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Old 11-01-2013, 03:42 AM

Welcome To The World Of Zamonia

In the year of 2054, popular gaming industries from all over the world had began to listen to the posting and ranting going on from all age groups all over the world about wanting to have a game where they could be able to take themselves to a virtual reality; where they would be able to fight monsters, do quests and meet other players. So with the help of all the different gaming industries working together on one goal, they were able to create the first virtual reality game where a person of any age group could buy a helmet that connected to their computer allowing them access into a virtual gaming world where they would be able to use their own mind to move their characters as though they were in their own shoes.

For the first few weeks, this game had quickly spread all over the world and it had only taken a matter of time before nearly everyone had an account of their own to play on. Kids, teenagers and even adults were all hooked into the game but still knew about their own social lives. It wasn't until one day however, at the main company where all the machinery was being done that someone or something had decided to hack into their systems and sabotage everything.

Due to this, any person that had decided to get on the game without knowing what happened would immediately be stuck in the game until either the problem was fixed or they could truly beat the game. Those who knew not to get on and tried to help the ones who were stuck in the game had no avail as it seemed almost as though they were in a coma-like state. The problem about the game also was that now if they had died in the game, it would cost them their own lives in reality as well.


  • No God Modding.
  • Make sure to be able to post at least once a few days.
  • If you are going to be unable to post for a while. Let me know.
  • DO NOT send profiles that are already around level 99 and are completely overpowered. Those profiles will not be accepted. Period. I'm sure I do not need to tell people what I mean by overpowered.
  • No killing off characters without mine and the creator of the character(s) premission.
  • Try to post at the very least of two lines to make sure that people have something to reply to.
  • Those of you who are familiar with "SAO" anime, this is somewhat like it. BUT not exactly so don't try to pull anything too big from it please.
  • PM all characters to me with the title of "Link Start!" To let me know you read the rules.
  • Your level can be from 1 to 50's to start off.
  • Have fun!~



Knight - The Knight class can be considered almost like a paladin of the group. Knights carry normally a one-handed sword or mace in one hand while in the other they carry a shield to protect incoming attacks. They are known to have the highest defense out of all the classes in the game. They also carry a small array of magic with them but normally it is either small buffs on themselves or other teammates. Higher level Knights can also learn an array of other spells.

Twin Swordsman - The Twin Swordsman class is much like a rogue but they have a bit higher defense then what you would expect from a rogue. They are quick on their feet to be able to dodge incoming attacks with slight ease. They also have an array of magic at their disposal but normally it is either to conceal themselves into the darkness to be able to hide from sight. Higher level Twin Swordsmans also learn other spells as well.

Gladiator - Gladiators are known for their brute strength. Their main weapons normally are two-handed weapons; such as two-handed swords, large battle axes, pole arms, etc. Even though their attack speed maybe one of the slowest, but their strength is not to be underestimated. They cannot produce any spells but their intense magic and physical defense matches up with that very well.

Elementist - Elementists are magic users who are known to use the abilities of all the elements around them to use for whatever they wish as their power. Fighting an Elementist at long range can be a quick and painful death if the spells are used correctly. They also have the ability to heal but it is not as powerful as that of a cleric's.

Summoner - Summoners are able to bring either the dead, or any kind of life form they wish to be brought of out nowhere to do their bidding. Whether it be healing others slightly, as a large shield to keep a monster at bay, or even attack their target is all depending on the summoner. Due to their low defense just like an elementist, they also rely on dark magic that does not have to do with the elements to defend themselves when their summoned allies are not near them.

Cleric - The Cleric class has the highest ability to be able to defend a group as well as healing multiple allies all at once. Their magic and physical defense maybe very low but they also have skills to be able to put shields around themselves or teammates to absorb damage and convert it either to mana if not health. They also have holy abilities such as smite to attack their enemies, even with low defenses; Clerics can be worthy adversaries in a one on one battle.

Muse - Muses are known to be the hybrid class of all the others within the game. This is due to the fact that they are quite skilled at fighting at both far and as well as close ranged combat. Although their skills may sound quite powerful and power might look flashy, they still are very vulnerable compared to many of the other classes. This is due to the fact that they are hybrids since they must be close to their targets for the music to actually take any real affect but as well at a good enough range for them to remain safe. With their low physical and magical defense but not as low as elementists, summoners, or clerics they can still be damaged easily but thankfully can heal and buff themselves as well as allies. Still not as much as a Cleric is able to though. Their main weapons are normally harps, clarinets, and flutes; which are all considered two-handed weapons.

