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Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 02:39 PM


Five gods and five goddesses have been sent down to earth as punishment by the supreme divine ruler for breaking one of the most sacred rules: never directly interfere with the lives of humans. A ruling deity are there only to influence people's lives by the challenges and obstacles that a person lives through, but actual direct involvement that reveals themselves to a human is not allowed. The punishment each must endure now is their expulsion from the heavens and forced to live their lives as abnormal and outcast humans. The memories of their once divine grace have also been stripped from their minds, sealed deep within their hearts rather than minds, as well as their immortality. Once one of these once divine beings dies they are forced to be reincarnated. At times the ten are reunited and have flickers of familiarity of one another, though they can never quite place exactly where. The only thing they know from the start of their birth is they have committed a grave sin and are now constantly being punished.

After years of punishment and forced reincarnations however, the spell that had been placed on them are slowly starting to slip and the seal around their memories within their hearts are starting to leak into their dreams. Will they be able to recover their full memories and find a way to return to grace, or will these leaking memories drive them to the brink of insanity? It doesn't help either that the Divine Ruler has decided to try and end your lives and imprison your souls within the desolate Vault of the Undead, a place where souls are kept and reborn into undead monsters to rot away until there is neither body nor soul left, for all eternity. At the moment their only help is each other and those you choose to hold close to you in your

current life...

The Gods, Goddesses and Kerins Info

*Note that all gods and goddesses can summon a single weapon type with their element at the cost of not being able to preform their other elemental powers while in human form.

*Bold means they're taken with the gods and goddesses. There can be an unlimited number of Kerin though and regular humans. ^.^

*Please do not alter the genders of the gods and goddesses. There are reasons that I put the particular genders for them so please do not change them. Since there were a few of you that submitted a profile before this was placed up I shall alter it for you, however from here on out do not do it please.

*There still appears to be some confusion about the genders. God = male, Goddess = female. As I have already stated I have the genders the way they are for a reason and shall not be changing them. I have the genders balanced in a certain way and when people try to change it, it messes me up. So please realize that if it says god your character is to be male, and when it says goddess your character is to be female. Thank you.

Fire – As a god you were able to control all aspects and form of fire, heat and lava. The desert and volcanoes were your domain that you ruled over and felt the strongest in. Your flames could burn anything to a crisp with just a wave of your pinky. Now that you're a human however most of those awesome fiery powers have been gravely reduced. You have a higher heat tolerance than the average person and you're able to create fire, provided you have enough oxygen around you to do it and enough energy in your body. You can also shape that fire into various objects, such as arrows, daggers, balls, and other shapes to be used as a weapon of either range or close combat. Be warned though that doing such puts a large strain on your energy supply and if you're not too careful that fire of yours might get out of control and burn you to a crisp instead of your enemy. If by chance you survive that then know you survived with at least a few third or possibly second degree burns somewhere on your body. You'll also be out for a few days. Your weapon type you can summon are twin short swords.

Water – As a goddess you had full rain over water in all its various forms whether it be liquid, like the ocean, or solid like the snow and ice. The arctic and oceans were your domain that you ruled over and were at your strongest. You could create powerful tidal waves that could wash everything away, create floods from rain or freeze things completely solid with a blink of your eye. Now that you're human you're unable to do such feats anymore. Now about the only things you can do is use surrounding water as a shield or use it like a whip. At times, and if it's cold enough, you might even be able to create ice-balls to hurl at people. Be warned though you too need energy to control the water and ice and if your powers were to get out of control you run the risk of drowning or freezing to death. If you survive however you'll be happy to know you got away with only a bit of frostbite or temporarily weakened lungs that will make you susceptible to sicknesses like colds, flues, fevers and pneumonia. You also might find it hard to function and require lots of sleep. Your weapon type you can summon is a retractable trident.

Air – As a god you were able to control all aspects of air and natural gases, including oxygen, as well as wind storms. Your domain was high in the skies in the clouds and in tornadoes, and it was in those places that you were at your strongest. You could create windstorms that could bring skyscrapers crashing down, or take away a person's oxygen with only a twist of your arm. Now that your human however you find that your powers are drastically different. You can no longer create the fierce storms or kill a person by taking away their oxygen. You are now only able to create gusts of wind only strong enough to temporarily knock a person down or leave a person gasping for oxygen for only 30 seconds. Your powers may not need as much energy as the others but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. If your powers were to lose control there's a good chance you could be hurled high into the air and come crashing down to earth eliminating your life, or find your own oxygen taken away from you. If you manage to survive however you may find that you will come away with only a few rather deep gashes or even asthma depending on how serious it is. You will also be more susceptible to airborne diseases as your lungs will be temporarily weakened. Your weapon type you can summon is a mace.

Earth – As a goddess you had complete control over all ground, be it land or under the sea, as well as the plants and animals that lived in these areas. Your domain was anywhere that there was land, but mainly it was in forests that you felt your strongest. You could create massive and destructive earthquakes, invoke beasts and plants to attack any thing as well as communicate with all of the surrounding plants and animals at once, or even create powerful medicines and poisons with the plant life with just a flip of the wrist. Now however you'll find your powers a far-cry from such feats. You can now maybe move a large boulder, talk to one plant or animal at a time or even create much weaker forms of poisons and medicines that you were once able to create. However beware as like many of the other elements this too requires quite a bit of energy on your part. If you were to lose control you could find yourself crushed in a rock slide, poisoned by your own quick working poison, or even mauled and killed by the plants and animals that you tried to talk to and command. If you're lucky enough to survive you might find yourself with only a few severe broken bones, a weakened immune system or maybe just missing a limb. You will also be out for quite a while to recover your energy. Your weapon type you can summon is a whip.

