mother was a Kat demon, blood red eyes, and flame red hair when in human form. She is like a black panther when she is in her true form. Kye has more a combination of our parents. His eyes are red, like our mothers and his hair is black as night, blacker than our fathers.
My twin and I never really got along.Both of us have powers as well, coming from our fathers heritage...mostly. Kye has the flame magic, it burns and he can control it. magic is far more obvious and scarier than his. It is a blue flame that not only burns but freezes as well. It was thought that I could learn to control it someday.
On our tenth birthday, the Klan was massacred. Yes, they were the best but when over a hundred demons attacked our 'safe' home without any warning, they were overwhelmed. I wasn't there because I was visiting the Elders. I thought my brother had died as well. I sought revenge on the demons that killed them. I learned later that my brother was only wounded, the Elders took care of him. Not that it alters my vendetta.
Originally Posted by Assassin_666
Name: Sodom The Clown
Race Immortal Human
Age: He doesnt remember how old he actually is because he has lived for so long already! Sometimes he likes to have a random birthday and make up a number!
Appearance: Sodom The Clown isnt a clown at all, but a Jester instead, though its his antics which gave him the title of Clown! He is quite slight of build, being very flexible and able to contort his body to many natural and some very unnatural shapes. As would be expected of a Jester, he is extremely nimble and agile, capable of extremely fast and movement, almost beyond belief.

He wears attire in the mismatched colours of black and white that mysteriously remain perfectly clean, no matter what he does. Atop his head is his 'crown' as he calls it, a three pointed black and white Jokers hat with little white skulls that hang off the ends. And no jester of such flamboyant nature would be complete without a cape, of which Sodom has a black full length fur cape with white fur trim all around.

Sporting a flawless white face, and having never been seen without it, some have speculated that his skin itself is actually white and not paint at all, though the black lips must surely be make up! Sodom has long straight pure white hair that hangs down past his slender shoulders. He has one perfectly white eye with a black iris, and the other is a perfectly black eye with a white iris, possibly alluding to demonic and angelic heritage, though Sodom dismisses such claims.

Items: Sodom carries with him at all times, a collection of black and white quartered juggling balls. These have uncanny knack of exploding into confetti that goes everywhere.
He also carries a short scepter with a little skull wearing a three pointed black and white jesters hat like his own. He claims that he is the King of the Fools, and that it is his scepter of office.

Backstory: Sodom was found under the seating after a packed show at The Dark Karnival, a travelling circus that performed feats that bordered on the Dark Arts at times. Voodoo, Necromancy, Regeneration, Levitation, Teleportation, you name it, and it could probably be found there. It was a very mysterious cirucs troupe, full of some very interesting folks, from all walks of life with some amazing abilities.
They gathered together for some time, peering and poking the babe in the black and white cloth with the strange eyes and white complexion. Some wanted to return him, fearing his appearance as an ill omen, but others wanted to keep him, citing he was a gift and new blood for their Karnival since clearly, no townsfolk would have a child as strange as this. Eventually they came together to keep him with them and train him in their ways, teach him their tricks and make him one of them.
As he grew up, his abilities began to become apparent. He was a quick study of everything taught to him by his teachers, the 'Karni Freaks' as they called themselves proudly. But when he began learning 'The Karni Magics', things like levitation and teleportation, that was where he truly astounded the others. He could out do them all, at everything he did. He had become Perfection.
And so, as the star of their show, he travelled with them from village to town to city and back again. As the years wore on and Sodom continued to perfom, he noticed that the other Karni Freaks appeared to be aging, while he stayed the same, and so it came to be, that Sodom the Clown, was the last true remaining Karni Freak, having watched all the others pass away as he seemed not to age at all.
Now, Sodom wanders the world, older than he knows, able to do things that defy logic, the laws of physics and even common sense. Having watched everyone he loved pass away though, he has descended towards madness over the decades or even centuries that he has been alive without them.


Wakka wakka wakka.

Originally Posted by zeapear
Name: Zora ‘Zea’ Pearwood
Age: 17
Race: Human/European
Appearance: Zea’s mouse-brown hair reaches the bottom of her ribcage being naturally straight, and she usually leaves her hair loose unless it’s too hot for the back of her neck to be covered, in which case she holds it up using a hair clip. Her eyes are a rather uninteresting blue-green colour, and are rather weak so Zea usually needs to wear glasses (the current pair being black rimmed and square). Her build is slightly on the curvy side, but her 6’2” more than distracts from her tummy padding, having come from a very tall family.

