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A Mediocre Artist
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Kanna_Karasu_Kamio is offline
Old 01-01-2013, 09:45 PM

I love art, I can draw, write and paint, I've done some photography, and I cando designs on cakes and cupcakes with the right equipment. Thing is, everything I do is like mediocre at best. My drawings always come out like some kind of rejected anime, my mom has even said I paint like a fourth grader and my brothers have said right in front of me, 'I hope this tastes better than it looks.'
Its just like, whats the point of doing whatever I do if its never going to come out good?
I'm already 20, if I can't make whatever I do good now, then I think its just not going to happen for me at all.

Do you guys ever feel like this? What do you guys do when you realize 'wow I'm just not good at this like soandso is?'

whitebeast is offline
Old 01-08-2013, 04:55 PM

I always feel this way. However, I try not to let it get to me since I do what I want. It makes me happy and helps past time, alleviate boredom and gives me a sense of being productive. While I do not like my skill level, hoping it was better... I always look forward to trying to improve anyway. Also, these are gifts, better make the most of it, right?

I remember a friend once tell me, I should be grateful of whatever I am capable with. While its true you can learn any skill you like, there are some who are just naturally adept than others. Some don't also have the time, patience or calling for such skills so for those who do, be thankful. Always be thankful. At that time, I was lamenting over how I could never finish any piece and when I did, it paled in comparison to so many artists I was then watching on art websites. :c It was one of those times, I actually felt consumed by envy... Happens to the best of us.

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Risque is offline
Old 01-10-2013, 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by Kanna_Karasu_Kamio View Post
I love art, I can draw, write and paint, I've done some photography, and I cando designs on cakes and cupcakes with the right equipment. Thing is, everything I do is like mediocre at best. My drawings always come out like some kind of rejected anime, my mom has even said I paint like a fourth grader and my brothers have said right in front of me, 'I hope this tastes better than it looks.'
Its just like, whats the point of doing whatever I do if its never going to come out good?
I'm already 20, if I can't make whatever I do good now, then I think its just not going to happen for me at all.

Do you guys ever feel like this? What do you guys do when you realize 'wow I'm just not good at this like soandso is?'
I try my best to find a good support base. It definitely helps to surround yourself with people that can offer criticism that is more constructive than "wow this kinda sucks."
While we may not be the best at what we do.. we should always try to have fun and be willing to improve.

YumeBott is offline
Old 01-13-2013, 05:49 PM

Ah, I love this feeling. It unites people under a similar struggle and can push them to new heights. Actually, until recently, I had resigned my entire art portfolio for similar reasons- that I really didn't want anyone telling me how my art skills were lacking- but you should never quit something that you have a passion for. Like whitebeast said, some people are just naturally more "skilled" in one talent than others are, but it doesn't mean you can't match them one day if you wish to do so. Keep drawing, painting, and decorating. Learn from others and ask for their criticism and you'll move forwards.

Also, there's something to be said for people who have an admirable talent. I encourage you to look at a few masterpiece-artists and leap back in time to see where they started off. Kawaiihannah is a good example and I would argue that Arc Angel (or another Menewshan who has been drawing for years) is another great one. Sure, their works may have been great back then for various reasons, but many times the difference in their "talent" is clearly visible as their art slowly becomes even more beautiful. Don't give up. Stay away from the negative energy and, above all else, keep pursuing what you love. n.n

Kleine Robotik
Kleine Robotik is offline
Old 01-17-2013, 06:41 PM

Truer words have never been spoken. You have to keep going at it to get better. Want to get better at drawing? Keep doing it. Every artist has to develop their skills. There is only so much "natural talent" and most of that is the talent for learning new things, not being naturally gifted at churning out amazing works over and over.

I look at some of my old stuff and it's almost a physical pain of disappointment. IT'S. SO. BAD.

If my 11 year old self could see the stuff I make on my off days, she'd probably not believe it's where she'd be over a decade later.

Personally, I have days of awesome work. Then I have days, many many days, where nothing I make ends up making me happy or particularly impressing me. Then someone looks at it from the outside and is like, "DUDE, THAT'S SUPER AWESOME" and I'm all, "Nuhuh, that dude's face is wack and etcetcetc..."

You're always going to be more critical of your work than anyone else. But that's okay. In some ways it's good. Take that and use it to make yourself better. Never stop working at it. If you get bored, try something different, a different medium or drawing program, just something.

But to be honest, I get a lot of my most useful reference from the times I made myself draw a bunch of stuff I had no interest in drawing. (Still life? Gag me with a spoon.) It teaches you to observe things and recreate them in your own way.

Another thing, don't compare your art to others. Everyone's art is different, like their fingerprint. You can draw from other artists, use it to inspire you and build on it. Don't just straight up jack someone's style and force yourself to draw everything that way. This is painfully obvious on deviant art and other sites like that, some people even going as far as making complete recreations of things and changing colors. But I digress.

So yeah, relish in your sucking at things. Use to to push yourself forward. Get better. Make more amazing things. Learn to love your art.

