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Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 03:40 AM

yes seem to follow you as you walk along the forest path and you can hear chimes of laughter echoing through the trees. You turn to look many times, but nothing more than a falling leaf or nodding flower stirs. It does not take you long to figure out who owns this lively part of the forest and as it dawns on you, the form of a building seems to appear in the distance. As you continue down the path, you find it to be a warmly lit, welcoming inn with wild gardens surrounding it. A homey, hand-carved wooden sign swings gently in the summer breeze. You can make out the letters "ia Have" from between the blossoming vines that cover it. The stone building seems to beckon you inside, imploring you to rest your feet and have a delicious drink.


This is an open role-play, no profile or permission needed! However, there are some special notes and rules.

Gaia's Haven is unlike any other inn or tavern in the world. How, you ask? Well, it is a "living" building, A sentient construct created by the Fae that live in and rule over the forest. If you perceive the Fae and believe in their existence, they open the way to their beloved haven for you.

Haven, as it is most often called, is just as mischievous and playful as the Fae that made it, and loves to toy with guests by changing about it's interior. Things such as falling asleep in a purple room only to wake in a green one are quite common, as is the furniture changing shape and size. Haven also will lengthen rooms, flip them upside-down and change the number of stairs in the halls. These changes are never directly harmful to a guest, and if true anger is the response, things tend to right themselves rather quickly.

Haven can also appear before and interact with guests as a sort of apparition, how the apparition looks depends on who is perceiving it. I will be playing the apparition.

- Haven itself is a NPC and can be controlled by anyone. However, any changes you have the building make can only affect your character unless you have the OK from other players. The only exception to this is when I make changes, those will effect everyone unless specified.
-There is no profile skeleton, but please try to give vital information about your character within you first few posts. You are also allowed to put a picture, but in your first post only.
-Try to be at least semi-lit
- Use some form of OOC such as ((this))
- No harming of another character without permission and no fighting in OOC
- This is a casual RP, so relax and have fun!

You are all free to post!~

Last edited by KageShio; 08-13-2011 at 06:01 AM..

Scribbled Lore
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Old 08-03-2011, 07:07 PM

(( I'll play along. ))

Her feet ached. Her back ached. The straps of her pack dug into her shoulders and with each step she would wince in pain; it seemed as though this horrible experience would never end. Why had she ever agreed to go camping with her friends? They had disappeared before she awoke this morning and left her alone at the campsite with only her tent and supplies. It was a good thing she was an experienced camper but still it had been totally uncalled for! These weren't even the same woods that she normally camped in.

She was lost - there wasn't any other explanation for why she was still stumbling along occasionally calling out the names of her friends in hopes that they would save her from this madness.

Surely there was someone or something out there that could aid her in her ... journey? Yes, journey.

But there! There in the distance she could see the warm, glowing lights of a building! Like a beacon it summoned her closer and closer and slowly her feet began to ache less - the straps of her pack no longer dug into her shoulders and by the time she reached the building she was smiling and humming to herself. What a difference hope could make!

Belle wasted no time in entering the stone building but she didn't fail to note the wild beauty of the gardens nor the sign that hung above the door. Once inside it was easy to see her features that had been blurred and hidden in the night outside; of average height for a woman and with long dark hair braided into a single tail, her bright green eyes caught the light and reflected it back. She was certainly not pale but neither was she dark.

Blinded by the sudden light, she raised a hand up to cover her eyes and called out to the room, "Hello, is there anyone here?"

Last edited by Scribbled Lore; 08-04-2011 at 12:12 AM..

Ramoguy22 is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 11:01 PM

Ramo Brompton felt a faint wind rustle through his hair. There was something wrong here, he felt tortured even though as a traveler, he wasn't used to the feeling. He needed to walk faster, he needed to get where he needed to be. His dark hair brushed against his eyes, making him blink lightly as he bit deeply in his lip, but was careful not to draw blood. He felt a line of sweat roll down his face, beginning to fall towards the ground, and then looked up at the inn.

He felt himself beginning to get torn between whether to walk in, or to continue his travel. It seemed like a very nice place to eneter, and without really thinking about it, he walked up towards it, beginning to step inside, his deep black shoes meeting the warm stone ground. He shoved a single hand deep into his windbreaker, which was colored a deep gray. His eyes,which were a shimmering silver, caught behind him to make sure he was not followed. He looked at the garden slowly and shook his head. He was never one for gardening.

