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Artifex is offline
Old 02-04-2012, 03:36 PM


This is for the Pharaoh's daughter role-play.))

My name is Malum.

I've recently lost all my memories, so I've decided to start keeping track of everything. I can't allow something like this to happen again, too many people's lives depend on it. I suppose in that case, this is more like writing to my future self, should it ever happen again.


First thing you-or rather I should know is that her name is Asima and I, you, we, love her. I realize the complications that this causes. She's a princess and I hate to break it to you but I'm a thief-a thief with a really nasty reputation.
Most people believe that I'm the King of thieves in fact and while it's true that I do rule the dark side of Egypt I'm not the true dark King. That would be my brother, Solum. Don't be alarmed when you see him, it's rather like looking in mirror because, well, we're twins. That's kind of why everyone thinks it's me.

Solum was always the strong one growing up, he's technically older and he's always been the big brother, until that one accident that changed our lives.
We were just kids, playing around at the top of the cliffs. We weren't that close to the edge but something happened. I don't quite have all the details in my head anymore but Solum slipped and nearly fell. I caught him and got him back up but he had loosened some stones that cause an avalanche below. We didn't even know it but the last King of thieves was down there and got crushed.
The way it works is that whoever kills the King of thieves, becomes the new one and well... Solum started the rock slide.

He didn't take it very well, especially when we had to start running. He started hearing voices and things, it was really odd. Anyway, I decided that I'd let everyone think it was me, and he could hide in the shadows and deal with whatever he was going through. It was hard, but it was worth it to keep him alive.
After all, Solum's the last family I have.

less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 12:16 AM

Okay, by now you're wondering about Asima. Well, that's a story to behold! Mind you, most of the memories I have at this point are from other people's perspectives (Hemset was wonderful and managed to copy some memories about me from other people).

When I first met Asima, the princess of Egypt, it wasn't exactly in the best of situations. You see, I was murdering her father, the pharaoh. To be fair, it was revenge; He had, after all, killed my entire and family and obliterated my village when I was young (everyone but Solum, obviously). The point is that it wasn't a direct attack on her exactly! So... moving on.

I killed her father, she hated me, I had trouble escaping and got some really nasty spells cast on me. It's probably a good thing I don't remember this part because on one hand there was a spell that was constantly burning my flesh meanwhile on the other hand, I was trapped in some sort of other world where white rain fell from the sky and your breath was visible. It was so cold that water took on another form, I hear it drove me somewhat insane.

Thank the gods of Egypt that Solum had my back. He tracked down Asima and made a bargain with her to get me back. It was tricky but they got me back to normal. The catch was that Asima wanted to come with us when we left-and not be killed for it. She was having a bit of a fall out with her brother-now the new pharaoh, and needed an escape.

Well, Solum gave his word on it and there's this annoying thing with the King of thieves, if he gives his word, he is soul-bound to follow through on it. That didn't give me much choice but to go along with it, although by now I'm quite glad I did.

The months to follow are a blur of fascinating thoughts and memories. Evidently Solum caught me looking at her more than once. And there was this whole bit with Asima joining my harem-ah it was... well... awesome. (and no, i did not take advantage of her. It's so much more awkward to manipulate someone if they've seen you in that... state.) But the outfits were great.

I should really stick to the important things, shouldn't I? Ah, well, Asima started to catch on to a few things. She was after all able to talk to my harem and they tended to know a few things about me I'd rather not share to just anyone. That, paired with the things she manage to get in on...
Well let me put it this way.
There are two sides, the side of me that the world sees and the real me. From what I've gathered, the world knows me at the King of thieves, a dastardly man who will do whatever it takes to meet his means. I murder, rape and pillage and none of it bothers me in the least.
This is the image I'm supposed to be upholding, because when you're the worst of the worst, no one stands in your way. the problem with this is keeping up the appearance of it, while managing not to be a complete ox-hole. Namely, sometimes I have had to murder, pillage and... rape.
There's only so much you can make up for in secret though.

