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I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 02-06-2012, 04:02 AM

Let's Pay a Visit

When their alcohol ban had been taken off Denmark and Prussia had to get together and their partners tagged along. Little known fact: they happen to be best friends and can talk for hours about anything and everything.

Side note: Don't take us seriously

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 02-06-2012, 02:46 PM

Gilbert or Prussia sped down the highway, going way over the speed limit and loving the speed. He grinned as he weaved between cars laughing. They were almost to Mathias's house and he was so excited! Mathias had come up with this awesome idea when he heard both their alcohol bans were over (enforced by Kiku and Nikolas who were angry because they were talking about 'personal' thibgs together... but hey what fun was a best friend if you couldn't tell them stuff?) Either way Kiku and Nikolas had agreed that they could hang out over Nikolas and Mathias's place. THIS WAS GONNA BE AWESOME! He looked over for a moment at Kiku grinning wildly "This is gonna be so awesome!"

Nikolas swept his light blond hair out of his face huffing in annoyance. He had just finished picking up the last bit of trash from the living room which had been trash not an hour ago when he had arrived home in horror (he knew that Prussia and Japan would be there soon). He had rushed to get it all cleaned, (he made Mathias help to as most of it was his mess anyway) yet they had only just finished cleaning and Gilbert and Kiku could be here any second! How did the house always get so trashed in the first place!? He stood up and threw the last bit of garbage in the trash. Once that was finished he swept his hair out of his face again and looked around on the ground, his clip must have fallen out.

Last edited by Saphire4260; 02-12-2012 at 04:56 AM..

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 03-23-2012, 12:18 AM

Kiku held onto the door handle with a vice grip. Gilbert always drove to fast and he really made no effort to care about the speed limit, driving rules and such. It made him wonder how Gilbert could ever get his license in the first place... did he even have one? Either way they were almost to Mathias's and Nikolas's house and he wouldn't have to hold so tightly to the handle. "Yes, very awesome Gilbert-san. C-could you maybe slow down.?"

Mathias swiftly appeared behind Nikolas, having found his pin on the ground, and gently took the strands of hair that needed to be pinned back and pinned it to his head before wrapping his arms around the Norwegian and nuzzled his face into his lovers neck. "Mmmmm, Norge you always smell good." Even after cleaning up the house Nikolas managed to smell like his country; fresh, grassy, like the ocean and Mathias was addicted to it.

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 03-23-2012, 12:49 AM

Gilbert peeked over noticing Kikus expression and slowed down to the normal speed limit smiling sheepishly "Sorry Kiku" thankfully he didn't have to drive so slow (it killed him to do so) for very long as he pulled into Mathias and Nikolas's driveway. looking through their living room window he say Mathias hugging and nuzzling Nikolas's neck and whistled loud enough for even them to hear it and yelled "GO MATHIAS!"

Nikolas blushed lightly when Mathias pinned his hair back and gently pushed at his arms when he was hugged and nuzzled. "stop they could be here any seco-" he was cut off by a loud whistle and yell and flushed when he saw Prussia and Kiku sitting in the driveway watching them.

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 12:45 AM

Kiku's head turned to see what Gilbert was making such a big fuss over. "Oh, Glibert don't stare its rude." Kiku moved a hand up to cover the albino's eyes.

Mathias chuckled hotly into Nikolas's neck. "Go me." He pressed a kiss to the base of Nikolas's neck before letting go and stretching. "Might as well let them in."

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 11:50 PM

"HEY! I wanna see!" He tried to move away from Kikus hand or pull it away to see again but by the time he did Mathias had let Norge go "awwww". Sighing he got out and went to open kikus door. "Ready?"

When Mathias let go he immediately went to open the door for them, a faint blush still showing on his cheeks

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 05:59 PM

"Yes, quite ready." Kiku nodded and got out following him to the door.

Mathias smiled widely, "Hi guys!" He leaned on the door frame, slightly hovering over Nikolas.

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 04-08-2012, 06:17 PM

He wrapped an arm around his waist and grinned at Mathias "Hey Mathias! You havin fun already?" He waggles his eyebrows suggestively

He could feel his boyfriend hovering over hos shoulder and he flushed a bit more at the Prussians words. He looked at Kiku "Kiku, how have you been?" He asks choosing to just ignore the other two

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 08-21-2012, 06:55 PM

Kiku squeaked when an arm suddenly wrapped itself around his waist. He sighed realizing it was only his boyfriend and turned his attention to Nikolas. "I've been doing well. How have you been?" A slight wiggle of his hips allowed him to move slightly from where he was pinned against the Prussian

Mathias barked out a laugh. "Yeah, I guess I like to get the party started early....I'm coming out so you better get this party started. Geeeeeeeeeet this party started, right now." Mathias started to shake his butt, belting out some lyrics from the infamous P!nk song. "Y'guys wanna come in?"

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 08-21-2012, 07:09 PM

"Yea danke" he grinned and walked in with kiku.

Nikolas wacked the dancing danea chest with the back of his hand to tell him to stop dancing. Mathias needs to behave.

