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Ana_M is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 03:18 AM

Alright, so a few months ago I got sent a message on facebook from this girl asking me if I knew about a friend's whereabouts. I had no clue, and today he just started talking to me telling me that he tried to bike down here to see me when he lives HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY! He's been gone for MONTHS, didn't say a word to ANYBODY. I don't know how he's made it, and apparently it's due to a bunch of home-related issues where his father beats him and his mother ignores everything and just drinks into a hole.

Well, he told me that when he got here he'd stay in the flipping park near my house and try to get a under the table job, while through-out all of this he is around 14 years old! He's apathetic, which really gets on my nerves, and doesn't want to try anything. He thinks he can cling onto me, and expect me to solve ALL of his problems, I just got through dealing with my own personal shit! I don't wanna deal with his, again. UUGGHH.

Well now he's moving in with his real dad, since he got caught in his "expedition of glory" or something... He said he wanted to apologize in person for all the shit that he's done to me in the past, and dammit! I thought it was just that, the past! Then he ... ughh! My family barely manages to get enough food and drinks to last a week, and not only that but we would never, ever be able to afford to cart him back home within that month! :( Car, plane, bus tickets and whatnot... that's a lot on it's own, not to mention the food he'd need!

He's most likely VERY malnourished, too... which worries me like crazy.. So pretty much, I'm all anxious, worried, and PISSED all over again. :( -sighs- I already know I can't do shit about knocking sense into him, he's too apathetic to even begin to fathom that maybe, he can do something sane instead of this rash decision of his! Yes, even though he thought about it... it's still rash, and a very immature plan. This plan of his has only caused more problems.. UGH. Wish he would learn how to communicate!

Communication has saved my butt, sooo many times... GRR. I'm just so ... argh, mostly annoyed with him, to be honest... His family and friends have worried over him SOOO much! D: He doesn't really believe it, either. He thinks that they all are just using him and arrgghh... Yeah, it's his problem and everything but why... why me?! I can't and won't live his life for him anymore, I've given him the cold, blunt, honest, and harsh advice that he needs to hear more of.. even though it's probably hurting him a lot on the inside. :(

I just needed to blow some steam, eh. Not much I can do in this situation, so yeah.. Anyone else been in this type of situation? Where someone tried to hide behind you, instead of facing their problems head-on, themselves? If so, how did you deal with the stress? :\\

Vix Viral
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Vix Viral is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:37 AM

Three words: Call Child Services.

He obviously has a lot of problems that need to be professionally dealt with.

Smores is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 11:39 AM

I use to have a friend in highschool that was clingy beyond belief. I mean, she was always there and always in need of my help and always wanting me to talk to her. Honestly, it was kind of obsessive. Thank the lord she never went to that extreme of ditching her family to be near me....Id guilt myself into letting her in knowing me.

I think it was hard to deal with because I felt kind of responsible? I mean - sure your post is how you dont seek any involvement but it feels like you still feel kinda responsible for this kid. That in its self is so hard to shake. Ugh.

I dealt with the stress of that with some good music and my own friends - just, made as much separation with her as possible. I just told people not to talk about her with me and not to get me involved because it was much more trouble then it was worth. I kinda felt like other people pushed her on me....thinking I could help when I did not care to get involved.

I honestly can't give you a solid piece of advice, I just don't know what to say. But try that attitude of "Out of sight, out of mind." Maybe? Just dont talk to people about it and kinda let it be....because in the end. It really is not your problem, so if you really want out....there should be some kind of exit.

After a while people tend to get you dont care and leave you alone.
Keep in mind.....sometimes that takes a while....

That is kinda all Ive got.

Best of Luck! <3

Ana_M is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 12:42 PM

x_X I've been giving child services a thought for a while, but since
he was caught and such, he's most likely going to go back to get
some therapy anyway. So I vote that card out, though he does need
professional help big time. :3 Thanks Vix. I may end up changing mind.

Smores, I do feel responsible for him, and his emotions and actions, even
though I have no right to. Actually some sound advice, I have been letting it
lay low about this problem lately, and haven't really bothered trying to talk
to him. Yep, people leave a lot in my life, two-face me a lot, too. He's rather,
ah... obsessive. I'm just worried next about when and if he tries to talk to me again.
;x If he's still fucked up, I think I'll take Vix's advice, and just get CS out there
and get that over with.


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