Zea usually leans towards more comfortable clothes as opposed to fashionable, though she does love wearing some ‘interesting’ combinations of items and LOVES layering.

Backstory: Zea was the youngest of three children, and went to uni to study art and literature. She loves to stand out and can be a little flamboyant, though she doesn’t usually think about what she says beforehand which has lead to many awkward silences.
Zea went to a private school as a child, and almost never swears though she can work up quite a temper when pushed.


Is this acceptable? o wo

Originally Posted by Disco~
Name: Adryan L. Harrow
Age: 71
Race: Human Male
Appearance: Adryan is a slight man, only 5'4 in stature. Over time his chiseled features and flawless ivory skin had succumbed to old age, with his jowls sagging and his forehead being deeply creased. His hair is silvery-grey with flecks of white, still as thick as it was when he was in his mid-twenties. His hair is long, down to his waist, but although it appears hard to maintain, it is never knotted or messy. His bright blue eyes are the main focus of his face, they have a look that can pear into one's soul, but they are not threatening in look, they are full of a warmth that is somewhat humbling. Adrian normally wears long cloaks that display his status as a mage in the royal forces. However, in his off time, he is known to dress in a robot suit...

Backstory: A man of incredible intelligence is seen as a threat to most, a man that is not Adryan that is. From a young age, Adryan has been able to charm people to do exactly what he wants, but in a way that is detrimental to them. Joining the royal family in a bid to protect the King on his eighteenth birthday, was just the ticket to get him out of his mother's cave and into one of his own. He had been dubbed 'Mage of the Week' twelve times last year, sadly the remaining forty weeks he had dropped the ball when taking care of his ill parrot, Juju. Although he is a man of great intelligence, age has gotten to him as one would expect. His mind is still brilliant, but more quirky and erratic than ever before.

Adryan may have just passed his seventieth birthday, but he still has dreams. One day Adryan would like to come first in a tap-dancing contest.

Originally Posted by fairywaif
Name: Sara Smith
Age: 16
Race: Half-elf, half-celestial being (with Unicorn blood running through her veins too)
Appearance: Long, voluminous wavy blonde hair, pale skin with no blemishes or freckles, and eyes that change color with her mood. They're red when she's angry, stormy colored when she's upset, gold when she's wise, purple when she's in love, blue when she's sleepy or calm, green when she's jealous, silver when she's scared. She is 5'9". She wears neat clothes that are always the latest in fashion. She is very beautiful. She has full lips and high cheekbones. She looks sexy, but sweet, and never slutty.

Backstory: Sara is a student at Greenwood High. She is the smartest kid in school, has the best grades and everyone is friends with her, including teachers and animals. She's a model on the weekends and has been to fashion shows in Paris and London. She is now being called upon to save the world, something only she can do. She has a cat that she can talk to named Midnight, who is her sidekick.

Originally Posted by Lilith W
Name: Lilith W or The Flying Arrow
Age: 22 (in elf years, 220 in human years)
Race: Elf

Backstory: Lilith grew up in a conservative elf family. Which is to say she lived in a tree with parents that did not want anything to do with humans or the modern era. Lilith grew tired of of this life and moved out. She lived in a modern town for awhile normally. But she could not stand the injustices being done. So one day, after watching cartoons, she made a costume and put on a mask. She became the Flying Arrow. A superhero that specializes with the bow. She fights for freedom, justice, nature, and the right to wear sexy masks.

Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow
Name: Azra Genvieve Satheneri
Age: 1,256
Race Harpy
Appearance: About 5' 4" tall Azra is slender and petite. Her eyes are a forest green and her skin is honey touched. Long red hair curls down to her mid back in think waves. Coming out from just below her shoulder blades are two huge black leathery wings.

Backstory: Ever since Azra was little she liked to travel. Her parents took her around the world to teach her everything about the world. Now that she is older she still travels but often come's back home to take jobs from her families people. See she's a tracker, she can pretty much track anything. She does that so she can travel.

Last edited by Flink; 02-17-2011 at 11:35 PM..

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Old 02-15-2011, 04:08 AM

There will be mini-challenges. If you're taking part in the actual RP contest, you can win 5 points for each one you win that will be added to your overall score for the game!

Flink will list the winners of the minichallenges here. The ONLY way you will know there's a challenge is by the title of the thread and Flink posting the challenge in the thread itself.

So be on the lookout for them!