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 08-30-2012, 02:24 AM

Mathias let out an 'ompf' at the arm that whacked his chest. He pouted and rubbed the spot gently. He follow Nikolas, Kiku and Gilbert into the house to their living room. "Whatcha think of our new couch? Norge picked it out. He said mine was fallinf apart at the seems. You remember that couch Gilbert? Man we slept off a few hangovers on it" He grinned at his friend.

Kiku walked into the house admiring the photos and such that was scattered throughout. He was quite surprised they managed to keep the house clean. From experience, he knew how hard it could be to keep a house clean with a rambunctious man lolloping around the house.

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 08-30-2012, 06:22 PM

"More then a few" he laughed "it was comfy to" he grinned at his buddy "man we should go drinking again! We can christen your couch with its first hangover!"

Nikolas shook his head and approached Kiku "how did prussia handle the alcohol ban?" He asked

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 08-30-2012, 06:46 PM

Kiku smiled and turned to Nikolas and chuckled softly. "I won't lie, I had to smack him a few times when I caught him trying to search the fridge for beer." Kiku glanced at the two men excitedly discussing couches and getting drunk. "How about Mathias? How did he handle it?"

"Oh man! We should. I think that Norge might purposely play loud music, smash pots and open all the blinds though. Never can tell with him, ya' know." Mathias laughed and slapped his friend on the back. "Want somthin' to drink?"

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 08-30-2012, 07:05 PM

Nikolas laughed softly peeking over at the two "I had to put a lock on the fridge!" He shook his head sighing "their rediculous...."

"Dude there are very few things i want more right now" god that alcohol ban had seemed to last forrreeevvvverrrrrr

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 08-30-2012, 07:19 PM

((I'm really glad we're in English together so I can teach the wonders of their, they're and there. :P ))

"That they are." Kiku nodded and looked over to the picture sitting on the side table. It was a picture of the two Nordics, Mathias grinning widely and Nikolas seemingly rolling his eyes. It was a tell tale picture of their relationship. "I like that picture of you two." Kiku pointed in the picture's direction.

"Awesome! C'mon I stocked the fridge before you got here." Mathias sauntered off in the direction of the kitchen

Last edited by KeepRunning; 08-30-2012 at 07:45 PM..

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 08-30-2012, 07:32 PM

"Thanks Mathias took it one day when we were out fishing"

"SICK! Kesese maybe we can christen your couch tonight!" He laughed following Denmark

Last edited by Saphire4260; 08-30-2012 at 07:49 PM..

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 09-01-2012, 03:33 PM

Mathias opened the fridge and grabbed to beers, tossing one to Gilbert. "So how you and Kiku doing?"

"No problem. You have a very nice home." Kiku did enjoy the ocean theme they seemed to have.

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 09-09-2012, 03:15 AM

He caught it and opened it while answering "Awesome, did i tell you what happened that day you canceled on me?" He asked grinning

"Thank you, would you like to sit down" he asked

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 01-10-2013, 01:46 AM

"I don't think you did." Mathias opened his beer and took a swig. He pulled out a chair at their kitchen table and held his hand out in invitation for Gilbert to sit down on the other side of the dinette. The blonde sat down fully intent on hearing this story.

Kiku bowed slightly, "yes thank you". He sat down at the end of their couch. Kiku looked to Nikolas, sneaking one last glance around the room, and asked "how do you keep it so clean? It seems all I ever do is clean and it always ends up being back in square one before I even finish."

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 01-10-2013, 01:57 AM

"Well i got home and guess what i came home to catch Kiku reading?" He had a wide devilish smirk

He smiled a little evily "if he messes it up before at least an hour after i finish then no beer and.... There are other repercussions". He said he would say what they were unless Kiku asked...

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 01-12-2013, 02:43 AM

Mathias raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Was it something dirty? I've always pegged him for someone who reads stuff like that in secret."

"Ah, yes." Kiku nodded quickly, not wanting further details. He could perfectly guess to what he was referring to.

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 01-12-2013, 02:49 AM

"It was! He was hard and squirmin and shit and at first i hounestly didnt believe it! But yep, pretty kinky shit to.... Hes got hood taste but anyway yea then we went at it. Its been like wayyyyy to long i swear". He grinned

"What about you, you manage to keep yours pretty well in line whats your secret?"

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 01-12-2013, 03:11 AM

(( haha kikus got hood taste. Hes gangsta))

Mathais held out his beer to tap it against Gilbert's. "Nice man! I feel you though, its been awhile since I've gotten any with Nikolas."

"Well, for the most part all of Gilbert's stuff is at his brothers. He was supposed to clean it out and bring it to our house, but he hasn't gotten there yet."

Saphire4260 is offline
Old 01-12-2013, 03:51 AM

"Lazy forgetful or both?" He asked Kiku with a raised eye brow

"How long for you? Other then this time with kiku its been since... A month before i started dating Kiku. I was starting to get desperate". He chuckled

I Want To Live Life From A New P...
KeepRunning is offline
Old 03-09-2013, 09:14 PM

"It's pure laziness. I don't know how he could forget when Ludwig calls everyday to remind he to get the stuff out. I'm getting quite annoyed myself. I'm holding out on him until he gets his stuff together, if you know what I mean." Kiku explained shaking his head.

Mathias ran a hand over his face. "Oh geez, well over a month now. I'm not sure what the problem is." Mathias sighed and took another healthy sip of his beer.


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