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Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:00 PM

A great many moons have past since the story of the superhero was told. The mind seems to have forgotten of such tales of greatness and heroism. But why? Why would the stories of men in tight suits and capes fade and vanish from the world? Despite being 2337, it doesn't seem likely that crime has been completely conquered because conquering crime will never cease to happen. In a world with mortals, guns, and independence, violence, hate, and injustice will always survive. So why - why would the world rid of superheroes? Simple… C.O.R.E.

C.O.R.E. (Criminal Organization Removal Embassy) has been thwarting criminal acts and gangs since the beginning of the 2300s. The most advanced minds of the century are working to predict crimes before crimes even happen. Those who even think up a crime are immediately sentenced to death. Such a harsh punishment for just a thought? Yes, it sounds cruel, but in this world, punishment by death is the only way to rule the people and prevent heinous acts.

Most people don't seem to mind the world they live in. Science is at an all time high as is technology. Cars can fly and people can link minds to communicate. Clothing can be changed with just the blink of an eye. Touch screens are far more advanced then ever before; wearing specialized gloves you can touch and alter the air before you, making a magical screen that displays what you wish. The inventions of Stark Industries is a thing of the past. His legacy died ages ago (in 2180 to be exact) and a new creator stepped up. Although, this company did not fair well with the people and eventually vanished in 2290. Forever revolutionizing the world, it was Kaine Industries that shaped the world people now live in. Everything you see , touch, and own was probably designed and affected by Kaine Industries.

It was actually Mr. Jackson Kaine himself that created C.O.R.E. Although, when he created it during its youthful years, C.O.R.E. was simply a military company that guarded poverty stricken areas. As the company grew, so did C.O.R.E. Today, C.O.R.E. now stands at the heart of everything, watching, protecting, and saving the city from the hands of injustice and evil.

Only, despite being able to foresee crimes before they happen, C.O.R.E. has a serious flaw. A flaw so big that, if leaked into the wrong hands, could turn the world toward chaos and warfare, two terms that haven't been heard in over two centuries.

A band of men have discovered a way to block C.O.R.E. from reading their thoughts and, with the help of some of the more sketchy looking men on the planet, they seek to hack into C.O.R.E. and steal the hardware. Rumor has it, if you can steal the hardware that runs C.O.R.E. you can rule the world.

Ruling the world. Doesn't that sound a bit… cliche? What if I were to tell you that ruling the world also meant reigning control over the thoughts and actions of all those that live on this planet? And what if I said you could control the planet - altering its weather, terrain, and shape? As you can see, C.O.R.E. is too strong and too dangerous, especially in the hands of those with sinister intensions.

A single scientist by the name of John Roberts has discovered this troubling issue. He fears that C.O.R.E. will be used for injustice and, being a rip old man, John is unable to do anything. Turning to his computer, Jenny, he prays that she can compile a list of humans who are capable of undergoing a dynamic physical and emotional change. A change so great that C.O.R.E. will seek them out and try to put them to an early grave.

John, on his death bed, formed a program called H.E.R.O. in a last ditch effort to save the world from impending doom. With the faint click of a button, Jenny sent invitations and messages to those humans that John hand picked to become a part of H.E.R.O. The message reads as follows:
Dead Chosen One,

You have been selected to undergo a series of tests, altercations, and rigorous training exercises. Should you not want to change yourself, I suggest you just ignore this message. But, should you want to become something more - something greater - you must go to Fourth Park Avenue Greenwood Circle. There you will meet an android that will explain everything.

Doctor John Roberts
Now, obviously, most people dismissed this message as junk, but a select few decided it was the chance of a lifetime. Jumping at the opportunity, these individuals have no idea what they are about to join. They are joining a cause that could, potentially, save the world. They are, without a doubt, going to revive the stories of the past, the stories of the 2000s. The stories of… superheroes.

Last edited by Wavi; 05-21-2012 at 02:52 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:01 PM

Because I'm in a lazy mood today, I will be setting this story in, drum roll... New York City. I know, so original, but it's not quite the same as it was. NYC is a lot like Time Square. Lights are everywhere. People line the streets day in and day out. Cars can fly. You can change your attire just by snapping your fingers (well, kinda). Phones are a thing of the past - you connect via the mind. Personal computers are ten times better then JARVIS, but no everyone can afford these bad boys.


C.O.R.E. is located in the center of the city. It's the highest tower in the world and employees more people than you could imagine - at least a million. Shattered around the city are arcades (TRON's one of the games that's still around) and shopping malls. Stark Tower is still there. It's actually a museum these days. People from all over come to check out the "genius billionaire playboy philanthropist's" mansion.

The further you get from C.O.R.E., the future you get from civilization. In case you were wondering, NYC has grown in size. It's now engulfs a far portion of New York and New Jersey. So if you thought it was bad back in the 2000s, imagine it now!

Last edited by Wavi; 05-21-2012 at 01:18 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:01 PM

+ You do NOT have to be a hero/villain. Ordinary people are fine. Heck, you can be a werewolf for all I care. Since the world is so advanced, travel between galaxies is made "easy." So don't let anything limit you. :]

+ All participants must be able to punctuate, write, and spell properly. Although human errors are expected, they are not to hinder the post or the story.

+ Although there is not post frequency requirements, it is asked that, should you need to leave due to real life scenarios, you alert me via the OOC thread or a PM. Nonetheless, it is expected that you be able to post at least once a week.

+ Characters should be original and unique. If there are is any doubt in my mind that a character will be annoying or detrimental to the story line, I will not allow said character to partake in the story. With that being said, I want to see detailed but concise profiles. The goal is to make me want to accept you. The goal is to, also, not drown me in a sea of text that has no real meaning or depth.

+ It is a given that you will contribute to the story line. Although there are scripted segments, this story does not have a set ending. What happens during story creation will directly affect the end result of the story. So, take your role seriously. Lives are at stake.

+ Although all the characters are unique and irreplaceable, it does not mean that, if you need to remove yourself due to time reasons, you will not have to worry about someone "stealing" or "mimicking" your character. Leaving/quitting simply kills said character or gets them stuck in an alternate dimension. A new character may or may not be introduced. This will be dependent on me.

+ All rules are final. I like to follow a three strike policy with regards to punishment. Should you earn yourself three strikes, you will be removed from the roleplay without question.

+ Essentially, everything you need to know will be spelled out. However, should something be confusing or need more clarification, it is encouraged that you ask questions. Odds are, if you have a question, someone else will have a similar question.

+ To join, you will need the spiffy little piece of code below to make your character profiles. Failure to do so will not get you in. Oh and PLEASE PM that baby to me. Or you can post it in the OOC thread. Either or works.

+ For the record, you can play up to, but no more than, two characters. No ifs, ands, or buts.

+ Have fun and unleash chaos on the world... unless you're a hero then, by all means, prevent that chaos.

+ NEW RULE (6.15.12 at 5:20PM): You are required to fill this out at the end of every post. If you have two characters in a post, fill this out twice.

To be filled out at the end of every post.
PHP Code:
[QUOTE][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"][B]Location:[/B]  where are you/who are you with
[B]Side:[/B]  are you a hero or a villain[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE
Interested in joining, PM me this.
PHP Code:
COLOR="ColorOfChoice"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Hero Name/Villain Name[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT="Book Antiqua"]
Real Name
Good or Evil
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][COLOR="Silver"][hr][/hr][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]Species Humananimalrobotetc.
Eye Color 
Hair Color
Body Type (slenderfataverageetc.)
Occupation what do you do for a living[/FONT]
FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="ColorOfChoice"]This is what I'm all about...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Bio/Personality written out here[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="ColorOfChoice"]These would be my specialities...[/COLOR][/FONT]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Powers, strengths, talents, etc. would be listed here[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[FONT="Courier New"][COLOR="ColorOfChoice"]Shhh, here'
s a secret...[/COLOR][/FONT]
SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]Tell us something randomcooluniqueetcabout your character.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Last edited by Wavi; 06-15-2012 at 09:22 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:02 PM

Meet the heroes of our story...


Serkan Yavuz Sari

Vampire with an ice affinity
Forty something or other years old young (he's 43 in Earth years)
Red eyes (unless using my powers which turns them blue) & White curly-ish hair
Six foot & All the ladies want my bod
I'm recently retired but I'm still famous and rich

This is what I'm all about...
Insert an overused sob story here.

Bwah ha ha. Made you get all sad for nothing, didn't I? Tch, how pathetic. You humans are all the same. So weak. So soft. So... delicious.

Really? You fell for that? God, it's been years since I last killed a human. Times have changed, bro. I'm a changed man. But I suppose you wanna know what I was like prior to my change.

So what is my history? It's simple. I was a human turned vampire. Wait. What. Yeah. My mother was a whore and she was dumb enough to get with a vampire. I popped out all human-like. The father (who we're assuming is the vampire that I look nothing like) got pissed and offed my mother (so there you have it, I wasn't his kid. Meaning, I had a human father and a human mother. So I'm not no demon baby like that Bella Swan chick in Twilight is having or had or whatever). Instead of killing me, he converted me at the ripe old age of - JUST F***ING BORN. Couldn't even make it into the doctor's hands and he was slaughtering the world and turning me all vampire-like.