Thief - The Thief class is probably the fastest on their feet compared to a Twin Swordsman. Their specialty is known for their name which is to steal from other players with much ease if not steal from stores and npc characters. Other than that, their skills are pretty much the same as that of a Twin Swordsman. The large difference between the two classes is that the Twin Swordsman has more defense then a thief but the thief has better accuracy and agility then that of the Twin Swordsman. They are known to use daggers in each hand in not chained weapons that are attach to one another for nearly endless amount of attacks. Other skills the thief can have are to blend into the darkness around them as well as having many different poisons to their disposal. They are able to learn many more skills as they progress further into their higher levels.

.::Character Creation::.

Race: (Can be creative on this as much as you want.)
Level: (Be Fair. Max is 100.)
Weapon(s): (Main weapon, and any SMALL side weapons. Two max. side weapons.)
Power(s): (Keep this fair.)
Extra: (If any.)

.::Player Listing::.

Originally Posted by happydeath

Name: Kirito Kazuto
Age: 22
Race: Cursed Human
Class: Twin Swordsman
Level: 47
Weapon(s): The Eradicator and The Elucidator. As well as his own bare fists and feet.
Power(s): He is able to conceal his entire body in shadows to allow him to move quicker and dodge in-coming attacks. As well as increasing the strength of his weapons to a great amount. He has yet to learn many other powers that should already known to him for his level.
Bio: When the very first virtual reality game had come out, Kirito had been one of the many who lined up at the nearest game store to buy the helmet that allowed people into the game. Ever since he had gotten his hands onto the game itself, he had spent alot of his time playing it. Since he lived alone already due to his friends abandoning him because of his usual depression problems and as well that he was always considered such a strange kid for not having parents and living alone most of his childhood. Kirito's only friends were those that he met in the game. When the hacker had decided to take over the programming of the game, Kirito hadn't realized this until he tried to take off the helmet and end up realizing he was stuck in the game.

Since the day he was stuck in the world of Zamonia, Kirito had done his best to try and level up and gain as many abilities as he could during his time alone here. Many of the friends he had met up to this day in the game had ended up getting themselves killed since they thought it would be a way to get out of the game. Noticing their deaths as they never returned, it took Kirito a matter of time to reach near the end of the game where he came across a large beast-like monster who defeated him and rather then kill him, had decided to place a curse upon Kirito. Due to this, the demon had taken over his body and to this day continues to try to take over his body but Kirito's soul just continues to fight back. However, he does not realize this due to him reawakening after the battle with the demon with nothing more than a scar of battle that his left eye has become more purplish than his right dark brown eye.
His right arm now also had been changed to look like some sort of gauntlet that is bound to his arm. He now keeps his left eye covered with multiple bandages and having his hair grow out to cover that area. While his right arm is wrapped in multiple bandages as well to make others think that it is nothing more than a severe wound that he had received from multiple battles.
Extra: Whenever his emotions lose control from thinking too much of how his past was, or if his life is being threatened to death the demon within him will show itself and allow Kirito to reveal some powers that he should already know for his level but as well as increase his own stats for a short period of time.



