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Staria is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 11:17 PM

This is an open rp thread, meaning the only rule is you respect everyone and control only your character. It, being an event rp, is centered around Halloween.

Plot: You feel strange....faint... and awake to a haunted forest with many monsters and creatures of the dark ready to eat you. A halloween game by some underworld creature if you will. You have become your costume, with all powers and skills as if you have a second mind. Will it drive you insane? or will you survive both the twists to your mind and the monsters to find a way to escape to the real world before the halloween doors close?

Note: you can be creative. You don't have to be strict. You could have been dressed as wolf and become a werewolf for example.


Julianna had dressed as a sexy sorceress this halloween at the insistence of her much more bold twin Marianna who wore a matching outfit but with a pink wig instead of blueish white. It was far more revealing then anything she'd normally wear but as usual when Marie wanted something from the shy Julie she got her way. They'd been at a party when she began to feel faint, the last thing she remebered was Mari calling out to her. When she awoke she was alone and it was dark..... she could hear an owl hooting.

"MARIE!!!!" She called out, shouting into the darkness. She wished she could see.... and as she did so her staff began to glow a soft blueish white. She heard a growl behind her and turned, a strange wolf like creature leaping from the shadows. She barely dodged, her scream peircing the night as the wolf slammed into a tree. He shook his mighty head as he tried to stand, a little shaken but not seriously wounded... he would attack her again soon so she began to run.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 01:27 AM

Leslie always had a fascination with wings. It was only this Halloween that she'd been able to fulfill that fascination- she'd managed to find a wearable pair of black wings. She told everyone that she was a dark angel, and she loved the way the words rolled off her tongue. Dark angel... It felt like those two words held everything she wanted to be, somehow. Suddenly, in the middle of the party, Leslie felt faint. She must've passed out, because she woke up.

"Aah..." Leslie mumbled, rubbing her forehead as she sat up. She found herself in a dark forest. She stretched her arms, stood up and stretched her legs, stretched her wings- Leslie patted her back and felt her wings, no longer attached by belts. They were real. "Oh... wow..." She said. Leslie was half scared, half ecstatic. Wings. She had wings! She found herself smiling at that. She heard a high-pitched scream and turned, finding a flurry of white flashing by. Leslie followed, testing out her wings. Curiosity kills the cat was a very old saying, but they never said anything about the dark angel...


Marie was worried about her sister, of course, but was astounded at just where she'd ended up. "How the hell did I get here?!" the pinkette shouted as she stood, at the base of a large tree. She heard her name called by a familiar voice and heard a growl. She decided that it would be better to follow that familiar voice- that of her sister's- than to stay and figure out what that rather loud growl was. Marianna started running. Trying to locate Julianna by sound wasn't easy. She shut her eyes, hoping that she'd at least just ram into her sister instead of not finding her at all. She felt herself swerve, falling into step beside a fast, white-haired witch in a matching outfit. Marie smiled, Gotta love that sisters' intuition.

"Julie!" She said. "What the flying carp and squirrels is going on?!"


Staria is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 01:38 AM

"Marie!" The blue haired witch responded with such joy she was nearly tearing up. Her beloved sister, she always felt stronger around her. She would have hugged her, almost did, but the growling behind her reminded her of the task at hand. Somethings were even more important then questions. She swerved around to face the wolf like creature which was already leaping towards her sisters back in attack and it would be very reminiscent of an incident of a time in third grade. Normally Julie was shy and cried when it came to conflict, not even able to speak. It was even worse back then. One time, however, instead of picking on her, the local bully had picked on Marie and trapped her in a corner using his sheer physical size. He was closer to a sixth grader in size. Julie's wide blue eyes had instantly become hard and she'd kicked the bully so hard in the back of the knees he fell backwards onto his ass.