So my father (I like to call him that because it's cute and sentimental and shit) decided to raise me since he offed everyone else (how noble of him). Only, he made one lousy father. So despite living with him, I was raised by his brother - coolest vampire ever. The two of us were pals. Did everything together.

We were out stalking the delicious little humans (that's you and your kind but on another planet) one day and all was going according to plan. That was until the hunters corned us. Pinned against the wall, my uncle did his best to ward off the hunters, but he just wasn't strong enough (that and he was outnumbered). So, in a last ditch effort to save my life, he shoved me out of the tower and tumbling into the snow-covered world below.

When the hunters came looking for me, they never saw me. Not sure how as they were standing RIGHT OVER ME. But, whatevs. When they eventually gave up as they figured I'd died, they went home and I decided it was time to escape my frozen tomb.

Ice shattered and I was free. Free like a bird, baby! Save for the fact that I was forever stuck with this pale-ass white hair. Stupid white hair.... According to father I was, quote unquote, "Given the gift of ice and thus given the curse of white [freaking] hair."

So there you have it. Did ya learn anything?

No. UGH. Why must you all be so idiotic.

Long story short. I have the power of ice on my side. I have BLINDING white hair and SEXY red eyes that turn blue when I'm using my ice abilities. I'm a haughty, cocky, loud-mouthed vampire that loves getting into trouble. I steal, lie, and cheat. I am the greatest thing ever created. I have no weakness, save for the fac that I am vampire and thus allergic to both the sun and garlic. So, all in all, I'm a genius, billionaire (trillionaire actually), philanthropist, playboy (and a line stealer - whoda thought?) vampire.

Good? Good.


These would be my specialities...
I. Control. Ice. Can create shields with it. Can create weapons, too. Can freeze people (and slow time). Can run fast (because I can slow time). Sexier than your average species. Oh, and for the record, I'm an excellent cook.

Shhh, here's a secret...
I'm sexy and I know it~ Oh and Calister, my butler, he kinda... died... saving... my life.... So I'm without a butler. BUT IT'S ALL GOOD. I have a new and improved Calister. He's my computer turned butler turned assistant turned genius. Oh and Pepper? Whatever happened to Pepper? She's around here... somewhere.

Originally Posted by Esmme

Pepper Anderson
The side I'm on? Serk's. Obviously. I suppose that means I'm good.

40 years of age (I know I don't look it. . . .).
Green eyes, long red hair.
Surprisingly light and slender (please don't be throwing me around).
My life-long task has always been to support and take care of Serk. I've never thought of doing anything else, and neither do I wish to.

This is what I'm all about...
My past? Much of it, I still treasure and hold dear . . . despite the deception throughout many of the years.
I've always been a human. I've always been weak. But I haven't always been so... in love. It all started about my eighteenth birthday. Everything was going grand... until they showed up. A pack of ravenous vampires. They smashed my hopes and dreams. I would never find a lover. I would never have my first kiss. I would die... alone.

Just as one of those red-eyed monsters was about to skin me, a chill ran down my back. The room had suddenly gone cold -- it was coated with a layer of ice.

Eyes wide and heart racing, I watched as a white-haired vampire walked ever so gracefully into the room. His skin was as pale as the moon and his eyes, the sparkled like sapphires. He was, by far, the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on. It was then, in that moment, that I decided I wanted to die by his hands. No, his lips.

Pulling my ginger hair away from my neck, I leaned in so he could sink his beautiful white teeth in my flesh - my neck's flesh.

But when I found his hands around my face and his nose against mine, I just about lost it.

His lips snaked back to my ears and he whispered, oh did he make my body tremble, "Join me, my love. I can make all your desires come true."

Although I had no idea what he meant, I took his hand and followed him into the darkness. There, in the middle of the streets laid at least a dozen bodies. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. But what actually scared me the most were the eerie yellow eyes of a green-haired murderer.

Blood drooled from his mouth as his eyes seemed to stare right through me. It was as if he were going to make a meal out of me. But, before he could even take a foot in my direction, the white-haired vampire scooped me up in his arms.

"Calister, enough. We've done enough damage for one night."

"Yes, My Lord," his voice was ever so dreary sounding. He was, without a doubt, the most terrifying vampire I'd ever set my eyes on.

In the arms of this blue-eyed vampire, I almost felt at peace. But I had a million questions I was dying to ask. Mainly, "Why me?"

When we arrived at his home, I was more than shocked. Such a well-dressed man with such polite manners lived in this pigsty? I was about to comment when I felt his lips against my little finger. A light nip followed. A book was pulled from the shelf and my blood was placed in a square. As it soaked into the paper, I watched as it twisted into a very intricate heart design. I was taken back by the shape that appeared, but what really caused my heart to stop was when he purred lightly as he drew me ever closer.

It's been many years since I joined his crew. I didn't do it because I wanted to escape death. I did it so I could forever be with him. So long as I was with him, I was happy. Although I don't foresee him ever loving me, I can still cling to that hope that he might, one day, kiss me.

I have lived past the day I lost it all. My dreams and hopes of finding love were fulfilled. My desire for a kiss -- it will come true one day. Just not yet. I have to wait. Wait until the moment is just right.
That time of childish daydreams is over. I have loved, and will always love, Serk. I, Pepper Anderson, will never leave his side. And . . . I will survive, even if fate should say otherwise.

These would be my specialities...
I have incredible charm and youth. I may be 40, but I look far younger. I am quick, lithe, and have a knack for appearing at just the right time.

I found that I have a strange way of . . . well, blinding other people. I can reach out and touch them . . . and they just lose their sight!

Shhh, here's a secret...
I have learned many things from my time with Serk, and one of those said bits of knowledge have something to do with my recent abilities.

I have been getting used to them slowly, really.

Also, as the world changed, I grew more adept at controlling technology. I became so good at it, I made ways to change . . . myself. It is because of these "upgrades," so to speak, that I can still keep up with people like Serk. It's nice having something to contribute. For so long, I've depended on him. Now, for once, he needa me as I'm all the techny one. Serk likes to think he's good when it comes to this stuff, but that's all me. I'm the one that created CALISTER. Yes, he helped, but I did all the hardwiring. I could be a hacker if I wanted to. Hmm... I wonder what's on Serk's private server...! PEPPER NUDE SHOTS! UGH, SERK!!!!!

Originally Posted by Codette

Cody Lane

Twenty One
Five Feet, Three 120 Pounds
Caramel Eyes
Reddish-Brown Hair

This is what I'm all about...
I'm a bit of a mystery, even to myself. I know I grew up in Scotland. Edinborough. I remember being a happy kid. Then something happened. I was about twelve when my parents died, and then everything changed. I became moody, withdrawn, angry all the time. Strange things started happening whenever I'd have one of my 'moods'. I remember military type guys storming my house. Then everything goes black and my head hurts if I try to remember.

The next thing I do know is me right now. I'm 21, happy though abit confused most times. Strange things still happen when I'm angry, but at least now the anger tends to go away.

These would be my specialities...
Fire. Plain and simple, and desperatly under-rated. I usually have pretty good control, except when I'm angry. Then I'm more likey to burn down everything near me. It's both a blessing and a curse.

Shhh, here's a secret...
The dogtags I wear actually read 'Calypso' and they're the only thing I have left from my blank memories. I assume I got them from the military that picked me up, but why they called me 'Calypso' I'm not sure... It just kinda stuck.

Originally Posted by Triquetra

Lien Faith

black eyes & white hair
five foot eleven inches, toned and lean

This is what I'm all about...
Since I was young, I have always been surrounded by the love and comfort of the monastery monks. They trained me in martial arts, which I excelled at from a young age. I was always well taken care of. I was told when I grew older why I was taken from my parents. My hair was white when I was born. They believed me to be a Nephilim. Or the daughter of an angel and human. Which was proven true as I grew older, and was able to take out even the best martial arts masters. When I reached the age of eighteen, I was given the title of Monk, and allowed to leave the monastery to learn of the world. At first I was overwhelmed, all the technology I had never known of. But I soon learned, and even bought a few of the fascinating instruments.

I like to believe I am a calm person. One with the way of nature. Even old fashion in my ways. But only part of this is true. I have modernized much since my leaving. I keep my old robes though. To show my years of hard work. And my determination. I do not accept harming of the innocent, and will fight for what I believe. Even when one challenges my Faith.

These would be my specialities...
Super Strength, agility, and fast regeneration. My martial arts are second to none, and I can easily take down walls faster than you can blink.

Shhh, here's a secret...
No matter how engulfed in the technological world I become, I always return to my roots. I pray at least twice a day. I meditate when the time is free, and I give old chinese wisdom to those who need it.

