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demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 04:32 PM

a roleplay for just two people. Demona Jay and Heart_Beats_For_Love

Name: Justin
Boy or girl: boy
Age: unknown looks 18
race: angel
powers: can heal the wounded and has amazing good luck a lot of the time

Name: Anna
boy or girl: girl
age: 15
race: human
powers: none but she's a good fighter
Weapons: a sword
Note: She doesn't talk much or sometimes at all but she hangs around Justin as if she's his little sister. He cares for her.

Last edited by demona jay; 07-05-2011 at 05:03 PM..

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 04:53 PM

Rose (Demon):
Age: 2,946
Location: The Acheron River (that of Sorrow)
Race: Spumaean (water witches)
Powers: Control of water (this includes blood), a constant sorrowing effect on those around her
Equipment: wand of Stygian (river Styx, the unbreakable oath) waters

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:19 PM

Justin and Anna were sitting under a tree trying to stay cool in the summer heat. " guess it's just too hot today to keep traveling eh Anna?" Justin asked putting his back against the tree and sitting there trying to relax. He looked up at Anna. A 15 year old female human that had the fighting skills of men twice her age. She didn't talk much. Most people wondered if she even knew how. She was seen traveling with Justin all the time. Everyone asked if she was his little sister. He'd just smile and say. " You could say that I guess." Whenever someone asked if they were brother and sister but the truth was they weren't brother and sister at all. How they met was unknown to everyone but them.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 05:43 PM

Rose watched them from her aqueous realm, becoming more and more mad, the longer she looked. She detested these two beings more than any other in existance. What neither of them new, is that almost 3000 years ago, when Rose was new to being a demon, she had big plans. Her plans were not only to dominate the underworld, but the overworld too, and even the heavens. When she had defeated all but the most menial of factions of demons she took her raging army, an army of sea serpents, ice dragons, necromancers, and other unmentionable beings, to the world. She conquered nation after nation. Many angels had died trying to stop her. Finally when she came to the high citadel of the Queen Juturna, the beautiful place was known as Scelera, she felt slowed down. And rightfully so, there was a great power embedded in this kingdom. What she didn't know was that this was the seat of the high angel, Turnus, whose might was revered by even the most powerful demons. Except for Rose of course, she was too young to know of his power, and too stupid to fear him. She marched on and began to ransack the city. This awoke the angel and he started to descimate her armies. Legion, by legion, he obliterated them without so much as the blink of an eye. When he finally turned his inner eye towards Rose, for once in his Seraphic life fear began to overtake him. He knew she was stronger than him. Knowing the battle to come, he flew up to heaven to ask to be plated in the most brilliant armor they could give him. He descended to battle with her. The battle began as she stung his wings with piercing shards of ice. He countered with a light so bright, she had to shield her eyes, and even then they began to burn. At this she began yunleashing tidal wave, after tidal wave in an effort to drown him, or atleast save her eyes. Finally her efforts prevailed, and Turnus was momentarily distracted by a wave so tall it threatened the life of Juturna on her most high citadel. As he flew towards her to save her life, Rose began to conjur the most powerful force known to a water witch, the force that would allow her to control anothers blood and kill instantly. This spell took a while to build up to, as she was, Turnus reached Juturna, as he embraced her and kissed her, Rose unleashed her might. Turnus exploded in a shower of blood over a lacrimose Juturna. At the same moment Rose was cast down by an unseen power into the dryest dessert of hell, whose plains were endless and not a drop of water fell. Just in case she recieved liquid aid of any kind, her powers were suspended.
Now 2900 years later, a stupid lesser demon of wind came in and agreed to take her from her prison, and sacrifice himself to restore her powers in return for her helping his people. She was freed, she got her powers, but no one was helped. Now she looks at the two friends, who don't know they are the descendants of the two who imprisoned her so long ago. She knows that the angels death had unseeable consequences, so she is cautious to move close to them for fear of worse reprocussions.