Now instead of a bully the wolf would feel her wrath for daring to mess with her sister. She swung her staff like a baseball bat, having always been good at sports but too shy to play with anyone but Marie watching. There was a sickening crack as it connected with the wolf creatures head and the creature flew backwards. It lay unconscious and bleeding from its head, the tip of Julie's staff stained with it. She'd acted so on instinct she didn't even realize what she'd done until she looked at the wolf, trembling now from head to toe.

Instantly she hugged her sister tightly, crying on her shoulders as she mumbled her responses. Most people likely wouldn't understand what she said but Marie had been on the end of this enough she likely understood every word clear as a bell. Julie always leaned on her sister emotionally and so always went to her whens he was scared or wanted to cry. Now both were so as she held onto her sister like a vice.

"I-I..I d-don't know! But Marieeee! t-t-there's b-b-bad things here! H-h-hungry mean thingssss..." She nearly wailed into her sister's shoulder. She was trembling, not looking at all like someone who could knock out the wolf creature that towered over her when standing. Then again she was always stronger in defense of Marie then of herself... of herself she'd just get beat up.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 02:03 AM

Marie smiled, flashing a 'peace' sign at Julie, about to say how things would be alright if they stuck together, but a snarl cut her off. Marie's expression became more serious. If that thing was after Julie, it'd have to go through Marie first! She swiveled around, not exactly sure what she was going to do- but she'd figure that out later- and got pinned down, not at all what she thought would happen.

And the first thing she thought of was how bad the wolf's breath was. She scrunched her nose. Eeew... She then noticed the wolf's teeth, which looked like they wanted to make a meal out of her. Marie's purple-blue eyes went wide. Oh, god, I do NOT want to die like this!

She heard a 'thwack' and the wolf went flying. She stared at Julie, a grin creeping back up on her face. "Good swing, Julie." She said, although her voice was slightly shakier than she wanted it to be. After all, hadn't she just cheated death with her sister's help?

When Julie suddenly and tightly held onto her, Marie held her just as tightly, rubbing soothing circles in her sister's back. "Hey, now. We'll be alright." Of course, Marie couldn't really know that, but if she could help it, that's how it would be. "There's gotta be a way out of this. There always is."


Leslie saw the two people- girls- holding on to each other tightly after the white-haired girl smacked the wolf. She landed quietly, tucking her wings in as much as she knew how. Leslie recognized them from the party. Twin sisters... What were their names again? Leslie just hoped that they'd recognize her from the party as well. She approached the two, carefully.

"Hey, are you two okay?" She asked.


Staria is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 02:08 AM

Julie blushed as she always did when complimented and began to calm down. She snuggled into Marie's shoulder, taking deep breaths and letting her grip loosen. The back rub was already causing her to stop her tears and she looked up with a warm smile at her sister as she said it would be okay. She believed her, Marie always made everything okay somehow. Jullie finally stepped back with a muttered 'thanks' and began to wipe her tear stained face. She took deep breaths still and was soon calm until she realized something was behind her.

She turned sharply and stepped to stand besides Marie when she saw it was Leslie. She remembered her from the party even though she'd just sat herself in the corner and not really interacted with anyone. She'd only gone at Marie's insistence as she was never very good with new people. She always stuttered.... she was more confident with Marie around but not by much. She took her sister's hand with her own free one and nodded at leslie while trying to give her a small smile.

"I...t.t.think so" She nearly whispered, her head tilted downward so it could barely be seen beneath her hat.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 02:47 AM

Leslie smiled, "That's good to hear. I'm Leslie; I was at the party, too."

Marie smiled, too. She remembered Leslie from the party, though Leslie hadn't been very social. "I'm Marie, and this is Julie." Marie said, "Do you remember how we got here, Leslie?"

Leslie shook her head, "Sorry, I don't. It's a blur."

Marie nodded, "I see." She paused. Three girls lost in a forest. Great. How am I going to get us out of this one? "Well," Marie said, "We're just gonna have to stick together and keep walking. Sooner or later there'll be a way out."