Originally Posted by Ever_After

Tessa Weaver

Twenty-two years of age
Light green eyes & long wavy brown hair
Five foot four inches, lean with slight muscle tone

This is what I'm all about...
So life story time. Okay sit back and be amazed! yeah no. My life up until the point where I could suddenly look into other peoples thoughts wasn't something you were going to find in a comic book. I was the goofy friend that people went to for a laugh or a shoulder to cry on. I was the fun one. After I got my letter and superpowers I tried to stay the same but God do you have any idea how loud people think. It would drive anyone crazy having so many people in their head, not that I'm crazy or anything just slightly more....moody? yeah that's a good word I'm moody.I really want to be a good superhero. You know like the ones from forever ago in tights and everything.

These would be my specialities...
I have a SUPER brain.I can creep into your mind and hear all those little thoughts and secrets you don't want to share with anyone.Should I dig a little deeper in to the space between your ears I bet I could even make you dance or open a door or completely erase a memory. The mind is such a wonderful and complex thing. Like using it to lift things that would other wise crush my like a bug. Like they say the mind is a wonderful thing.

Shhh, here's a secret...
I don't have the whole Telekinetic thing down 100% I just keep dropping things. I mean the mind is a muscle so I know I have to practice and straighten it but I get horrible headaches when I push too hard. yeah sorry I also have a tendency to ramble.

Originally Posted by mochi-PANda

Mae Jones

Hazel eyes
Pale brown hair with various coloured dreads
5"4 & dainty, 112lb slender form
Works mainly as a mechanic on hover cars & aerial ships; general handywoman; Hacker

This is what I'm all about...
I grew up in a normal household of technicians of variety. Before my mama passed away she worked on backing up computer systems for C.O.R.E, while my papa & older brother Kane worked much lower: affordable repair for the citizens. We've always been just a bit below middle class, our apartment and mechanic shop were both in the Mid-Levels even. When I was six mama died from one of the remaining cancers, but between Kane and Pops I had a pretty good upbringing. Until I was about twelve I was home-schooled by a kind woman in our building, but she soon dropped me 'cause she considered me too rowdy to teach of the world, but "very knowledgeable when it came to computers". She passed me back off to Papa who decided it was time for me to learn the trade I'd been aching for since I first set foot in our mechanic shop.

The first Incident happened with Kane, funny 'nuff. I love my brother, don't get me wrong, but the guy gets on my nerves endlessly! We were working on opposite sides of the Garage, & of course Kane has to go & start berating me on my "lack of girlishness" and "why haven't you still gone anywhere when you're IQ is as high as it is" and all this crap and I sort of . . . blew a fuse. Literally. I ended up sparking the Hover he was working on but before I realized what I was doing I was working on fixing it in a matter of minutes. And that sort of repair was the difficult stuff. As in, I had no knowledge or learning of that previously. Which was, y'know, weird. But hey, now I get my repairs done in half the time because of how fast my fingers work now! (There's a perk to an inability to get shocked.)

These would be my specialities...
My papa always said I had a knack for technology, although these days I'm wonderin' if this goes past that....Guess one could say I can coax just about any electronic item into doing just 'bout anything you could think up. As long as it's got a source of power or I'm around, I can boot it up, switch it on, make it do a dance if you wanna, just 'bout anything really! ...Recently though electricity's been majorly attracted to my fingertips, so I'm pretty sorry if I shock you on accident! I can also "see" into a system (doesn't matter which) so I know exactly how to make it do what this girlie wants. *wink wink*

Shhh, here's a secret...
I've got a bit of a rambling side to me, my mama always teased! I calm myself down by fiddling with this proto-android I've been working on for awhile...but forget about that. I go about life treating others as I would appreciate they treat me. I fancy a good prank on most people. I'm a general space-cadet too, it takes a bit to get these eyes to focus on the world around me! But get me near any system & I can promise you I'll hack that baby in three minutes flat.

Last edited by Wavi; 05-29-2012 at 12:01 AM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:02 PM

Let's have our villains join us here...


Kenta Oda

Cursed Human
Crimson & White hair with black
Five foot eight & Skinny little boy
Head of the infamous White Snakes (a criminal organization)

This is what I'm all about...
I knew I was not a normal boy ever since I was born. I had this... feeling that something or someone was watching over me. Bullied at school and at home, my life was literally hell on earth, but I put an end to it all on my tenth birthday. Parents dead, turned to those I trusted the most - a group of thugs that wore white. They called themselves the White Snakes. Immediately, I challenged the leader and, of course, won. Now the ruler of the most badass cult on the block, I was ready for more thrills. Crime was down and things were tough for a while, but around my sixteenth birthday things got better. A lot better. I met a woman who... well let's just say she's godly.

I was pinned against a wall, preparing to meet my own death when, out of nowhere, this white haired goddess appears. Saving my life, she turned to me, biting my hand and muttering some odd words in another tongue. Looking up at me, I felt something within me change and a sudden binding of souls. She and I... we were connected. Her red eyes breathed life into my new pair of eyes and her white hair painted my own black hair that same ghostly color.

For two years, we have been wrecking havoc on the world and now, today, I see C.O.R.E.'s technologies. I want to, what was it... oh yes... to rule the world. With Shi (my guardian angel... my demon god) at my side, nothing can stop me... us. Shi and I, Kent, shall reign victorious.

These would be my specialities...
I, myself, have no special powers. My… partner, on the other hand, has a whole slew of specialties. She's a shinigami that, for some odd reason, decided to partner up with me. She wields a scythe that she can rip souls apart with. Powerful. Yes. Reliable. Not always.

Shhh, here's a secret...
I killed my parents at the wee young age of ten and C.O.R.E. never saw this. How? Why you fool, I'm a brilliant mastermind. My gang - the White Snakes - helped me cover it up. I even had someone take the fall of me. How… pathetic.

Originally Posted by Esmme

Nym Carter

Altered Human
Pale green eyes, black hair.
Tall and well-built - exceptionally strong for his size.

This is what I'm all about...
Tears. I feed off of other people's tears. When I was younger, I did the same . . . but in a human way. I enjoyed watching others cry, while I was elevated beyond the level of caring. My mother cried when father died. I merely watched her tears, and then turned the other cheek.

My story, though, is not a sad one. It is one of my own choosing. Nym Carter was a normal boy, and he lived a normal life. It was when my fascination with darkness kicked in when mother grew worried.

I sought help. Not help to make me return to my old state of mind, but something that would make me better. Nym became Anguish - I became Anguish - merely a year ago. Now, I exist only to cause harm to others. This is my life - it's my choice. My choice . . . and everyone else's pain.

These would be my specialities...
As I became Anguish, I found I had the power to cause pain. It has to be through touch - agony will force its way into the body of any creature I touch. This is why I exist - I crave the pain and fear of others.

If the powers really take hold . . . I change. I become a creature with no restraints. This . . . is the time when even I feel fear. There is no control when the creature takes over. This is Anguish - I am two people.

Shhh, here's a secret...
The only thing I would change is my own reactions. I feed off of the moment, but . . . there is always a point when my powers break. They shatter, leaving me with my own tears.

Originally Posted by Ever_After

Vance Fox

Dark brown eyes and black hair
Six and one half feet, strong athletic build

This is what I'm all about...
I’m one of the few free thinkers in this world of order controlled by an organization that is doing far more harm than good. There is a freedom in the chaos that the world had so many eons ago. People could truly explore their human nature. I am simply hoping to bring that freedom back into the world. To achieve this sacrifices must be made but all for the greater good. C.O.R.E. will be brought down and without big brother leaking into the minds of the people they will reach true freedom.

These would be my specialities...
I have a particular skill set that helps me with my end goal. I have been trained in multiple ways to extract information why keeping my guest alive. As for a type of power mine suits me just fine. I can make you feel. Human emotions are easy to manipulate.

Shhh, here's a secret...
Though I can control others emotions like a little girl controls the life of her dolls I don’t share the same feelings.

Originally Posted by Kiyoto

Zane Wolfbane

Wolf Demon
Purple Hair, Yellow Eyes
Five Feet Seven Inches, One Hundred and Fifteen Pounds
Rogue Demon, Informationalist

This is what I'm all about...
Zane grew up as part of a family, or a pack as they would call it. He had a good life, until a group of hunters claiming to be on the side of good came and killed every last one of them. Zane almost died as well, but escaped with a long scar on his back as a reminder of what hapened to his family. After that he began to hate people who placed themselves above others under the pretext of calling themselves heros. He also began to do whatever he needed to do to survive. He has a cocky nature, and loves to play games. He can be a bit cold, and hard to get through to. He can be a bit animalistic as well, costomary of his race. He can also be very bold and outgoing, not afraid to say what is on his mind. He has an inate sense to sniff out other's weaknesses so to speak, and use them to his advantages. Unfortunately, he is plagued by memories of what happened to his family. His scar is prone to hurting at times due to the dreams he has. He has always been an excellent tracker, and many have tried to tame him, none have prevailed.

