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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 08:30 PM

During the French Revolution in the city of Versailles, a hidden revolution brews against humanity, led by the nobles of the supernatural underground so long suppressed. Now when everything is in turmoil they shall finally have their day! But there are those who oppose them, wishing the world to remain as it has always been. Whilst the mobs rage trough the streets, other more dangerous threats lurk in the shadows waiting for their turn.

Two battles are fought at a time, they intertwine together as the world falls apart til neither can be separated from the other. Chaos reigns until a new order is established, trough peace or trough bloody war, the choice players is up to you.

What will happen? Only your actions will lead the way.[COLOR="lightseagreen"]

---------- Post added 08-11-2012 at 05:33 PM ----------

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 08-11-2012 at 08:33 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 08:33 PM


1. Follow Mene's ToS
2. Please no god modding!
3. No over powered characters, they all must have their limits and boundaries
4.Please be respectful with all other players
5. Romance and violence encouraged, but keep it pg-13 please
6.Have fun and enjoy!

No profile needed, so just jump in. ^^

Last edited by PapillonCameo; 08-11-2012 at 08:36 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 08:42 PM

The chocolate haired woman brushed curling locks from her eyes with a sigh as she prowled trough the streets silently. As if there wasn't trouble enough already, the non-magically endowed were now encroaching upon her territory for their raiding. Cateline had enough of it all, and hefted her pistol to the air. A loud bang resounded, getting the attention of the mob easily.

They paused in their ransacking of her precious shop, turning to peer at the source of the noise standing in the middle of the cobbled streets. "If you'd asked nicely I would have let you have some of my pastries. Mais non, but no, instead you attack without restraint!" An unholy sounding wind ripped trough the air. It was nothing powerful, just something very frightening.

So much so that the crowd of hungry people scattered with the last gusts of wind leaving the disheveled baker to clean up their mess. Heavy pistol shoved into the waistband of her skirt, Cateline pushed up her white sleeves and bent down to her task with silent determination.


Staria is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 01:50 AM

Riva Orhed

Those things are always so loud..." said a sighing voice from behind her. Sky blue eyes took in the sight of the chocolate haired woman, always familiar and always attractive... then again the bisexual Riva always appreciated beauty no matter what the gender. Love was the most delicious of energies, even if it gave the ancient creature no attack power though it could heal well. Riva's only complaint was the other woman's revolution... then again she never liked them much even though people learned quickly that her home was to be treated as a church, a quiet place of sanctuary. They were simply so violent, so messy and reminded her of a life left behind now.

Would you like some help? She added with a tilt of her head, her eyes sweeping over the mess. She was incapable of eating but the scents here always pleased her... even if right now they were all mixed and mashed together. She preferred when they were purer but she could stay and help clean even in her silky dress. Somehow she always managed to make it appear spotless, then again having such a dark skirt likely helped.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 02:59 PM

A light laugh escaped Cateline at the sound of the woman's voice. "What, my winds or my pistol?" Light tone fluting trough the air like a river, she grinned as she worked. It was such a shame her pastries had been turned into mush by starving people. The brunette really would have helped them if they'd only asked. They were after all some of the people she fought for. Alas, they'd not done so and these were the consequences.

Cateline glanced over her shoulder at the red haired woman and motioned to the mess. "But it will ruin that beautiful dress of yours." She knew the older woman didn't really seem to care for such things, but she couldn't help but do so for her. There were after all appearances to uphold ... Which brought a wry laugh the her lips. She was fighting for the equality of everyone wasn't she? It was these kinds of thoughts that Cateline wanted to put aside.


Staria is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 05:52 PM

"guns my sweet, guns" Riva Orhed responded with a soft chuckle. She had liked how weapons evolved, becoming more elegant and requiring more skill to use... until gunpowder had made its presence known. Then they had become loud and skill had been sacrificed even as gun makers had finally grown more concerned with it. She shook her head at the thought, only to step forward. She tilted her head to the side as her dress was indicated.

