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Aurora Avalon
Aurora Avalon is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 03:19 AM

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Long time ago a former member of the Sohma clan split off from the main branch of the family refusing to follow orders from the one known as the Head of the Sohma family. They where skilled in walking in the shadow of the moon and thus took the name Kagetsuki meaning Shadow Moon. The head of the Kagetsuki had offended the Gods of Egypt in refusing to pay their respect to the Goddess Isis. The Goddess High Priestess spoke to the man in harsh words as blood dripped from his sword. "Because you defile the Goddess temple and refuse to make amends you and your family shall be cursed with our sacred animals. For every head of your house hold they will be born with weak bodies. For the sons that are sired they shall die on their child's third birthday. For the daughters that are sire they shall be the Goddess's new host. They will be weak and fragile but until she sees fit that the curse shall be lifted.

Ayamei sat in her room sleeping again in the warm sun on the porch that surrounded the house. Though they lived in Egypt for the past thirteen years due to health reasons when she was three years old. She just recently returned to Japan with her family or rather the cursed members of the Egyptian Gods. Sitting against the wall that lead into her room covered in a blanket even though it was quite warm for a spring day.

Yukina walked in and checked up on the Goddess Isis as she is known in their family. Letting out a sigh the rat of the family sat in the room holding some papers hoping that the Goddess would agree to allow her to go to school. Not that she wanted to go to a normal school. Yukina wanted Ayamei to come too they where both the same age but by a few days difference.

Hinato stood at the door smiling though unlike their long lost cousins. They didn't fear for their Goddess wraith they feared for her death, while they where in Egypt just months before when Ayamei had a severe attack the environment of that country wasn't good for her body. The other only home they knew of was Japan. "Yukina, let her rest the sun helps her as long she is warm she will be alright." Hinato said softly holding her hand out to her younger cousin as she lead her back to the make shift office that Hinata worked out of.

"Yes, But she has been sleeping a lot more lately than before." Tears swelled in Yukina's eyes though the outcast of the family they where more accepting of her due to the fact the Goddess wanted to make sure that All members of the Cursed where caring for one another.

Last edited by Aurora Avalon; 04-09-2012 at 03:27 AM..

Wordless Love
Wordless Love is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 02:10 AM

Christopher sat on the bus next to his two other brothers while looking out of the window. They had finally met up but neither of them spoke to each other. Even for blood linked brothers, it wasn't that odd, however, they each did live in different countries until it was time to meet. Christopher, being only sixteen, decided that it was time to meet his brothers.

Peter was reading a book called "Forever Lived" it was about brothers who made a promise to protect each other, but, he never got to the end of it. Never had the interest until recently meeting his brothers. Peter was a 23 year old who lived in Russia for quite awhile since he was little. He had learned the accent and picked up on everything in the country. He was quite good at using his charm to get others out of things or himself.

Keito (Kay-to) was talking to the girl next to him, it was his childhood friend and girlfriend that would be staying with them for some time while she completed her scholarship through an internship. Keito was the most athletic of the brothers, but, he was smarter than you would expect for an athlete. Problem with Keito is that he can't do much running hardly at all, he has Asthma and it really gets bad when it's warm outside. Keito is only 15 1/2 but is already at a senior level in studies. He has photographic memory, but, he hates it sometimes. Keito originally had black hair, but, secretly one day changed it to white (bleached it) with the help of Ellie on his 9th birthday.

Ellie, Keito's girlfriend and his guardian angel while he moves around. She is 16, older than him yes, but, she has always been there for him whenever he had any problems. She was told by Keito that he didn't mind being protected by a girl and that it was cool. "So, we're going to Japan right?" Ellie asked thinking how cool this was, Ellie was the healthiest of them all. She had a good balance in vitamins, loved to run around, but, she was a bit of a tomboy and did dangerous things.

Problem was with the Liebchen family wasn't no curse, they were human, but, their was a bad line of Asthma in the family and eventually everyone would get it sooner or later. Sometimes it would be a slow reaction, others would be a big reaction, it all depended on the health of a person within the family


Tohru Honda, a teenage girl living with the Sohma household and just loving the fact that she can be happy with her friends. Kyo and Yuki were fighting once again in the morning, luckily for Tohru she was awake and used to this as Shigure and herself ate breakfast. Kyo was the cat within the old legend, Yuki the rat, and Shigure the dog. Tohru was the one bringing them together.