Leslie nodded. "Alright. So, then, which way should we go, then?"

Again, Marie paused. She closed her eyes and thought. Her intuition always seemed to get her out of trouble rather than into it. She gripped Julie's hand and walked up next to Leslie. "Forward. It's going south. This may be forest, but it doesn't look as thick as a heart would."

As the three started walking, Marie hoped that she'd made the right decision. A feeling in her gut told her this wasn't going to be easy.


Staria is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 02:58 AM

Julie let herself be lead, looking at her staff now in thought as she was tugged along. It hadn't been even real wood... it should have broken and it shouldn't be glowing and lighting the way for them. The gemstone had been plastic but now seemed to have the clarity of glass. She gripped the wood, running her thumb along it. It had the uneven but slick surface of polished wood. It was also longer she only now realized... like a real staff and not the toy it had been before.

She then studied Leslie closer and realized her wings were larger and more realistic.... and came straight from her back like natural limbs. She discreetly brushed her shoulder against the edge of Leslie's wing, instantly able to feel the feathers were real and that there were muscles, flesh, bone beneath the feathers. It shouldn't be possible... It was physically impossible for such large wings with their hollow bones to move. Then again it shouldn't be possible for a staff to glow... She could feel no opening for batteries to be inserted.

"Marie.... do something for me... Focus on your staff, wish for it to glow... see it glowing like mine in your head." She whispered suddenly to her sister. She wasn't stuttering now that she was deep in thought. She was gazing at the glowing stone in her staff, starting to have her own intuition. In this place... magic just might be very, very real and very, very dangerous. The wolf like creature... she had tried to tell herself it was just a large wolf and her fear had made it looked monstrous but now that she was calm she wasn't so sure.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 03:17 AM

"Hmm, alright." Marie hummed. Julie's staff had been glowing, after all, so maybe she could make hers do the same thing. Marie shut her eyes, focusing on the staff as much as she could. When she opened them, it was glowing as well. Marie bit her lips. "Well, that's funky, now isn't it?"

Leslie heard shifting in the leaves and nodded her head forward. "Something's lurking, I think. We should get moving."

Marie pursed her lips. "You sound like you've been in situations like this before."

Leslie shook her head, "I haven't. I just heard something. We all want to get home, right?"

Leslie couldn't help having a sinking feeling. Something was wrong, but she just didn't know what. Marie obliged to the request from the black-cherry-haired girl, but noted the doubt that rose in her mind. She wanted to get Julie out of this place. If Leslie tried any funny business, the girl with black wings would be sorry.

Angelo is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 03:23 AM

Glancing around at the gloom dazedly, Cassi rubbed at her eyes before she sat up, confused at how they had ended up in the forest. Stretching, she felt something brush against the wood of the tree behind her, and reached around to scratch it. She felt the silky material for a moment before she realized that it shouldn't be there.

Jumping up, she spun around real fast and got a sight of it. The stupid wings from her costume seemed to be stuck, and a part of her! Panicking now, she looked around, spotting her friend in another pile of leaves a little farther off. She made her way over, hearing the familiar crinkle of the Pull-ups underneath her purple dress. She was going to kill Jasmine!

Hearing leaves cracking around her, Jasmine was about to open her eyes when she felt something like a punch nail her in the gut. With a mighty exhalation, she opened her eyes, bolting upright and knocking Cassi onto her bum. "What the hell?" she asked, rubbing her stomach. She vaguely noticed that Cassi's wings seemed more realistic than before, too caught up in the fact that they were in the woods to really make note of it.

Standing, she realized that it wasn't hard for her to see through the gloom, nor was it difficult for her to move silently. Hmm. Strange indeed. "Well? Why did you stomp on my chest, Cassi?" she asked, her voice obviously showing that she was quite angry about it. It was quite uncalled for, after all.