Dark – As a god you had complete control of the night, darkness and shadows. The night and shadows were your domain and made you feel your strongest. You were able to create such a suffocating darkness that anyone could be driven suicidally insane. You could also make shadows and darkness become physical and be any object or creature you desired, or make any place as dark as you wanted, or even disappear completely and travel in the shadows with just a yell of your voice. Now that your human however you'll find that your powers are far weaker then what they once were. You can no longer create any object or creature in the shadows, but rather are limited to small fist sized objects or a small house hammer. In the daylight you can create just a little bit of shade around you and others, though it'll cost you a lot of your energy and will only last for about 10 minutes tops. Your shadow travel has also been severally reduced as you can only stay hidden and travel in the shadows for 15 seconds tops before you'll start to feel faint. Be careful though for if your powers go out of control you might find yourself the suicidally insane one or find yourself stuck in the shadows without any air, food, water or anything else that you need to survive. If you manage to actually live through it though you may find that you escaped with a temporary mental regression or in a temporary comatose state for a couple of days. Either way you'll also need a lot of rest. Your weapon type you can summon is a single long sword.

Light – As a goddess you had control over all light, the day time and the sun itself. The day and anywhere with sunlight, most notably tropical islands, were your domains and was were you felt the strongest. You had the ability to create such a powerful blinding light that it could easily blind anyone with even their eyes closed. You were able to darken anyone's skin with the intense sunlight, and could easily make any light starved creature perk up, and not to mention mold the light into objects or creatures with only a turn of your nose. Your powers now as a human however are not so grand as when you were divine and are in fact shallow compared to them. Now you can only light up an area to only temporarily blind someone for about 30 seconds tops. The objects and creatures you can create are now only limited to the average size of a human's foot. You can no longer fully perk up a light starved creature nor can you keep an area that was completely dark lit up for any longer than about 5 minutes as it drains a great deal of your energy. Because of the energy needed to use the light you must be extremely careful not to over do yourself or lose control. If that were to happen then there is a good chance you could develop a rapid radiation from the sunlight that will dissolve your insides or rapidly develop diseases caused by ultraviolet rays and cause them to rapidly mature and kill you. Of course if you survive you might find that you only came out with decreased vision or blindness in one or both eyes, or the start of a disease. Of course too you will need quite a bit of rest before even attempting to move. Your weapon type you can summon is a bow and arrows.

Time – As a god you were in complete control of time and even time travel. Your domain was literally the time line that every being and thing had to follow rather than a specific place on earth. You had the power to travel to any period or place in time that you desired, as well as controlled the time of each and every living and non-living thing. You could speed up a person's age and turn them into an elderly man or woman, or regress time on them so much that they were nothing but a helpless infant. You could even freeze a person eternally in time, making them unable to age, move or even life as well as rewind or fast-forward the time either in the area around them or with the person themselves with nothing more than a thought. Now that you're a human however your powers have greatly regressed. You can no longer do the large time jumps you once were able to, but rather jump only a day or two in the past or future but at the price of using almost all of your energy. You can also only freeze, rewind or fast-forward time by about 5 seconds tops. Your powers to age things are almost non existent and can only make things about a minute older or younger, though again at a great cost to your energy. Be wary that you do not lose control over your powers or you may find yourself already in the grave yourself or your very presence and existence erased. Of course if you managed to avoid such a fate you may find that you only came away with a few internal injuries from the rapid time change on yourself personally as well as extreme exhaustion and maybe older or younger that could range from a second to years. Your weapon type you can summon is a spear.

Space – As a goddess you had complete control over space, planets, stars and anything else within space itself. Your domain where you felt the strongest was space itself and in earth's atmosphere. You were able to create 'pockets' of space and devoid and area of absolutely everything. You also held control over the stars and could even force them to move and come crashing down on a particular spot or even have many move and crash at once. You could create stars and planets and even change the moon's phases. You could create eclipse that could permanently blind people and even create black holes with just the twirl of your hair. Now that your human your powers are greatly reduced. You can no longer create large pockets of space and even small ones completely exhaust you. Even your black holes are much smaller compared to when you were still divine. You're lucky if you can even get one star to move for you now, let alone crash anywhere. You can only control two phases of the moon and that's only when it's waxing or waning. The only thing you can devoid any space of now is maybe a few plants and animals but not all of them as well as most oxygen, but only for about 40 seconds. You should be weary though for if you lose control you could find yourself and others without any oxygen nor any way to get it back. You may even cause a star to come crashing down on you. However if you were to survive such things you would probably come out with a fair amount of severely broken bones, weakened lungs, or possibly stuck in a black hole for a period of time. There's also a good chance that you will probably be comatose for at least three or more days. Your weapon type you can summon is a staff.

Life – As a god you were probably one of the most powerful since you had control of life itself. Your domain that you felt the strongest in was one that was completely surrounded by life but more specifically the rainforests were by far yours. You had the power to bring things that had died back to life, heal all wounds, and even restore people back to health completely. Of course you also had the ability to drain people of their lives, and although you couldn't kill them yourself, you could weaken them to the point where they would soon die on their own. You could also give people diseases through bacteria as well as infections that could kill them if left alone. Now that your human you can barely bring back a fly to life without exhausting yourself. On top of that reviving something from death requires you now to sacrifice a little of your own life. You are still able to heal wounds that aren't severe as well as some mild sicknesses like colds. You aren't able to restore people completely back to health but you can lessen their unhealthiness slightly. Be warned though if you lose control you could very well forfeit your own life and health as everything you do requires you to use a little bit of your own life. Of course if you manage to avoid death then you may find that you only came away with being severely weakened for at least two days and needs a lot of rest. You may or may not also come out with either a mild or serious sickness/infection as well as shorten your life expectancy. Your weapon type you can summon is a pike.

