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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 01:44 AM

Vampires. Vampires have been in existence since the dawn of time, and exist even in our world today. They are no longer the myths of old, or stories of creatures that go bump in the night. With the help of spell-protected rings, select Vampires can walk among us and live ordinary lives, everyone unsuspecting of their true power. They could be sitting right next to you right now, on an airplane, on a bus, or even in line at a local Cafe. Though it may seem as if they run rampant in the world, there is a certain order to the system that can't be forgotten: the presence of Vampire Hunters.

Stemming from the days of Dracula and Van Helsing, the original Vampires have had a sworn enemy that hunt them without question, the Hunters. These great Hunters have carried out their ancestors' legacy and kept a close eye on Vampires, hunting them down and killing them for their past indiscretions. One such hunter is Amelia Van Haggart.

At only 19 years of age, Amelia has surpassed her peers in training, and even surpassed the Hunters to whom she was under tutelage. For this reason, she has been sent to Albany, New York to track down a growing Vampire coven that has recently gained the attention of the Council. Little did she know, the "Vampire problem" was far bigger than the Council had ever dreamed. Lead by Ivan Aristov, a Russian Vampire with ties to the Russian Mob, the Vampire actions ran far deeper than just feeding in the city of Albany, New York.

Soon, Amelia would find herself immersed in this Vampire world and faced with a choice. Would she come out of it alive? Only time will tell!

Amelia Van Haggart
Age: 19
Occupation: Vampire Hunter
Race: Human
Height: 5'2"

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Daemon Nikolov
Age: 269
Appearance: 24
Occupation: Ivan's Assistant
Race: Vampire
Height: 5'8"

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Ivan Aristov
Age: 450
Appearance: 29-30
Occupation: Government Official; Vampire Prince of Albany, NY Territory
Race: Vampire
Height: 6'3"

Click on thumbnail for full view
Keira Kutzler
Age: 24
Occupation:Masters in Planetary Science, on break before applying for the PhD Program
Race: Human
Height: 5'3"

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 05-27-2013 at 07:54 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 02:21 AM

Spring. A season of new beginnings.

Or at least that's what Amelia Van Haggart's Father had told her as she left for Albany, NY. It was true, in a sense, but it was far out of reach for Amelia and her family. The new beginnings, new horizons--it was all just around the corner, once their family duty was finished. Unfortunately, every time the Van Haggarts had believed the Vampires were forced into hiding once more, a new coven would rise up from the ashes and start their terror anew. It was then that the Van Haggarts resumed their training and continued their ancestors' life work--the extermination of the Vampire race.

Training was all Amelia had known since a young child, and it showed in her passion and technique. Amelia was but nineteen years old when she surpassed her tutors in training as a Vampire Hunter. What generally took Hunters decades to master, Amelia had mastered it all in only a few short year; a true protegee of the Vampire Hunter lineage.

It was for this reason that Amelia had been assigned the task of infiltrating and bringing down the Vampire dealings in Albany, New York. Little was known about this coven, and even less was known about their true mission. This was what Amelia was aiming to find out, and she hoped to do it quickly.

Amelia wasn't very fond of new places, and Albany, New York was a far cry from London, England where she was born and raised. Still, Amelia was determined to make the best of it. In her search for a place to live, Amelia came across a young woman who was quite the character. Her name was Keira, and it was Keira who snapped Amelia out of her daze and back to reality.

While unloading the moving van, Keira had pulled a box from the top of the stack, and in turn had knocked over a couple of boxes underneath. Amelia looked over at the flustered girl with a laugh, having only half heard her apologies due to her spaced thoughts, "It's alright. There's nothing breakable in these boxes!"

Setting down her own box on the ground, Amelia walked over and surveyed the scene. Biting her lip, Amelia immediately continued speaking, "See? Nothing but wood in these boxes! I... have a hobby of whittling! I know it's crazy, but it's a family thing. Have to love and appreciate the outdated skills your grandparents teach you!" Amelia added with a nervous laugh, hoping that she didn't look too crazy for having an entire moving box of stakes.

It was at this moment that Amelia had caught eyes with a dark haired man, dressed smartly in a suit and on his way to work at City Hall. Blushing a tad, Amelia quickly piled the stakes back into the box, trying to hide the gun that was inside, before turning to Kiera with a grin, "I told you I had a wacky family!"


Daemon Nikolov was a well respected man in the Vampire world. One of the younger officials among the Vampire leaders, Daemon was close to Ivan Aristov and was very much in his confidence. Having spent the past two centuries with Ivan's coven, Daemon had earned his trust and has always kept an eye out for people out to take over Ivan's territory, of which there were many. It was Daemon's duty to keep Ivan safe, and to investigate all threats that sought to overthrow the Vampire Prince of Albany, NY.

Getting wind of a new arrival in the city, Daemon naturally chose that direction to walk while on his way to meet Ivan at the City Hall. Having noticed the box of stakes in the back of the moving van, Daemon became rather stiff and eyed the young woman carefully as he passed by.

'She doesn't look like much. What's a little thing like that doing with a box of wooden stakes?' Daemon thought to himself as he slowed his walk a bit and stopped at a corner newsstand to browse. Listening to the young woman's conversation with her supposed new roommate, certainly not buying the excuse that she whittled in her spare time, Daemon sought to gain a bit more information before joining Ivan to discuss opposing threats to the territory.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 04:10 AM

Keira had come from an upper middle class family with little to no marital or financial struggles. She maintained an optimistic outlook on life because her hard work and perseverance had afforded her to accomplish all her personal goals thusfar. Unlike Amelia, Keira's real life bore no excitement except that which she instigated herself. Her most daring decision at the tender age of eighteen had been to tattoo the solar system down her back beginning with the sun. The celestial bodies were size-proportional and everything!

Why the solar system of all things? Well, Rylie was older than Amelia, twenty-four, and she had already completed a Masters degree in Planetary Science at the University of Buffalo. She currently had an internship in Albany, in a museum, involving astrophysics and advanced mathematics. The purpose of the internship was to make money in preparation for applying to a PhD program on the other side of the country in November.