Last edited by Flink; 02-15-2011 at 04:57 AM..

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Old 02-15-2011, 04:58 AM

Just note that you DO NOT have to be taking part in the RP contest to RP here.

Flink appreciates the company either way. <3 She'll even be giving prizes to people who just participate here and not there.

Mime From Hell
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Old 02-15-2011, 06:02 AM

-The Crow sits among the rafters of the of the inn's lobby with an overly mischevious grin, eagerly glancing below.-

Last edited by The_Crow; 02-15-2011 at 06:25 AM..

Disco~ is offline
Old 02-15-2011, 03:35 PM

Disco sat in the corner of the lobby, next to the potted plant, and began knitting her third balaclava this month while quietly singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' over and over again. Many had speculated that Disco may not be quite sane, somehow, Disco was inclined to believe them.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 02-15-2011, 07:20 PM

Lilith walked into the inn with a look around. "I wonder if they serve food here?" She needed a place to stay in this town so she might as well stay here. She walked over to the counter and checked in. She got a few odd looks but nothing too bad. She went for a quick look around the place and found the inn's resturant. It was a simple place but it would do. She sat down and ordered a simple shepard's pie.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-15-2011, 09:04 PM

Kage shuffled along the street, his feet still keeping him moving despite the tired throbbing. He gave a sigh as he stopped, looking about for a moment. A small, quaint pair of buildings caught his attention. Had they been there before? He read the signs and after an affirmation from his stomach, he stepped up to the bakery. The bell on the door gave a little chime as it opened and closed behind him.

"Hello?" he called out into the dimly lit room. He looked about, then walked over to the case by the register. Several small, strange-looking muffins sat, still steaming hot behind the glass. "Hm... strange. Is anyone here? Hello!" He called again. After a few moments of silence, a rattle of a breath sounded from somewhere in the room, sending a chill down Kage's spine. He froze, body tense as he looked for the source of the sound, but finding none. His heart began to race as the strange breathing echoed off the walls again, making him jump some. Before he knew it, his legs were carrying him out the door and into the Inn next door, the heavy wood door slamming shut behind him.

He was greeted by the stares of the few patrons of the establishment, a blush creeping up his neck. He cleared his throat, smiling sheepishly as he slid away from the door and slunk to a corner of the room, plopping down into the wooden chair.

((wow, that got wordy... oops))

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 02-15-2011, 09:34 PM

X had been traveling all day, her feet and back ached and groaned in protest. Her mind told her she should keep walking, she needed to get as far away from her old home as possible but as she walked by Flink's Inn she stopped, smelling food, her stomach growling loud. She she walked in she noticed a few people spread out among the lobby and dinning area, very different characters. She smiled to a man near by before heading into the dinning area, she would check in later, right now she couldn't ignore the beast inside her stomach. As X sat down a few people glanced her way, she then noticed it was a rather quiet Inn. No one was speaking to each which she found odd, maybe they all didn't know each other. She sighed and waited for some one to bring her a menu.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 02-15-2011, 11:22 PM

The shadow's tail twitched as she watched for some minutes the comings and goings of the inn. Her hood of her black cloak was up, shading her face as the trees shaded her. She sighs and decides that maybe it's okay to go in after all. Carefully concentration to keep the tail still underneath the cloth, the tall figure strode out of the forest and into the open space, heading towards the inn. All that could be seen was a hooded figure, black boots and travel wear if the cloak so chose to fling from her clutched hands and fly open.
She entered the tavern and went to a darker corner that was shaded from the light. This way she could watch others and not be seen...unless, of course, the light decided to reflect off her violet cat's eyes. She growled to herself as her stomach did the same. She wondered what she was going to eat today.

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 02-16-2011 at 07:12 PM..

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 03:56 AM

Sara walks in softly on her two-inch heels. She brushes a blonde wave behind her ear and calls out softly.
"Hello, is anyone in here?" She looks around, and settles into a corner after ordering a coffee. She sips it slowly and waits for new people.

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Old 02-16-2011, 06:32 AM

Flink smoothed her skirt before sitting behind the bar/check-in desk of the Inn. The place was actually a lot more active than she'd originally thought it'd be, but then again she thought no one would show up at all. The first few patrons seemed to be rather dull, but she did notice one of the newer ones had met the ghost in the bakery next door. Reaching under the bar she pulled out two clipboards, one of which had a list of names on it which she checked off, the other she wrote onto as people came in.