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:03 PM

A man walked by Anna and Justin and because Anna was afraid of strangers she jumped out of the tree and tried to hide behind Justin like she always did. The man stared at her like she was crazy but kept walking away. " You've got to stop being so afraid of every person that walks by. It's not normal...Why am I even trying to explain this to you? It's not going to help. Let's just keep moving maybe there won't be so many people for you to be scared of the more we walk." Justin said getting up off the ground and grabbing Anna's hand and starting to walk down the road. " Let's hope there's not a town near by. I don't feel like telling another story and acting like your my little sister for everyone." Justin said softly to himself as he walked with Anna.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 06:12 PM

Rose follows them with her gaze and comes up with an idea. She decides to plant a spy in their world who can get close to them without the consequences she knows would befall her. She would watch them herself but there is turmoil in the underworld. There is no real leader at the moment, and she thinks time has come once again for her to vie for that position, but she must gain a base of followers. She doesn't have the time for two things at once.

Luca is the name of the spy she hires. He is a very handsom young man, about 17 years old, and he is very shy and quiet, just like Anna is. She sees them walking in the direction of an icecream cart and plants him there, buying, what she has found out to be, Anna's favorite flavor of icecream, cookie dough. It just so happens the vendor made a mistake and gave him two cones, and he meakly calls out, "Does anyone like cookie dough icecream? I accidentally got two, I don't want this one to go to waste."

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:24 PM

Anna hears Luca and looks at Justin with puppy dog eyes. Justin wasn't paying attention he was thinking like he did when he knew they had to walk for a while so Anna gently took her hand from his and went over to Luca. " Anna." she said which was basically the only thing she knew how to say. She actually talked in another language but since no one understood her she never spoke in it so she just said her name for everyone when she wanted to speak. She understood everyone just fine just couldn't speak back to them.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 06:27 PM

"So Anna, is your name. That's so pretty, I am guessing you heard me, I just hate to see my favorite flavor of icecream go to waste, do you like cookie dough?"

Rose was pleased and began do divert some of her attention to the brooding wars in the underworld.

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 07:11 PM

Justin realized Anna had wondered off and saw her with Luca. He walked up to them. " Anna we should really get going." Justin said putting his hand on her head keeping his eyes on Luca. Anna nodded once. Anna then looked at Luca again.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 07:13 PM

"Hi my name is Luca, I was just offering your...uh...friend? some extra icecream that I ordered on accident. I would hold my hand out for you to shake but both of my hands are full, as you can see. What is your name? I am kind of new to this place and was wondering if someone could help me get situated."

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 07:24 PM

" We're not much help with knowing this place either sorry. Name's Justin but doubt you'll need to remember it." Justin said before taking Anna's hand and walking away with her. something about that guy makes me feel like I should just run for my life. Maybe I'm being too careful? Maybe not? Oh well if he follows us I'll give him a chance but first time he screws up. I'll have to deal with him. Justin thought as he walked away with Anna.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 07:27 PM

"Wait up you guys! Let me at least come with you guys, I have nothing, I have no where to go. Please!"

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 07:36 PM

" That's kinda hard to believe. Why would you come to a place with nothing and no place to go? Why didn't you just stay in your home town if you have nothing and no place to go?" Justin asked still walking knowing Luca would probably follow anyway even if they didn't stop. Anna looked down at the ground as Justin talked what he was saying reminding her of when they first met. When he had saved her from her fate. She had no where to go after that, no place to call home, no one to take care of her so he took her with him. He said he didn't know why he let her come along with him. He was always alone before they started traveling together and every time someone else tried to come along Justin told them no. They ended up staying for a little while but sooner or later Justin got mad at them and in the middle of the night Justin and Anna left after the person was fast asleep so when they woke up in the morning they were all alone.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 07:42 PM

"Why you ask? Because someone was trying to kill my family, and my mother helped me escape but she didn't make it herself. Please. It doesn't have to be forever, just until I am back on my feet again, maybe I can find someone my family knew in this city. I would be forever endebted to you." He sighs and begins to tear up, "I just hate feeling so alone and lost, I just want some company."

Rose was shocked at this, "What a misserably emotioned being, I almost regrette using him, but if it works it works..." she muttered to herself.