However, Keira's personality and appearance belied her true intellectual nature. She was naturally ginger with freckles and honey-colored eyes. She wore eccentrically bright colors and mismatched patterns, bows in her hair, and thick-rimmed hipster glasses. She enjoyed vivid eyeshadows, lipsticks, and nailpolishes. She was...Cute...But in a peculiar way. Men usually didn't pay any mind to her, and when they did, her crippling nerdiness would get in the way--she had a penchant for bursting into random songs or quoting favorite movies and videogames. She spent a great deal of time reading, and an ungodly time on the internet. Keira's head, in the most literal sense, was trapped far above the clouds among the stars she adored and the bizarre fantasy worlds she lived in.

Whittling, eh?” Keira laughed. “No, dude, I understand! My mom tried to teach me crocheting when I was young, but I absolutely sucked at it. I wish I had more old-school skills like that.” She dismissed the stakes immediately because...What person in their right mind would think of vampire-hunting first? Not to say that Keira was in her right mind...Far from it, actually! But Keira's life was boring whenever her eyes weren't turned to the stars, or at least getting perfect scores on DDR. Why would she assume her new British roommate was a vampire hunter of all things?

Upon carrying the last of the boxes up into the apartment, the disheveled nerdy female dusted herself off and fixed Amelia with a mischievous look. “Hey, so...It's Friday night and we've just finished moving you in... We should go out to celebrate! Like dinner, for example, and then I know some really cool clubs downtown. Or if you don't like dancing, there's always drunken karaoke!


Ivan Aristov had bade Daemon Nikolov to join him in his office at the start of the evening—as soon as the sun had disappeared beneath the horizonline of Albany. The elder seized the handle on his office and, making an honest effort to be gentle, threw the door ajar to step inside—or, rather, sweep inside, as an ancient's movements were substantially more graceful. He cleared his throat quietly to make his presence known.

Any mortal woman would have been struck dumb by the ancient's appearance. At 6'3”, with a build rivaling a Roman statue, Mr. Aristov was quite the imposing figure. Almost-black hair tumbled down to his chin in neat curls, framing a softly masculine jaw. His perfectly symmetrical, unblemished features granted him an eerily inhuman beauty despite his severe expression and chilling gray eyes. Something about his aura was immensely daunting and overpowering. One had a marked impression that this man wanted for nothing. Anything he desired would be his out of sheer will alone.

I request that you make your report brief,” said Ivan in impeccable English, though his accent was distinctly Russian. “As I am just a tad impatient to leave the building. I have not yet dined this evening.” He was vaguely irritated by a prior meeting with representatives from surrounding territories... Though even slight irritation from the man must have been terribly unnerving to others.

By 'dined' Ivan meant 'partaken in the blood of multiple lovely women after taking their bodies'. He also did not elaborate, but assuredly he would do so if Daemon, or anyone, dared ask him. He saw nothing shameful in his character, thanks to vanity. He thought his tastes rather on par with most ancients' anyway.

Ivan began peeling the leather gloves from his hands. Today the ancient donned a pressed gray suit with maroon tie, a black overcoat, and polished black Armani shoes. He stuffed his gloves into one pocket of his overcoat and then smoothed it down before collapsing into a luxuriant black armchair behind his desk.

Please, be seated.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 04:46 AM

"Dancing sounds great! It's been awhile since I've been to a club," Amelia laughed as she tucked a lock of her golden blond hair behind her ear. "Let me change out of these clothes and I'll be all set. You'll have to give me a tour of the town!" Amelia grinned before disappearing with the last box into her room.

Setting the box down on the floor, Amelia started searching for her suitcase. Finally finding the deep blue suitcases stuffed in the corner, Amelia hoisted the largest one onto the bed. Giving it a quick unzip, Amelia started pawing through the clothing, trying to find an appropriate outfit to go clubbing.

In England, the party scene was definitely something Amelia had never partaken in. However, it was necessary to blend into her surroundings. If that meant going clubbing and partaking in a little alcohol, then Amelia wasn't entirely opposed. After all, going under cover did have a few perks!

Finally finding her little black dress, Amelia quickly slipped out of her dark grey yoga pants and lilac colored plain v-neck t-shirt. Looking over her dress, Amelia blushed a little at the cut. It was shorter than she was used to, but her sister assured her it would look wonderful. Shrugging, Amelia decided to try it on anyways. What was the worst that could happen?

Unzipping the back, Amelia slipped into the ruffle-trimmed, strapless black dress that ended just above her knees. 'Cordelia was right, it was a perfect fit!' Amelia thought as she looked herself over in the mirror. Smiling, Amelia went back to her suitcase and dug out a slender pink belt and hooked it around her waist as an accent to the dark dress. Her diamond stud earrings matched the dress perfectly, so Amelia went over to her medium sized suitcase and took out a pair of black stiletto heels. After slipping them on, she applied a light clear gloss to her lips and gave a quick toss to her curled hair.

Catching herself in the mirror, Amelia blushed as she looked over her appearance. She hardly recognized herself. 'Well, the creatures of the night surely won't suspect me in this get-up!' Chuckling softly, Amelia grabbed her black lace clutch and began filling it with supplies: a flask of vervain to catch the Vampires off guard, a wooden stake to drive through their heart, and a gun filled with wooden bullets to slow them down as she attacked. Unfortunately, her weapon of choice, the crossbow, was a bit too big for this outfit. Setting it aside, Amelia ran her hand through her hair nervously as she headed out of her bedroom and back into the living room to wait for Keira.


Daemon offered a small bow before taking a seat opposite of Ivan. "Of course, my Prince, I would not want to keep you from your.. dining," Daemon added with a wicked grin, "We both know how lovely they shall be. Unfortunately, I bring disturbing news, your grace. While the neighboring alliances have called off their coup d'etat, we have a more pressing concern. I believe a Vampire Hunter has walked into our midst."

Crossing his legs in an elegant fashion, Daemon brushed a piece of dirt from his polished black shoes and straightened his black suit pants as he told Ivan of his encounter on the way to the office. Straightening his emerald tie, Daemon continued rather casually, which could be mistaken for arrogance, "She's young and looks very foolish. I believe she will be easy to take out, but something is gnawing at me. She doesn't act like the others who have come before her. She's... different. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel as if we should know her connections."