Death – As a goddess you were probably one of the most powerful since you had control over death as well as the souls of the deceased. The domains that you felt the strongest in were the underworld, the heavens as well as in graveyards and burial grounds. You had the power to end the life of any creature, be it for a merciful reason or otherwise. You could control whether a person would have a peaceful, painful, quick or slow death as well as what it was they died from. You were also able to infect people with some of the most deadliest diseases both known and unknown. You could also control the very souls of others be it again for the better or worst for that person with a simple touch. Now that you're human though your powers have severely decreased. You can no longer kill any creature, but rather only creatures about as big as a dog without the threat of passing out in the end. The diseases you can inflict upon people now are only mildly dangerous ones and you can no longer have full control of just how a person dies. You can only make it slightly more peaceful, painful, slower or faster, but with a difference of only 5 seconds or making as much of a difference of a 3% increase or decrease of pain. In terms of soul control you can only make souls do various things, depending upon whether they wish to listen to you or not. Be careful not to lose control over your powers or you may find yourself in the grave rather than your target or you may end up making your own death the opposite of what you wanted it to be. Of course if you survive you may just find that you're missing a piece of your own soul or possessed by another. It's also possible that you may even contain a milder form of the sickness you were trying to bestow. Your weapon type you can summon is a scythe.

Divine Ruler of the Gods – You are the one that rules over all the others in the heavens. In your hands alone you control the fates of not only the mortals but the fates of the immortals too. Your domain is the heavens themselves and that is where you choose to remain. You are the one that sets the rules that the gods and goddesses must follow and if they do not, you are the one that exacts their punishment. Hundreds of years ago five gods and five goddesses in particular had broken one of your most divine decrees: never directly interfere with the lives of humans to the point where you reveal yourself to them. Your punishment for them was to expel them from the heavens and cursed them to live as mortals that were to be reincarnated when death claimed them for all eternity. However even though these gods and goddesses disobeyed you, you still viewed them as your children, and so to slightly ease their suffering you also took away and sealed their divine memories within their hearts. Originally you felt that your sealing was enough and that it would forever last. You're finding now however that the seals you put in place are starting to weaken and shall eventually break, and thus you risk losing your precious children forever as they would run the risk of being driven completely insane. To try and prevent this you have created a race called Kerin, a race that hunts down former gods to devour their flesh and trap their souls within vials for you, so that you may then lock their souls within the Vault of Souls and end their lives completely. You have also decreed however, that if your children can prove themselves worthy once more of your grace that you shall let them return to the Heavens and take up the roles they once held. The only problem is your children are not exactly aware of this little fact... Although you too have a human form your powers are only slightly limited, mainly because your still immortal when in that form, for the most part, and can switch back to your divine form. Your weapon type you can summon is a gun but only when in human form.d

Kerin - A wild beast-like race that will stop at nothing to find its prey once its target has been set. You serve loyally the Divine Ruler, at least until you can find a way to devour them as well, and will do whatever it is they say. They carry with them special glass vials that are used to imprison the souls of their targets to be taken to the Divine Ruler to essentially be judged and their ultimate fates decided. The favorite delicacy of these creatures however is gods and goddesses, but current and former so this has made you a bit blood thirsty when you are around them. Even the Divine Ruler has some question on whether or not they should allow your race to exist, but so long as they find a use for you there is no need for your kind to worry. Kerins range in forms shapes and sizes, but their main similarity is that they are typically some type of humanoid animal, much like a werewolf in a two legged form. The animals that they are range from invertebrates, fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and mythical creatures.


The date is currently June 29th, 2015 with the time being around noon. The day is sunny and clear with a small warm breeze blowing through the air. The current location is a rather large town that has an ocean and its beaches on one side, and a rather nice wooded area that contains a small open meadowy area in the center of it. Technology is rather abundant with people usually aiming to get the latest gadget or electronic doodad on the market. Boats, planes and cars alike come in and out of the town on a daily basis, and is in fact a place where a majority of people come to visit when they're on vacation. Due to this there are a fair amount of beach houses, condos and hotels as well as popular fast food chains such as: Burger Hut, McPizza, Papa Wendy, Jimmy Subs, and many others. There are banks, arcades, movie theaters, and even a rather large opera house as well as many other places for entertainment. The most popular areas though appears to be the beaches themselves and the spa houses close by.

Despite the town's size there appears to be only one main elementary, middle and high school in the area with each having their own building. Each one is outfitted with the latest technology and requires various forms of ID. In elementary only a picture ID cards that contained the name, age and birth date of the student was required. When a student hit middle school they required the same type of picture ID cards as well as a fingerprint scan to enter. In high school the picture ID cards turned into square electronic ID devices that students and wore around their neck. They still had to do the fingerprint scan as well as now pass through a weapon detector when they first enter the building and whenever they enter a new area or room within the school. If the detector detects a weapon it will give a rather powerful and forceful shock, restrain the student or teacher if it comes to that, confiscate the weapon and make a rather loud and piercing whistle. There are times unfortunately when the detector is rather...wrong and an innocent student is the one that receives the punishment, but on the plus side there haven't been any things such as shootings, stabbings or murder in the school ever since it was installed.

Along with the weapon detector there have been other advancements in the technology realm. A few in particular are: the Lpod, the Lpad, Camintosh (or Cam for short which is a type of computer designed by Orange), instant cameras, vision box (essentially large televisions that are equivalent to HD 50 inch televisions), legtop (a personal computer that sits on your legs), bug zappers (devices that look like remotes that you point at the bugs and they actually zap them), the automatic broom and mop, the garbage disposal trashcan, as well as the no-hands ear phone (essentially cellphones).