These would be my specialities...
He has the ability to shift from a human form, to a demon wolf form. His boa is also alive and able to move on its own. The wolf like head is able to attack shooting blasts of his fire, he uses it like an extention of himself, as one would a sword or something. He himself has the ability to manipulate a dark violet fire. His speed, strength, and senses are enhanced as well. He is also able to use an ability custom to his pack called the wolf sense (His soul leaves his body in the form of a spirit wolf, which is able to go wherever it wants, even into other's dreams.) the drawback, is it leaves his body vulnerable.

Shhh, here's a secret...
Zane has a dark form he dosn't like to talk about. It is his strongest wolf form. It is larger then any known animal, towering over humans and is untamed so far, even by him. Its body burns all it comes into contact with, and is able to control larger amounts of the fire Zane normally controls. It looks like this . It is highly destructive, and sealed with the mark on his stomach.

Originally Posted by MintyRey

Xenobia "Zen" Vain

Alien. More accurately, an Owres Cernasian (Cernasian for short)
If I considered myself an Earthling, I would be 32
Green Eyes, Light Green and Blue Hair
5'5 With a voluptuous, but well toned, body
Member of the White Snakes Organization, Saboteur

This is what I'm all about...
I'm all about breaking things. Machines mostly. But this isn't the start of my story.

Long ago, decades in Earth time, I crashed my ship above this verdant planet. This maneuver was on purpose, for you see, I was hunting down an enemy. A former business associate of mine, you could say. He cheated me out of a small fortune and thought he could escape my wrath by crossing this sector. That was his last mistake.

I managed to track him down and he soon found himself doing everything he could to dodge my laser fire. Uncompromised victory would have been within my reach if it weren't for a trait inherent in my species.

You see, on my planet, Owres Cernas, the laws of physics are a little different. A barrage of meteors that violently crashed into it eons ago left the great planet in a state of dimensional flux. To survive in this ever-changing environment, we evolved the ability to constantly generate a field around ourselves. Probability is altered within its confines and the harsher effects of constantly shifting between various dimensions are nullified.

A handy bubble of safety, I know. But it only works properly on Owres. If a Cernasian goes 364,900 km past the planet's atmosphere then the probability field starts becoming an annoyance. Which brings me to the reason why most Cernasians hate machines.

Any electronic, mechanical, or digital device within our personal bubble starts to malfunction. You can see how this became a great hindrance to inter-planetary trade. To combat this nuisance, we developed a suit that also generated a field around us similar to our own natural one. The two would cancel each other's unfortunate effects out for the most part. Ironic, isn't it?

But as I've said, it was a temporary solution. There was always a chance one field would overcome the other and cause the suit to breakdown.

And so it came to be that, on Owres Cernas, the meaning of the word "machine" became "unreliable, soon-to-be useless hunk of junk."

Yet there I was, light years away from home and in another galaxy, hoping to shoot down a thieving, space bilge rat. I had been too busy laughing maniacally to notice that the warning sensor in my suit was going off. I guess it was to be expected. I've been using it for a week now and all my spares were already damaged.
Once my lasers stopped working, I knew I was in trouble. The phase cannons, navigation, and communication system were all busted.

But there was no way I'd let that swindler get away!
Hoping I wasn't completely out of luck, I checked the thrusters and manual steering. Both of them still worked! Without a second thought, I set the engines to full blast and aimed for that rat's clunky old junker. I was going to have my revenge one way or another!

I woke up months after the explosion that tore my target's ship to shreds and left only a third of mine hurtling down to Earth. Apparently, a small group of eccentrics found my wreck and decided to help me out. I may have survived but I wasn't without injuries. My wings are now gone, ripped off by the crash. Most of my exoskeleton was burned off. And my rescuers told me that they had to amputate my tail because during my operation all the medical equipment that could have saved it kept going haywire.
But because they were researchers for a certain powerful organization, I was painfully given a new body to survive in a year later. It's a little tight and took forever to get used to, but at least I'm alive, right?

These would be my specialities...
I don't age fast. But Owres Cernasians have a longer life-span than Earthlings. So I guess it's just a normal thing in my case.

I could also say super strength. Earthlings are naturally like bugs when it comes to my species. But thanks to the crash, I've grown weaker. I'm still more durable than the average human, though.

My Probabubble. It's different. Or maybe it's because this planet's different. But I can control it's effects a little more now. Instead of always spaztically glitching everything, it only affects things I touch. Most of the time, anyway. Every once in a while, though, the soda machine won't accept my change or give me my drink. I slice that piece of crap in half.

I also carry around this huge chakram. It's both my main weapon and a way to keep my balance now that my tail is gone.

Shhh, here's a secret...

I'm sorta freaked out by my new boss. My sense of self preservation is telling me he's no ordinary kid and I should always have my guard up. Of course, the White Snakes has no use for the mundane and weak. But I prefer humans who are normal. Humans who are 'harmless'.

Originally Posted by LilithsLittleEdan

The Vampire Twins
Alec & Gabriella Martinez
Alec : Evil / Gabriella : Good

Humans with Vampiric tendencies.
Bright blue eyes and snow white hair.
Three foot five, slender and small frames.
They are paid assassins. Always for Hire, no matter the risks

This is what we are all about...
Gabriella ...
blah blah blah

These would be our specialities...
Alec ...
Fire Power are our choices mostly. At least Gabriella's is. I choose are far more brutal form of punishment.
Gabriella holds her still beating heart to a large barrel gun, twice her size, a small doll tied to the end with a strand of super strong hair. She refuses to tell me where she got it and several stories are floating around the Underground but she neither confirms nor denies these claims.
I myself use an Axe that I have grown quite attached to. Corvinus as it is called was passed down by my Father to me and through our Father's bloodline after the great Corvinus family, Head Vampire family in the early days of the Vampire Cults.
We can also communicate between ourselves telepathically due to a 'Twin Link' that most people think does not exist.
Gabriella is the more talented of us and can control the elements for a short period of time but her skills are currently limited and need sharpening.

Shhh, here's a secret...
Gabriella is deathly afraid of the dark and spiders whereas Alec is terrified of Clowns.
Gabriella has attached a small little doll onto the end of her barrel gun. Some say that it is a doll she stole from her first kill, to 'savor the feeling' some say. Others say it's a doll in the same colours as her late Mother, killed by her own hand in a fit of rage.
Alec's Axe has a scar across the blade and has a chipped edge from repeated use and is named Corvinus after their Father's ancestry.

Last edited by Wavi; 06-21-2012 at 06:20 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:02 PM

Let's have undecided characters reside here...


Jacen Cleaver

Yellow eyes & Gray Hair
Six foot two inches & Lean but toned
I'm a mortician and, on the side, I analyze bones to make some extra pay

This is what I'm all about...
I'm usually quite the jokester. I love the pal around and laugh. Although, I'm not exactly a "clean" guy. Perverted. Foul tongue. Ill-temper. Ya get the picture, sugar? But don't label me as a villain just yet! I've never been one to really pick a side, but, when push comes to shove, I'll help whoever is fighting to save Earth. After all, if there's no Earth, there's no me.

These would be my specialities...
Bone and body manipulation. I can, without hesitation, remove bones from my body and use them as weapons. I can also lose my limbs and have them restitched back on without many issues or complications. The only time you need to watch out for me is when I flip. Erm, I think I'll explain that in the next section.

Shhh, here's a secret...
I've got something special about me. A curse, you could say. When I've reached my limit, my skin turns black and white markings (they look like a skeleton) appear all over my body. My yellow eyes turn red and my gray hair stays as it is. To give you an idea as to what I look like, I direct you to this. Needless to say, when in this mode, I'm a bit of a... well, issue. I can't control myself and my need to blood is at its peak. Think of my like the Hulk. When I get in "Curse Mode," you need to get the f*#K away from me!

Originally Posted by Whimsical Sadist

Devyn Foxe
No Side

Silvery-blue eyes & Jet black long hair
Five foot, seven inches with an agile muscular athletic built

This is what I'm all about...
Growing up without my father, I had only my mother for support. Being the young parent she was, she had great difficulty raising me and my younger sister, Sen. Times were tough and seemed like they wouldn't get better until she turned to hosting and escorting to make some more money to support her lovely daughters. Afterwards when I was only ten, my mother and Sen were wrongly killed and weren’t cared about by the judicial system. Leaving a deep emotional scar in my heart, I no longer believed in so called ‘justice’ by others standards. With that in mind I decided to have my own way of dealing with issues and injustice I faced and began to see the world with new eyes. Fending for myself, I got by by stealing, sneaking, and preying on those I knew for a fact didn’t deserve life or were just immoral. After years on the streets, I learned various forms of fighting and stealth, learned new experiences of life, gained riches, and now live life the way I see fit and not what others think.

These would be my specialties...
I have gained quite a few abilities that have helped me day to day with eliminating obstacles since I was younger.
1. Superhuman agility - Ability to react faster than any normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity
2. Superhuman tracking – Ability to track an individual or object through supernatural means; sometimes referred to as "pathfinding."
3. Power sensing – Ability to sense or recognize superhuman powers
4. Memory manipulation - Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another.
5. Psionic blast - Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that individual's mind.

