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Send me cheesecake

Pixel Pixie
wishie is offline
Old 11-03-2011, 01:01 AM

Day 1

Hello my lovely journal! At the moment, I’m stuck in a tree with a giant potato. I guess I should start from the beginning (better watch out! You‘re in for a ride):

Yesterday, I’ve arrived at Franklin point. It’s so lively for a village. This place has a lot of paths and alleys, I nearly got lost! It seemed every which way I had to ask a local for directions. I took break at a pub where gossip could be heard all throughout the room. The people that sat near me were talking about a woman and her husband. I wonder what happened to the woman’s husband? From what I gathered after a few minutes of eaves dropping, they got another divorce for the umpteenth time. Oh well, I’ve got another one to give to her from my old country if she ever needs a new one. Little old lady, you won’t be lonely no more!

After the pub, I went to find a sojourn for the night. Wish I could have taken the mattress with me on this trip, it was so comfy! Leaving the sojourn this morning, I had an “OMG, is that a llama!?!” moment as I thought I had seen a llama. However, it wasn’t a llama, but an alpaca! A young man was riding on the alpaca (I guess they’re used as a means of travel) so I punched him off and stole that bitch GTA style.

Running away from the authorities wasn’t easy. It felt like a mission and I was a spy trying to get away with my new found item. I sure bamboozled them with my smoke bomb I had equipped on me. I am glad that the alpaca stuck through it all. We did get a little side tracked and ended up in a forest. While wandering around, I had a little encounter with a wild boar. It was a weird little thing since it looked like a pineapple from the old country. To bad it did not taste as sweet as pineapple from old country. Such a disappointing lunch that was.

During the evening, the skies became darker, but the trees made it seem like night. Minutes passed until I saw some bright pink and green lights flashing around along with hearing some loud music in the distance. Curiosity got the best of me, so I walked towards the area. As I was walking, the alpaca ran away, probably got scarred and was all “What was that noise!?! 0A0”. Blasted thing. Even after all we’ve been through! I thought we were friends!! Anyways, I was finally close enough to the area to see what was going on.

What I saw I wish I could unsee.

People, lots of them, in skimpy clothing (looked like leather) walking around and swatting each others' behinds. What sort of hocus-pocus bullshit is this? As I turned around, one of the people grabbed my wrist and told me to join them. Completely dumbfounded by this, I let them lead me into this new trap that I was in. They walked me into the center of the party and handed me a steamed potato. Why was I given a steamed potato? As I was about to eat it, someone swatted my behind and made me drop my potato. I looked behind me at the person in disgust. He just smiled and frolicked away laughing.

As time went on, a group of people brought out a giant potato. It was not baked or steamed like the other potatoes. A few other people started a fire as well. The guy that smacked me earlier started talking about how we need to sacrifice this great potato for the land or…something. Don’t remember what he said. What I do remember it looking at this potato and my heart just sinking. Something about it, it was like a lost soul was inside of it, crying out to me. This potato, it needed to be rescued.

Remembering what I learned in magic school, with a flick of my finger, I caused a huge conflagration with the fire that was lit. As fast as I could I grabbed the potato out of the peoples’ hands and ran, ran so far away. As I was running, I looked for the tallest and closest tree I could find and climbed up it to hide.

And that’s where we are now. The potato and I seem to be alright. I am currently hugging it close to my chest so I don’t drop it. For some reason, it seemed to have gotten pretty steamy since holding it…

Mr. Mayor
Mr. Mayor is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 12:26 AM

Very interesting o.o *laughs*

If you can continue I am going to have to issue you with a penalty because you missed a word!

So, your penalty is:

You need to use the word that you missed in your next entry, plus these five extra words: cake, fountain, monument, gamble and rock!


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