"Look at where we are!" Cassi yelled, tearing up for some reason. It was strange, usually she was much more in control of her emotions than this. "I told you I didn't want to go to the party, but you said it'd be fun! And these stupid wings are stuck to me!" Shaking them angrily, Cassi suddenly felt tired, slumping down against the nearest tree with a sigh.

"Sorry," she mumbled, staring at her bare toes. What had happened to her shoes anyway? "I'm just freaked out is all." She looked up to see Jessica nodding a few feet away. To be honest, it spooked Cassi a little bit; she hadn't heard Jessie move.

"Oh, well, sorry," Jessica responded, shrugging uncomfortably. She hadn't realized how affected Cassi would be by this. She herself thought that it was pretty awesome, but Cassi had never been one for adventure. "Well, there's a light over there. Maybe it's someone else who got sucked into this nightmare?"

Cassi nodded, seemingly oblivious to the flowers, roses if Jessica wasn't mistaken, growing around her rapidly. The smaller girl stood, though Jess could swear she was a few inches shorter than before, and started following the bigger as she pushed away the brambles. "Hoh! Is anyone here?"


Staria is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 03:36 AM

"So I was right.... i...i...I think that magic and our costumes are real now.... I dont know why, or how, but they are. And that wolf, was not a wolf. That means... there's probably more dangerous things in this forest, so leslie's right, we should keep moving." She stated softly. She didn't look at Leslie, not quite confident enough yet to look her in the eye. She frowned to herself as she gazed at the ground in thought. She was starting to calm down now that she had a puzzle to figure out, she was always good at puzzles. She leaned closer to Marie still, however, feeling the other girl was suspicious of Leslie. Did they really need to distrust her?

Before she could answer that to herself, however, she heard a voice. She waved her staff higher in the air at the voices, inviting them to come closer. Julie, despite her natural shyness, was a caring soul and didn't want to leave anyone behind. Everyone should come with them... a group was safer then alone wasn't it? Or so she thought, not realizing how dangerous some costumes could be... even as spells began to fill her head and creep into her.

Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 03:36 AM

Leslie stopped dead in her tracks. "I hear someone." She said.

"Define someone." Marie said, wary of the word 'someone'.

"Someone like us." Leslie said, "Someone from the party."

Marie let the serious expression drop from her face for a minute. "Okay. I'm glad it's not just us that got sucked into this."

Leslie then bellowed, "Hey! We're over here!"

Marie was on the verge of smacking Leslie. After all, that could attract more.... well, who knows what, really. Marie really didn't want to take many risks with Julie with her. But this might've been a good thing. Marie had to look on the upside of things, otherwise they might never make it out of this.

Angelo is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 03:52 AM

Breathing heavily by the time they caught up to the other group, Cassi couldn't remember ever being that out of breath. Jessica had moved so fast though! And all the animals making noise in the woods had seriously freaked the smaller girl out. Several times she had heard Jess giggling from in front of her, but she never had the energy to retaliate much.

Eyeing the group with childlike curiosity, Cassi noted that two of them were most likely twins, dressed in the same outfit, except the hair. The third had wings, though they were like a bird's instead of the faerie wings Cassi had on. Blushing as she realized how childish she looked, she stared at her feet while Jess did all the talking.

Jess personally enjoyed listening to Cassi gasp every time a squirrel jumped from branch to branch overhead. It was adorable for one, but it also gave Jess a sense of being a protector, or caregiver. Neither one of them had realized that their costumes were beginning to become reality, but Jess had an inkling that something was up. Usually Cassi was so insistent that she be treated like an adult, even though she was extremely petite compared to the other girls.

"Oh! Hey!" Jess replied, stepping out into the light. Cassi followed behind right afterwards, glancing over her shoulder anxiously. "Silly question I know, but do any of you know what's going on here?" Pulling Cassi closer to her without thinking, she began stroking her hair to soothe her, much to the smaller girl's indignation.