These abilities are fun and all but they aren’t the only things special about me. I can handle swords and other weapons (except guns) well, expertly fight with my bare hands and know countless of different fighting styles.

Shhh, here's a secret...
The blue opal part of the necklace I wear was my mother’s while the silver chain belonged to my sister; they are kept together so I always have them by my side. I also have a strong love for small, soft, and furry animals. They’re so adorable!

Originally Posted by Kiyoto

Vincent Darkwing

Six Feet, Two Inches
One Hundred and Twenty Pounds
Silver Eyes
Black Hair

This is what I'm all about...
Vincent grew up without his parents, he was trained from a young age to survive on his own. He has always been a bit of a loner, and to others can come off as cold and distant. He is blunt, always saying what is on his mind, which has caused him to get into trouble in life. He found out about his powers when he was about eleven, he was helping his guardian trim the trees out back, and when he touched the trunk he absorb its energy and power, causing it to shrivel and die. He began practicing, and learned that he could draw energy and life force from any living source, including people. He began training, and found various ways to use this energy, such as defenses (Creating an energy shield, etc.) or offense (Energy blasts, sending things flying by surrounding them with the energy, etc.). He also realized he could transfer the energy from himself to another object. He has kept his abilities hidden, but continues to work on them.

These would be my specialities...
1.Energy sourcing: Ability to draw power from large or small but abundant sources of energy, such as turning kinetic energy into physical blasts.

2.Power Mimicry or Absorption: Ability to copy or absorb another's powers or skills.

3.Power Augmentation: Ability to enhance or weaken the powers of others.

Shhh, here's a secret...
Vincent is a piano player, as well as a painter.

Originally Posted by Ascadellia

Katje Stone.
No side, why compromise?

Lilac eyes and short, lavender hair that stops at her chin.
five foot eight, toned, and curvy in the right places.
Mechanic- Need something fixed? I'm your girl. Can fix just about anything you need me to.

This is what I'm all about...
Still a little rusty with certain things, but, I'll try anything once. And I mean anything.. Unless it involves bloodshed. I reeeaally don't like conflict. Doesn't mean I won't defend myself, cause I know how to fight. Just prefer not to do so unless my life, or my loved one's life depended on it. My childhood was decent. I've always had a knack for taking things apart and putting them back together. Sure riled my folks up enough when they found their precious gadgets pulled apart. They calmed enough once I managed to put it all back together again And made it a little better.

Currently, I'm dealing with a little brat by the alias of Mod. He's a good assistant, horrible at everything else. I Try to keep him in line, but.. hard to do without breaking the whole 'non-violence thing'. So I just incorporate Other means to make him learn his lessons.

These would be my specialities...
I'm handy with technology. I can repair and sabotage just about anything that has cogs and wheels. Mainly use this for good. Or whatever pays better. A girl's gotta live, don't I?
Strength. Mainly in my left arm, it's a Lot more powerful than my other arm, for a good reason. Other than that, nothing spectacular.

Shhh, here's a secret...
Well, I've got a mechanical arm, but no worries! It doesn't look like it. Cost me a pretty penny to make it look, and feel like a human arm. If one were to touch it, they'd feel skin. Of course, if I had someone slash the arm, there'd be a layer of 'skin' and some 'blood' and all that jazz. However, it'd be wires and metal under the skin. I'd feel nothing, other than being annoyed. These things don't come cheap! I've gotta repair it!

Originally Posted by April

Alex Magnus
"I'm only eleven.. Why do I have to think about it?"

Eleven years old.
Black eyes and pink hair.
Four feet and four inches; Lean build, yet quite toned.
Works as a hag'smechanic's assistant.

This is what I'm all about...
I guess you could say I'm a little troublemaker. I mean, yeah, I'm a good-ish kid but I definitely know how to have fun. I don't really understand the world of adults quite yet but the hagboss-lady ain't cutting me any slack. She gives me a real ear-full every time I get caught doing something I shouldn't, not that it makes a smidge of difference.. but don't tell her that! I'm a growing boy, I need my supper!

These would be my specialities...
Pranking, I guess, would be one o'my specialties. ["Her-royal-highness" hates it when I do that and she tells me not to or I'll regret it, but what's a kid to do about being a kid? --Wait, I wasn't done eating! Nooo!--] Aside from that I'm surprisingly good at working with metals. It's like they fit or bend just the way I like 'em, but without all the added effort. Maybe I'm stronger than the average brat! Who's to say I have to let Katje know? She'd put me to work even more!

Shhh, here's a secret...
I'm so out of touch with the modern world that I get real surprised at nearly everything I see. I guess you could say I've been living under a rock or something. S'funny because I don't remember anything except the shop. Before you go freaking out, NO, I'm NOT a robot.. right, boss? Also, sometimes, lots of things 'round here break. That's another reason I get in trouble. But how is it my fault anyhow?!


Just like his alias, he has the ability to "mod"ify things. He can age them [progressive or regressive], expand or contract them, re-/deconstruct them-- basically like the Elric brothers.. It's stronger with metals because he works near them the most. And here's the twist: he has actually lived a VERY long time. One of the oldest migrators to Earth from wherever his home planet was. The reason he looks like a child is because he can modify himself too, BUT the price for doing so takes his memories away. ALL his memories. Hence why he doesn't know about his powers, modern technology or anything but the shop and Gadget. She actually had to teach him how to go to the bathroom and everything! As for his rudeness and prankster ways, well he got that from a certain someone else.

Last edited by Wavi; 05-29-2012 at 12:27 PM..

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Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:03 PM

Other information shall be placed here, as needed.
> OOC Thread is located here - [ link ]

> It's Monday evening, 6:47PM to be exact. The city is in its full glory. Everyone seems to come out at night to party and enjoy the nightlife of the huge city.

> This PM was sent to all members on Monday, May 21 at 2:50PM. Please read this if your character joins after that date.
If your character is human, you may or may not know about your powers. Example, Codette's girl has discovered she has the ability to create fire with her hands. My characters - Bones - has yet to discover his powers and won't until he undergoes a series of tests.

So, choose wisely which option you want. Depending on your selection, you will have a different series of tests, questions, and stuff your character will have to do. XP

Also, if you chose to have a nonhuman character, expect different tests as well.

It's gonna be a little "dark" during the tests, but it's only to get the characters in the right state of mind and to weed the heroes out from the non-heroes. You can decide if you pass or fail the test. Or, if you're feeling brave and lucky, I can do a dice roll for you that will be based on your test scores.

Buuuuuuut, don't worry about the test just yet! It won't happen right away. Soon, but not today. :P So you have time to decide (which gives me time to make the test).

Anyway, thanks for joining and I look forward to what happens! Will good prevail? Or will evil finally have its moment of glory and claim victory?
> VILLAIN UPDATE & COMMENT: It's day two of this baby being open and we're finally getting some villains. Now, on the note of villains, if you are truly a villain, you will probably already have your powers and know how to use/master them. Remember, you're after C.O.R.E. So, with that being said, you may or may not have received an e-mail. Recall that he sent e-mails to those he deemed worthy. If your character has a shady background, he wouldn't get an e-mail and, for the most part, wouldn't know about the meeting in the park. On the off chance that he didn't know your darker side - like Nym - you would have received an e-mail and you are heading to the park (if you wish). For the most part, Roberts did a good job weeding the good from the bad. Heck, he didn't even pick Serk to be a hero! So use your discretion when determining if he/she will attend said meeting.

Last edited by Wavi; 05-22-2012 at 12:06 PM..

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Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 01:03 PM

Reserved spot as you never know when you'll need more space.

>> // Trikikikiki:
Originally Posted by Triquetra
Originally Posted by Wavi
OMG. She's so cool! And... Mulan. Someone's feeling original today. XP
Stark. I'll leave it at that :P
>> // Wavi: For making a genius, millionaire, philanthropist, playboy named Serk. Shoulda named him Jarvis and no one would have noticed the similarity. XD

>> // Codette: For having a character that runs around in a bikini. Does she not know about Serk and his love of flesh?!

>> // ISOS Duke: For not being here when I make a blacklist. :3

>> // Esmme: For being all like, "I'm not gonna add Pepper" and then, by the end of the day, she's all like, "I'm adding Pepper."

>> // Ever_After: For totally breaking up Cody and Jacen's conversation. Now she's gone and got Jacen's attention (he likes cute and adorable). Poor Cody. D: Forever alone... XD

Last edited by Wavi; 05-22-2012 at 12:18 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 03:11 PM

Open and accepting~

Last edited by Wavi; 05-21-2012 at 05:13 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 05:13 PM

Feet kicked up and rested neatly on the park bench's iron railing hardly seemed fitting for the time of day that is was. Everyone was hustling and bustling to get to their next destination. Whether it be a mall, a club, a bar, whatever, the people of New York City did enjoy their nightly pleasures. Not all, though, were as into the festivities as they should have been for not everyone was into such means of fun and excitement.