After awhile she'd had everyone checked off and moved to the otherside of the bar to order a drink while she stared at the ceiling trying to think of how she'd challenge her patrons first.

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 06:54 AM

Zea zipped up her jacket and pulled the collar up over her nose, breathing out through her mouth a couple of times as she tried to warm it up. It wasn't that it was cold, but Zea had just gotten back from her holiday in the tropics and her body was still readjusting to Menewsha's slightly chilly nights. As she hurried down the street, she caught a whiff of freshly baked bread and her mouth began to water. She paused for a moment, and decided to follow her nose as no one was going to be home and an Inn-bought meal was going to be much better than anything she could cook up herself. Rubbing her hands together to keep them warm, Zea began to walk briskly towards the general direction of the smell.

After navigating the urban maze Zea soon found herself standing in front of an Inn with a sign in front of it, declaring it to be called 'Flink's Inn'. She grinned as she pushed the door open, unzipping her jacket as she did so. "Hello!" She called, closing the door behind her as to not let any night insects in. After a short search, Zea smiled and navigated her way around the mostly empty dining tables, making her way towards the bar. "Uh, hi! Flink, I presume? Do you happen to serve cobbler here? I'm Zora by the way. Most people call me Zea."

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Old 02-16-2011, 07:00 AM

Flink looked from the ceiling to the person speaking to her, after thinking a moment about denying her own identity she nodded. "Yes, I am." She looked the person over, wrinkling her nose before making a mark on one of the clip-boards. She added a few notes, speaking without looking up, "Depends on what kind of cobbler you'd like, I guess. You could get a booberry muffin from the bakery next door."

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 07:12 AM

Zea frowned slightly, taken aback by Flink's unfriendly greeting. "Er, well, I'm fine with just apple cobbler. Presuming you serve that, I mean. And, uh- I had booberry muffins for lunch but thanks for the offering." she said in a reasonably friendly tone, rejecting the muffins seeing as she had no idea what a 'booberry' was. Overheating now, Zea shrugged off her jacket and tied it up around her waist, revealing the plain mint-green T-shirt underneath.

Last edited by zeapear; 02-16-2011 at 07:14 AM..

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Old 02-16-2011, 07:15 AM

Flink raised an eyebrow at the mention of having booberry muffins for lunch, the girl looked rather normal for someone who'd eaten something so strange hours ago. Maybe she wasn't a mere human after all. That aside, she smiled as sweetly as possible, waving in the direction of the man to her side, "I own the place, I do not serve the patrons. He does."

She frowned, noting she was coming off a bit rude and bowed to the lady, "Pardon my manners, I'm trying to think of something to... stir things up. You wouldn't have any suggestions, would you? I was thinking a fire, but that'd do more harm to my Inn, to be honest."

How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 07:26 AM

Flink looked a surprised as Zea mentioned having had booberry muffins for lunch, and Zea silently hoped that she'd said the right thing. As Flink gestured to the man beside her Zea blushed, embarrassed. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she said turning crimson, and quickly turned to the aforementioned man. "Uh, do you perchance serve apple cobbler here?"

As Flink continued on, Zea blushed even harder as she realised that the shop owner hadn't finished talking yet. "Oh no, it's fine. I'm sure that owning an Inn could get rather stressful." she said, turning around to face her. "And, uh, about adding something... I think that maybe a chandelier would brighten the place up, but that may be a little expensive." Zea suggested, feeling a little less awkward now, "It would certainly add to the overall feel of the place."

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 03:58 PM

Lilith watched the new people come in but no one seemed to want to talk. She sighed, maybe I should have picked a different inn. I thought these places were suppost to be lively places. She watched as Flink walked in. She had seen her around town so Lilith knew she was the owner of the place. When a woman walked over to her mistaking Flink for part of the serviving crew she laughed.

The girl had not found a seat yet maybe should would sit with Lilith. So she stood up, leaving her things in her booth, and walked over. She heard Flink's question to the girl. She didn't want to wedge her way into the conversation but she was bored. "Why not have a game or contest? Have us come up with a great song about your inn or a drinking game."

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 06:29 PM

After having calmed himself, Kage relaxed, leaning back into the chair and took in his surroundings. Taking a deep breath, he ran a pale hand through his long raven locks and turned to look at the woman who seemed to be the owner of the Inn. Listening in on the conversation she and two others were having, he raised an eyebrow.