(remind me who I am playing for you if anyone)

Aurora Avalon
Aurora Avalon is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 03:01 AM

(Whom ever you want. I been re-watching Fruits Basket on Netflix. We can divide the original characters if you wanted)

Keiko was already up fixing lunch for herself, Yukina and the head of the family, Ayamei. Humming softly as she made three identical breakfast as Shizune was already gone to work or rather hunting down some one. "You know Shizune is going to be a hand full if she ever finds that writer." Keiko said softly as Yukina walked in the kitchen to get Ayamei's breakfast.

Shizume already out shortly after sunrise for her morning walks. Smiling softly as she finally was able to return to Japan and the hometown where she grew up. Thought none of the younger generation knew that she already found where her favorite writer was living. Thats where her destination was taking her. Finally after thirteen years she was going to be able to see Shigure once again.

Thought many people teased her about her name almost rhyming with his it was almost comical in a since. She had just started opening up a magic shop of potions and love charms in town. Though with her favorite book in hand she headed to where Shigure lived with a little help from the man's or woman's best friend. Arriving at the door and lightly knocked on the door of the home of Shigure Sohma standing there for a moment laughing at the sounds of people fighting in the back ground as she waited.

Ayamei had bathed already and dressed in her school uniform which made both Keiko and Yukina very happy. A soft blush across her face as she smiled looking at her cousins they were so very kind and rarely fought around her. Heading to the table she leaned against the wall closing her eyes she was a little dizzy but didn't think any one saw her. Her body was weak and was able to tire more quickly than other. Just as she sat down Yukina brought the tray that had their breakfast on it and a glass of water with some pills for Ayamei health.

Yukina set everything out on the table after Ayamei had sat down as she then followed suit. "Keiko is making us lunch. She is pleased that your well enough to go attend the first day of class with us. Isis" Yukina said smiling calling Ayamei by her goddess name, though it wasn't long before Keiko joined them as the three sat and talked and smiled over their first meal for their first day of school.

Hinato had gotten the car for them to ride in as it would be easier on Ayamei to get school and home again with out much strain on her body. Though she worried and knew if something was to happen Keiko wouldn't leave the goddess side though Yukina may be the one to give the cellphone too. While after they had eaten and Yukina had returned to the front door putting on her shoes. Hinato gave Yukina the cellphone. "If she faints call me I don't trust those school nurses even though she wanted to attend school as well. If something happens call me." She said before heading to the car leaving the pink phone in the hands of the rat of their zodiac.

Wordless Love
Wordless Love is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 02:56 PM

Tohru stood up going to the door and opening it "Hello, can I help you?" she smiled innocently, she was the most harmless of the all those in the house. Tohru waited patiently, though it wasn't long before the girl would answer.
Shigure was in the other room trying to tell the other two to behave because you never knew who it was or would be and it could be someone not through the family.

Christopher heard their stop and stood up, "Let's go, this is the place" they rode the bus to their house, not yet having a car, and it would be there about the time they would arrive. Christopher saw the doors open and went outside to go check out the house out. He wasn't so sure about this house, especially two stories, the third floor was the attic which was pretty big.

The four of them already had their things moved to the house, so that it would be there without a hassle; it was Peter's idea to do so and he was fine with how the house looked on the outside plus the inside. "The bigger room is for Keito and Ellie, the second biggest will be mine. There is one in the attic and another next to the bathroom" Peter said as he walked off the bus with the others.

"But, we have to quickly go get you to the school" "Can't we just walk around to get used to things?" Keito asked "Alright, but, Keito you have to be with one Christopher or Ellie during this time" "It's alright, I'll keep up with both of our classes" Ellie smiled adding "But if you don't mind, I want the other room not in the attic, I would like to be close to Keito,but," Ellie looked at Keito as he spoke "Space is what everyone needs, it's alright, you can even decorate your room how you want" he smiled.