Name: Vaughn Clancy
Age: ??? / 25 in reality.
Race: (Can be creative on this as much as you want.)
Class: Gladiator
Level: ??? / Thought to be around 56 in his human form.
Weapon(s): His most seen used weapons are his hands and feet, as they looked to be a pair of gauntlets and boots that are enhanced using his own mana. Another weapon that he uses is a large two-handed blade which he is able to swing around quite easily as though it is light.
Power(s): Other than nearly all the skills of any gladiator could reach, as well as the combination of the other classes skills and spells; it is quite unknown if there are really any weak attacks that he has.
Bio: Vaughn was originally an ordinary player who was actually the very first person to be standing in front of the store when the game had first came out. So, to everyone he was truly the first person to be able to get their hands onto the game when it had come out. Ever since the game had come out, it had been rare to ever even see him leave his home for a few days other than to go buy needed things for anyone to live, such as food and water. Other than that, since he had already worked at home his whole life from his computer, Vaughn had already been making money by staying home the entire time as well.
On his free time, which was most of the time of his life anyway he would be on the game playing the whole time to try and be the first one to get to the highest level and with the strongest equipment along with the strongest weaponry. Since this man was already a big gamer and all, he had thought this was going to be quite easy. He soon found it rather difficult when he realized that beating many of the higher level monsters and buying better weapons and equipment was really hard. So rather than having to sit through the long hours everyday to beat the game faster, he had thought with his amazing computer skills, he should be able to cheat in the game without getting caught.
Vaughn soon found out that was impossible as he was quickly banned from ever making another account or even playing the game ever again by a person named Nausicaä; a GM. Being told that he was no longer ever able to play the game, he had taken his best computer skills an hacked quite easily into the gaming program's main computer and forced other players which included the GMs to be stuck inside the game along with other players. With this, he was able to make a new character with his own creation and made sure to keep himself anonymous and make sure that he could make his character the strongest out of all others. To this day, he wishes to seek out revenge on the GM that banned him and make sure to make all other players suffer as he did for having to get that far into the game and become banned.
Extra: He tends to like putting a false sense of security for those around him by making them feel as though he is actually a really nice guy. Although he is the true hacker behind the fake smiling mask.
Originally Posted by Gemini

Name: Gemini Starr
Age: 19
Race: Fairy
Class: Summoner
Level: 30
Weapon(s): Double blades (seen in picture) and various small throwing knives.
Power(s): besides the regular summoner abilities, her main power is summoning animals, followed closely by plants. She has limited summoning power over the dead.
Bio: Gemini Starr was one of the first people to get the brand new virtual reality helmets. She got one before anyone else because her father was one of the researchers that helped develop the helmet. Once she got hers, Gemini linked up almost immediately. Unfortunately, this meant that she was the very first to fall victim to the hacker. Due to this, Gemini in the game remembers nothing of her real life, and actually feels what happens to her in the game.
Extra: Gemini gave herself a moderate attack stat, high speed, but low defense. Unlike what one would think, her fairy character is about the size of a 13 year old female human.
Originally Posted by p o p p e t ♥

This is what she looks like when she's using her powers:

Name: Naomi Chiara
Age: 19
Race: Druid
Class: Cleric
Level: 16
Weapons: Her staff and her wolf companion Zeus.
Powers: Aside from the typical cleric powers of healing and shield forming, she has the ability to draw power from large or small but abundant sources of energy, such as turning kinetic energy into physical blasts or converting solar energy into other forms. She also has great empathy.
Bio: Naomi was never big into gaming but this new 'great' thing hit the market and she was convinced to give it a shot by her long time boyfriend and new fiance, who loved gaming. She heard about what was happening to people, and it happened to her fiance. She went into the game on purpose, knowing what would happen, to help him. She found him. They traveled together until one day they were attacked. He was badly injured and she wasn't strong enough yet to heal him in time and he died.

Naomi's only companion now is her Zeus. She travels with him looking for a way out. She's consumed in sadness and is usually quiet, though she hasn't always been this way. She has dark hair to her mid back. Her left eye is purple and her right eye is blue, though the colors are so similar it's almost unnoticeable.
Originally Posted by Temple

Name: Gawain
Race: Celestial
Class: Knight
Level: 37
Arodlight(Sword of the Lake): This is one of four exotic weapons that were placed into the game. The blade of the Lake gives of a black glow to represent the end of the knights.
Caliburn(sword in the stone):This is another one of four swords placed into the game. The blade gives of a calming feeling to represent the beginning of the knights
Power(s):Gawain uses a number of buffing and healing spells to help him in his journey.
Bio:Not much is know of Gawains real life except that he is crippled from the waste down. When he bought the game he was excited he would beadle to know how it is to walk but what came after surprised him, he wasn't able to leave the game he was trapped in his dream ok movement but to him this was paradise able to live his life like the knights of the round table, To battle creatures of great power this is what he truly wanted.
Extra: After reaching a high level Gawain fell off the face of the earth no one knew where he was but in truth he spent years in game searching for the holy swords and with this hopefully able to create Excalibur sword of kings.
Originally Posted by Shikabane Hime