Shrugging, Daemon continued, "But, nevertheless, I don't see her as much of a threat. I heard her roommate discussing plans for this evening, and it seems they are to partake in dinner before going to the local club. I believe this would be a perfect opportunity to get rid of the young woman. She knows no one in this city other than her new roommate, who can easily be.. persuaded to forget she ever existed. With your approval, I would like to send a couple of men and catch her off guard."

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 06:34 AM

Vampire hunter,” Mr. Aristov repeated, turning the phrase over in his mouth distastefully. He'd not encountered one of those for at least three decades. His numerous illicit activities with the Russian mafia made him unpopular with the human police, but as far as the supernatural organizational groups were concerned he followed regulations.

He rarely killed anyone when he fed, so as to avoid attracting unwanted attention, and those in his princedom who would not abide by such rules were immediately tried. Depending on their offenses he either turned them in to DOSCI, or executed them accordingly. However, Ivan tried to remind himself that hunters did not follow the mandate of DOSCI. They operated independently, and they considered any vampire—and often any supernatural—a threat regardless of how clean and organised their governments were.

Prince Ivan listened to the rest of Daemon's report with mild interest, particularly after he mentioned that the hunter appeared to be a foolish, young female, and spread his lips into a thin line. It was as close to a genuine smile as the ancient could manage after living nearly half a millennium. The strength of his emotions had diminished significantly.

Then I will leave it to you to investigate her connections, Mr. Nikolov,” said Ivan, drawing a stack of files towards him. He would sign a few needed documents before departing. “Did the woman say which club they would be attending? Seeing as I also intend to go downtown within the hour, we may cross paths. It would be more convenient for you to accompany me.

He lifted his expressionless, stormy gray eyes to the other vampire. “Potential threat aside, I have been quite bored as of late. Watching a naïve female hunter flail uselessly under my attentions would certainly amuse me. All should be well, so long as you are present. If things go awry, I can always assert my... Dominance...Over their frail mind.” The vampire smirked.


WEI WEI PON PON PON WEI WEI PON PON PON WEI!” Keira sang loudly, bouncing around her room like a madwoman as she readied herself for dinner and clubbing.

Keira chosen a flamboyantly colorful hot-pink-and-purple sleeveless dress more suited to a garden party or art exhibition than a bar, but from the way she spun around in front of her mirror she hardly noticed. It was backless, rendering her detailed solar system tattoo visible. Her bracelets and necklace seemed reminiscent of the art deco period, and were also bright pink and purple.

The graduate student did her makeup quickly, eyeshadow a cotton candy pink that matched her lipgloss, and left her copper hair in cute, low pigtails. And, as per usual, she left her thick-rimmed glasses on. Contacts were for people who cared about hooking up when they went out. Keira could have cared less. ...Not that she had much experience with hook-ups, or even dating, in the first place.

She could scarcely keep eye contact with anyone she found attractive, and anyone she did not admire either physically or intellectually would not be given the time of day. Men were a distraction from more important things—like science! If she felt lonely, she could always talk to her pet jellyfish, watch a Korean drama, or read a shojo manga! She had friends from the UB department if she wanted to hang out with someone, and...Amelia would assuredly be available to do things with her in the future. Keira had never suffered deeply from the lack of a boyfriend to keep her company.

Ready!” Keira called and she skipped out of her room, hopping up and down as she tugged on lace-up brown boots that effectively diminished the dressiness of her outfit tenfold. She flashed a Cheshire-Cat-like grin at Amelia as she stepped into the living room and gestured towards the exit. “After you!” The female then snatched up her side-sling purse and car keys and followed her roommate out the door. “I was thinking Italian...How does that sound? Spaghetti! Nom nom nom!

Last edited by ContessaLeandra; 05-31-2013 at 10:47 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 07:12 AM

"With pleasure," Daemon smirked as he stood from his chair and straightened his suit. "I'll send Jakofski out to try and pin her lineage, he may be able to find out what families have interest here so we can narrow it down a bit. I'm curious as to who her ancestors are. It's been awhile since we've had a Vampire Hunter in our territory, and it's certainly been even longer since I've seen her type around." With that, he took out his Blackberry and sent a brief text to Marin Jakofski with the instructions.

"Still, we should stay on the side of caution with this one. We don't need her slipping through our fingers and getting away either," Daemon added cautiously as he tucked the Blackberry back into his jacket pocket, "Though in a club, I think it'll be pretty easy to corner her. The roommate looked as if she was a Club 21 sort of girl; very wild and artsy, one of those quirky types who goes to that sort of scene. Shall I bring the car around?"


"Italian sounds great! I've been dying for a good Chicken Alfredo," Amelia grinned as she headed out to the street and hailed a cab. Arriving at the restaurant, Amelia paid the driver and stepped out of the car. Breathing in the fresh scent of spices and herbs, Amelia couldn't help but smile as she reflected on how similar it smelled to her grandmother's cooking back home. Her grandmother had spent many years in Italy tracking vampires, and while she was there she had become quite the cook, bringing what she had learned home. It was one of Amelia's fondest memories of growing up, and she certainly put the lessons to good use when she was in the kitchen.

"This place looks great, Keira! Let's hope they have a good wine selection," Amelia grinned as she looped her arm with Keira's and lead her inside. Once they were seated and they each had ordered, Amelia looked over at Keira and inquired as the waitress poured her a glass of red wine, "So. Dish. What are the guys like in this city? Anyone of interest I should be on the look out for?"

Taking a sip of her wine, Amelia laughed as she continued, "My Mother has been insistent upon finding me a husband, so I must be on my guard! I tried telling her that I would be too busy with classes this semester, but she made me promise to keep my eyes open for any potential boyfriends."

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 07:51 AM

Duly noted,” Ivan chuckled, although Daemon's warnings had not fallen upon deaf ears. The ancient had not acquired his position on luck alone. He had worked his way up the political ladder since his turning half a millennium ago. He'd known Mr. Nikolov for a while now...Since Russia, in fact. He had not moved to the United States until after the Cold War had ceased. He remembered the tyranny of the USSR as if it had happened yesterday. Humans liked to pretend that they were better than supernaturals...That vampires were monsters...But it was sheer hypocrisy. Did they not realise the horrors that they inflicted upon their own kind?