  1. Follow Mene's rules and ToS
  2. No godmodding
  3. No powerplaying (Unless you have the permission of someone else to play their character and you've both alerted me.)
  4. Don't exclude people. Now if your character randomly wanders off away from everyone it will be your responsibility to bring them back in. What I don't want is to have someone's character who's offline be left behind because the entire group decided to move away. Indirectly interact with them to give them something to work with and know that they haven't been excluded.
  5. Literacy isn't too important but I do ask that there be periods at the end of your sentences, the first letter of your sentence capitalized (not every word capitalized mind you), double quotation marks to indicate speech, as minimal spelling errors as you can, and not every punctuation be an exclamation mark.
  6. One liners are accepted, but please make sure it's something that people can work off of. If you post something like: She smiled. Then I will ask you to redo your post so that we can work off of it.
  7. Please be aware that not everyone can be on every single day for every single hour. I work in a kitchen, business varies, and there are some days in which I'm not able to get on or able to get on for a few days. Alana-Vartos has also requested that I put in that she too works and there are times where she can't get on for a few days because of it. (If someone else has a limitation like that and would like me to put it in let me know) Sezumie has also requested that I note that she too has some limitations that will limit how often she can be on and reply. So please do not go too far ahead of people.
  8. Please PM profiles to me. Do not post them here please.
  9. Please put a quote from Edgar Allen Poe somewhere above your character profile. Not in the character bio, not below the character bio, not as the subject, somewhere above the character profile. This is to ensure you've read and understand my rules. (Use google or if you need to.)
  10. Please keep the roles as even as possible. I don't want everyone to be a god/goddess and there not be any Kerin's at all, nor do I want the opposite.
  11. Keep things Pg-13. Violence, romance, drama, ect... are allowed but don't do anything or post anything that would get you, the thread or anyone else in trouble. If you want to go in depth in something not allowed take it off site please.
  12. Use something to distinguish between your OOC and IC, be it []. {}, () or whatever.
  13. Please respect your fellow roleplayers. If characters fight and have conflicts then that's fine, but I'd rather battle between the actual roleplayers be kept off of here, as well as insults, or crude comments that can be hurtful.
  14. Rules can be added or altered as needed, though I'll try to inform everyone when that happens.
  15. Try to have some fun with this. ^.^
Character Skeletons


Menewsha Name:


Age: (Mainly just your current human incarnation age. All the gods and goddesses themselves are roughly the same age with their actual age.)


God/Goddess of: (Depending upon your gender delete either god or goddess. If you're male then delete goddess, if your female delete god.)

Personality: (This is just a sort of a rough guideline. Now personalities do change in real life so if you don't completely follow this that's fine. Just put a rough idea of what they're like.)

Appearance: Divine appearance (Aka what your character looked like as a god/goddess):

Human: (What they look like in human form now.)

Weapon Appearance: (The weapon you can summon, what does it look like?)

Bio: (Lets keep it as interesting as possible. Why were you banished from the Heavens in the first place? What is the current history of your recent incarnation? What are you starting to remember in your dreams? Those sorts of things.)

Other: (Anything else you would like to add)


Menewsha Name:




Animal: (Essentially what kind of Kerin are you? Wolf? Fox? Cat? Rattlesnake? Salmon? Ostrich? Penguin? Squirrel? Frog? Ect...)

Personality: (This is just a sort of a rough guideline. Now personalities do change in real life so if you don't completely follow this that's fine. Just put a rough idea of what they're like.)

Appearance: (To make things interesting I'll allow a temporary human form, however I require that you also have a humanoid animal form as well that you must change back into after a period of time and remain mainly in.)

Bio: (Again make it interesting. What's keeping you from trying to devour the Divine God? Are you hunting the other Gods/goddesses because you were asked or because you were simply hungry and could smell them? What kind of tribe life did you lead? Those sorts of things.)

Other: (Anything else you'd like to add)

Accepted Bios

Menewsha Name: Arechi

Name: Kai Metchida

Age: 18

Gender: Male

God of: Fire

Personality: Kai has a relatively strong sense of pride. He can be relatively quick to anger if the wrong thing is said or done to him, however that doesn't make him a bad guy. He trusts people pretty easily and it's relatively easy to gain his trust in return. He's loyal to his friends and isn't afraid to stick up for them or himself. He's a pretty reliable guy despite his fiery temper, which ironically enough makes him somewhat popular among people.

Appearance: Divine appearance (Aka what your character looked like as a god/goddess): (except he has two black wings not just one with flame red flame designs on the back of them)

Human: (Minus the random white dragon wings)

Weapon Appearance:

Bio: With Kai it was his fiery temper that caused him to receive his punishment as a god as well as a thirst for vengeance that he soon lost as a human later on. When he was a god there was a particular village that had originally come to worship him, since they lived beside a dormant volcano and believed that appeasing the god would make it stay inactive. He had protected the village from the volcano until slowly people began to forget about the 'god' and instead attempted to use science to keep the volcano from erupting. Eventually Kai was all but forgotten by the village he had come to protect, though he hadn't entirely minded too much. It was only until a few people had discovered old documents talking about a god that protected them, and the mocking of that god and calling him some fake superstition that drew the fire god's full anger out and caused him to desire both vengeance and destruction. Although he hadn't minded being forgotten, being mocked was an entirely different thing. As punishment for the people the fire god went down himself to prove that he truly did exist and to personally wipe out the entire village himself. He had succeeded in both respects and although he had wiped out most of the people from the village with his vengeful flames and the erupting volcano he had still revealed himself to the humans and thus was punished in turn.