\ (•◡•) /
WishingMoon is offline
Old 01-17-2013, 11:05 PM

I'm sure I have had moments of this but I can't remember them. Right now I know so long as I am working I'll find a way to improve.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 02-07-2013, 02:05 AM

I had moments like this and still do. Also I'm sure quite of alot of Artist feel this way. Plus don't give up just because you can't do it how other people do it right now. You'll get there and find you own style. And if you need help there is always people out there willing to help.. free or not. And I'm sure theres books you can find to help you out and website on the internet. Not mention youtube. :)

And I know it cuts to hear your family, who should be supportive, say those things. But you can't let it get to ya.

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jupiter is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 06:26 AM

I didn't start cooking until I was twenty-one, and now I can make a bento like any pro, cook from virtually any recipe, and roast a duck like a seasoned master. It's incredible what a little practice and effort can do for you.

Even my own art has changed; just find your flow regardless of the outside criticism and you'll be better for it.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 05-01-2013, 07:37 AM

Repeatedly... all the time. I've improved a lot since I finally shoved that thought in a corner though...

As for digital art not relating to pixels? Yeah I gave up

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-02-2013, 08:19 PM

yeah....I'm in my last year of art school. One more semester to go and I've had to take a class that's all about how to be a professional artist and how to get galleries and sell your work and thing. Now, I reallly don't want to be an artist. I don't like my own art half as much as other people seem to and then a harsh critique just brings me down to earth. I don't want to stop drawing (I love it and require it too much for my writing practice), but I want to share less and less and just don't want to go the art tract anymore.

Kouki is offline
Old 05-10-2013, 02:02 PM

Don't worry too much. I know when I was starting out with anime drawings, mine didn't look too anime-styled... they actually looked closer to Bratz dolls.
Then I gradually shifted my art into more anime style, though it still looked like elementary school style anime drawings. I would draw regularly before bed, and each time I drew I noticed I would get a little better. I also would observe the art styles of different series, and learn how to differentiate "anime" style and "western" style.

For the longest time, I could only successfully draw chibi characters, but eventually would practice a lot with standard scale characters until I got better. It's important to take constructive criticism and learn from what professionals tell you.

I believe the hardest part of drawing anime, is the cheek/face shape. It's something I still have trouble with sometimes, and takes a billion ctrl+alt+Z for me to get it right(in Photoshop).

One of the most important things of all... don't force yourself. This should be a hobby, and not slave labor. Only do it when you feel like doing it. You won't really get much worse than you currently are.
I rarely ever feel like drawing myself, but even with year-long gaps between drawings, I seem to get better each time.

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I-Jojo is offline
Old 11-07-2013, 06:31 PM

There are times where I do feel like this. I would get so depressed that I see people who's art are better then mine. And I would feel like giving up. But then I start thinking about how much my friends and family love my artwork. And I look up to the artist I love and think "Instead of feeling bad for myself and giving up.. I should learn and keep going!". Every time I see an artist I love I get so inspired that I want to keep going. I look at my old art then look at my art now and see how I've changed. I just need to keep going. The problem with me though is that i'm really lazy. It sucks too because i'll get inspired but then I get sleepy and not want to do anything. But that's just me though..

Never give up fine someone to look up to and get inspired. Don't worry about your age or anyone who is younger then you. Everyone learns differently. We all have to go at are own pace. If you stop now then you'll never be happy with what you do. Just get your head up and keep going. Never give up. :)

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 11-17-2013, 03:03 AM

p.s. I can't cook and I'm 22... but I can bake pastries!! :D ♥

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Admiral is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 06:37 AM

I remember when I was a first grader and I drew my teacher. It was awful. In 3rd grade I drew Sailor Moon and she was mostly waist. Now that I'm 23 I think my doodles are mediocre at best. I could never sell them, but it's a good way to get my ideas out there on paper. And sometimes, randomly, I'll be very fond of a drawing. But I feel like all I do is crap all the time because no one ever really said my stuff was good who had anything to back up their opinion, like being an art judge or anything. I always feel like it's easy to impress a monkey if said monkey can't do it themselves. And so... I just stop drawing for a bit. A week or two, maybe three. Let my creative juices build up until I'm about to explode. And then I'll draw something I really like! But I need frequent breaks because I don't do anything professional, so I don't need to rely on what I do to get by. ...Uh, if that helps. o-o; I also switch mediums if I get too frustrated with one thing, or just go from drawing to writing, or singing, or... well, anything creative that isn't what I was doing.

*slinks back into her corner

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Pistachio_Moustache is offline
Old 12-18-2013, 05:40 AM

Don't ever give up!
Keep going!
If you are dedicated enough and strive hard enough, you WILL get better!

I'm twenty six and can't cook worth a damn [I love it, but I'm just TERRIBLE. I'm an exception, lol.] But I can bake like it's nobody's business!

I have felt like quitting art, but it's my life! I just can't!

Last edited by Pistachio_Moustache; 12-18-2013 at 05:47 AM..

Ermahgerd Berks
Black Metal Pony
Ermahgerd Berks is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 09:11 AM

When you feel like giving up, and it feels like the hardest thing in the world just to try and do something, that's when you need to do it the most.

I never feel that way about drawing, but I feel that way about a lot of other things.

And that's when I have to remember to try harder.

The hardest things in the world are the ones most worth trying. Easy things can be fun, but doing easy things doesn't make you any better at doing anything.


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