"I will be careful my sweet" she responded with an amused smile. She was well aware how it contradicted the other woman's intentions... then again much did. She shook off the thought, however, and simply reached downward to pull up her skirt and hitch it to clasps beneath the blue skirt of her top. It mad the skirt around knee length but the delicate seeming lady did not reveal her skin... no, beneath the dress were loose pants that matched her skirt to a tee, even down to the blue border on the end of each leg. She then removed her gloves and put them in pockets hidden in the ruffles of that blue overskirt before she bent to help, her eyes seeming to become a paler, less intense blue as she pushed her own power to the side. She did not desire to touch the energy of the hungry left on the pastries.

((What she refers to as 'concern with skill' is the invention of rifling around 1520. to her the about two hundred years that have passed is a short time. Rifling is what allows a pistol or rifle to be accurate by imparting spin on the bullet. Before its invention you just kinda pulled the trigger and prayed it hit what you aimed at XD. since the bullet could go any which way))

Last edited by Staria; 08-12-2012 at 05:59 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 06:34 PM

It always did surprise her when Riva used the endearment when addressing her. Strange, but ... welcome in a way that never ceased to make Cateline wonder why. Pushing the thought aside, she rolled her grey eyes and proceeded to pick up another glob of crushed bread to throw it into a nearby bin. It would have been easier to use winds to pick everything up, but so much more conspicuous as well! Hopefully some day soon there would be no need to hide in such a way, but as things were Cateline feared that it would never happen despite her best efforts otherwise.

"Tonight's meeting is still in the works isn't it?" Though she doubted anyone but she would show up at Riva's home. So far she'd had no luck recruiting anyone else to her revolution, well not anyone that had much influence with rival factions who wanted nothing more then to take over France during it's turmoil. It was a struggle simply keeping them from doing so, especially when there was nothing she could do.


Staria is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 07:11 PM

Riva Orhed often used endearments to those she counted as at least friends let alone more, each suited to the individual. For her innocent belief in no longer hiding making anything equal and her skill in baking Cateline earned 'my sweet'. Despite her amusement at it, however, she did find it attractive. Sometimes the old one, as many simply refereed to her in hushed whispers, needed a reminder of the innocence in the world. It gave her peace.

"yes, as much as it ever is anyway. I have spread the word through my contacts and prepared the safety measures." She said simply with a shrug as she threw away some of the ruined sweets. Why bother if you were not going to eat them? Not that she could say much about such things as she came here often simply to take in the scents and hold a warm cup of tea. Her kind had no real stomach acids, or a true stomach at all really... Similar to many of their cousins, the vampires, they had no use for human food so their bodies had evolved accordingly and the stomach had simply shut down.

Still, being what she was, allowed her neutrality. She could, with enough prep time, prepare a circle where the magical became the mundane. People lost their powers, magical objects became mere things... and it was only the power of words that would hold sway. It ensured that no mind manipulation or powers could force a treaty and double crossing was near prevented by that alone... the fact that to try was to face Riva and become her meal tended to prevent it completely. She had no patience for dishonesty and had once illustrated it quite well. She had used her skill with a sword and her own knowledge of the body to push the vampire who had tried to slip in a stake to eliminate a rival, who without his powers had no chance to fight him off, at the first meeting from the circle. She had then held him up by the throat for all to see and drained him until his body was nothing but a twitching mummified husk.

"Entering this circle is to make a sacred promise, to me and to the energy that sustains all life itself. To break that promise carries a great cost, my punishment is a kindness in comparison. I will not, however, be so kind as to give the next fool who makes such a choice. They will have no chance to live again" She had said in a tone with out emotion or warmth, so opposing the voice the assembled were use to. She had then turned her back on the twitching corpse, letting his friends decide his fate. If he was fed immediately he may live, albeit far weaker then before, if not he would slowly become dust. Her normally warm and caring eyes held no emotion, no care which they chose.

That event had ensured that her lady like manners no longer fooled the others to doubt the reason she was respected so for so many years. She did not have only age but the bite and power to go along with it. She had not taken a life in many centuries, but she would do so gladly if the neutrality of her home was in danger. To spill blood in her house was to become a sacrifice to her hunger, it was as simple as that. Still within minutes she was normal and offering beverages sweetly and kindly as a little lamb.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 08:00 PM

The woman nodded and grimaced as her hands became covered with jelly. At least she wasn't wearing gloves, else they' d have been ruined. Then again, she couldn't exactly afford such a luxury. Cateline shook her head at the thought and turned to let her eyes follow the other woman curiously. There were questions she'd failed to ask during their acquaintance which perhaps might finally cross her lips. "Riva, how did you come to be?" She knew the other woman was one of the first of her kind.