As a human the vengeance he had craved as a god had almost completely vanished, though his fiery temper remained. Unfortunately it was also this fiery temper that had caused him to become the town's abandonment child. He had discovered his use of fire at a relatively young age, and with his parents being descendants from the island village he had burn centuries ago, caused his parents to first fear and eventually abandon him. He had never fully understood their fear, nor did he have a chance to. Either way though he didn't really mind being, as he calls 'forgotten', by his parents and has gotten along rather well on his own...well with the help of some of the relatively nice members of his community anyways. He managed to get along well with others at school, though there were the occasional incidents, and even had managed to become one of the more popular people there.

Since he was younger he had always seemed to suffer from some 'minor' night-frights (nightmares), though they've been increasing in magnitude, especially lately now that he's come to interact with certain people from school. In his night-frights he always sees a man with black wings with flaming swords, laughing almost like a maniac around a burning village beside a volcano as people ran screaming in fear and on fire. During these frights he also feels a frighteningly real feeling of anger and vengeance. It has gotten to the point where most of the friends he tells encourage him to seek therapy, and semi-secretly he has been.

Other: It's believed that the 'invention' of fire was brought about through his influence of people's actions when he was a god, though there so far has been no human made connection between him as a human and him as a god.

Originally Posted by Alana-Vartos
Menewsha Name: Alana-vartos

Name: Tylara Clara

Age: 17

Gender: female

Goddess of: earth

Personality: Quiet an peaceful. She does not stick her nose in other peoples buisness and tries to keep to herself to avoid anyone bothering her. If she gets mad which happens quite often then you have to deal with her attacking you for no reason.

Appearance: Divine appearance (Aka what your character looked like as a god/goddess):


Weapon Appearance:

Bio: Tylara was banished from heaven for helping people on earth learn how to communicate with animals. When she was tossed onto earth they lost that ability. Humans were cursed to kill animals now because of that lost ability. They can not understand why animals do not understand them so they hunt them down.

As a human Tylara can remember faint whisps of her past. She remembers pain and sorrow but that is it. She is now a huntress. She is the only human with the ability to talk to animals so she can not understand why that is. Her animal friends confide in her that she is actually a godess and she of course does not beilive them.

As she dreams during the night she has fantasys of her life as a goddess and as time wears on they get more and more pronounced and real.
Originally Posted by Sezumie
Menewsha Name: Sezumie

Name: "Bloodii" Ace Mail [Pronounced Mile.]

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Goddess of: Death

Personality: She has the personality of a guy. Violent, blunt, and straight to the point. She also has a few screws loose. Ace has a tendency to talk about the most goriest things possible. Blood is something that makes her laugh, hence her nickname, but also, she loves to make really, really, gross threats, there are times where she actually follows through with them. She curses frequently, but recently, she has been known to say different versions of the curses in an attempt to stop the habit. Ace is very lazy, and messy, and dislikes going outdoors very often due to her sensitive skin. She can be quite rebellious as well, choosing not to pay attention when people want her too, and constantly plays pranks on people. She will be seen talking to air, but she is talking to deceased souls, due to her lack of friends.

In truth, she's a bit childish, loves to help people, though ends up doing the opposite. Ace is also easily angered. She's short, but she will kick your ass when you push her buttons a little to much.


Divine appearance:


Weapon Appearance:

Well, lets start with why Ace is here, Death was here since the beginning, and she had been fine with the simple circle of life, people dying on their own time, and living their lives ever so normally. But, unfortunately, the humans have been growing more technological, using medicines and such to stretch their lives a lot longer. Angered, she had given people the epidemics of the world, Yellow Fever, Black Plague, etc, in an attempt to even out the circle. Unfortunately, this didn't work, and now there were wars, which was not the work of Death, but the evil in humans hearts. People blamed each other, and so Death got even more angry, creating the worst set of diseases ever made.


That took people by the millions, and made humans open their eyes to what was going on. People started trying to find a cure, but Ace was determined to keep the human population in order.
So she continued making diseases, in order to balance everything out.

That's when she was punished, she was making too many incurable diseases, and doing it in anger as well.

As a human, she has lost that need to create order. Becoming the lazy, hard-headed, yet hardworking person of the town [Being called the "Speaker" behind her back.]. She loved to move around. When she was younger, she had frequent nightmares of tragic deaths of people she knew nothing about, and dying from cancer, leukemia, and other dangerous diseases. She had found out about her powers on Death at the age of 5, seeing that she helped ease the pain of a person on their deathbed. But, she had also saw that she could see souls of the deceased, and communicate with them. She would tell her friends about this, but lacks the friends she wants, and wishes dearly to make some, but is too shy at first to do so, or makes fun of them with the few friends she does have.

Lots of people think she's insane, besides her family, but even so, they try to get her to see a doctor, which she immediately refuses since she hates going there.

Other: She likes to play with sharp things, but she really isn't as emo as you would think, she's just unbearably sadistic and her demonic aura really doesn't help.
Originally Posted by flamethrower1391
Menewsha Name: flamethrower1391

Name: Akira Hasegawa

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Goddess of: Space

Personality: I tend to stare into space quite often. Some have asked me if their was anything there in my head, and there is. It's just I love the stars, and I'm always imaging myself flying through space (without a spacecraft, of course). I can be a bit of an airhead from time to time, but I do swear that I have a brain.

Divine appearance:


Weapon Appearance:

Bio: Why was I kicked out of the Heavens? I tried destroying a planet (Earth) I had created long ago, because she was angry with the inhabitants. Death didn't like it, and we got in a huge fight. Let's just say in the end, more people died than they were supposed to, and the humans witnessed the fight between us. And here we are, both on that planet I had tried to destroy.