Nausicaä “Doitsu” Von Crimson
A white clarinet and a short sword.
  • Minor Buffing
  • Minor Healing
  • Elemental song weave - gathers the energy in her hand and launches it towards the enemy. {Depends on the song and element}
  • Song of Confusion
  • Sonicportation - teleportation
Real - Nausicaä is a successful fifth generation game designer in Germany and the United States. Her company, Schwert Hack INC; a family ran gaming company, and other companies were soon getting request from their fans to make a virtual game. Nausicaä and others soon thought of an idea and came up with a fun game that was like an adventure game but all you needed was a helmet. Soon enough, a game by the name of Zomania came out. Nausicaä made her account and played it every once in a while, eventually making it to the level she wished to be. However, two weeks later, rumors spread about the game has been having technical difficulties. Worried for the welfare of the players, she entered the game but soon realized she was unable to get out of it. Now stuck in the game, Nausicaä has to find out what is going on; unfortunately she has been hiding from the players because she isn’t able to explain what is really going on.
In game - Nausicaä Doitsu is a Naga Princess, she had lived with the Kingdom for most of her life. One day, she left her home, believing that she was able to handle herself around the humans and other creatures. She has a tendency to become really funny but she can be really afraid of anyone who appears behind her, like the last person. She accidentally smacked a human across the city when he tapped her on the shoulder. As a way to say sorry, she healed him and continued on her journey around the place. Nausicaä is terribly shy around others and hides in the bushes when she is around other people.
Nausicaä has a small blue sphere that follows her around. It is able to interact with her by chirping and whistling, along with showing her if the monster is too strong, too weak or just the same level. However, it is unable to fight for itself and often hides behind a tree or rock. She has no real dragon form nor the ability to fly but she is stronger than humans, along with enhanced smell, reflex, sight and strangeness. She also has a tendency of saying ‘hora hora’ for an unknown reason.
Originally Posted by EgotisticalNymph

Name: Strea Anelion
Age: 20
Race: Fairy
Class: Elemental
Level: 15
Weapon(s): Besides her elemental powers, a small knife used to cut her way through tall grass and plants.
Power(s): Due to her low level, she can only access some of her elemental powers. Her main is Air, but can also use a little bit of Earth. She also can do some “Minor” healing.
Bio: Strea is a college student that also has a gaming side to her. She loves playing games as long as they don't interfere with her schooling. When she found out about the new virtual game that had been created, she and all her friends waited outside the store the day before the game and helmets were released. She wanted to be in the worrier class, but due to a lost bet she was forced to become an elemental fairy. As she played however, she did begin to like being an elemental, just not a small fairy. When her friends told her about the problem the game was facing, she ignored them, thinking they were only trying to keep her from beating them in level. She soon however learned that she could not leave. Now she roams the game trying to find anyone who she could team up with and quickly get out.
Extra: Strea has a fear of big animals.
Originally Posted by IchirusVampireGirl

(when shes in normal form)
(when she is in fighting form)
Name: Yukina Utada
Race: Half Human Half Vampire
Class:Twin Swordsman
Level: 50
Weapon(s): Two swords that ,when some magic is used , become one big blade.
Power(s): when she touches someone , she can see there thoughts or memory's, but only if she chooses too or if she is detracted.
Bio: Yukina , is normaly a very friendly girl, who does what she can , to bring out the best in people and always wants to help. Though she does suffer from MPD(Multiple Peronality Disorder) , due too somehing in her past when she was younger. Her "dark side comes out when she ger into her fighting mode. Her dark side is crule, and likes to toy with people,but if the normal Yukina makes a friend she becomes protective of them. Since her dark side is protective over Yukina.

Name:Akito Atsunomi
Race: Human
Level: 30
Weapon(s):A golden staff
Power(s): None other than the usual elementist powers.
Bio: Akito was a straight A student who loved technology. When he wasn't study he was playing video games. His mother is a doctor and his father a wealthy business man who was never around. He loves people and will help whoever and where ever he can. He is light heated and easy going and loves to joke around.
Originally Posted by Andraus

Name: Sauron De Barta
Age: 22
Race: Human
Class: Knight
Level: 48
Weapon(s): A Dual Edged Sword, and Hatchet
Power(s): Blood-Lust : Becomes so full of rage, so full of raw power, that he rushes into battle, ignoring the pain, and just starts attacking and slashing at his enemies

Litany of The Damned : Can increase the power of all his Allies 10x, at the cost of Some Life.
Bio: Sauron is a Forsworn, A Knight who has abandoned the Call of Honor, to Serve himself. He is a Free-lance Knight, selling his arm's to those that can pay. While Foreboding, he get's his job done, no matter the cost.
Extra: His knight Shield has a Silver Claw.