Staria is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 04:07 AM

"I...I have a theory about part of it." She whispered nervously as she looked at the two new comers. Honestly she wanted to dive behind her twin but she kept herself still. AT least one of them wasn't very intimidating in her fairy costume... but Julie knew lore well enough not to underestimate her. They could be natural tricksters and so her powers were unpredictable. She then looked at the other woman, she seemed to be dressed more like some kind of...assassin or something. Maybe she shouldn't tell them her theory... she wasn't sure now. But if they asked her she'd say the truth...

Angelo is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 08:08 PM

"Well? Could you tell us?" Jess asked impatiently, tapping her foot. "I'd like to know why I'm suddenly stealthy and why we're out here." Cassi nodded from her right, though she was a little behind her as well. Always the outcast, Cassi was. Fingering her knives with an ease associated with much use, Jess was stunned to learn that they were sharp. They had just been old, dull knives before! Gulping loudly, she looked to others. Suddenly, Cassi's wings made sense. Or, they would if she was crazy, and, despite Cassi's objections, she was completely sane.


Staria is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 08:27 PM

"It would seem.... our costumes have become what we really are....or at least a part of what we really are..." She whispered quietly after a moment's hesitation. She always had trouble communicating and Jess was a little intimidating to her. She flushed then and looked down at her feet in thought, unsure how crazy she must sound. Still... it seemed true. Her staff was lighting the way at her softest request and she could feel that if she just cast a spell it too would become reality. Knowledge of the arcane was creeping in on the edge of her mind and she wasn't sure why.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 02:46 AM

Leon wasn't sure what had happened, but apparently at some point he had passed out. That was a bit odd, since he wasn't sick and he hadn't been drunk. Slowly he got to his feet, feeling slightly dizzy for only a few moments. His entire body felt rather odd, different. He licked his lips to moisten them and winced slightly as he pricked his tongue on his fangs. Leon blinked. Fangs? They were cheap plastic and not sharp. The taste of his own blood was sharp and rather gross, he wrinkled his nose a bit.

Leon blinked, slowly realizing that it was a dark forest, yet he could see just fine. His skin felt cold but he wasn't really cold, and his hearing seemed to have improved. He was hearing things that a normal human wouldn't pick up on. The same thing with scents. The scents of this place much sharper than they should have been. Slowly Leon reached up, lips parted slightly, to touch the fang he had pricked his tongue on. It was sharp and most definitely a tooth. Not fake plastic fangs.

Just what the hell was going on here? The feminine male staggered backwards a few steps, and fell onto his ass. Leaning his head back against the tree he had plopped down in front of. Maybe he was dreaming? He had gone to the party, dressed as a vampire, and now it seemed to him that he was a vampire. Or rather dreaming. It had to be a dream. "It must be a dream..." His voice was neither masculine or feminine, it was a nice in between, though he hadn't really been speaking to anyone in particular.


Staria is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 02:58 AM

*Note wings only appear when using holy spells xD so not for a while, she's a paladin >.>

It most certainly isn't a dream or I wouldn't be here... answered a rather annoyed sounding voice as an armored woman pushed away a few branches and stepped out. She'd been following her...his? voice. She studied the feminine creature a moment and quickly figured out he was a he. She raised an eyebrow, briefly wondering if he always looked this girl or if it was just the costume. She felt ...odd... as she looked at him. The wings on her sword fluttered slightly as if the blade wanted to be used but she pushed away the thought.

"Do you need help up?" She asked curiously, a little brash by nature and not the kind to think of how she might impact others indirectly. She didn't think about the fact a man not appreciate the offer... but she never really did. Guy, girl, it was all the same to her. Despite her long hair she was a bit of a tomboy and really didn't think of gender except when she was forced to.... and even then it rather irritated her.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 03:15 AM

Leon had jumped slightly, but the girl hadn't startled him. No, it was the realization that he had heard her approaching before she'd stepped into view, that was what had startled him. Everything sounded different. Louder, clearer, crisper and yet it didn't. Everything looked sharper, he noticed more details in everything he looked at than he had before ever coming to this place, and something else. A low thumping sound. A sound that he heard not with his ears, but with his entire body, and it made his veins burn slightly with a hunger he had never felt before.