Wondering why he picked this place to park his behind on, the grizzly haired male looked from the nearby fountain that spewed sparkling pink water to the vivid reddish-purple sky. With the sun getting ready to peak his face to the other side of the world - Tokyo and whatever else was over yonder - the moon was getting ready for her turn to fill their northeastern sky. It wasn't quite her time to show up, but, once everyone was out of work and finished with their dinner, she would make her snazzy appearance, officially telling everyone it was high time to party.

Fingers massaging his temples, the male let out a heavy sigh. Golden eyes flickered open, but immediately fluttered shut the moment he hit a tender spot.

"An android will meet you there," the words were monotone, lonely, and painfully dull. It was pretty obvious that he didn't want to be here, but, compared to all the other options for the night, this one seemed to be the most adventurous.

A moaned filled the air for a moment and, before long, he was sprawled out haphazardly across the bench, just waiting for something worthwhile to happen by. Of course, the only thing that flew past him and even piqued his interest was a two-tailed squirrel, but even those weren't that exciting.

"Whoa is the life of a mortician. Surrounded by the dead and forever stuck in a rut of doom."

It truly was a boring life. Everything about this man screamed lackluster and mundane. Even his clothes, black and tattered, hinted at his truly boring life. Really, the only thing that made him leave his shady dungeon (as he liked to call it) was the fact that he received this interesting message. Apparently, he was destined for greater. Someone who studied and played with the dead for a living was destined for something more. Pffft, yeah right. Maybe leaving his old job - working for the crime lab and determining the cause of death for the fallen victims by looking at their bones - was a bad idea. At least it had its moments. Dressing dead guys… it was really quite boring.

Sighing again, the man in black blinked up at the shifting sky. "Bones, you fool, what have you gotten yourself into...."

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 06:20 PM

Cody found herself re-reading the message, over and over in her head as she made her way to the park. She had talked herself out of going, and back into going several times now, until she found herself at the iron bars of the entrance. Finding this entrance locked she sighed.

"Theres probably an open entrance on the other side." she murmured, then smirked.
Making sure no one could see her, she snapped her fingers and set her thumb, pointer, and middle fingers on fire. Touching the bars, she melted them as quickly as she could without drawing attention. Making a small enough opening to fit through, she blew on her fingers exstingusing the fire and stepped into the park.

"Well done Miss Lane, if I do say so myself." She giggled and walked casually through the sceanery.

Cody once more recited the message. "It's a big park. Of course he couldn't have said exactly where it would be." Cody had very little taste for andriods. She couldn't remember why, but something about them bothered her. Maybe it was the fact that they melted too easily.

Calypso looked around and noticed an odd looing man sitting on a park bench. Adjusting the straps of her bikini top, she continued to scan the area. It was the one odd thing Cody couldn't help. Because of her ability's she was always warm, so even at night she was pretty scantily dressed, in her bikini and -strategically- torn jeans.

Last edited by Codette; 05-21-2012 at 06:55 PM..

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 07:29 PM

His eyes darted over to the rather exposed body of the woman that had now joined him in the park. They were probably the only ones in this area, which Jacen pegged to be the "meet up" location for the cryptic letter. Never being one for small talk, the pulled himself up so that he wasn't hogging the only bench in the air that didn't have a "WET PAINT" sign on it. Jacen's eyes met hers for a brief moment as his hand flopped to the empty space beside him.

"Shall I assume you received the message, too?" That same voice from before broke the calm air of the park. It was just as dry and dull as before. Was he really one of those monotone guys who lacked all vocal variety? Or was he really just that bored that his voice needed to express his sheer lack of unwillingness to be there.

Folding his fingers together, he placed them behind his head while leaving one eye opened and on the odd girl. She really was a weird one. Running around in such attire, Jacen wondered if she was a prostitute or an actress. He supposed she might have been a model or maybe she was just trying to score. Eh, either way, she wouldn't be interested in him. He wasn't that good looking and he didn't have that much going for him other than his rich golden eyes.

A sigh came, which was followed by his knocking his backward over the bench's back. Head dangling, his eyes were focused on the scenery behind him and the figure that was coming from the north end of the park. Was this the android? Or was it another receiver of the electronic message?

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 07:49 PM

Cody looked back at the man and tilted her head, watching him curiously. "Assuming we're talking about the same message, yes." Calysto's voice was soft. She took a few steps towards him, then stopped. She had to be very careful with metal, and the type they used on the bench looked cheap. She could burn it easily, if she was't paying attention.

So she stood, one hip propped out. One delicate eyebrow was raised as she looked him over. His plain outfit, was a bit at odds with his white hair- she wasn't sure if it was prematurly white, natural, or dyed- and his strange eyes. Probably contacts. She thought. "I'm... Calysto." she finally said, not willing to give up her real name so quickly.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 08:05 PM

Oh goody! She spoke! That was rare. Jacen was so assumed to the dead that he, sometimes, forgot how to interact with people.

Popping his head up and smile now on his face (might I point out he has a lovely smile), he cocked his head to the side. "Nice to meet you Calysto." His ability to repeat her name so flawlessly and with a bit of grace was probably a nice change of pace, as Jacen assumed most people butchered her name. "I'm Jacen. Not spelled like Jason. J-A-C-E-N. But most people just call me Bones since I'm the… bone… guy." His brows furrowed when he spit out that last part, recalling all too well what usually happened next. The girl would step away from him and would, inevitably, run away from him screaming, calling him a freak of sorts.

A sigh followed. Why was it that he never stood a chance with women. He really didn't think he was that bad looking. Yeah, his hair was gray, but it wasn't like he wanted it to be. After a nasty car trash, the male's once luscious golden locks faded gray from the stress associated with the accidents and its catastrophic results - five dead and sixteen injured. Things like that happened when people didn't pay attention. Jacen's car, which was hit by a drunk driver, rammed into a bus that ended up crashing into a building. It was really quite terrible and was in the news for weeks. All of the injured people, save for Jacen eventually died due to brain-related trauma.

Any minute now and this girl, assuming she was in the area about a year ago, would realize who he was. The only man to live and, to this day, no one knows how. His body was literally, torn and his bones should have been broken and crushed and yet, they were miraculously okay.

Ever since rising to fame for he was a "miracle," Jacen lost his handsome beauty, falling to the life of the dull and originally. Golden eyes and golden hair with golden clothes - it was the life he once lived and now would never return to. Forever dark and gray, the male embraced his new fate, knowing that it was for the better.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 08:25 PM

Calysto's face brightened with her smile. "Pleasure Jacen. The Bone Guy?" She tilted her head again quizzically. "I assume your a bone surgeon or mortician then?" She bit her lip. "Actually my names Cody. Calysto is a very important... nickname to me. Can't remember how I got it, but it fits... you know?"

A cool wind blew past, but Cody didn't notice. Her skin had heated itself to a temperature too warm for the breeze to be effective.

"So you seem like you know this city. I arrived a week ago. Is there anything fun to do in this city that doesn't have A/C?" Air conditioning caused her body heat to increase steadily, until she would touch something and it would start alight, so Cody tried her very best to avoid it.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 09:17 PM

The stone that had sat in her stomach since she had received the letter had somehow worked it's way into her heart by the time she reached the designated meeting point. She had ditched her friends to come her, no girls night out for her, and Tessa was wondering if she should just march back to her two bedroom apartment and change into one of her clubbing outfits and forget this whole thing. It sounded like a good plan, now if only her body would listen and move away from the open gate.

Or she could walk into the park which ever one her subconscious seemed to want to do. It couldn't hurt to just be in the park, walk around, try to spot an android. How would one spot an android anyway. And why an android and not a real person android were so...cold. Of course there would have to be someone else in the part first. This was starting to feel like a big joke. Looking down at the path she kicked a few stones out of her way, maybe she could just go out in her current short and shirt outfit.

Throwing her hands up in the air she figured since she was here might as well stay. Besides it felt kind of fun to be in the park after hours. Like she was doing something bad. Humming the theme from that action movie series that had been on last night she slowly started to skip farther into the park. If all else failed she swing on the swings. Then she heard the voices, a man and a woman it sounded like. So she wasn't the only one in the park.

Making her way over to the voices she tried to make as much noise as possible stepping on twigs and walking a little heavier then normal so that the heels of her boots clicked against the side walk. She didn't want to walk in on some clandestine meeting between lovers or anything. " Uh Hi sorry for bugging you but can I ask. Are you out here to meet someone?" It wasn't to much of a stretch right they were the only other people in the park and she was here to meet some android person thing.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:03 PM

Cody looked over, her heavy hair flipping off her shoulders. Clicking of books and broken twigs alerted her to the entrance of someone else. "If that person your meeting isn't a full person, I believe your in the right place." She gave a small smirk. 'Wow she's really pretty' Cody couldn't help but think. She suddenly felt a little self-conscience. Around guys she usually didn't mind her attire, but women could be much more judgmental, and cruel, just based on appearances.