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 07:54 PM

" alright alright you can stay but stop crying. I have a feeling even Anna could kick your butt if she wanted to. No crying and when I tell you to guess you'll have to hide." Justin said rolling his eyes. Justin could just see Luca in the middle of a fight. Anna just stabbed someone and he starts crying. Yeah best to hide him when things get bad.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 07:59 PM

"Thank you. Thank you! I promise not to be a burdon." Luca sneaks a quick smile that no one can see, knowing that his fighting powers will have to lay hidden to keep up this persona.

"Good, good, my darling!" Rose whispers into his ear for only him to hear. "You have turned out to be useful."

"And my payment?"

"Will be given, when you actually get somewhere! Don't come to me unless you have something important!" She leaves and fully immerses herself in finding followers for the battle in the underworld.

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 08:11 PM

Anna let go of Justin's hand and quickly tackled Luca out of no where. " Anna!" Anna said she seemed happy. Justin started laughing. " This might not be so bad." Justin said as he laughed. Usually he was the one Anna tackled and hugged and attacked and whatever else she could think of at that moment when she wanted to Luca could take some of the beating she gave for him. It would make him useful at least.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 08:15 PM

"Hahahahhahaha!" Luca laughed, he even let out a giggle of joy. "It is nice to be going with you guys." He looks up at Justin timidly, "I hope you will give me another chance, you won't regret it!" He beamed with a popure sincere heart.

Rose sensed this and diverted her attention for a bit, but could not be bothered for too long. "He better keep on task!" she thought to herself.

"So where are we going?" asked Luca.

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 08:28 PM

Anna started talking in another language and pointed to a big volcano that could be barely seen from here. Justin just ignored them waiting for Luca's reaction to Anna speaking but not making any sense.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 08:37 PM

Luca was surprised by this, but at the same saw it as an endearing quality. "She doesn't really talk, does she?" he asked Justin.

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 09:00 PM

" She speaks just fine if you know the language. Most people can't speak her language or understand it so they see a cute little girl who says her name when talking to people but in reality she could probably kill you in five seconds if she really wanted to." Justin said. Anna just smiled cute as a doll. " we're going to the volcano just in case you didn't catch what Anna was trying to tell you." Justin said as Anna slowly got off Luca dropping a knife out of her pocket as she got off him. She moved quickly to grab it.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 09:05 PM

Luca was faster and picked it up himself, he eyed its ancient beauty. "I think I got the message pretty clear, or at least the gist, now why does she have this? and where did you/she get it?" Luca remembered something Rose had said, but couldn't remember at the time.

As it was, Rose was not paying attention at all. She had however found a few minions as well as a few followers. She found them in the harsh waters of the north. At first they all avoided her, but eventually they decided that it was in their best interests to stick with her. (she threatened them)

Seeing the concerned look shoot across Justin's face and the confused on across Annas, he put the knife back down. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone."

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 09:36 PM

Anna took the knife as Luca put the knife back on the ground. The symbols on the knife came to life with a white glow as she held it in her hands and white symbols appeared written on Anna's skin on her arms and her forehead when she held the knife. It was the mark of the old angels that only appeared when they held their weapons. Everyone believed they had died out yet here was Anna a living old angel and she was 15 years old. That was really strange because they died out a hundred years ago.

Heart_Beats_For_Love is offline
Old 07-05-2011, 09:39 PM

Luca knew better than to stare, and even more than that, he knew not to even mention this, not yet. He passed it off by saying, "Wow the sun is really bright, and when cars pass us by they really reflect brightly on you." He knew he was grabbing in the dark, but he didn't ever want a moment to be left silent in this crew, he knew they were smart, and would sense his brooding if given the oportunity to observe him. "So how far is the Volcano? I have never seen one before, let alone one that is active."

demona jay
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Old 07-05-2011, 10:03 PM

Anna put the knife back in her pocket making the white glow and symbols disappear then she grabbed Luca's arm and started walking with him. " It's still two towns away we won't make it there until tomorrow at least we're just going to make it to the next town." Justin said still watching Luca closely


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