Of course, I don't remember that. What I do remember is growing up with my siblings who were all completely different from me except one. My brother, Setsurou, has been having these weird dreams like I have. We also have what everyone else calls powers. I can create black holes (which I was told to refrain from) and move stars. I'm not very good at either, and I'm not sure if there is any other powers I have. All I know is that when I was younger, I caused my puppy to disappear within a small black hole that I had created. I was supposed to die, but I woke up about a week later with numerous broken bones.

As I mentioned before, I've been having these weird dreams. What are they about? I'm up in the Heavens, or what I think the Heavens would look like, and there are a bunch of gods and goddesses there. Most of my dreams is just me using my powers, but much better than I can now. I can move stars farther than a few lightyears and create planets. Sometimes I draw or write my dreams down on paper. There is this one that keeps repeating. A man that looks a little like my brother is fighting me, trying to kill me, but neither of us get hurt or die.

Other: I like strawberries and will attack you if you have any.
Originally Posted by Graxdon
Menewsha Name: Graxdon

Name: Isaac Khalos

Age: 14

Gender: Male

God of: Darkness

Personality: Kind, cheerful, and glad to be relieved of his godly responsiblities.

Appearance: Divine appearance (Aka what your character looked like as a god/goddess):


Weapon Appearance:

Bio: Isaac Khallos, 14 year old freshman, was once known as the Lord of Darkness, the king of Shadows, and Prince of the Night. He was the god of the dark... and the monsters that lurk within. Always considered the only truly evil god amongst his brethren, though he thought Death more deserving in recent times, Dark always did his best to toe the line, to push buttons without actually breaking the rules, while still being a royal pain in the butt. However, when he heard that Death was sent to earth, Dark was at a loss. Out of all the gods, the only one he felt that he could come close to relating to was Death. So, he decided to leave as well, go after Death instead of remain in the heavens alone... but he would be damned if he was going to ask! He spread darkness to the lands of Egypt, sent dark creatures into the forests of the world to spread fear, and created the platypus! Finally deciding enough was enough, Dark was banished, along to earth. Now, Isaac Khallos, voted 'Most Socially Friendly' in his class graduating from middle school, and known as the guy who's friends with all the cliques, being friendly to everyone, has begun to have strange dreams... dark dreams. He's also started to notice that shadows seem... friendlier somehow, though he doesn't understand why.

Other: Has trained extensively in various forms of sword combat, such as fencing, kendo, and battōjutsu.
Originally Posted by Meko Snow
Menewsha Name:Meko Snow

Name: Shyla Aurora Ray

Age: 20


Goddess of: Light

Personality: A very meek person she is not one to argue with any. She would rather spend her time making others happy and enjoying herself than become cross with any. A positive outlook is all she knows. No negative thoughts will cross her mind. She is a very caring person and tends to have a need to care for others. Just because she doesn't yell and fight doesn't mean she is weak.

Appearance: Divine appearance (Aka what your character looked like as a god/goddess):


Weapon Appearance:

Bio:Time its self can not seem to heal the pain that Shyla feels every morning she is greeted by the sun. Before her fall from grace she lived in a special place and acted as the sun. There was happiness and joy all about her as well as love. Though her heart was to fragile and it bleed for a human who many of the gods chose to pick on.Due to her caring personality she helped the human and ended up reviling herself by accident thanks to the help of one of the gods who deceived her into doing so. It was revenge for getting in the way of their amusement with the human. In her dreams she remembers the beautiful place that haunts her dreams every night. And the power she feels is like nothing she could ever explain when she is in her dreams. Though when she wakes she is the same strange human girl who is loved for her beauty and kindness though is rather weak and frail. She can not to much of anything long due to her strange condition. She is a painter and healer in the place she calls home a beloved relic of the place. It is rare for her though to be found outside of the walls of the old forgotten temple that she was found in. No one knows where she came from. It is said that every time a child of the place dies another one is found sometimes years or even months later the same way there.

Other: Shyla fears the darkness with no rhyme or reason. There is a fear embedded in her that makes her terrified of the dark. She always has a candle with her and where ever she dares to stay will be will lite by oil laps and candle light.


Menewsha Name: Meko Snow

Name: Yuki

Age: 18 is what I appear this go around.

Gender: Female

Animal: Ice Dragon

Personality: One to watch and ponder she never is one to rush into things. Her presence demands respect and control just as her manner and voice. She will not be cut down by any and will always have the upper hand. If she speaks it is not for her health it is for the benefit of others. Never cross her if you wish to live. Her heart can be as cold as her appearance and her rage and wrath worse than the creators. Never doubt for one moment she isn't a monster if you do it will be your head on her mantel.

normal form

Bio: At her birth many feared her. Unlike most others she seemed to have a knack for hunting. Though tribe life was never her strong suit. She spent her time with the divine creator learning from him. Her loyalty and heart belong to the creator to harm one of his goddess and gods she would not with out his command. She feeds off the souls of the wicked and is known for helping the innocent souls find their way. To most she is just a pet to the creator though all know never to cross her or dare to harm a innocent in her presence. Beauty is as beauty does cross her and her porcelain mask may come off and show you the real monster that lurks underneath.
Other: Unlike most of her kind Yuki has learned some magic. Of course the creator does not know for if he did he may disapprove. She learned enough to give her a third alt form. Her third alt is a human girl name Yukia She can only stay in that form during daylight hours.
"If loving someone means watching them die..."

"...then who's going to watch you die?"
Wish to rp? Click me! Click me!

Last edited by Arechi; 05-21-2011 at 04:10 PM..

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 05-15-2011, 02:51 AM

(Alrighty for now we can somewhat get this thing started, or at least have some intros up. We're still in large need of Kerins too!)