Reaching to gently finger her dogtags, the soft clinking soothed her. "I'm Cody. But most times people call me Calysto."

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:26 PM

Letting out a relieved sigh Tessa held out her hand to the other girl. "Oh good because I was starting to think it was all some big joke."" See neither one of them looked like they were anything other then human. Fake humans were unnerving she wished they wouldn't look so...human on the outside.She had a sub in her intro to physiology class once that was an android- university policy to replace teachers with robots. It was the creepiest hour and a half she had spent at university."I'm Tessa by the way. Or Tess or even Conscience. That's what my friends call me." It was a nickname she had had earned during her freshman year of college when she made it a point to point out all the stupid things her friends were doing. It just kind of stuck.

" So has are robo friend showed up yet?" Leaning back on her heels Tessa smiled at the two. It was nice to know she wasn't going through this alone. Not that she knew theses two people but it made the whole thing less shady meeting someone in the park after dark if there was more then just you and the person. She also wouldn't feel bad lying to her friends. It wasn't just her secret meeting anymore.

Last edited by Ever_After; 05-21-2012 at 10:31 PM..

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:38 PM

Lien started to head towards the park after leaving the comfort of the temple she was residing at. She had been staying at the temple for about two weeks now. And was on her way out after saying her goodbyes and thanks to all the monks who had helped her that past few days. Lien did not wear her monk robes out in public any more. There were many who found themselves intimated by her. Instead they were on a disk that she would change into at the snap of her fingers. For now she wore a white hooded dress that fell to about her knee. Underneath the dress was a pair was white leggings followed by a set of boots. Lien took great pride in covering herself up. All matters of a female silhouette were blocked out from the dress she wore.

The only part of skin someone could see were the tips of her fingers, and the bottom of her chin. Even underneath the dress she wore a white turtleneck. Covering her neck. Her hair would not be scene either, mainly because her white hair blended with her clothing. When you could see her face, one would notice a red dot on her forehead. Symbolizing her practice.

She came upon the park the email had given her. She noticed it was mostly closed off, except one gate. Lien walked in. Making her way towards the middle of the park. Where she assumed they would be meeting up. She looked up, seeing three people in the distance. Already conversing. She paused a second, remembering back to opening up the email. It was the monastery's email she had scene. Sent to everyone who resided at the residence. Before even seeing it, something came to her, a sign of sorts to check the computer. Which she did seldom in the past. She opened up the windows, reading threw the email on the old computer.

Lien believe she was told to go by a greater entity. And so here she was. SImple as that. A few of the monks tried to stop her, but her master's told her to continue. Now, here she was. Lien walked up to the small group gathering. Taking everyone in. Of coarse the girl in the bikini top caught her attention. Being in her old ways, Lien thought the girl should add some more cloth to her attire. The next girl in the group had a set of pig-tails in her hair. She appeared sweeter compared to the other bikini girl. The last was a man with white hair. He seemed... depressed almost. Though surprisingly talkative. Lien did not say a thing at first, waiting for silence. She did not want to interrupt anyone.

"Hello Everyone. My name is Lien Faith." Lien introduced. Sticking at just that.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 05:40 AM

Hmm . . . I wonder what's on Serk's private server. . . .

Pepper frowned, her green eyes flickering over the screen as she typed in a few rerouting codes. She could easily bypass the security programs if-


The ginger's eyes were wide as she saw pictures of herself . . . with little to hide. When had he taken them? Who knew. With modern technology, cameras were too small to see. He could have taken them at any point in time, really. Pepper's eyes narrowed. He'll never see them again, that's for sure. Within moments a small voice alerted her that she was deleting the memory of Serk's server. Most of it, anyway.

"Calister? Can you scan the house for hidden cameras, please?"

Frustrated took its toll. Pepper let her head rest in her hands as she stared at the clear keyboard at her elbows. Really? Really? On his server?! The redhead didn't even hear the message pop into her inbox on a separate floating screen.

New message received.

Pepper frowned, not hearing the gentle alert. Instead, she went through Serk's deeper files. What else does he have on here? Not only was she a woman with her eyes alight with anger, but a girl full of curiosity.


As the group gathered near the park, Nym's pale green eyes took them in. They were an odd bunch, to be sure. Did they want to be changed, just as he did? Or were they there for the thrill? Hell, maybe they weren't even there for the same reason he was. . . .

Of course, that's when he overheard a snip of conversation. Of course they were all gathered to meet the android. Nym breathed deeply, keeping himself just out of sight. He didn't like people much. He didn't like much of anything. The black-clothed male shifted uncomfortably, watching the gathered people intently. I can taste your depression.

His thoughts lingered on how he could hurt them. Each and every one of them. And . . . inside of him, Anguish stirred. He was hungry. Nym Carter pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes, trying to push away the thoughts that his powers always drew from his very being.

You could feed. There are so many of them. . . .

No. I came here to change. Nym looked up again, taking a deep breath. He didn't make noise, but instead stood behind the bench that the others had gathered around. He didn't greet them, or even look as though he was interested in saying anything. He just . . . appeared, and was there. And, seemingly, rather uncomfortable.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 12:35 PM

Jacen was thoroughly impressed. People actually came to the message's call. They followed the request and were, probably for the first time in a long time, making a leap toward something better - something greater. Feeling a bit of self-pride for actually showing up (and being the first), the gray-haired male chuckled.

"The android has yet to make an appearance. I reckon it won't show up until it's much later. It's only thirty minutes in since we received the message. And, if you recall, an expiration date was stamped on the e-mail. We, technically, could wait another hour before we needed to show up. If I had to wagger a guess, this e-mail was sent to some people not within the inner ring of the city. So, it makes sense that they get an hour and a half to get here, especially if they live in the outskirts."

It was nice, finally being able to talk to living, breathing, speaking people. It was also the reason why he had such a mouthful to say. It just felt good and he, almost couldn't stop, save for the fact that he did because he had, unfortunately, run out of something to say. Yes, he could have rambled on and went on a tangent, but that wasn't Jacen.

Looking up to the new girl that approached with ease and the male that appeared to be giving everyone a cold shoulder, Jacen whipped his leg up on the bench so his arms were now draping over the backside of the bench.

"Lien, this is Tess and this is Cody. I'm Jace." His gold eyes moved toward Nym. "And you are?"

He really wasn't a fan of this guy, but he didn't really want to cause a ruckus. If he were in charge of the e-mail blasts, he would have avoided all things creepy and scary. Although, the more Jacen thought about it, the more he realized he fell into that category.

Sighing, he wished he had dressed better. So far, he was the "dull" one of the group. Cody was looking stunning in her skimpy attire. Tess looked adorable in her little go-getter outfit. Lien, though she didn't show much skin, still looked nice in her formal dress code. Nym, although a bit shady looking, even managed to make himself look better than Jacen who was in his usual black attire.

"So how many do you think were invited?" Jacen's eyes looked around the circle. "And, from the looks of it, we're all just… ordinary people." He bit his lip. "Not that we're ordinary. I just mean that we're not… famous or anything. We're just your everyday average New Yorker." A smirk coated his face. He liked the idea of being better than those rich people.

His eyes drifted over to Serk Tower, which was visible from just about anywhere. "I don't suppose someone like Serk would ever get an invite was all I was trying to say."

"My Lord, Ms. Anderson has accessed your private server and is now deleting this X-rated photos of herself. Would you like me to move the images to another location?"




Spinning around in his chair, the white-haired male plopped his chin in his palm. "Nah, I printed them all out. She can delete them all she wants. Hard copies are ten times better anyway. Although… I did like the high resolution images that I could put on the entire wall…."

"Well, perhaps if they weren't all nude shots she would have left them…."

"Who's side are you on, Calister?"

"It's always your side, sir."

A smirk coated his face. Reclining back into the chair, he kicked his feet up on his desk while lacing his hands behind his head. The glistening metal band around his right wrist lit up green.

"Something on your mind, My Lord?"

His head shook "no." A sigh immediately followed. An obvious sign that someone was, indeed, on his mind.

Just then, the sliding glass door opened and a slender male with a plaid shirt stepped in. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he smiled a very cheeky grin. "Mister Sari… erm, Serk, your scores."

Cocking a brow, he leaned backwards in his computer chair to grab the files from the nerdy boy's hands. Thumbing through the two-inch thick pile, his eyes lit up when he finally landed on the last page.

"I passed!"

"You passed, sir!"

"Ha! Take that, Pepper! I aced my computer examination. If we keep this up, I'll be a techie guru just like you."

Serkan Sari was a man not from this world. He and his love-interest, Pepper Anderson, had traveled across space to find a new home - a place that wasn't crawling with bloodthirsty, ruthless vampires. Of course, upon coming to Earth, more specifically New York City, Serk was forced to immerse himself in the foreign ways people did things. Unlike most, Serk didn't want a chip embedded into his head so he, with the help of the nerd before him, worked to create a wrist band that would do the same thing, only it would be less invasive.

"Well, I don't know about that. If you wanted to be really good, you would ask your lovely assistant Pepper. I hear she's fierce when it comes to the technology world."