Dark blue eyes widened and Leon raised a hand to his chest. Resting it over his heart, he didn't feel a thing there. "I'm...I'm dead?" Those eyes blinked and he stared at the girl before him. Something about her, it made him a bit uneasy as well, but that thumping noise. He was sure his heart was pounding fast, but he didn't feel it. At all. "My heart's not beating..." Leon's body began to tremble slightly as he lowered his hand from his chest, his eyes on the girl in front of him. He had fangs, his skin was cold, and he was hearing a heart beat that wasn't his own.

Then he noticed it. As he looked at the girl. Her veins, he could nearly see them pulsating, and that only made the strange hunger stronger. Lips parted slightly, those two delicate looking fangs gleamed slightly. "I...I can hear your heart beating..." Very slowly, Leon stood, keeping his back against the tree. Obviously he really had turned into a vampire. "This can't be real. I can't really be a vampire. Not for real, it's just a costume. Just a costume!" His fangs seemed to grow just a fraction of an inch, Leon threw up a hand to cover his mouth. "Vampires kill people...I don't really want to be a vampire...I don't wanna hurt people!" His voice came out muffled after he had covered his mouth with a delicate hand, and his words had trailed off to incoherent mumbling.


Staria is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 03:23 AM

Brenda sighed as he revealed what he was, her eyes half closed in thought. So that was why the sword had freaked out... She'd already started to guess what was going on when she found the metal on her 'armor' was now very real and the sword very sharp. She had already been attacked by one of the monsters of the forest... hopefully not one that had been human as she'd had to kill it. Was she about to be attacked by another one? For a moment she could taste her own fear.... but as was her nature that fear turned to anger quickly.

"Oh calm down, idiot...... if you have a little self control you'll be fine, not to mention there are animals here to eat if you can't. I don't know how this happened or where we are, but if we panic the other residence of this ...interesting little forest will eat us alive." She shouted at him, her hands on her hips. She frowned at him, watching for any movement as her own senses reacted. Of course she'd be dressed as a paladin... whose very duty it was to destroy what she now needed to help. At least it gave her an edge to protect herself she supposed absently....She wanted to run up and shake him but she was honestly a little scared to, not that she'd ever admit it.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 03:36 AM

Leon's mumbling had stopped, and he stared at the girl wide eyed and a little afraid when she shouted at him. He wasn't used to being shouted at, or insulted, though he didn't say anything about that. He just looked slightly ashamed and refused to meet her eyes for a few moments, Leon blinked raising his eyes finally to meet hers again. " you mean by that?" Well of course they weren't alone, it was a forest. Leon just expected bunnies and chipmunks though. You know. Cute fluffy things that didn't bite or eat people alive.

Slowly he lowered his hand from his mouth. Still he seemed very uncertain and a lot freaked out. This woman seemed so sure it wasn't a dream, but what other explanation could there be for something like this? Leon straightened a bit, cleared his throat slightly and regained most of his composure. Perhaps, it would be a little better if they introduced themselves, he licked his lips just slightly. "...My name is Leon. Leon Kale Dunstan." He watched her expectantly, she seemed a bit rough, knowing his luck, she'd just leave him there to get eaten by something nasty.


Staria is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 03:43 AM

"There's....things in here. Their like animals but their not, their aggressive and powerful.... and apparently hungry." She explained with a shrug, not sure what else to say of them. She'd already encountered a bird like creature that was vaguely humanoid and reminded her of harpies from lore. It seemed... here myth was fact and everything they thought they knew simply a hopeful dream. She wasn't so sure how he was going to deal with that looking at him.... and as he tried to introduce himself so formally she couldn't help but laugh even if it was a slightly nervous laugh.