He walked into the room slowly, seeing a small table set, feeling a chair hitting his inner thighs,forcing him to sit down as it pulled him up towards the table, a pitcher of lemonaid that was placed on the table beginning to pour him a drink by itself, levitating off the ground. He stared at it, then the cup that was beginning to slide towards him, too thirsty to refuse, brining it up to his lips,and taking a deep drink. He attempted to stand, but to no avail..he was stuck. He fell to a deep sleep.

When he awoke there was a burst of light and he covered his eyes, beginning to be able to stand as he looked at a woman, wondering if she was one of the owners. When she spoke, he felt his hope plummet as he shook his head. "I am here, but I am not the owner of the home. My name is Ramo, and just who are you?"

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 11:15 PM

((Hello Lore ^^ ))

Louie let out a gasp as a stray root seemed to lift from the ground before his foot, catching his toes mid-step. As he hit the packed earth with a thump, a scatter of giggles resounded from the undergrowth. He sat up and glanced about, pale eyes less pleasant than before. "Alright, I know you are out there you imps! I am no longer amused by your vexing tricks, I just want to get through these woods to a resting house." he said, words loosing their anger as he tried to reason with the child-like creatures.

The woods fell silent and he let out a sigh of relief, getting up off the ground and picking up his bags. After waiting a moment longer to scan the brush again, he started down the path once more. After a few moments, he spied a warm glow ahead on the path. As he got closer, he found it to be a cottage-like inn in a small clearing, just to the left of the path.

He was suspicious, but his feet seemed to become more sore by the moment, a painful reminder that he needed to rest. "Perhaps... just for an hour or so... It couldn't hurt." he out loud, walking up the worn stone steps. He carefully opened the heavy oak door and stepped in, bumping into a woman as his eyes adjusted to the light of the room.

"Oh, e-excuse me! I did not see you there, Miss." he said quickly, backing up and stepping to the side. Able to see now, he glanced about the room. Seeing the man at the table, he gave an unsure smile and a bow, addressing both of them. "Um... Good evening. I do not suppose either of you know who to speak to about staying here, do you?"

Last edited by KageShio; 08-03-2011 at 11:17 PM..

Scribbled Lore
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Old 08-03-2011, 11:19 PM

(( All fixed! ))

"My name is Be--..! Oof!" She stumbled forward a step or two before regaining her balance and turned to look at the stranger behind her. "Excuse you!" Her eyes flashed in anger but after a deep breath she held up her hands in a gesture of peace. "I'm sorry about that - I should have gotten out of the way sooner."

Belle ran a hand over her hair to smooth it down and then held that same hand out to the stranger that had bumped into her. "My name is Belle and, no, I don't know who to talk to about staying here."

Last edited by Scribbled Lore; 08-03-2011 at 11:26 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 11:39 PM

(Guess I'll join. I hope three isn't too many. Luciano form 2: Luciano form 1: (no wings) SnowBall: Chesamai: )

Chesamai entered the inn with a smile, her guardian spirit, SnowBall, following close behind. The two looked at the desk and saw no one. The continued in and sat at a random table. They were hungry. SnowBall rushed to the kitchen and when he found no one started to cook. He was sure other people were here and hungry and he needed to feed Lady Chesamai. It wasn't long before the kitchen was filled with delicious smells.

Luciano was in his child form and hiding behind the front desk. Once the two people who had come in left he jumped on to the desk. He liked to pretend to check people in. He wrote down the names Chesamai and SnowBall down on a piece of paper like he did all the others. "Fun fun fun!"

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 11:51 PM

(( It's alright Lore ^^ Ienzo, you are allowed as many characters as you can handle. Also, I think I shall change the rules and play Haven's avatar myself. Just remember that it appears different to each person.))

Louie shrank back from the Belle's anger, his small frame looking more delicate when he did. He relaxed as she apologized, mumbling a small "I-It's quite alright." and giving a small smile. When she proffered her hand, he gave his own thin, scarred one to shake hers. "Louie Amsel." he said, turning to look as two more people walked in, frowning as the white-haired one helped himself to the kitchen. "My... that is a bit rude." he said softly. He wasn't one to confront others however, so he stayed where he was, now turning to look at the red-haired child that seemed to have appeared at the desk.

By the boy's looks he could tell he was a Fae, but he took a quick look at his aura to confirm it. He looked to Belle, gesturing to the boy. "Perhaps he could help us, seeing as he is at the desk."

Last edited by KageShio; 08-03-2011 at 11:56 PM..

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 11:57 PM

SnowBall finished his cooking and took a plate out to Chesamai. "You're not going to eat SnowBall?" She questioned and SnowBall shook his head. He wasn't hungry. "If there is anyone else in the inn come and get it while it's hot!" SnowBall knew there were other people in the inn and he had made plenty. Chesamai helped herself to her plate.