Beep, beep, beep, beep, smack were the only sounds that echoed around what at first glance seemed to be a regular small home, but devoid of all life. It would not be uncommon for anyone who entered the small house to believe what they heard was only their imagination. Fifteen minutes later however the same set of noises repeated, however this time it was accompanied by the sound of a sleep groan and the slow shifting of blankets Perhaps a tourist of the town would think this the work of some vengeful apparition or spirit. Of course those who lived in the town itself knew not to believe some fabled fairy tales and that this house was in fact the dwelling's of the town's abandonment child Kai Metchida If one payed attention they would even figure out the noises seemed to come from what appeared to be a rather minimally furnished bedroom, and see the shirtless mound of a human being laying on a mattress that had simply been thrown onto the floor, with an alarm clock just above it trying to coax the youth out of bed and to get ready for that day's lessons of educational learning.

Kai was not a morning type of person, with those that knew him well aware of this little fact, and the fact that it was a day that he needed to go to the building known as a school did not make this particular one any more pleasant for him. With a sigh he glanced up, so as to see the small makeshift headboard and the small digital alarm that was placed on it and clearly the culprit of the beeping noises. On it read about 7:00 am and underneath the numbers read the letters 'time to get up' and were currently flashing. Quietly he let out a sigh and weighed the pros and cons of not going to the imprisonment known as school today. On one hand he would avoid a rather painful shock from the school's security system claiming that he held a non existent weapon, and he would get to sleep in. On the other hand he knew there were certain people in the town who would not hesitate to tear down his door and drag him to the facility themselves.

Deciding that having to repair a door outweighed the thought of a bit more sleep and the absence from a rather painful and falsely placed shock, he rolled off of his mattress and onto the floor with a light thud. He laid there a few moments more on the floor before hoisting himself into a sitting position and slowly making his way towards standing. “The faster I get this over with the faster I can simply come back here and sleep” he said with a small nod as he tried to convince himself to look at things a bit brighter then what they were.

Glancing out the single, small window in his room, the tanned youth noticed that there was a promise of a mostly clear day, with the possibility of some rain later on. Of course to him this was all the better since he felt that rain was the best sleeping weather, at least for him. He never really liked the rain much and sleeping through it was the best way he could think of in avoiding it.

Shaking his head clear of thoughts he quickly made his way to the makeshift dresser that contained his school clothes for the day. Luckily the school there was one of the few that didn't have required uniforms, and so he was allowed to wear his usual red pants, red and white converse, black jacket and a white shirt, that he only really wore during school hours.

Once dressed he made his way out of the small bedroom and towards the living room area that held a small modest couch and a vision box that his parents had left behind. Once he was in the room he began to approach the front door, reaching towards an occupied hook beside it that contained his packbag for school. Once he had that secured around his shoulders, he debated on whether or not he should grab a quick bite to eat from the kitchen. The list of foods he currently had in the cupboards and fridge however, urged him that waiting until lunch to eat would be a far better choice. With a shrug of his shoulders and reaching for the keys contained on one of the other hooks, he opened the door, stepped out, and turned and locked it. He knew of course that of all the houses to break into his probably wasn't on the top of the list, but it had become a habit of his either way.

Once the door was locked and secured, or at least secured enough, he began making his way still somewhat sleepily, towards the place in a passing park that he met some of his friends to walk together with.

\ (•◡•) /
Graxdon is offline
Old 05-16-2011, 03:33 PM

"ZZZ... ZZZ... ZZZ..." BEEP BEEP BEEP, "GAGH!" Tumbling out of bed heavily, accompanied by the blaring of his alarm clock, came Isaac Khallos, dressed in his usual sleep ware of khakis boxers and a blue t-shirt. Stumbling to a standing position, he smacked the alarm clock's button, saying, "I'm up, I'm up, shut it!" Stretching and yawning, he threw off the blue tee and grabbed some clothes, mostly clean ones, that were scattered about his room and threw them on. Grabbing his wallet, keys, music player/headphones, and backpack, he ran out of his room, sliding on the banister of the stairs leading down. Landing with a little hop into the kitchen, he smiled at his parents who were eating breakfast, saying, "Morning mum, pop, see ya later!" He ran out, stealing his dad's toast just as he was about to take a bite and his mom called after him, asking, "Don't you want any food?" Walking out, he began heading for the 'place,' humming a tune, quietly singing, "Gonna start high school, oh yeah, gonna start high, high, gonna start HIGH SCHOOL! WOO!"

Last edited by Graxdon; 05-16-2011 at 03:39 PM..

Happy with my Master Master Scot...
Alana-Vartos is offline
Old 05-16-2011, 04:03 PM

Tylara looked as she always did as she headed to school. She wore a gorgeous gown. No one messed with her about that anymore. They used to make fun of her but after a couple of times of her kicking them as hard as possible they learned to stop messing with her. She may look sweet but she had a mean streak and if you made her mad then you would suffer. She stopped at the park and sat down on a bench. It was time to wait for her friends. She stretched and looked around her. She noticed some animals approaching and sighed. Animals came from everwhere to meet her and it drove her crazy. She still never understood why this was but many of the people who knew her learned to keep their mouths shut about it. They knew that no matter what if they tried to hurt her she would just beat them senceless and from that they figured out not to mess with her.

Two squirrels and three different spiecies of birds showed up. She sighed and stared at them as they approached her. Why did she have to be such a freak? Why could she not be normal? She just sat back and closed her eyes. Her friends would be here soon. She usually got everywere early.