Because of that she lived long, longer them anyone else Cateline had ever met. Despite that, or maybe because, Riva was one of the most tolerant and accepting people she knew. It was truly strange to think that perhaps in her day the other woman might have known some of her ancestors, maybe even been friends them. That made a little laugh escape her. More questions popped into her mind, though they were all probably far too personal to ask. Especially out on the cobbled streets.

Speaking of streets, her shop's front was finally clean once more. With a smooth motion Cateline whipped off the crumbs and jelly onto her dark skirts with a sigh then moved to pull the door open. She waved the other woman inside with a small smile. Even if she knew Riva didn't eat these things, she still liked having her opinion on how things smelled and looked.


Staria is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 09:08 PM

Riva entered the shop slowly, as if thinking of something. Her origin more complex the one might think. She had met no other of her kind older then she, yet even she knew very little. She took in a deep breath when she entered, pulling in the air's energy before using it to send the dirt, jelly, and other grit from her hands into a wastebasket until her hands were as spotless, elegant, and clean as before. She soon slipped on her gloves and dropped her skirt so once more she was the picture of the demure lady. She half smiled a little and took a seat as she mulled over how much to say. Time had made it clear she was the first of her kind but not the only one. there were many ways they could be made... sometimes one was even still born to a vampire or succubus due to their shared origin...

"That is a more difficult question then your realize but i will tell you what i know. I was born in a time of great change.... to a strange creature who only resembled a man and one of the first human women, well human as humans are now known to be. I resembled her at first, powerless, weak, and the creature fled onward to sire the ancestors of modern day vampires and succubus and a few more of my kind.... I think he was trying to create another of himself, and I was but one of the first of many failures. It was only after my first death I would become like him, as with all my kind that are born instead of made. So one could say, I suppose, that I only truly became what I am when I died.

The winters were colder then, the animals larger and stronger.... and other humanoids sought war with us though homo sapians would ultimately rule. There were no cities, no towns, only small tribes scattered over the earth. Dying young was what was expected, no one living over the age of forty. One day while the men were hunting, I stayed behind with the other women in our caves as always but one we believed then could throw the sun attacked. It was very similar to what is now a bear yet different... The winter was even harsher then usual so the fire did not scare it away, it was too hungry. I tried to defend my mother foolishly, using an old broken spear. Of course I failed and the beasts claws ripped through my chest and belly as if it were made of glass. When i awoke... i was not human any longer and I was so hungry yet I did not know for what. I reached out and I drained the life from that creature as it was nearest me. Perhaps because i was still healing and not fully awake I grew taller, my muscles more sleek, my hair more red like the creature had been, while the creature become little more then a skeleton. I would not age after that...

I feared what I could do to my tribe and so I ran, my senses sharper and my intelligence growing as if every bit of my biology had changed. Over the centuries I have birthed normal human children and I have birthed more of my kind... and i have changed humans to my kind through energy exchange should they be magically gifted enough to survive so I still can not say what makes my kind be what we are instead of human. My first born, having met a vampire cursed to eternal night believed we are chosen by the sun and they by the night. Perhaps that is so, I do not know. I only know that we all come from a common ancestor with all others who feed on the living to survive."

She shrugged as she finished speaking, saying it all casually. Most of her children were dead now or had abandoned her over the years. Some wanted to start their own coven, some wanted to find others of their kind not of her line, some just fell in love and moved away, and well the human ones simply died. Yet more had been killed when she had been younger, their kind being hunted by many for jealousy or hatred. To her knowledge there were three to five other 'pure' lines, depending on who you asked, other then her own who came from creatures like her 'father' and all were from younger people then herself. Her father's kind had died out long ago even as they desperately sired 'lesser' beings like herself but they had left a long legacy. There were also a few 'impure' lines that came from the genetic anomaly of her kind popping up in the lines of vampires, succubus, dhampires, and some said more. She knew little of the other lines and cared little.