Oh I can tell myself-and indeed I do, that I can be the good guy and the bad guy, all rolled together with no one the wiser. thing is, I do know better. A terrible deed is still terrible and I have no doubts that despite all the good I do manage to do, there's no saving my soul. I have far too much guilt to pay for.

Um... I was talking about Asima. Wow. Sidetracked a little bit there. Um... so... one thing lead to another. Somehow she actually got me to open up and I finally had to admit I'd fallen for her. There's just something about the way she smiles, her eyes light up and sparkle like the stars on a perfectly clear night. She has the face of a goddess and the voice of the most beautiful bird. Except when she's mad, but even then it's the most beautiful wrath I've ever seen.

Does that make any sense at all?

less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 02-05-2012, 09:42 PM

So I don't know what's going with Hemset but he's being really screwed up. He completely turned on us! I thought he was supposed to be the high priest or something? Totally dedicated to the royal family. Well Asima told him to help Solum and I, why isn't he listening?!

Something messed up is going on here and I think Asima's right. It's got to involve Set's brother, the trouble with that is I don't remember what I did! Solum doesn't know either so what can we do but run? None of us have the power to take on Set, he's got more magic in his little finger than everyone in Egypt combined. It's rather terrifying.

less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 02-06-2012, 05:01 PM

So Set's possessed by a god and is leaving. At least we finally got through to him but he nearly killed Asima in the process! I'm not even sure he's back to normal now either. With the disappearance of Souban from the jails and his sudden recovery... it just seems to convenient.

Asima wants to believe he's back to normal, I don't think she wants to face the fact that he might not be the same person anymore. I mean come on! He's leaving, he abandoning her and she still thinks he's someone so great.

Okay, maybe that's not fair, they're practically family. So of course she doesn't want to believe the worst of him, but if you ask me he's up to something. Doesn't he realize that without him here it conveniently opens up the palace to attack? Come on! Who is this Bosia priest guy anyway? I've never heard of (mind you that's not saying much with my memory loss). I doubt he'll be much help though, but that doesn't stop Asima and Nemiah from eating it all up. With Souban out there planning her next move, we need our guards up and defenses stronger than ever!

And don't even get me started on Solum right now. "Whine whine, you're different now. Whine whine, I can do this myself. Whine whine, I don't need your help." Seriously? Quit telling me how I've changed and then looking at me as if I should just pop back to normal before your eyes! I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING. I've only got everyone else's thoughts and memories boiled up in my head and to be honest it's REALLY damned ANNOYING. Everytime I try to recall something I have to remember that I'm watching myself in my own thoughts, I have no clue how all these events made ME feel, only how they affected everyone else. So of course I'm not going to be the same. For all I know, none of this is even real. I might not even know these people, they could have fabricated the whole thing to get control over me.

As disturbing as that is, it could add up. Solum's supposed to be my brother, supposed to be close to me and yet all he does is push me away. Asima and I are apparently in love, it feels real now but how do I know it's not just a lie? Am I only reflecting her feelings for me back to her? Is what I feel really me?
Hemset is the most powerful mage I've seen, even after all this that much is evident. He's the one who put these memories in my head. I wouldn't put it passed him to have played around with them a bit.

Maybe it's all just a dream. When I wake up, who will I be?

less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 02-07-2012, 01:09 AM

Asima keeps asking me if I remember anything.
I don't know if she's being hopeful that I'll remember or if she's trying to make sure the memories are permanently tucked away. I've searched her room while she's been busy in the library, looking for a way to bring Set his brother back. I can't find anything to suggest that they've brainwashed me but they seem clever enough to keep such things better hidden.

Maybe i'm just being paranoid? I'm happy, should I just accept that everything they've told me is real? Whether or not I should isn't really the question I suppose, it's more a matter of if I can. Can i ignore this nagging feeling that I'm missing something? Can I ignore the uncertain looks I get from them every day? Are they wondering if I'll ever be the same person they knew, or if I'll ever realize what they've done and go insane? Honestly, the way they look at me, it could go either way.

And now Hemset's taken off. He's the only one capable of really brainwashing me and now that it's done he's left. Is it because they don't want me confronting him about it?

This is going to drive me insane. I need proof, I need to find proof.


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