Name: Unknown. Goes By the Alias 'Malum In Se' Which Roughly translates to 'The Evil Within'
Age: 23
Race: Chaos Elf
Class: Summoner
Level: 49
Weapon(s): A Planesworn Staff and a Soul-Forged
Power(s): Expert Level Summoning Skills, Adept Level Chaos Magic, and Apprentice level Illusion Magic
Bio: Not much is known about who Malum really is. Some say she was a School-girl, who let the power of the Virtual world go to her head. Others say that when they were stuck in the Virtual World, She began confusing the Real world, with the Virtual world.

Either way it goes, She's a skilled summoner, and having chosen the Origin of a Chaos elf, managed to learn some Chaos magic, and a little bit of Illusion. She seldom stay's in one spot, and is always on the move.
Extra: She has a Tattoo of an Eye on her back.

Name: Thorin Millenium
Age: 20
Race: Forest Elf
Class: Thief
Level: 48
Weapon(s): A Cross bow, with Blue-steel Bolts, and Two Chain Daggers.
Power(s): Nature's Balm : Abled to use the simplest of material's, to create a healing Balm. More effective in Forest Regions.

Shadow Clones : 3 Other versions of me appear, capable of only basic motor functions. They will attack, but are relatively weak.

Nature's Poison : Can Craft a Variety of Poison's, from Simple Materials. Works best in Swamp Regions.
Bio: Thorin was one of the first to get the Helmet, being the son of a Small-time Game-developer. However, he played it only twice a week, having school-work and such to focus on.

When they got trapped, He was thrown off-key. He'd never been a big gamer, so this was completely foreign to him. He does realize, however, that if he doesn't learn, he could easily die.
Extra: His Crossbow has the name 'Dremora' scratched on it.
Originally Posted by silvergamer

Name: Ski Viridi
Age: 17
Race: Fairy
Class: Elementist
Level: 20
Weapon(s): Her main weapon is her bow and arrow.
Power(s): Although an elementist, most of her powers are over wind. She does know a little of the other elements.
Bio: Lover of magic and video games, Ski was eager to get this game when it came out. Ever since the glitch, she actually hasn't been too upset about it. The only thing she misses is her family.
Originally Posted by Kiyoto

Name: Haru
Age: ???
Race: Black Mage
Class: Elemist
Level: 55
Weapon(s): He carries with him a simple wooden sttaff in appearance, but at times of trance, his staff transforms.
Power(s): As an elemist, he is able to control the elements. He also has an ability called Trance, which activates in times of high emotion or his life is in mortal danger. In trance, his form as well as his staff's change. Instinct kicks in at this point, and his magic/attacks are heightened for a given ammount of time, typically leaving him relativly drained afterwards. He also has a sixth sense, which allows him to sense magic and other things around him.
Bio: Haru has few memories of his life before the game. He remembers waking up in a large field near a forest in the tall grass under a tree. It had been a beautiful day, with bright sunlight and the field itself beautiful. Since then, he has been travelling around, looking for his memories as well as helping those when he can. He has noticed some people seem to be afraid of him, but he does not understand why.
Extra: His memories seem to scare him a bit, since some of them hint at a dark past. He also feels a darker side to his magic and himself within him, and some hidden darker abilities, but he tries to keep that back by doing good things