((yup that's right :P she's one of the first homosapians in Eurasia and the very first of her kind, though she may have a sibling almost old as she is, meaning she's between 60,000 and 125000 years old... not that she'll ever tell which :P))

Last edited by Staria; 08-12-2012 at 09:22 PM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 10:13 PM

As her friend laid bare her history, the younger woman moved behind the counter to grab herself a plate of delicious smelling pastries. Moving to sit near Riva, she bit into the flaky crust with wonder in her eyes. Cateline truly was young compared to her friend who'd already gone trough more then she ever would in her life. Hearing the things she'd passed trough at times made her wince, or smile slightly. Always sympathy and curiosity dueled for a place in the brunette's grey eyes.

Such a story that spanned so many years! And this was certainly only the surface of what Riva had lived trough. This revolution, certainly it was only one of many for her, and more she would live trough as well. The thought was a little frightening, and brought home all too strongly the differences between herself and her friend. Yet they were that, friends.

"Écoute moi. Listen to me, asking you such questions. My origins are far less of a story. I was born to a wind elemental and a part human water fae. They love each other truly, and live together still in the fae realms. Out of curiosity I left my home to come here, and haven't been disappointed though sometimes the songs of the wind call to me from the other place. The thrilling of the rivers here are nothing to the melodies I once knew, yet I wouldn't give up the life I've found here for the world." A life so full with interesting things! The fae realms were stuck in a strange kind of momentous monotony, as if as everything changed, things remained the same. Always the same factions fought, and always it was the same people wh who held all the power.

A minor personage such as herself could never dream to make a difference, whereas here in Cateline could do just that.


Staria is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 10:32 PM

Certainement pas! ... love is always the better story Riva responded with a wave of one gloved hand and a soft chuckle. For a moment her gaze softened and slipped to the side as if remembering something. She had, of course, in her long life fallen in love many times, that was where her children came from after all. Unlike many of her kind she had no desire to procreate simply to make more, only to create life from love. Then again it was hard to have children at all with her scared womb so perhaps it was little surprise that even with many loving unions a child was rare...

"So what my sweet, do you so love about this world? Everywhere has it's beauty, but i am curious what stands out to you She asked quietly as her attention focused back on the situation. She gave the other woman a warm smile, once again her face that same expression she usually wore. Warm and gentle, but also an expression that revealed little else. It was easy to forget that she wasn't a simple, human woman at such moments. Riva may have been born a wild woman and lived clad in furs but by now had fallen into the role of elegant lady easily.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 10:54 PM

An unexpected blush crept across her features, unknown to Cateline. She shook her head as if to chase uncertain thoughts away. Slipping from her lips came a little laugh, tinkling very much like the waters she was trying to learn how to control. She truly was young by any standards of her long live family. A mere twenty five years of age, and here she was speaking with someone older then any others! Though in truth, she couldn't by right let any difference in age bother her.

"This world is always changing, it's people always learning. Even those of the elder races are never stuck in a same pattern. Whereas in my home, there it is always the same in an endless cycle. It became boring after a few years." The humanity in her made things seem to take longer, or perhaps that was simply her age. She'd no idea of the truth, of how long she would live. Cateline had settled for thinking her age would be like that of a human, despite that her heritage was barely that. It made things so much easier in this world of temporary wills.


Staria is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 02:50 AM

Riva couldn't help but smile at the blush, a brief flash of mischief crossing her features. She did not know the cause of the blush but she imagined there was one way to find out. She titled her head to the side so her red hair fell gently over her own sculpted cheek and let her lips part ever so slightly as if looking at something. She then reached out to stroke Cateline's cheek with the back of her hand, a little slower and gentler then necessary. She then however simply flicked her hand as if flicking something off of it and once again sat up straight as any good lady should.

"Jelly my dear, and oh? I suppose change can be one of the beautiful things here" Riva said with a shrug, her tone as always casual and light. She glanced towards the street and why would soon be clear. She watched as a small group of soldiers walked past. They always lined up so perfectly and looked so clean in those uniforms and white wigs, so innocent... if you ignored those rifles. She shook her head and glanced back once again.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 11:24 PM

A curious look crossed her features as her friend leaned forward. Cateline felt her eyes move to trace the sway of bright red hair, until a soft touch lingered longer then necessary against her features. A rush of blood swept across her skin, and uncertainly filled her grey eyes.