Luciano stared at the two from his hiding spot. He was hungry too! He turned into his older true form and entered the kitchen. He got himself a plate and sat down a table away. The white haired boy smiled at him before sitting down with the girl who was eating far from lady like. He had moved away from the desk from hunger but he knew he would need to help people soon.

Ramoguy22 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:01 AM

Ramo brompton turned and looked around the room, noticing that it was being filled with people. Bleh. He hated to be part of a large crowd. he noticed that he caught the first male's name beginning to get it memorized, his high intellect shining through as he looked around once again, trying to gather the most from the people it was being filled by.

First was the woman who seemed to have a temper, and he took a careful mental note not to say anything or do anything that could set it off. She quickly switched to being friendly, which could or could not be a masquerade to hide her much colder personality, so he would be careful about that.

Second off was this "Louie Amsel who seemed to have manners as he quickly apoligized, but did not seem to be slightly clumsy.He kept quiet about this for now as he moved onto the third person

There was the small boy, who semeed to move to the desk but then to the kitchen, he took a small sniff and decided to wait before he would proceed to movee again.

Then there was the girl who just kingly offered everyone food, he began to walk toawrds the delicious smell, smiling lightly as he nodded at the girl, flashing her a deep smile as he sat down, beginning to quickly serve himself, and taking a seat close to the corner where he coudl play it safe yet again.

Scribbled Lore
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Old 08-04-2011, 12:04 AM

Belle was quick to notice how Louie shrank back from her and pegged him, mentally, as a timid person who she would have to be careful around. Her eyes followed the newcomers; there was a slight frown as the one made for the kitchen and the third took up a place at the desk. Well, perhaps he was supposed to be there..

"Until I meet the owner, I think I'm going to stick to my rations." She smiled at Louie and gestured to a table near them. "If you'd like, you're welcome to join me." She didn't wait for his reply but rather took her pack off her back and set it down next to the table. Out of it she pulled a couple of trail-mix bars and a canteen half full of water. After she had taken her seat, occupied herself with looking around the room - eyeing each person and making a mental note.

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:06 AM

SnowBall sent him a glare. If the boy who just smiled at Chesamai was a threat then he would keep him away. Guardian spirits protected their human. He was no acception. Chesamai smiled back at the boy and watched as he sat in the corner. "You're going to sit there all alone?" She questioned him. Sitting alone was... well lonely.

Luciano finished his food and dropped his plate of in the kitchen before heading back to the desk. He was in his younger form again. He tended to change forms. He wrote the new person's name on the paper. Everyone who came into the inn had their name on the paper for guests.

Ramoguy22 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:12 AM

Oh man.Just oh man. The small boy is glaring at him. Ramo wasn't one to be timid...but it just creeped him the heck out. There was usually nothing that would glare at him, people would just watch him pass him by without saying a word. And now, this boy that doesn't know him in the slgihtest is giving him a glare?Just what was going on around here?!

He took a deep breath as he noticed her smile back, quickly running the ridges of his fingers together. Society was never his strong point, he took a deep bbreath as she questioned him, looking up at her, faking a smile and nodding his head. "Unless your going to sit next to me" He thought carefully, deciding not to sound too cold to the only potential ally and perhaps patron of the inn.

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:15 AM

Chesamai smiled before grabbing her plate and walking over to his table to sit. "Come on SnowBall." She sat down and SnowBall stopped his glaring to sit with them. "I'm sorry if SnowBall scares you. He's just protective. He is my guardian spirit so he makes sure I'm safe." SnowBall nodded. "You have no reason to worry about me if you don't hurt Chesamai." He was in protective mode.

Ramoguy22 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:24 AM

Ramo slowly nodded as he looked over to Snowball and then back to the girl. He had no idea what her name was, or why she was being so friendly. Sure, being a traveler meant he was alone most of the time, but still, meeting a girl so friendly was a rarity into itself so he could atleast return the favor. He decided to speak yet again, his voice smooth, having a certain hard to pinpoint accent in it, turning to Snowball "A spirit eh, I respect that in ya..." he said, turning to the girl and then holding out his hand. "Name is Ramo Brompton, pleasure to meet ya as well, I am sure we can be quiet friendly."