Name: Silver
Age: 17
Race: Atlantian
Class: Twin Swordsman
Level: 49
Weapon(s): The large fins on his arms have edges which are as sharp as any blade, and the flat sides of them also serve as shields, not much room to keep other things with him. He is trained in many weapons, able to use them if he comes across them, as well as able to use his surroundings as a weapon and advantage.
Power(s): His powers come more from his natural race. He is able to breath under water and swim at immense speeds, as well as communicate naturally with water baised creatures. Instead of his magic allowing him to melt into shadows, his body seems to melt into water. This makes him more dangerous around bodies of water as well as in rain, which also boosts his natural abilities (speed, agility, etc.). His race has naturally higher speed, agility and physical strength, due to a lighter and more flexable but strong bone structure, which complement well with the twin swordsman's skills in this field. His more leathery, but surprisingly soft, skin is a bit harder to cut as well. He heals faster over time in water as well. He is in the process of studying water magic as well. The moon seems to have a positive affect on him and his skills as well, since the moon is connected typically to water, meaning he is typically more active at night.
Bio: Silver is a mystery to many players, he typically goes where he wants to and does what he wants to, keeping more to himself. He has fought to level up within the game, and continues to do so, earning him quite a bit of hub within the gaming world. He has always been a player of honor and respect, especially within a fight, dispising those who revert to trickery or using shady means to win. Personality wise, other than being a loner he can be a bit intimidating and more of a quiet and reserved guy. Some find him a bit cold and unapproachable, but he has a good heart benieth the icy exterior.
Extra: Being naturally more cold blooded (a walking fishman), cold areas and magic have a stronger effect on him, causing his body and skills to slow down. Staying in it to long, will cause his body to "shut down" in a sense, entering a sort of hybernation, until warmed up again. Fire baised spells and hotter areas he can withstand due to his more leathery skin, but for long periods of time without water or such will dry out his skin, which could have various effects on him depending.

Last edited by happydeath; 11-10-2013 at 03:26 AM..

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Old 11-03-2013, 12:47 AM

Laying in the bloodied snow, a young blond male had slowly helped himself to do a single push up from the ground as he held a single hand over his side. Glancing down only slightly to see what was causing him so much pain, he moved his hand only slightly to notice that there was blood gushing from his side. His health had kept depleting at a slow pace due to the wound. It had seemed as though whatever had happened to him before he had passed out here in the snow, someone or something had inflicted bleeding status upon him. Biting onto his lower lip, the blond male had raised his free hand in front of him to show his inventory screen. Reaching into his pouch, he pulled out a pair of bandages as he did his best to try and tend to the wound with the bandages as much as he could.

Knowing well enough that the bandages were only going to be a temporary fix for his wound. It had taken him a matter of minutes to be able to wrap his entire sides in the bandages. Slowly enough, he stood up to his feet and making sure to keep a single grasp over the wound area. At the very least, his bleeding had stopped for the time being until he could find a nearby town, a cleric or at the very least an elementist. With his vision only slightly blurry, he took a few moments to himself to be able to get an idea of his surroundings. It seemed as though he was in the middle of climbing a large snowy mountain.

Shaking off the thought of even continuing to climb up this mountain for whatever reason he was doing so in the first place. The blond male turned his back and began to make his way down the large snowy mountain slowly. As he kept on walking down the path to reach the bottom of the mountain, everytime there would be a large gust of cold air he would make sure to check if the bandages over his left eye and right arm were still attached tightly. It only had taken him a matter of time that the cold had finally affected his body to the point that he could no longer handle it. Dropping to his knees as his body began to shiver violently, he wrapped both his arms around his body to try and warm himself up as much as possible.

Once again, he had searched through his inventory for something that could keep him from dying there in the snow. However, all his potions were down to zero and he didn't have anymore bandages to be able to wrap around his body in hopes that it would keep his body heat from leaving more. Noticing this, the blond male exhaled a deep sigh before dropping his entire body and land upon the snowy ground. Luckily enough though, since he was able to reach away from the near summit area of the mountain and was slightly close to the more forest-like area of the game, he didn't die from the extreme cold weather. Although, it didn't mean this one male would be able to survive there till nightfall. The male's name was Kirito, also one of the first others to join the virtue would of Zamonia.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-03-2013, 04:02 AM

The cold crisp mountain air cut through his fur, ruffling it as he tilted his head up to sniff at the scents that the frigid wind brought. The large black and grey wolf could smell the scent of blood. Someone in the area was injured. It was his job to help Naomi find the injured, and now he was on a trail.

Zeus looked over his shoulder at Naomi who was a few feet behind him, adjusting her large coat, pulling the fur lined hood over her head. His orange eyes locked on her multi-colored ones and she knew. Zeus had found something. She used the tall staff to move through the snow, plunging it into the ground in front of her to be sure the snow would hold.