I believe it would be best to walk tonight,” Ivan said. “You mentioned the women would be having dinner first. We will time our arrival with theirs accordingly. Come.” He finished signing the final two documents on his desk, piled the lot of them back up, and then shoved them off to the side. He stood to his full imposing height and straightened out his garments before reaching into his pocket to retrieve his leather gloves. He wore them in case of shaking hands with a human. He preferred them not to comment on his cadaverously-cold skin... At least, not before they were writhing beneath him in ecstasy.

As soon as they had stepped outside of Ivan's mansion, a historical building constructed near the center of the town, he lit a cigarette and took a long drag from it. Smoke billowed up from between his lips as he coldly regarded the sky. “Tell me, Mr. Nikolov... What did the infant huntress look like?” Ivan asked. He started moving down the sidewalk to his immediate left.


The wine selection is awesome,” Keira Kutzler replied. “As is their food! I mean, what do you expect? New York is full of Italians. They immigrate here, open restaurants...And then foodies like ourselves benefit from it! It's really the best system. I don't know why people complain about immigrants when they bring the most awesome recipes along with them! Ethiopian, Indian, Vietnamese, Mexican...It's all delicious. Can you imagine eating the same boring thing everyday without any variation?” The nerdy female shook her head in disbelief. “It would be a total nightmare! At least...I think so.

Once the pair received their dinner, Amelia immediately began asking about the men in Albany and how she was keeping her eyes open for potential boyfriends. This was clearly not Keira's area of expertise, because soon after the mention of it her jaw fell open, and the spaghetti noodle hanging unattractively from her mouth dropped back onto her plate. “Uhm...Yeah... About that.” Keira blushed. It was embarrassing to admit that she had never had a boyfriend, especially at the age of twenty-four.

...I don't really know. I don't really pay attention to that sort of thing. I can't talk to guys really well. I'm sure my parents would cry tears of joy if I even went on one date... The problem is, I'm really picky. I don't usually like anyone. Plus, I'm super insane, so even if I did they sure as hell wouldn't like me.” She finished eating her spaghetti in relative silence. Obviously Amelia wouldn't understand—she was classically pretty with natural blonde hair. Petite and cute. Charming. Also foreign. Keira was a blatant nerd who either stuttered or ranted... There was no in-between setting.

After dinner, she parked the car a couple of blocks away from the main strip of clubs downtown. “All right, Amelia! So there's tons to choose from. If you like top 40s hits, the first club on the right is good. The one after that, Club 21, has indie and electronic dance music... And the one after that is more like a sit-down bar with pool tables and karaoke. Do any of those sound appealing?

Last edited by ContessaLeandra; 08-31-2013 at 10:04 PM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 08:11 AM

"Like a porcelain doll," Daemon mused as he kept pace with Ivan. "Deep sapphire eyes with long blond hair that naturally curls into ringlets. She's small, a little over five foot I'd say. I have to admit, she does have a nice figure," Daemon added with a wink at Ivan, "She may be a bit of fun to toy around with before we off her."

The lineage of the young Huntress was still gnawing at Daemon. Being a sort of historical-reference for the coven, he should know her lineage by her looks. However, she looked nothing like any lineage he had ever studied. Perhaps she was a descendent of the original Hunters. Though they should all be extinct.. shouldn't they?

Shaking the thought from his mind, Daemon turned to Ivan with a grin, "I shall point her out to you immediately when I see her, then I shall distract the roommate away from her so you can.. have a little fun."


Amelia smiled as she looped her arm through Keira's, "Don't worry, I'm not that experienced in the dating scene either. I vote that we both have some fun tonight and see where the night takes us! Perhaps you'll meet someone new!"

'And perhaps I'll be able to sense some of those creatures before they prey on the innocents', Amelia thought to herself as she pulled Keira in the direction of Club 21, "Let's head over to Club 21! I'm in need of some good Indie music. And if it's club is slow, we can head over to the bar and shoot some pool! I've never played and I've been dying to learn," Amelia added with a grin.

It wasn't long before Amelia and Keira reached the club entrance. There wasn't a line out the door, so that was a plus, yet it made Amelia a little hesitant as to the busyness of the place. As soon as the bouncer opened the door, though, it was certain that the club was full to capacity with young adults dancing and drinking like there was no tomorrow. The music was blasting throughout the room, almost deafening to the ears. The lights were pulsing to the beat, and it was obvious this party was going to last for awhile.

Scanning the room, Amelia made her way to the bar, keeping an eye out for any odd movements. "Vodka Shirley Temple on the rocks," Amelia ordered as she sat down on an empty stool, setting her clutch on the counter next to her.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 08:43 AM

Keira laughed at the prospect of meeting anyone in the club. Amelia had not yet seen how easily she biffed conversations with guys, but she soon would! Intoxication always made her overeager, so even if she could approach someone and ask them to dance effectively, she would eventually end up frightening them off by talking too much. She always discussed astronomy or comic books at length, and honestly...No one gave a crap about those things.

Keira ordered a Tequila Sunrise from the bartender and then quickly deposited the cherry that came with it into her mouth. She didn't bother spitting out the stem and just ate it, too. It tasted the same anyways! Something about tequila always loosened her up. She hated straight tequila, but mixed into things it was like her happy liquor. The drink disappeared far quicker than it should have... And, as a result, the effects of the alcohol did not take long to manifest.

Why are you still SITTING?!” Keira demanded, grabbing her roommate's arm and pulling her in the direction of the dance floor. “We came here ta dance, so lesss daaance!” Once they arrived at the edge of the floor, the crazy female began flailing her limbs wildly in every direction. Her coordination did not seem to be very good.


Ivan almost laughed at the mention of the girl's size. He was a full foot taller than her, never mind his age and combat prowess! “Really...? A tiny human doll seeks to do battle with multicentury-old vampires? She is either insane or knows something that we do not. Perhaps she is a rogue witch or some other type of supernatural being. Looks can be deceiving...You know that as well as I.” Witches could be troublesome to vampires...They were not as frail as humans by any stretch of the imagination. Ivan recalled some previous run-ins with their kind over the years and they had never ended prettily.

The journey to Club 21 was not long not by the ancient's standards—had he been moving at full celerity it would have taken about five minutes to get there from home...The equivalent of a slow car ride. He soon stood before the establishment and doused his cigarette in an ashtray situated in front of the entrance. “Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Nikolov. I hope the roommate will not prove too burdensome for you. You have my leave to do whatever you wish with her.