Stammering slightly at the action, Cateline settled for turning away slightly and tugging at her long curling locks. The strand stretched between the woman's fingers, longer and longer, until it sprang back into place. She simply had no idea what was going on, why was she suddenly so nervous?

"W-well yes, that's true. Most of all I love how the seasons change." Quickly she moved to try and cover her strange behavior. Words filled the space as she glanced aside to see the soldiers walking by in their useless powdered wigs. Fashion had nothing to do with war, even Cateline knew that.


Staria is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 11:56 PM

Yes, the seasons are beautiful" Riva agreed with a smile, a genuine appreciation in her tone. She had been born at the tail end of an ice age so had a special appreciation for seasons. Her name was different then but as cultures sprang up around her she had taken a liking to hebrew, perhaps because of a jewish lover she once had. It was part of his religion that he could only marry other jews at the time so she had pretended to be jewish and taken the name to please him. He did not demand she do so, he was willing to leave his family and all behind, but he had taken it as the loving gesture it was meant and called her Riva for the rest of her life.

She kept the name in remembrance of him, as he had given her the first of her children who was like her and not merely human. He had been psychic and part of her believed that it was his having magic that allowed their child to be the first of her born line as well as allowed her to convert him. He had died, however, long ago. It was not uncommon for certain clans of vampires and other predators, jealous of her kind and competing for the same 'food', to hunt her kind. She had been away, stopping a near war between two of the other pure breed lines. There were two few of them to allow such things... when she had returned her husband was dead. Her child had abandoned her as well, blaming her for not being there. Riva did not blame the child... to this day she often blamed herself even if her husband had encouraged her to go. He could protect himself and the child for a few days he said...

So many seasons... so many changes in her life time. These and other thoughts stirred in her mind but as always she focused on only the good. Doing so was what allowed her to keep her sanity... along with using her powers to take long rests now and then. She could not forget the bad but her eternal stubbornness would likely outlast her immortality and she focused on the good. The love and the laughter, the hope and the truths she learned... she shook her head, however, to focus on the conversation and turned to glance at the other woman. It was clear now that dear Cateline had blushed for her sake and for a moment Riva was tempted to tease the other female. Instead she spoke of the soldiers and joked lightheartedly of them to try distract the other female.

"Such silly things, uniforms. Still they do emphasis the lines of a fit young man so aren't too bad to look at. What do you think a woman would look like in one? Especially those silly wigs?

Last edited by Staria; 08-14-2012 at 12:33 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 12:29 AM

At the words, she turned to glance appreciatively at the soldiers passing by. It was a little difficult to ignore the wigs, but once past that it was easy to see what fine forms the men had. The thought of a woman in such an outfit made her blush all over again.

Cateline found herself imagining the other woman in one such get up. The thought was rather fetching, but all too embarrassing to her mind. "I think she would look lovely. Even the wig would seem beautiful on her." With red wisps of hair flying away beneath the white to frame a delicate face.

More blushing ensued with a rather nervous twitching. Hands moved to tug and pull at hair once more. In the end, the mass of curls once held up by pins tumbled down under the onslaught. This was getting to be too much! It was the strangest of situations to feel so nervous around her friend like this.


Staria is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 12:53 AM

You sound almost like you have someone in mind. Oh dear Riva responded with a laugh, adding the last only as the other woman's hair tumbled around her shoulders. It was indeed a pretty sight and she didn't mind it but with Cateline's hands so shaky she doubted she could fix it herself. She enjoyed the view of the chestnut curls a moment before she stood and swept behind the other woman. Her nimble fingers were soon combing through the other woman's hair to find the pins, each of which she would attach to her gloves for the moment. She played a lady now but she'd been a handmaiden a time or two as well so the behavior came to her easily.