"Oh no, no no no no no!"

"Can I ask why not?" The geeky guy by the name of Riley Allen asked.

Sighing, he folded his arms before him and plopped his head in-between them. "Because I don't want her to see me as anything less than I am. I don't want to be… inferior to her. I don't want her to think I can't keep up in this world. I don't want to look… weak in her eyes."

"I highly doubt Pepper would think that," Calister said. "She's always respected and adored you. If she ever saw you as weak it would be when you're sobbing over some chick flick."

"THAT WAS A SAD MOVIE! You don't just kill the horse and then, five minutes later, kill the girl! That poor boy was so heartbroken! It was simply tragic!"

Riley smirked. He was used to these two. Ever since Serk arrived (that was five or six years ago), Riley had been working for the billionaire (ahem, I'm a trillionaire - Serk). Being Serk's private technomaniac, as Serk loved to call him, Riley helped create Calister. Although, it wasn't possible to do without Pepper and Serk's help. Pepper assisted Riley in building the program while Serk worked on producing Calister's mind and soul. It was actually Serk's magical background that allowed the vampire's soul to be transferred into the wrist band that now rested around Serk's arm. But they didn't stop there. Riley and Pepper had Serk install units and ports throughout the house so that Calister could be accessed by anyone within in the house. Although, when push came to shove, Calister would always assist Serk for he was Serk's butler, even in death he was Serk's butler.

"Well, I'll come around again tomorrow to begin your training on the next set of stuff."

"What will that be?"

"Hmmm. You've mastered cars and planes. Just learned computers - PCs. How about we do the internet."

"Oh that sounds fun. What's that."

"Riley, can we hold off on that one," Calister interjected, "we don't need Serk to learn how to download… you know… and upload… you know."

"Valid point. We shall learn how to build our own robots. Okay?"

"Robots. Lame…." Serk rolled his eyes and waved the guy away.

Now alone with Calister, Serk banged his head on the desk several times. "Calister."

"Yes, Serk?"

"What do I do?"

"Tell her how you really feel."

"Calister, I don't think that'll help. She's been…"

"Drifting away from you because you haven't been making time to be with her. If you want her, you need to show her you want her. No, that you need her."

"Since when are you a love expert?" Serk smirked while looking at his wrist.

A laugh came from the device. "Since always. Remember, I'm the 'Judge of Hearts.' But, seriously. What do you want to do most?"

"All I wanna do it make love to her…."

"Yeah, it's been a while since you two last connected. A year, if I'm not mistaken. But, Serk, it is your fault. Since coming to Earth, your eyes have been on every other woman. You're too easily turned on by someone else. You've broken things off with Pepper and, within the past six weeks have had a new girlfriend every night. I'm not sure Pepper is too pleased with your playboy ways."

"Hey! I've been without a bed buddy for a solid two weeks!"

"You're trying to do right by Pepper, I know."

"Ugh, it's so hard. All I feel like I do is… piss her off."

"Why don't you go to her? She's at her desk. Just sneak up, whirl her chair around, kiss her lips, and make love to her on the desk….?" Calister, had he been there, would have furrowed his brows and then shrugged it off.

Getting up from his seat, he left the room and ascended the flight of stairs that led to the level Pepper was on. Without making a sound, his body was suddenly behind hers. His lips were on her neck, kissing her tenderly. Serk's hands were spinning the woman's chair around so that she now faced him.

"Pepper," he purred.

Last edited by Wavi; 05-22-2012 at 01:22 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 05:13 PM

Cody turned slightly to look at all the people present. Crossing her arms over her abundant chest, she bit her lower lip. Hearing Jacen talk about being ordinary made her a little uncomfortable. She wasn't normal, and Cody had a hard time making herself look normal, let alone making others believe she's normal. She resolved to just wait everything out. They didn't need to know about her peculiarity quite yet. "Umm to be fair last place I remember being is Scotland. I just arrived in New York when I received the email." She said shyly.

All shall come to a happy end
Ever_After is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 10:14 PM

Tessa waved to the two new additions to their little gathering when Jace introduced her. "Hi." The girl, Lien, was quiet and seemed polite the guy however gave her the creeps. He was just standing there being all...creepy like. So instead she focused on Jace as he talked about the invite and how others may have to travel. An hour seemed an awfully long time to wait around in the park. She probably should have eaten before she came, who knows how long they would be in the park after the android showed up. At least they weren't waiting alone.

"No, no I'm about as ordinary as you can get in New York."
She waved off Jace's comment about them not being ordinary. She was an NYU student with her own apartment and a part time job. She shared the same life with more then half of the student body.

She couldn't say if the other people gathered in the park were as ordinary. Cody had mention living in Scotland and the girl obviously had no qualms about her body. Lien looked like a walking snow angel all white and soft . Mister silent type standing behind the bench looked liked he wasn't comfortable being around them, then there was Jace sitting on the bench in all black. Even from the inside this was the oddest gathering of people she had ever seen.Going solely off they had nothing in common.

Leaning back on her heels she tilted her face skyward so she could look up at Serk Tower and giggled. "I don't know, I think a flashy playboy billionaire is just what this group need. Like a gathering of people from all walks of life or something coming together to become something greater." Righting her self so she wasn't about to topple backwards she shrugged looking at the group gathered in the darkening park "Since that's why we are all here and everything. To become something more then we are, by Doctor John Roberts ."

He was sure vague though about how they would be great or why they were chosen or any actual details but still it was a leap of faith that brought her here. She couldn't fathom what had made the others trust the good doctor.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 01:05 AM

To become something more. Nym narrowed his pale green eyes, nodding slightly. That was, he assumed, the reason they were gathered. The male frowned a bit when he heard the others' names, and almost didn't respond when asked for his. "Nym Carter," he said quietly, and then hesitated before turning his gaze from one person to the next.

Cody was a woman of . . . well, womanly features. Her auburn hair hid some of her shoulders, but nearly everything between neck and belt was displayed. Jacen was just as odd as everyone there, if not more so with his strangely colored hair. Lien's eyes seemed . . . too dark. Nym's brow furrowed slightly, but he looked on to Tessa. She seemed the most normal out of all of them. Heck, she seemed . . . too normal. Why would she want to change anything?

Abruptly, a dark feeling clawed at his mind. It had been getting worse recently. Watch her cry and bleed. Nym blinked, trying to keep the expression from his features. I must be going crazy. That was his explanation. There was no other . . . was there? Ever since he'd sought out the "doctor" to help him, something was different. The voice that whispered in the darkness of his mind wouldn't be still. It hurt . . . and it made him want to hurt everyone around him.

Now, Nym's green eyes scanned over Tessa. She seemed like the perfect victim. Everything about her screamed that she was a sheep . . . and he was the wolf. The male clenched his hands into fists to keep his reactions under control. Why am I even thinking about this? He couldn't get the image of Tessa's torn form from his mind.

This "becoming better" thing was more appealing than ever. Anything to get this out of mind. Nym pressed the heel of his palm to his eye again, keeping his expression under control. This time, when he forced the darkness back, Nym felt his restraints weakening.

((:XD I'm going to say that Anguish sorta knows about his powers, but they've never manifested fully before. Hence: he's a bit shady, but has the potential to be a real good guy. He hasn't been a freaky creature thingy yet, hence perhaps "Doctor John Roberts" thinks he can still be salvaged and kept from turning to the other side. :lol:))


Pepper stiffened when she felt cool lips press against her neck. Serk. She didn't even shift positions as her chair was swirled around to face him. "Serk." Her tone wasn't exactly . . . warm. Rarely was Pepper actually angry with Serk . . . but right now she could blow a gasket. "Did Calister tell you?"

She raised a red brow, looking ready to spit something venomous. Why else would Serk have come to see her? He didn't seek her out as often as he used to. The ginger reached over to the screen to their side, and whipped it out beside Serk's face. "Why did I find these pictures on your server?"

Pepper sounded hardly controlled. She might have a thing for the vampire, but she also had a keen sense of honesty and morality. Usually. Modesty, at least. Tossing her braid over one shoulder, the redhead tensed further. "When were these taken?"

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 03:44 PM

Jacen's nose wrinkled when Serk had to be brought back up. He, like most men, hated the guy. He was rich, charming, good looking, and could easily get any girl he wanted despite his age. Fixing himself on the bench, Jacen let his arms cross over his chest as he feet kicked out on the earth before him. "Somehow," he scoffed, "I doubt he wouldn't join. Or, if someone like him did, he would nominate himself the leader…."

Looking into the distance, he could see another couple figures approaching. They, too, much have received the message, but unlike the crew that was gathered beside the fountain, these two went running off. "Heh, looks like a lot of people declined the offer from the way those two are scurrying off." His golden eyes flicked to the fountain as his hands flopped between his legs. With a sigh, he wondered, "Just what are we getting ourselves into? What'll make us… 'something greater.'"

OOC // Whooo, shot post is short. I think I'll introduce the android soon. :]


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