The bouncer did not stop the two men at the door as he did many of the other patrons. The commanding presence of the two rendered the enormous, oafish man silent. He gawked at them idiotically as they brushed past him inside. Both men and women were staring from tables to the right and the bar counter from the left. Ivan sighed. He hated having to tone down his presence, but the last thing he wanted was to draw attention to Daemon and himself while hunting. Within a few moments he all but disintegrated into the throng of heated bodies, Daemon trailing behind. “Do you see her anywhere?” he asked in a hushed voice.

Last edited by ContessaLeandra; 05-27-2013 at 08:48 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 09:06 AM

Amelia laughed as she and Keira melded with the others on the dance floor. Amelia wasn't the best dancer, but she knew a few moves that she was able to muddle through pretty well. Having Keira around was just what Amelia needed. She was fun, she was quirky, and she seemed to bring out the fun in Amelia.

'Perhaps living here won't be so bad after all,' Amelia thought to herself as she danced with Keira. Amelia was young, she was nineteen, and she had never had a friend outside of her training peers before, and they certainly didn't go clubbing. While she had trained in this sort of environment before, learning how to blend in with the public, it was different doing it for real with a person who wasn't playing at pretend. It was... fun. Something Amelia had never truly experienced before. It was a nice change, but it didn't cause her to forget her mission.

While she was dancing, she was inconspicuously scanning the room for any possible threats. She sensed a shift in the air, but she didn't sense anything too dangerous, just a few lesser ranked vampires who were out for their fun. Nothing worth ruining her cover for... not yet anyways.


With a small nod, Daemon pointed to the young blond approaching the dance floor in a flirty black dress. "Her roommate is the mismatched girl with the boots. I'll take care of her." Putting on his best debonair smile, Daemon approached the dancing girls rather quickly, but not at a speed that could be considered inhuman.

Placing a hand on the roommate's lower back, Daemon inquired softly with a small bow, "Excuse me, but may I steal you away for a dance? You don't mind, do you?" Daemon asked as he turned to Amelia.

"No, not at all! Please," Amelia said with a warm smile as gave an encouraging wink at Keira.

"My name is Daemon, and you are," Daemon asked as he turned back to the roommate and lead her deeper into the dance floor.

Meanwhile, Amelia made her way back to the bar and ordered another drink, turning around in the stool to watch Keira and the interested man who had approached them. Something was strange about him, yet she couldn't put her finger on it. He looked familiar...

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 09:54 AM

To say that the insanely attractive man asking to dance caught Keira off-guard was the biggest of understatements. His hand on her lower back sent a jolt through her, which manifested in the form of a violent twitch. The girl's eyes became instantly buggy from shock, only magnified by her eyewear, and she began trembling like a leaf in a storm. She was frightened of him, but not in the usual way a person would be. In fact, she rather looked on the verge of having an asthma attack. No one would guess it was solely because he was male and interested in her.

She managed an unattractive strangled noise as she attempted replying, and then began mumbling incoherently. One could only discern the phrases “radiant beings trying to kill her” and “God help me”. Amelia consented to his “stealing her” and he maneuvered her away through the crowd. She kept her wide eyes fixed on her roommate, mouthing “NO, HELP!”, but it was soon too late for that. They had been successfully separated and now the awkward female found herself face to face with--

Oh dear Lord, he looked like a vampire. And there it was, out in the open, a neon sign flashing in her brain. This was not the conclusion a normal person would have come to, but one had to recall... Keira was a nerd who spent all her free time in fictional worlds—books, videogames, comics... Sure, she would never have suspected Amelia as a vampire hunter, but Amelia did not even remotely resemble one. This man, however, had pallid skin, freakishly-striking emerald eyes, longish dark hair, and an inhumanly dashing smile. He was handsome like a model in his suit, and no model would ever...EVER...Be interested in dancing with her. He. Wanted. Her. Blood. She should be afraid.

And yet, to the intoxicated, eccentric Keira...This realization had the opposite effect. Her lips spread apart to reveal a large grin. Was...Was her life exciting finally? FINALLY, she could test out all her theories involving vampires!!!

I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT MY ENTIRE LIFE,” she stated loudly, her breath becoming increasingly heavier from excitement. “HELLO, D-DAEMON...MY NAME...IS...*wheeze*...KEIRA.


Truth be told, both of the females were appealing to Ivan. If he had not been concerned with the hunter's skill level, he would have happily attempted to seduce them both. Both girls possessed an innocent disposition, and that was the quality the ancient preferred in his prey. Truthfully, it was because Ivan adored spoiling the innocent. Innocents had not experienced many things, and he found it invigorating to be the first to put such a lustful expression on their face...To make them feel a certain kind of ecstasy or pain.

He was dominant...Incredibly dominant, and derived satisfaction only when he could turn a woman to jelly from his ministrations. The blood of young females was his choice beverage, as it could be enjoyed simultaneously with other pleasurable activities. Ivan generally did not need to take anything by force, as females very rarely rejected him. He was too suave, too experienced. If he could not woo any woman into his bed by this age, he was a failure as a vampire.

And so Ivan bided his time, ordering a glass of straight vodka on the rocks, and observed the blonde female. She similarly was watching her friend interact with his companion on the dancefloor. He sidled up to her, leaning casually against the bar counter. “Why gaze wistfully at the dancefloor when you could be dancing instead?” Ivan commented. His voice was quiet, deep, and incredibly smooth...And with a nigh undetectable touch of sarcasm. He brought the glass of vodka to his lips and took a disinterested sip.

Last edited by ContessaLeandra; 05-27-2013 at 09:57 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-27-2013, 10:14 AM

Daemon just stared at the young woman before him. 'Is she for real? What the hell did Ivan get me into...' thought Daemon as he tried to compose himself. This person before him was.. interesting to say the least. Intriguing, yet... strange. She seemed like she was on a completely different planet. 'This should prove to be entertaining..'

"Keira? What a lovely name. I'm glad I was able to steal you away for a dance," Daemon said with a smile as he pulled her closer to him, brushing a lock of hair from her forehead. "What were you doing dancing with your friend? I can't imagine other men haven't asked you to dance. You have such a.. colorful personality. I find it rather intriguing. What do you do for a living?"