'Stir things up? Why don't I like the sound of that?'
He thought, his indigo eyes looking the owner up and down. 'Maybe I'm just more paranoid than usual. Yea, that must be it. Those sounds in the other building must have just been wind though an old window.' His dark eyes stared into the table in front of him. 'Booberry, huh? sounds like someone is playing a joke....'

He looked about the Inn, studying the other people. It took him a minute or two, but he also spotted the darkly dressed man hiding in the rafters above everyone else, and the suspicious one who had come in shortly after his embarrassing entrance. He eyed the strange girl by the plant, raising an eyebrow, then sat back again, watching the whole of the room as best he could.

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 07:11 PM

The shadow in the corner listened as people talked, her covered cat's ears picking up more then her human from would have. As she listened her body moved and changed shape. Being in the shaded corner that she was, she didn't draw as much attention to herself as she would have if she had shifted in full view of the public. Her weapons, clothes, and cloak now just a pile on the floor, the very large black cat managed to shove the pile more under the table so that they weren't as obvious.
The cat then stretched as a cat often does and purred a little at the freedom of being in this form again. She didn't really want to bother the other patrons, not sure how a cat her size would affect people, but she needed the freedom of her demon form just then. It felt smoother, better.
After the stretching was down, she sat down in front of the table she had occupied and listened and watched once more, slender tail flicking back and forth, back and forth. The violet eyes that were set in the sleek face twitched as she watched the others.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 02-16-2011, 10:27 PM

Sara yawned. Perhaps she should talk to someone. Preferably someone male... She did love the fawning attentions of boys. She scanned the room lazily. Now what about that fine specimen over there? She stretched and casually walked over, her amazingly short skirt swishing in her movements. Her heels clicked with every step.
"Hello there. I'm Sara. Sara Smith. What's your name?"

do you think pigeons have feelin...
Iltu is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 12:26 AM

Iltu was a young woman with a plan. That plan was: throw open door to the inn, strut, swing hips, strut, hand on hip, strut, look around, high chin, cool gaze, strut to table, take seat, and order something sexy. Like a Naked Pinky Cosmo. She wasn't sure what that was, exactly, and the name sounded somewhat sketchy. But it had that ring to it, that pizazz. People liked those who ordered things with pizazz.

She thought they did, anyway. Didn't they? Was pizazz pretentious? Shoot. It was probably pretentious. Best not order a sexy drink, she decided. But then... That ruined the whole plan! You couldn't throw open doors and strut and swing your hips, then take a seat and order a... a ginger ale.

Pursing her lips, Iltu stood at the door of the quaint little in and stared at it, finding herself unwilling to reach out and open it to let herself in. I should have come up with a plan B, she thought miserably. One that didn't involve confidence. Or alcohol.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 12:45 AM

Kage's eyes rose as he heard the sound of sharp heels on the hard floor. His dark gaze fell on the beautiful, showy woman as she stopped to stand in front of him. He gave a charming smile that showed the slightest hint of fangs as she introduced herself. He stood, his tall, lean frame towering over her.

"Konban wa. I am Hiro Shiomataru, though I am known as Kage to most." He said, giving a slight bow from the waist. He gestured to a chair adjacent to his at the wooden table. "You may join me if you wish." He offered, looking her up and down, waiting for her to sit.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 12:53 AM

"Thanks Kage. I would love to join you." Sara slid herself into a seat. "So, what are you doing here? I'm stopping here while I'm on my journey to save the world. I have to stop some evil magician or something." Sara shook her hair, showing her nonchalance. Saving the world would be tough, but it would be no sweat for someone as talented as her.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 01:06 AM

Kage sat down again only after she had herself situated, leaned back against the wall slightly. Mentally he rolled his eyes at her act of self confidence and ego, but kept his face a nearly emotionless mask as per usual. "Well, nothing quite so exciting. I am just passing through on my way to my next... job." He said smoothly, a small smile picking up the edges of his mouth at his own humor.

do you think pigeons have feelin...
Iltu is offline
Old 02-17-2011, 01:18 AM

After steeling herself and drawing several deep breaths, Iltu reached out with a tentative hand, grasped the door handle, and opened it as quietly as she could. She slipped into the inn unobtrusively, wondering how she ever thought she'd be able to march in looking sassy and sure of herself.

She located an empty table as rapidly as she could, and scurried over to it. After slumping gawkily into a seat, she cast about for anyone who looked like they might be willing to come up to her and start a conversation. No, that was no good- she couldn't rely on others to approach her! Iltu began to look around for anyone that looked like they would not be annoyed by her rather distinct lack of social graces.


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