Meko Snow
Meko Snow is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 03:57 PM

The sun's warm rays danced about the old forgotten temple. It showed the ware and tare that the years of erosion had left the crumbling temple in. Moss and other plants now owned the ruins of the once great temple used to worship the gods at this point in its sad despicable state. Birds and other animals called the temple home now instead of the worshipers of olden days. The carvings and scrips could still be seen in few places about the ruined building. In the deepest parts where time had forgotten the sun's rays lit up the inner most room making it a blinding rainbow of colors. As the rays hit the stain glass windows in the room as Sleeping Shyla slowly open her eyes as she smiled. To her this was the best way to wake from her troublesome dreams. To see the light and be greeted by such a spectacle every morning was a blessing to her. She laughed as she saw the other animals gathering at the entrance of her room. She slowly moved from her bed and stretched as she felt the sun hit her pale skin warming her up helping her to wake. She looked over her shoulder at the think delicate wings that protruded from her back. She smiled as she looked back to her bed and made it then walked on the warm stone floor to where her clothes where.

She hurried and bathed then dressed herself. She hide her beautiful wings beneath a jacket. She wore a jacket when the sun shown to hide her wings. If it was cloudy there was no need for a jacket her wings would not be seen. Only when the suns rays hit her wings where they visible. It bothered her to have them when she was little to know she was different from others but now she embraced them though no one knew of them not even her friends. She grabbed her sun glasses and placed him on as she picked up her cell phone and looked at the time. She was up exactly on time as normal. She laughed as she greeted the animals and gave them the normal speech to behave and to stay out of her room and not to give anyone who stumbled up on the place to hard of a time.

She dreaded going to school more than anything but there was no need for her to hide in the temple the whole day and paint with the animals as her company. She did that enough as it was really adding to her reputation as a nut. Every one else had a family to go home to. But Shyla only had the temple to call home and her animal friends. She felt bad as she thought about having to face her friends again and lie once again about where she lived and who her family was. The same lie she had used over and over. It bothered her always having to make up excuses about why her friends couldn't come to her house or meet her parents. The truth was she was ashamed. She never knew her parents and as far as the few who did know her she was found in that temple since her birth. She dreaded having to face her friends more than the shock from the machine that always said she carried a weapon. It was hard enough on her to get to school then to go threw the shock every day and the speech on how weapons where no allowed. She had never had a weapon and if she did what would she do with it.

After the long walk from the temple she soon found herself nearing the park. She closed her eyes as she hung her head knowing the lies would soon have to come. Her long golden hair feel in front of her face giving her a golden curtain to hind behind if only for a few moments. She took a breath hoping that maybe every one would be to busy with their own lives to start questioning her about hers.


A talk slider framed girl stood over looking the city. Her name unknown to the people here a new comer sent here from a place many would give any thing to see. Her name here simple Yukia. Here her story was one of mystery as much of her life to even the great creator who she loved. If the humans could see her true form and power oh what fear would ruin threw their pathetic frail bodies. What fun she could have here her thought went wild with her evil nature wishing to take over and win for a change. She was made to kill not to be kind and care though she did and never did anything that she feared would harm the creator a strange way for one of her kind. Her kimono danced in the slight wind that blew as she smiled knowing the dear little gods and goddesses where near. It wouldn't be long till the war would begin for them she knew. They had hurt the creator and deserved their punishment. Others of her kind couldn't wait to tear those oh so delicious smelling souls apart. She herself had a taste for revenge. It would be soon enough that each one of the gods and goddesses would know that the ice demon they had each thought was dead had came back and this time she was coming for vengeance on each. Soon enough they would each taste her wrath. A wicked grin rose on her lips as she caught smell of the goddess of death. She would be the first to pay. Her and all those little souls she holds dear.

Last edited by Meko Snow; 05-21-2011 at 05:36 PM..

Sezumie is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 05:05 PM


There was a light snore, from a bed that was slightly more bigger than usual beds, as the clock ticked along.


The alarm rang, but it wasn't some annoying beeping as most people would hear, but it was a song, some unknown heavy metal some that neither of the parents knew about. The girl, then, punched the clock, making the contraption fall on the floor and cease the song. She sat up, her pale white skin gleaming, even thought the curtains to her room were closed. An albino, she was, as she got out of her bed almost lazily with her nightgown. She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she walked into the bathroom. Her bathroom was an odd color, orange, unlike her room, which was navy blue and black.

Once her hygiene issues were taken care of, she went to her room, where she changed into her clothes, a long gray shirt with no sleeves that had a black skull design on it. She put on some white shorts, and a red coat, which was pretty long, so the sleeves covered her pale arms, and covered her shorts, so it looked like she wasn't wearing a lot at all. It was her mom's jacket, since, even though rich, they did do hand-me-downs, it was a way to keep the memories.

This was Miss "Bloodii" Ace Mail. The 17 year old girl who was as tall as a 15 or 14 year old, and, with white hair, red eyes, and pale complexion, you could mistake her for a ghost. She didn't bother making her bed. So she opened and shut the door to her room, walking out to the kitchen, where she saw her mom and dad, giving a smile to her parents, she took the sandwich, some bacon, and some money her dad held out for her, took her backpack, and went out, waving to her parents goodbye. She put her hood on, and put her headphones on her ears. As she put her Lpod on, and listened to her music. The volume was low, but not too low, since she didn't want to miss any people that may end up trying to talk to her.

Ace put her hood on, and went on her way to walking to school, like all the other students who were coming out of their houses. It was the first day of school, and truthfully, Ace didn't want to go to school, but her parents said it was good for her.

"Good for me my ass," She mumbled, chewing on some of the bacon she took from home. She started walking to the park, something she sometimes passed as she went to school, sometimes she would meet her friends there, this was probably one of those days, so, at a pretty slow pace, she walked to the park whose name was unknown to her, despite her hatred of the sunlight.

She saw a ghost nearby, seeming like it was waiting for her, waving at the ghost, she gave a small smile, ghosts were sometimes nicer than real people, maybe it was because she was like them? Or just the fact that she could see them was good enough for them.


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