Daemon was finding it fun to fluster this young woman. She was different than the other women he had encountered. Usually, the women he approached were calm, collected, and very seductive, making it easy for him to prey on them. This young woman, however, was a scatterbrained easy drunk who seemed as wild and carefree as a child. Perhaps he wouldn't prey on her just yet.

'I wonder what buttons I can press...' thought Daemon as he leaned in closer and whispered in her ear. "By the tattoo on your back," Daemon whispered with a wicked grin as his fingertips trailed down her spine, "I would say you have an interest in astronomy and the planetary systems, am I correct?"


Swirling the drink in her glass with her small straw, Amelia looked up at the man who approached her with a warm smile. Taking in his appearance, she would guess he was in his late twenties, early thirties; a businessman of sorts; and someone who was used to smooth-talking a woman into doing whatever he asked.

'This is going to be fun...' thought Amelia as she held back a laugh. These tactics didn't work with Amelia. She had never been into guys who were cocky; she had enough of that sort growing up in the training camps. Their haughtiness got old fast, and when they saw it wasn't impressing her they moved on to someone who it would impress. Unfortunately, that is where her lack of dating experience came into play.

"I much prefer sitting on the sidelines; I'm a horrible dancer. And you? Why do you hover at the bar? You could have your pick of the room," Amelia gestured with her drink before taking a sip, noticing the young women who were all turning their gaze to the man beside her, almost as if they were drawn to something about him. "Should you not be out there wooing a young lady?"

Status, wealth, all this and more could be seen on first glance. The man beside her wore designer, and wasn't afraid of flaunting his powerful stature. He seemed reserved, yet determined. It would be interesting to see what lengths he would go to.

'Still, something doesn't sit right. I feel an uneasiness with him...' thought Amelia as she looked back out at the dance floor. Little did Amelia know, that uneasy feeling was her inner-senses alerting her of a Vampire presence. Unfortunately, Amelia had never been this close to one before, at least not long enough to interact. She had always known her targets. This time, she was ignorant of her target, which would prove to her disadvantage on this particular night.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 05-28-2013 at 12:09 AM.. Reason: Fixed a few grammatical errors.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-28-2013, 07:56 AM

Keira snorted loudly. “PUH-LEEASE. You can't really see my 'colorful personality' unless you talk to me,” she retorted. “And let's be honest, most of the guys here aren't looking to talk. I came here with my friend for some girl time, but it now it appears she was keen on setting me up.

Keira was soon mortified to discover that the vampire had no concept of personal space. First he brushed away a stray lock of hair from her face, then whispered seductively into her ear as his fingertips glided teasingly along her back. This caused the woman to release a rather unbecoming squeak. Men who touched women against their will were pigs...Why should a vampire man be exempt from this rule?! “WHOA, DUDE,” she said suddenly, shoving the man back at arm's length by his shoulders. “Did I SAY you could touch me like that? NUH-UH.” She didn't mean to do so as forcefully as she had, but oh well! Intoxicated Keira could hopefully get away with it, even if she was aware of what she'd done. She could only pray that the vampire didn't have a short temper.

B-But,” she continued as if nothing offensive had happened, and averted her gaze nervously. “Y-Yeah...I have a Masters in Planetary Science from UB, and a PhD is next. But seriously... Daemon, was it? You don't really care about that, do you? Judging from your clothing you probably work in business or...Some kind of ritzy office job. And you could...” Keira began choking on her words, now, and only barely managed to get out, “...Land someone way prettier than me.” She coughed. “I think I'll just...” Keira turned to walk away.


Perhaps I do not want 'my pick of the room',” Ivan countered, quirking a dark brow. He probed into the huntress' mind lightly, but not enough to cause her noticeable unease. She apparently assumed that 'cocky and arrogant' were the only personas he could utilise effectively. True, he wore expensive clothing and his striking looks summoned attention from the hordes of weaker-minded women frequenting the club... But a gifted lady killer could play numerous angles. If Ivan had to come across as humble or nonchalant to win the game, he would. Four hundred and fifty years afforded him a great deal of cunning in the art of seduction.

Truthfully, my friend dragged me here,” he continued, diminishing his Russian accent, and indicated Daemon on the dancefloor. At this particular moment it seemed Mr. Nikolov's fortune had gone south. The quirky roommate had shoved him away quite emphatically, causing the ancient to chuckle despite himself. “He's a terrible flirt, as you can see. Sort of just...Abandoned me here on my own. It's too noisy in this place. I prefer bad jukebox music and pool tables myself.

The corners Ivan's lips tugged upward only slightly and he took another sip from his glass. He then feigned disinterest in her presence by allowing his stormy eyes to drift across the expanse of the club.

Last edited by ContessaLeandra; 05-28-2013 at 08:00 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-28-2013, 08:35 PM

Feisty. Confident. Pushy. Surprisingly, a woman who wasn't susceptible to his usual charm. Daemon was a bit surprised by the force used as she shoved him away, but shrugged it off. After all, it wasn't as if it hurt him. 'Hmm, this girl has some sense.' thought Daemon as he looked at the young woman before him, 'I think it's time to try out a different tactic with this one..'

"Actually," Daemon said with a shy smile as he took Keira's hand and turned her back towards him with one gentle, fluid motion. "You can tell a great deal by the way a person is dressed and how they present themselves. You, for example, give off a certain... appearance."

Easily walking around her in a circle, Daemon continued to speak, "From your dress, it's obvious you don't go clubbing a great deal, which means you're out here for some fun after a busy week, perhaps at the request of your friend. That, or you don't give in to the norms and like to look outside the box. Which explains the entirety of your outfit. The floral print suggests you wanted to dress up, yet keep it casual, and yet you didn't want to give off the impression you're here to go home with some guy at the bar. The boots... well, obviously you're dressing for comfort versus style because they make the dress even more casual without really doing anything for the look."

"The bright make-up suggests you love color, you're quirky, and you definitely have a wild side, which is more apparent when you drink. Your tattoo is carefully showcased with your outfit and the placement of your hair, so you most likely love showing it off any chance you get. Still, at the same time, you get nervous when people talk to you about it because of your obvious interest in it, which to most guys would be a turn off because you have brains to match the beauty, and they're obviously looking for a girl with no brains so it's easier to get them into bed," continued Daemon with a grin as he stood before her once more.