"Just call me brenda.... either way you should probably stand up Leon and we should keep moving. To make a bad movie reference, here there be monsters. Maybe if we can find a way out we can figure out just what this place is..." She suggested quietly, glancing up at the sky nervously. She had always been a student of lore and myth... but this was a little over the top. She'd always suspected magic may exist... but not like this. Halloween costumes becoming real? no lore covered that!

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 03:58 AM

Leon was on his feet in a matter of seconds, mostly because he was afraid that if he didn't get up fast enough this girl was going to leave him here. Alone. With monsters. He shuddered slightly, spoiled rich kid in the middle of strange woods filled with strange monsters. "Monsters aren't real..." He whispered it softly and moved to stand closer to the girl, Brenda. Though he didn't really feel safe close to her either. What exactly was she supposed to be? Whatever it was, it made him feel even more nervous than the thought of monsters being real.

That hunger. It pulsed through his body, faintly though. He was sure it could only get stronger if he didn't do anything about it, but Leon didn't want to do anything about it. "If we don't know which way to go, we could just get even more lost." His brow furrowed slightly, honestly Leon didn't think they'd find the way out, and briefly he wondered if everyone that had been at the party ended up here. Nervously, Leon picked at his bottom lip some.


Staria is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 04:04 AM

"Maybe not outside.... but in this place they're not only real but they'll bite your fucking head off so get use to it....and better more lost then dead..." She pointed out with that same brash attitude as she glanced at him. Due to what he was,t he messing with his lip made her nervous... which of course meant she got angry instead. She gripped his hand and pulled it away from his mouth. She shook her head as she pushed his hand downward.

"You're going to cut yourself on your own fangs doing that..." She muttered as explanation, glancing towards the right as she thought she felt something. It was a strange feeling deep in her gut... and there was a feeling of decay. A skeletal wolf was making it's way towards them, not that she could see it yet with her simply human eyes. She could sense it, however, with her paladin abilities and it drew her attention from the vampire... though she didn't know what she was sensing. All she knew was she suddenly felt sick to her stomach and didn't know why.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 04:14 AM

Leon just stared at Brenda for a few moments. Blinking softly. "Being lost could lead to our deaths." He had tensed slightly when she gripped his hand and pulled it from his lips. A slightly embarrassed look crossed his features for a few moments and he shrugged slightly. "Better me than someone else." He had taken just a slight step away from her. Tilting his head slightly and turning it. He was sure he had heard something, was sure he'd caught a disgusting scent on the wind, but he had no idea what it was. Probably his mind playing tricks on him, but he couldn't help but feel a bit scared.

Leon's voice was a soft whisper. "I don't like this dream at all." He didn't even have a weapon, at least Brenda had a sword. Still if something dangerous was out there, it was a man's duty to protect a woman. Even if that woman was rather rough around the edges and had a sword that was probably very sharp.

Last edited by Kry; 11-07-2011 at 04:17 AM..


Staria is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 04:21 AM

"Not if we know what we're doing... and I do. My father's big into camping, there isn't a forest I can't live of of" the tomboy replied with a roll of her eyes. She was probably the complete opposite of Leon she realized and it was starting to worry her. If things got tough again what was going to happen? would he run? She bit her lip, feeling the sense of nausea grow... and a strange sort of excitement. Something was coming... and the wings on her sword fluttered slightly in anticipation before forming the hardened guard.

The bone wolf then streaked into sight, leaping at her. As she'd turned to chide Leon for calling it a dream again she didn't have much time. She barely got her sword out before it was on top of her, it's jaws aiming for her delicate white throat. She managed to block them with her sword so it bit onto it instead of her but she was pinned by it's claws. A bit of its rotting flesh fell onto her shoulder and she let out a gasp of disgust, suppressing the urge to vomit but only just barely.


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