Aurora Avalon
Aurora Avalon is offline
Old 04-11-2012, 03:28 PM

"Yes, Is Sohma Shigure home?" Shizume said with a smile holding up one of Shigure's books that he had written just before the new year. "I was wondering if I could see my old classmate again, though he may not remember me I was usually with my cousins." Shizume said then she blushed lightly and forgot her manors. "I am Shizume Kagetsuki." Shizume said bowing slightly looking at the girl whom answered the door. "Onigiri." She said seeing how timid she was against Shigure when he was in highschool.

Yukina, Ayamei, and Keiko all headed to town as they went to pick up some school supplies as well their books. Hinato had already pre-ordered their school books after making sure all three where in the same class. All they had to do was go pick out their pencil boards, paper, pencils, and other stuff they would need. New Bento boxes for the following day as well a small bag for medicine for Ayamei. What they wasn't going to use for the day Hinato would take home and get ready for tomorrow.

"This will be fun." Ayamei holding up a cute cherry blossom stationary while she took her time looking around the store. Her books would be carried by one of the others for her. Though she would try and do her best while maintaining her roll as the head of the household. "I wonder if we should stop by Akimi's shop?" She said looking at the others smiling softly.

"You heard me Rat Boy. I am going to kick your ass and I will finally win." Kyo said yelling at Yuki as he started to charge hoping to get in one good fight in before school started considering they still had another forty-five to thirty minutes before school started.

Wordless Love
Wordless Love is offline
Old 04-13-2012, 06:53 PM

Shigure popped his head around the corner when he heard a familiar voice, Tohru had said "Shigure you have a visitor" and added "I'm Tohru Honda, nice to meet you" Shigure stood up in his usual attire and walked over to the door wondering who had come to see him. Usually it was Hatori who would come to visit him.

The gang decided to use this first day as a shopping day and getting stuff moved in. "Ellie, where did Peter and Christopher go?" Keito asked the red head and standing outside her door "Oh, I think they went shopping, we don't have anything for school let alone food in the house" Ellie spoke decorating her room with her things she had already here.

"Look I'm telling you, we need food for the house" Christopher complained, Peter shook his head "We'll get the food after we go shopping to put you all in school" Peter spoke arguing, Peter accidentally, not paying attention, bumped into a girl (One of yours) "Oh, I'm sorry, are you alright?" luckily Peter didn't knock the girl over, he made sure she would be fine before walking away.

"Don't you ever get tired of losing, you stupid cat" Yuki and Kyo were now really close now, Kyo threw a punch, however, Yuki avoided it as the first went right past his face. Yuki turned around kicked him back into one of the doors. Tohru ran into the room "You're fighting again?" Tohru laughed, this was an every day ordeal, and sometimes it would be interesting to see the outcome.

Aurora Avalon
Aurora Avalon is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 12:24 AM

"Hello Shigure, its been a while I would say at least 13 years?" Shizume said smiling when Shigure finally showed himself coming from another room. Shuddering at the loud crash coming from the room that he had just exited from and Miss Tohru had run into. "I see your home is quite active." She said softly walking in and closing the door behind her. "You might not remember me I am Shizume Kagetsuki. I used to hang out with Hinato and Akimi in high school." Shizume said standing there holding one of his book actually the last one he just had published.

Ayamei turned and bumped into some body before falling backwards towards the ground dropping her bento and school supplies. The next thing she knew she was looking up at Hinato and she was on her back she had blacked out not sure it was the excitement or the stress of the move. Looking up at the one whom she collided with as they where asking how was she. By this time she passed out once again.

Hinato just a few feet away happened to catch Ayamei before she hit the ground and knelt behind her with the girl's head on her lap. She had came around one then passed out again. "She will be fine just a small condition she has. So no harm done." Hinato said smiling fanning Ayamei as she smiled softly but she couldn't say anything about Yukina or Keiko while they watched glaring at the group of body. It took all they had in them not to march over there to punch them. Well for Yukina at least she my have been the outcast of the family but when it came down to Ayamei she would go toe to toe with anyone.