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:26 AM

Louie's pale eyes were quick to take in everything as it happened, watching as the boy suddenly transformed to an older version of himself and taking note of the sitting man as he seemed to stare at them each in turn. He glanced to the rude, silent boy and the pink-haired girl as Belle responded them, tilting his head slightly as he saw the boy glare. His attention turned back to Belle as she spoke to him, giving another smile. "Thank you, that sounds like a good idea." he said, giving a nod. "I would not want to anger who ever does own this inn." he picked up one of the offered bars and opened it, breaking off a small piece and putting it in his mouth, carefully chewing.

As the new guests interacted with each other, A small bit of mist collected near the wooden stairs that currently resided in the far right of the room. Over several minutes it thickened and took a humanoid figure while remaining unnoticed in the corner. As they guests started to settle down, it stepped forward and spoke. "Good evening and welcome, I am Gaia's Haven"

(( Ok, just a reminder: Haven appears to each character differently.))

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:38 AM

(.... That is hard to do for me. Isn't it about how we can't make it affect other characters that don't belong to us?! We have to see it about the same and different at some points. You make no sense!)

Chesamai smiled at Ramo. "My name is Chesamai. It's a pleasure to meet you." SnowBall noticed the fog speak but appearently Chesamai didn't. "I'll be right back Lady Chesamai." He got up and walked towards the fog. "You're this inn?" He questioned.

Luciano looked up from the desk and at the fog. This happened from time to time so he didn't care. He just checked people inn. With a quick change to his older form he sat at the stool behind the desk. No one seemed to need his help.

Ramoguy22 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:42 AM

Ramo blinked at the smile, this was the longest he had ever talked to a person for what seemed like month, he slowly nodded his head, then turned towards the fod, following the young spirit. He reached into his pocket,running his fingers through his pocketknife, hoping that he did not have to use it. He took a deep breath and turned back to Chesmai"The pleasure is all mine, I assure you." He said, trying not to be rude towards her and flashing her a bright, but this time genuine smile.

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:46 AM

Chesamai kept smiling and eating. "That's a pretty knife." She commented. "If you're worried about SnowBall, don't be. He's really nice and he only protects me. He won't hurt you for no reason." SnowBall wasn't a bad person. "So why are you traveling all alone?"

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 12:52 AM

((Ienzo, SnowBall and Luciano should see some sort of person, not the fog. How that person looks for each of them is entirely up to you))

Last edited by KageShio; 08-04-2011 at 01:00 AM..

Scribbled Lore
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Scribbled Lore is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 01:21 AM

(( Sorry about the delay - I was making supper. ))

For Belle the mist took on the form of a grandmotherly figure with short curly, grey hair and skin a shade or two darker then her own; the woman wore an apron over a floral printed dress. Since this woman came out of no where, or rather the mist, Belle gasped aloud after the older woman - mist creature? - spoke. "E-excuse me, are we a bother to you?" She asked the older woman.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 02:18 AM

((It's alright, Lore, I was doing the same.
Also, I am sorry but, Ienzo could you please try to use proper grammar? English is not my native language and I am having a hard time understanding everything you type. :sweat: ))

Haven turned to Belle and smiled. "No, not at all. I have been rather lonely of late so I welcome you all to stay and rest. The woods can be a harsh place to walk through." it said, spreading it's arms in a peaceful, welcoming gesture. "There are plenty of rooms right up these stairs, each with it's own complete restroom. The pantry is fully stocked and you are welcome to use the kitchen, as it seems some of you have already done." it said, looking towards Chesamai and SnowBall.

Louie jumped a little, biting his tongue in the process, and turned to look at who had spoken. He found it to be a handsome gentleman with shoulder-length auburn hair that was neatly tucked into a ponytail and forest green eyes. He was dressed smartly in clean, dark slacks and a burgundy button-up shirt.

Louie said nothing, opting to suck on his bleeding tongue while watching and listening to Haven speak. Already he seemed to be a nice person, warm and friendly, but something about him was just... off. Louie couldn't put his finger on it, but there was something definitely strange about him.

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 02:23 AM

(I do use proper grammer! DX I'm trying my best! I'm not a robot!)

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 02:26 AM

((I'm sorry, I do not mean to upset you... I just am having a hard time understanding you :/ ))

Come into my arms and I'll prote...
SecretIenzo1 is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 02:28 AM

(I'm sorry if you can't understand and I know I have a hard time wording things. I'll try harder but again, I'm not a robot. Even though I'm from america that doesn't mean I'm perfect.)

Scribbled Lore
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Old 08-04-2011, 02:29 AM

Belle was unnerved by this strange woman; however, that was no cause to be rude and she nodded in return to the older woman. "Thank you kindly for your generosity. But when you say.." She frowned and put down the trail-mix bar she had been eating. "When you say that you are Gaia's Haven, does that mean you are this.. building?"


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