"So between the carefree attitude and the way you're throwing back the drinks, you seem to be completely out of your comfort zone and, apparently, are not used to guys truly wanting to get the opportunity to talk to you. Though please, correct me if I'm wrong about my assessment of you," Daemon added with a wink. "And while I may work in politics, it doesn't mean that I'm looking for a Stepford Wife in a date."


"Mmm, well, he does seem to be having the time of his life," Amelia laughed as she sipped her drink, "I don't think poor Keira knows what to do with herself. He's certainly in for an earful!" she added as she gestured to Keira's reaction to his advances.

"It's interesting how men seem to think that all women wish to be pawed at, and the only way to flirt is to caress any bare skin we show. Then again, it does give off the impression that we want to be touched, if you see it from a man's point of view," Amelia added with a grin, "Then again, only a guy would suggest that we dress to be pawed at."

"Your friend seems to have picked the wrong woman in the club if all he's looking for is a one night stand! The same could be said for you," Amelia added cheekily as she took a sip from her drink and turned towards the dashing man beside her, "Of all the empty stools along this bar, you choose to lean up beside mine, using your nonchalant closeness to initiate a rather interesting conversation that should, of course, make me swoon completely. What are the odds of that."

"Tell me, Mr. Debonair Suit," she said playfully before inquiring, "What does a regal man like yourself consider to be 'bad jukebox music'? I myself am rather fond of the jukebox, so I'm quite intrigued by your comment and would love to hear more," Amelia added rather cheekily with a grin.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 05-28-2013 at 10:35 PM.. Reason: A few grammatical errors and words missing.

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 05-31-2013, 08:00 AM

Keira opened her mouth to form a rebuttal, but then closed it again as she realized she had nothing. The vampire man was horrifically observant, guessing the manner of person she was from her appearance alone, but should she have expected differently? After all, she had no idea how old he was...And that epiphany only served to intimidate her further. “Touche,” she mumbled under her breath as Daemon completed his circle around her, and averted her eyes with embarrassment. But this defeat was only momentary! She knew something about the attractive stranger that he didn't realize she knew—as crazy as it would have sounded to anyone else!

Maybe you should be a detective instead of a politician... Everything you've said is true, so far...But I think you've underestimated just how quirky I am... And, since I'm a scientist, I've made some observations of my own regarding the nature of your...Interaction with me. I'm giving you the opportunity to run now, while you still can!” The intoxicated female released an unexpectedly loud, girlish giggle, and slapped her hand over mouth as if she were only barely capable of containing the secret. “I am of an adventurous nature and this...As of now, this is an adventure I am having trouble resisting!

It wasn't really a threat. Keira was incapable of seeming threatening to anyone. She was about as dangerous as a ball of fluff, especially when compared to someone who may or may not have been a vampire (but she was convinced he was). But if he was indeed a vampire, and he professed to be interested in intelligent, eccentric girls like herself, he was really in for it now. It would go much like the Twilight movie.




Except that exchange would soon be followed with a song and dance number. The most relevant song of all time...Keira would save the song for later, however. If she survived. Vampires were adept at leading unsuspecting females to dark alleys to kill them. If Daemon intended to do that, he had another thing coming. Even so, she had no guarantee it would work.


Perhaps we ought to be placing bets on which one of them will win.” Ivan scoffed as the huntress indicated 'Keira' nearly walking away, but, as expected, Mr. Nikolov accosted her before she could get too far.

He considered Daemon nearly as adept as himself when it came to wooing women, although he usually did it in the interest of his mission and less for recreation. However, from the way conversation was progressing, these female were more difficult to deal with than their usual quarry. He could not make the same assumption regarding the huntress' roomate, but she at least sounded educated. Wonderful. Ivan Aristov enjoyed a challenge.

At first, when called out on also seeking a one night stand and, he thought she might request he take his leave of her...But it seemed as if he'd said something intriguing after all, because she'd inquired further on 'bad jukebox music'. “Regal, am I?” The Russian vampire snorted, although he mentally noted 'of course, I'm Ventrue', but shook his head with amusement. “First I must address your previous statements. Did I say I was looking for a one night stand? Have I flirted with you openly, or asked you to dance? I think not. Why, I haven't even asked your name. You see...I find it interesting how women assume, just because a man in a club strikes up a conversation with them, that he is hitting on her. Perhaps I am not attracted to them. Perhaps I am actually gay. Or maybe I am seeking to make a friend since my own has abandoned me. Are you not also making judgements based on my appearance?

Ivan polished off the remaining vodka in his glass and turned around to order another as though he had not sassed the woman in return. While waiting for the bartender to get his drink, he added casually, “Power ballads. I love Classic Rock, do not get me wrong... But 80s hair metal? Absolutely horrendous. Yet preferable to the music played here.” He smirked. “If I am to be frank, I prefer classical and jazz to everything else. Perhaps I am an old soul... I have some grey hairs already, though you cannot tell in this lighting.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-31-2013, 11:04 PM

"Well, since I have no intention of running, I believe I must make it even more irresistible for you," Daemon grinned as he held out his hand and took hers gently. Leading Keira off the dance floor to an empty table across the way, Daemon added casually, "But perhaps we should continue our conversation off of the dance floor. I see more than one pair of eyes glaring at us for standing in the center of it and not dancing."

"As for being a detective, being a politician is so much more.. rewarding," Daemon added with a laugh as he sat opposite of Keira at the table, "Detective work is so mundane. You work with the same people day after day, long hours of sitting in your car tailing people -- and in the end it's all for what? You never really have face-to-face interaction with the people you dig dirt up on, and the look on the other person's face is too precious to be without it."

"So instead, I chose to work in politics. Though not as the face of the people, of course. I leave that to my sport of a friend Mr. Aristov," Daemon said with a wicked grin as he gestured to the tall man sitting beside the Hunter, "He takes all of the blame for me and presents the public spin to the press. For me, the joy is in the behind the scenes. Behind the scenes, you can assess and gather information without having to be the one in the public eye. It has quite a few perks. I get to be the snoop and do what I love, which is analyze, yet not have to be the one to use that information in the press. I really do hate the press."