Riva was only playing the rich widow now because a grateful friend had left it to her. They had not been lovers but he had no other real friends or family, most of his so called friends abandoning him when he grew ill as they were afraid of catching the same deadly disease. Riva, being immune to disease, had stayed with him and nursed him in the lingering years even as he ultimately grew bed ridden. To keep others from trying to rob him blind which would only make his remaining days even more miserable she had agreed to marry him, unaware he had only asked because he intended to leave it all to her in gratitude. An older man sending away for a pretty young wife was hardly new in any era so no one batted an eye, if anything they had inwardly applauded her for staying with him when she could have taken a few valuables and ran. So the role of Lady was given to her in the simple act.

Now, however, she fell back into the role of handmaiden easily for the other woman as she could for anyone she genuinely liked... even if anyone else who tried to get her to serve them would get a nasty surprise. So she combed the other woman's curls gently, finding each pin with ease. She then began to put the silky strands back up in a similar but slightly more stable hairstyle as Cateline had put it in before. Soon every curl was in it's proper place, a few left to fall delicately over Cateline's pretty and innocent looking young face. She smiled to herself as she completed the task before she once again moved to the chair she had been sitting in earlier.

"There, beautiful in order instead of chaos once more" She announced with a warm smile. She thought nothing of how flirtatious it sounded, she saw no reason not to call things beautiful when she thought so. She only then glanced towards the baked goods that remained whole, there were not many. She wondered how Cateline's profits would do in these harsh times... For Riva it was easy, she had no real costs and had only to buy food for the live in servants. She took care of them in 'gratitude for their faithful service during her 'husband's illness' she said, and in such troubled times they did not dare question it but simply accepted this. The truth was simpler, Riva was a soft touch and they did provide her food of her own kind now and then...

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 02:50 AM

She was rather glad for the distraction her hair offered, until Riva moved to rearrange the messy curls. A faint blush slipped over her cheeks and her mouth fell open at the gentle touch. Small pressure here and there only served to remind her of the presence at her back. It was a wonder she didn't begin to stutter out whatever came to her overloaded mind.

As soon as the other woman sat before her, Cateline began to calm. Each breath became steadier, despite the flirtatious words sent her way. It seemed like her cheeks would be permanently stained red. At least, in Riva's presence. "Well I ... Yes, but ..." Such nervousness was beyond her in usual circumstances.

Amaury paced the rooms impatiently, hands behind his back and green eyes observing the polished wood floors. The white wing upon his head was as much a burden to wear as the fact that he spied on the lady he'd grown all too fond of. Too many people wished to know her secrets. There were so many to discover!

From her youth, to the reason why so many under different names appeared to have the same appearance as she. Though that he knew, being such a one himself. Vastly younger then her, somehow Amaury had managed to infiltrate her household. A but such a difficulty it was to hide his true nature from everyone, especially her.

Even so, those of his line wished to somehow find a way to overthrow hers. Many times Amaury had mentioned her neutrality, but they believed him not. So now he paced, and worried, trying to find some reason to chase out after her to see if she was safe from harm. A futile thought to be sure, but the urge was still there.


Staria is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 03:08 AM

"Such uncertainty, if you are feeling unwell we can retire to my home. There appears little else to steal and everything appears clean now." Riva said cheerfully to the other woman as she gazed at her reddened face. She knew the younger woman admired her, many did, but it seemed it was developing into something more. She was unsure how the other side would take such a thing were they to find out. She had a feeling her friendliness to the girl was already making some people nervous. Oh well, it was not the first time she would have to be careful politically...

She did not rule her kind, but acted as a 'mother' figure of sorts... interfering for their own good and protection now and then. She never forced anyone to do anything they didn't want to do through force, no, she more offered peaceful alternatives and made sure that they were preferable to the other options. She knew many resented her interference but she only did so when lives depended on it. She would not let pride kill off her kind.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 08-14-2012, 03:23 AM

Felix Dimitri Benoit

A young raven haired male walked silently down the cobbles. He had been sent ahead to arranged things with Riva for his leader. In some aspects Felix felt as though his leader was lazy or just preferred that others get their hands dirty for him. Such thoughts only came from his burden of being second in command of the supernaturals that wished for things to stay as they are. The man was dressed in a uniform of sorts, but he lacked the powdered wig that soldiers wore. His superior had originally made him wear the silly thing, but he had managed to conveniently lose it on his last mission for the cause.