Shizume heard the noise and went to see what had happened in the room that Miss Tohru had entered. There she saw two boys same ages at Yukina and Keiko as she started to laugh. "Oh, I am sorry. Though, I wonder if my cousins would fight like this." She said covering her face with her sleeve smiling and laughing as she stood there.

"Damn..." Kyo said after sitting up from being kicked through the sliding door once again and rubbing his face. Looking up at Tohru then looking at another woman whom showed up as she seemed to dress much like Shigure did. "I guess our fight is over considering we have school." Kyo dusted himself off before going to get cleaned up passing Tohru grabbing her hand to go get ready for school.

Wordless Love
Wordless Love is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 01:43 AM

"Oh no no it's alright" it took him a moment but then he realized who he was talking to and realized she was quite beautiful, but, what girl didn't look good to Shigure. "Ah, Shizu-Chan" that was the nickname he called her back then, they didn't speak too much, but, enough to where he would give her a nickname. He remembered the other two girls and wondered what they would look like now all grown up. It had been 13 years now after all. "What brings you to our humble home?" Shigure asks about the time another loud crash was heard.

Peter looked at the girls "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention-" Peter was going to finish what he was saying until Christopher walked over smacking him on the head "You stupid idiot" he looked to the girls then "I'm sorry, is there anything we can do to help? Ignore, Peter" he was just trying to make sure the girl would be alright, he didn't want to feel like this was their fault because his brother didn't pay any attention.

Shigure smiled "This is an every day event, it's quite normal for them" Shigure was used to it, though, they had to replace something usually a lot within the house. Tohru turned towards Shizume "Would you like to join us for breakfast?" Tohru smiled being kind as she always was to anyone. That is how she was able to stay around the Sohma's for so long.

"Thank Kyo, um, Shigure can get you anything you need, breakfast is still laid out. Excuse us" she bowed and ran outside to meet up with Kyo as Yuki walked out with her so they could go to school. Most likely they would start to fight after getting to school, luckily on the way they would meet up with Hanajima and Arisa.

Aurora Avalon
Aurora Avalon is offline
Old 04-14-2012, 02:05 AM

Shizume smiled softly and watched Miss Tohru and Shigure's cousins run off to school as she walked over to the table and sat down still holding his latest book. "Well, I did come by for an autograph but now since they have left I need to speak with you about something important. In the coming weeks there will be a banquet at the Kagetsuki house. Though I guess I need to explain why I and the rest of the family are back from Cairo, Egypt." Placing the book on the table looking at the spread before her as her stomach growls lightly.

"Its alright, she a little anemic and passes out all the time." Keiko said kneeling down picking up her cousin and goddess. She may look weak but with helping carry 'Isis' to her bed quite often she gotten a lot stronger. "So please stay out of our way." Keiko nearly hissed at the gentlemen as she carried Ayamei to the car with Yukina right beside her to get the goddess in to the back seat.

Yukina held her lolly pop and looked at the men smirking. "Good thing we are in a store or we would have flatten your ..... on the ground." She said narrowing her eyes leaving the school supplies near Hinato. Going with Keiko putting her lolly pop back into her mouth she opened the door. She wasn't as strong as Keiko but her inelegance was pretty much the same as the damned cat.

Hinato stood up gathering the things careful of not bumping into the men as she bowed. "Sorry to trouble you. Though is it not almost time for school?" She said smiling at the two young men that where standing there. She then turned finishing her shopping before checking out. Making sure each girl had what they needed for their first day of class. While she placed the majority in the trunk the bags for their paper and books where in the back seat. By the time they got to school Ayamei had awakened.

"Did your brother ever mention a girl named Shizume before Yuki?" Kyo said walking on the other side of Tohru rubbing his neck. "However, Shigure seemed to know that Shizume person." He said with a sigh things have been going down the toilet ever since the rest of the Zodiac started popping up after hearing that Akito allowed someone outside of the family know about their little secret.

Wordless Love
Wordless Love is offline
Old 04-18-2012, 03:27 PM

I know we just started, if you want to continue this on Crysandrea we can, its another avatar rp site, but,
I am sorry to say I cannot continue this, I am leaving menewsha after I spend my 4k on some art for a friend of mine. I like Crysandrea a little more.


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