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Old 08-14-2012, 02:49 AM

Name: Lucca Nix
Age: 18
Personality: Cold to strangers but under his persona he a joking life loving guy it just takes a while to gain his trust and for him to open up.

Last edited by Sikira_Uchiha; 08-14-2012 at 02:52 AM..

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-14-2012, 03:33 AM

Name: Damon Leva
Age: 18
Personality: Enjoys time spent outside. A bit of a loner, but doesn't mind when he does have to spend time with people. Could be a bit of a jerk when he finds someone annoying.

Live Evil
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Old 08-16-2012, 12:40 AM

Lucca concentrated carefully on the road as he pedaled along. He was riding his bike home from working as usual. He had been doing this every night for a while, since his car was totaled anyway. Damn did he wish he still had his parents old car. He hated riding on the busy streets at night. He speed up steering of to the side of the road to avoid a speeding car. He slowed down then deciding that it was time for a small break.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 01:02 AM

Damon walked down the streets, confused on how he ended up there. The last thing he remembered was an argument with his father, then he was here. He started walking, needing to get his bearings before figuring out what he was going to do. Of course, if his head would stop hurting, that would help as well.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 01:32 AM

Lucca took a long sip from his water bottle before he began to pedal on again. Up a head he thought he saw a figure walking down the street. As the space between them closed Lucca realized that the figure who he now saw was a boy about his age wasn't moving. "Hey dude get out of the way man I'll hit you if you don't!" He called out in warning already working on stopping in case the guy didn't move.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 01:59 AM

Damon looked up when he heard a voice. Noticing the boy was talking to him, he stepped to the side and out of hiss way. He didn't want for the other to hit him with his bike. That would hurt. Maybe not a lot, but still. "Hey.. Can you tell me where we are?" He asked, not knowing tthe area.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 03:08 AM

Lucca sighed as he pulled to a stop. He looked at the boy. He definitely never met him before not that that meant much there were plenty of people in town he never met before but this guy just really seemed new, or he was drunk and lost. He put the kickstand down on his bike as he got off. "Well right now were about half way down 15th street and up there is Havard st. If that helps you...don't you have a cellie? Just call your parents and have them pick you up or something..."

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 03:37 AM

Damon mentally sighed. The location the boy gave him wasn't very helpful, at all. Looks like he would have to figure out where he is on his own. "I don't have anything like that. And I can't just call my father.. He kicked me out.." he told him. He remembered that part of the argument perfectly. He knew that he would be able to go home. Eventually. But, not until he learned his lesson. To bad he didn't know what that lesson was supposed to be.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 04:12 AM

"Oh...uh well that are you just going to keep wandering? Did you rents just drop you off here without telling you where the hell you were or something?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest. "What did you do to get kicked out?" He asked raising a brow at the guy still not writing off the possibility of the guy being a druggie or something. He had to admit to himself that he did feel just a tiny bit bad for the guy, being dumped out by your parents was never fun, even if they did have a good reason.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 04:24 AM

"I don't know why. My father and I were arguing and the next thing I know, I'm here with no idea how I got here. I might have blacked out for a while." he told him. He tried to remember what he did wrong. He could think of a few things, but nothing that would get him kicked out. "He said I had to learn an important lesson before I would be allowed to return. But, unfortunately, he didn't tell me what it was."

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 04:49 AM

"Right typical..." Lucca sighed, "So you have no idea where you are, and nowhere to go..." He said outload as he thought. After a moment of silent debate Lucca let out an agitated sigh, "You can crash with me for the night it's too late to really help you out and I really just want to get home..." He said frowning, "Then in the morning you can hook up with Covenant House or something like that..." He offered giving off the vibe that he dealed with this all the time rather than how he really felt, which was worried for the other.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 05:00 AM

Damon was silent as the boy was speaking. He thought about his options. On one hand, he wasn't sure if he could trust a stranger. On the other hand, he didn't want to be alone tonight. "Alright. If its not to much of an inconvenience to you." he told him. He was silent for another moment. "My name's Damon, by the way." he added, wanting to introduce himself.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 05:20 AM