His pace slowed as he drew near a bakery. He was sure that this was the one that his sources said the woman called Riva could be found. Once outside of the bakery he paused for a moment, taking a peek inside. It seemed that he was in luck. There were two women inside and the one fit the description he had. Taking a breath he composed himself before entering the small shop. “Good day mademoiselles,” he said, bowing to the two woman.


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Old 08-14-2012, 03:39 AM

good day. I believe we all have an appointment today, don't we Monsieur?" Riva responded easily, subtly indicating the scheduled meeting. She did not know if Cateline knew the second in command of her opponent or vice versa so it was the safest way to let them both know without shouting the specifics to the world. She appraised the man absently, absently thinking he looked better in the uniform then the soldiers who had early passed did. Still, she wondered if his face would look so polite and charming when he realized the neutral woman was sitting with the leader of the other group.

This revolution shared many things with many others...including that each faction wanted you to be their friend and their friend alone. True neutrality such as Riva's was rarely appreciated. Still she did nothing to appear more distant to cateline then earlier and stayed seated where she was. She did give the man a deep bow of her head to indicate her respect, however. She took in his scent absently, having been to far the few times she had seen him to do so before...

((if he's connected to big cats someway like the picture indicates that'd be interesting >.>.... Riva's 'familiar' species is pretty much all in the feline family xD. Most of her line has a species of cat as their familiar))

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 04:43 AM

“I believe you are correct.” Felix said with a smile. He was unfamiliar with the other woman, but gathering from how he was greeted he assumed the woman was on his opponents side or at least connected in some way. Even with this knowledge the smile he wore remained. Truthfully the male much preferred to be able to talk things out and avoid bloodshed when possible.

Slowly he moved further into the shop, being cautious out of habit. One couldn’t be too careful, especially in times such as these. “I apologize if I have interrupted you two.” He said, sliding into a seat a few down from the two women. His eyes scanned over them briefly. Both of them were pretty he thought to himself. It seemed that some of the rumors he had heard were true. The thought that he was intruding and not welcome in the shop crossed his mind, but only for a moment.

((He kind of is. He is half shifter and half ice elemental. The cat in the image is his ‘familiar’ and one of his favorite animals to shift into is large cats.))


Staria is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 04:55 AM

"No no, of course not. Please sit sir. I am Riva, it will be my home that you shall enter soon. The preparations are complete and my servants have prepared what they can." She said politely. The lady even stood, lifting her skirt slightly and bending in a soft curtsy once she had stood. She gave the male a warm and gracious smile, already the perfect hostess. She showed no side any personal favor as always, her eyes unreadable. If she did think either side more right then the other, no part of her gave it away. She merely waved him towards a chair before she would sit again in her own.

Each movement was graceful, elegant, poised. It was as if she'd practiced every motion and yet it moved with the fluidity of one who was acting on impulse. She was a contradiction in many ways but it was generally appreciated ... unless of course in battle. That elegance and control was not so pretty when it was controlling a sword sharp enough to cut you to ribbons. Swords and throwing daggers were her preferred weapons, perhaps because they reminded her of the simple tools she'd used in days far gone.

((his familiar will probably be drawn to her then xD. but as he belongs to another she'd never order him or feed on him. ))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-15-2012, 12:28 AM

She turned to regard the man entering her shop with a ready smile. It didn't fade as Riva greeted him as one of the people opposing her. In fact, Cateline was rather glad for the intrusion. Things had gotten very embarrassing too quickly, and this was a welcome break of that tension. Not to mention that the fellow wasn't bad looking himself, with his dark hair and strange colored eyes.

There was a hint of kinship between them as well that she could sense somewhat. It was the water fae in her, echoing a little with the ice elemental in him. Not to mention that the air elemental part of her knew instinctively that another such kind of person had walked into the shop. She said nothing of it, thinking that he would feel the same as she when he entered.

Instead, the young woman stood and moved to some of the remaining pastries. Carefully placing them upon an elegant platter, Cateline moved to place them upon the table and motioned for both Riva and the man to sit. "Yes, please sit. Tell me what you think of my pastries. It's really a pleasure meeting you outside of the meetings like this. My name is Cateline." Seeing others eat her creations always made Cateline smile, especially when they enjoyed the experience.


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