"Hmm. I think perhaps we have both met our match, Mr. Debonair Suit. We have both made misjudgements and assumptions: You have assumed that because of my strikingly blond hair and deep blue eyes, that I am a doe that's ready to be hunted. Honestly. As if I would believe that a man such as you were interested in the same sex. My dear Mr. Debonaire Suit, I wasn't born yesterday. I believe I know a man who loves having women when I see one," she added with a smirk before taking a sip of her drink.

"However, I have misjudged you, with your tall, dark, and handsome stature; particularly in regards to your wit. You are very quick on your feet with your retorts, and I very much admire it. Not something that I would expect from a suit, so you've happily impressed me," Amelia added with a grin as she finished off her drink and motioned for the bartender to bring her another.

"Still, I did have you pegged as more of a head banging, heavy metal sort of a man. Classic and Jazz? Doesn't seem your style," Amelia added cheekily as she idly played with the straw in her drink, "Though, I must admit, you and I are a lot alike in that respect. I myself am and old soul trapped in a time that simply is too advanced for me. I am very fond of Classical and Jazz music as well; in particular, the piano, saxophone, harp, and violin. There is something about the way in which those instruments sound when they are played with passion that moves my soul. When beautiful music is played, it can truly bring tears to your eyes with the story it conveys without having to express it in words. That, my dear Debonair Suit, should be what music is truly about."

"And my name is Amelia, in case you were wondering," Amelia added with a playful smile as she looked up at the man beside her and took a sip of her drink that the bartender had set on the counter beside her. "Since it appears we shall be having quite the intriguing discussion, it would be rude to not be properly introduced, do you not agree? Unless you enjoy being called Mr. Debonaire Suit, that is," Amelia added with a teasing wink.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 06-02-2013 at 12:12 AM.. Reason: Missing words, grammatical errors!

“The first reaction to truth is ...
ContessaLeandra is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 02:16 AM

Keira didn't really know how to react to being touched by the vampire again, because even the slightest contact between his skin and hers sent a violent jolt of of electricity down her spine. Perhaps magnified by the effect of the alcohol, the female was furious blushing as Daemon guided her off of the dance floor and to a table. He seated himself across from her and she dropped into the chair, tugging up the collar of her dress so that she could cover the lower half of her face until she regained her composure. She seemed to be wheezing for a few moments, while the man explained why he'd chosen politics over detective work.

"I...See..." she gasped, her gaze flickering towards the man hanging out beside her new roommate. Well, her heart almost stopped right then. It was another vampire, even taller and more attractive than the one conversing with her. She and Amelia had been double-teamed by vampires. They were probably going to die. The plan would be to seduce them both and then carry them off into the night to become human sippy cups. The female unexpectedly dropped her face to the table, which she violently whacked her forehead into a couple of times, exclaiming, "OH GOD I'M AN IDIOT!!! STUUUUPPIIIIIDDDD." She popped immediately back up and fixed Daemon with buggy eyes. "You're distracting me," she announced meaningfully. "This is a game. ISN'T IT?" What in heaven's name was she on about? At least, that's what spectators would wonder.


"Head-banging, heavy metal sort of guy"? Ivan mentally cringed. As if he would be caught dead listening to such trash. He did not voice that opinion, however. Some women enjoyed abrasive personalities, but this "Amelia" did not appear to be one of their number. He managed a polite smile, which did not reach his eyes, but carried on as if she'd not mentioned anything remotely distasteful. However, she proceeded to ramble on about her romantic, musical inclinations, and the Russian pretended to listen while offering the occasional nod. "Very, very true. I very much agree. It is nice to find someone else similarly passionate about the classics." Inwardly he rolled his eyes.

"I quite like 'Mr. Debonair Suit', actually. It makes me seem refined and dashing. I'm afraid the title is a bit much, however. If you prefer, you may call me 'Alexei'."

'Alexei' was an ideal alias. It sounded Slavic, but also American. Frankly, he did not know any Alexei's, but it was a common enough name in his home country. Andrei's, however... Come to think of it, Andrei might have also enjoyed this outing. He was also a consummate ladies' man. "My colleague over there is Daemon." He indicated the man with her friend. There was no need to lie about Daemon's name. He doubted the slayers had records about him. "Forgive me, but your accent... Did you come to Albany for school, Miss Amelia?"

Last edited by ContessaLeandra; 09-16-2013 at 02:41 AM..

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 03:04 AM

Daemon looked at the young woman before him, banging her head on the desk. "A.. game? A distraction?" he asked casually as he shot a glance over at Ivan before looking back at the drunk woman across the table, "I very much wonder how your mind works, Keira. I think your imagination has ran away from you," Daemon added with a sly grin.

Leaning in towards Keira, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his lips, Daemon asked gently, "How is a casual conversation between strangers a distraction in a game? Tell me Keira, what game could I possibly be playing? Can't I have a sincere interest in getting to know a beautiful young woman better?"


'And there are the red flags again...,' Amelia thought to herself as she sensed his aloofness, his act wearing thin as he got out of his comfortable-persona. Something was just not right about the man beside her, or the man across the room with her.... very drunk roommate.

Looking across the room at the man he gestured to be Daemon, Amelia's eyes grew wide as she watched Keira bang her head against the desk and yell something about a distraction and a game. Keira was obviously drunk, but there was something else going on at that table, and everything in Amelia's gut was telling her to get Keira away from Daemon as fast as possible before something went wrong.

'Something is not right here... But what?' Amelia thought to herself before turning toward Alexei and downing the last of her drink. Setting the glass on the bar behind her, Amelia nodded, "Yes, I'm here studying American Law actually. I find the judicial system here very... intriguing. I'm originally from London," Amelia added before standing and straightening her dress.

"And though it has a been a pleasure talking to you Alexei, I am afraid I must save a very drunk Keira from doing something stupid, like banging her head on the table once again," Amelia added with a laugh, "Good evening, Alexei."

Walking over to Keira, Amelia smiled and rested a hand upon her shoulder. Looking over at Daemon, her hair suddenly standing on edge, Amelia introduced herself casually, "Daemon, isn't it? I'm Amelia. Your friend was just telling me about you," she added as she gestured to the man she just left at the bar, "I can't quite remember his name, though. But I'm sure you know who I'm talking about," Amelia added with a laugh, trying to pass herself off as being tipsy.

In truth, Amelia was feeling him out, seeing what he had to say and how he would approach the topic. Something didn't feel right about the two of them, and she was determined to figure it out.


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