"Lucca..." He said nodding, "It's not to much trouble...I still have my futon blown up from when a friend was over..." He said shrugging as he kicked the kick stand back as he started to walk with his bike. "Just follow me it's not too much farther ahead..." He called back to Damon making sure that he was following. What a night this had turned out to be and he was kinda looking forward to some alone time too. Oh well he thought he couldn't just turn the boy away he would get himself killed on the streets or worse.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 05:23 AM

Though he was glad to have someplace to stay for the night, he still felt like he was being an inconvenience. He told himself that he would be gone by morning as he followed Lucca. He was silent as they walked, trying to figure out just what it was that his father wanted him to learn. He didn't understand why he couldn't just learn the lesson at home, whatever it was. But, he couldn't go against his father's wishes. He would just have to wait and see what would happen.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 05:41 AM

As he walk Lucca wondered what Damon could have done to have his dad kick him out to a place he didn't know. Then again he knew some parents didn't need a reason. For the boys sake he was hopping it was something he did. He frowned feeling awkward at the silence, "Uh so where are you from anyway? If your lucky you might just be a city or two over..." He said looking at Damon.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 05:52 AM

Damon jumped slightly, not expected for Lucca to suddenly talk. He thought for a moment. He knew he shouldn't say where he was actually from. That was one of the main rules. "Um.. Just... Around?" he answered, not completely sure what to say. He didn't want to have to lie to him, but since he wasn't to sure of the city names, it wasn't exactly lying, right? At least, he hoped not.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 02:27 PM

Lucca gave him a look but didn't say anything at first. "You don't remember do you? Or something like that?" He said frowning. That was goIng to make getting Damon back on his feet harder. Lucca sighed inwardly he got himself into a real challenge. Oh well he thought cheering himself up there's no turning back now.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 04:02 PM

Damon was silent for a moment thinking, before noodding. "Yeah. I don't remember." He stated. The more he tried to remember things, the more his head hurt and the memories started to blur. So he stopped trying to focus on it. That helped his headaache a bit.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 04:42 PM

"Right you could have just said that you know..." Lucca sighed, "But it's fine your head is probably all scrambled up..." Lucca said as he stopped walking, "Okay...this is my place..." He lifted his bike as walked up the steps to his apartment. He unlocked the door kicking it in with his foot as he headed in placing his bike down carefully.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 05:05 PM

Damon followed Lucca up the steps to the apartment, looking around. He entered the apartment after him and glanced around. "Nice place." he told him. He was silent after that, not wanting to be annoying so that Lucca would end up kicking him out. He didn't want to have to sleep on the streets. It didn't seem like it would be much fun.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 07:14 PM

Lucca smiled a bit looking at him, "Thanks...uh the ground level bedroom is for you the bathroom is right over there down the hall is the bedroom is upstairs and so is the game room..." Lucca said showing Damon around, "Do you need anything? Toothbrush? Pajamas?" He asked, "I mean you can sleep in your day clothes if you want I don't have a problem with it..." He said shrugging.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 07:28 PM

Damon made a mental note about where everything was, even though he wasn't planning on staying for long. "I don't need anything. Just a place to rest." he told him. He thought for a moment. "Thank you for letting me stay here tonight. I promise I'll be out of your way tomorrow." he added, planning to leave at dawn so that he wouldn't bother Lucca longer than necessary.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 08:54 PM

"Yeah really it's no problem..." Lucca said shrugging him off, "Right well i'm heading to bed...I'll see you in the morning..." He said as he headed up the stairs to his room. He dressed into his pj's quickly as he thought about the day. All in all the day wasn't that strange, until the end. He didn't tend to let total strangers into his house for the night. He wasn't too worried but he was going to sleep with his taser under his pillow just incase.

Neko Ninja
Neko Ninja is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 09:01 PM

Damon watched him go. He stood there for another moment before looking for something to do. He ended up just watching tv, more specifically, the news. He needed to learn what was going on in this day andd age so he wouldn't stick out so much. He stayed there most of the night, learning new things.

Live Evil
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Sikira_Uchiha is offline
Old 08-16-2012, 10:08 PM

Lucca had a good night's sleep. He remembered having a strange dream but couldn't remember what it was about. He shrugged the dream out of his mind as he washed up and got dressed before heading down the stairs. He headed to the kitchen wondering what he should make for breakfast when he heard the sound of the news station coming from the spare bed room. He blinked before remembering about the guy he took in for the night. "Hey uh Damon you up?" He called softly as he knocked on the door.


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