She followed Zeus until they came upon a patch of crimson snow. "This is a lot of blood," she said to Zeus. She wondered if whoever had left it here had made it far. Her blue and purple eyes scanned the area for a body she hoped not to find. She couldn't stand the thought of more loss thanks to this game.

There were spots in the snow, footprints Zeus found. Naomi nodded at him and they began following the tracks. They were fresh. They had to be with this wind, otherwise they'd have been covered up by now. They had traveled some ways down the mountain when Zeus howled.

Just ahead was the body. So they'd found it. Naomi cringed. So many lives lost... She patted the wolf who's head came up to her hip, on the head. "Good boy," she said. She made her way to the body, realizing part way there that it was breathing. "My God!" she said, "He's alive!"

Zeus raced ahead with a pack hanging from either side of his large furry body filled with various things. Naomi was close behind. She fell to her knees beside him in the snow. "Hey," she said urgently, "Stay with me okay? I'm here to help." She was already checking for the wounds.

"He's freezing," she said to Zeus, worried that the man would die from cold long before he lost enough blood. Zeus took that as his cue. Naomi wrapped an arm under his and tried her best to pull him up enough that Zeus could get his body under the man. Once the man was on Zeus' back, Naomi picked up his belongings and commanded the wolf to get out of the snow and into the woods where she could heal him and build a fire to warm him.

Zeus was careful not to spill the man and Naomi kept her eyes out for signs of danger.

((I didn't know if you'd like this idea, so I left it here. Feel free to have Zeus find a clearing and set him down!))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-03-2013, 04:26 AM

Wrapped in a special cloak, the fairy girl was just coming out of the forested part of the mountain and into the snowy part when she spotted what looked like a large wolf carrying an injured man, followed by a woman. Checking their stats, she could see that the man's health was declining quickly. Worried, she moved towards them, waving so that they would see she was not a threat. "Hail, the party!" She called her standard greeting for when she met a group of people out in the wild. "It is almost nightfall, and dangerous to be out in the cold after dark. Is there anything I can do to help?" the small summoner asked the woman of the group. A quick once-over gave the impression that the woman was a cleric, but not a very high level one. The girl opened up her inventory and found a warmth potion. "Here. That man looks liable to freeze to death out here. This should help, at least until a fire can be built." She offered, ever the good Samaritan.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-03-2013, 04:48 AM

There was a voice nearby. Zeus heard the woman coming before she spoke and he and Naomi looked her way. She nodded in agreement. It was going to be getting twice as dangerous soon. She accepted the warmth potion. "Thanks," she said. "I'm still pretty new at this," she added.

Zeus continued into the forest until he found a tiny clearing in front of a small cave. They would need to build the fire outside of the cave since it wasn't very big. But at least they'd have some shelter nearby if necessary. Zeus stopped. Naomi removed a pack from his side to use for a pillow for the man, and placed it on the ground near where they could start the fire.

She turned to the woman, doing the stat checking thing; she still sucked at that, too. She didn't know what the stuff meant half the time. "Can you build a fire?" she asked before helping Zeus with the man on his back. Naomi slid him onto the ground gently and pushed the make-shift pillow under his head. She began to reassess him and his wounds. "These are bad," she said before making quick work of the warmth potion.

Soon the man would begin warming up, even without the fire, hopefully preventing hypothermia or some other awful sickness. She continued talking, to the woman or Zeus, maybe to herself. "I- I can't heal these fully. I'm not strong enough." It was true. Naomi could do a good job of taking his pains away, but she'd have to concentrate really hard, and use a lot of her own energy for it.

She could also quicken the healing process. But she was far from being an expert in her area. She'd get better each time she had to do something like this. She only hoped her current best would be good enough. It hadn't been before...

Naomi repositioned herself and the man. She pulled his head into her lap, sitting behind him. She began focusing all of her energy and power, covering the man's mind like a blanket to give him a false sense of relief over the pain. Perhaps then he would at least be able to tell them what had happened.

Her eyes began to glow dimly as she focused more energy on healing his wounds. Perhaps the fairy would realize Naomi wasn't a very high level, and help her by removing his old bandages and replacing them with new. Naomi couldn't ask her to now, she was too focused. Nothing existed around her now. Another reason for her companion Zeus, who would look out for her now.

((Sorry, went ahead and posted to get you into the woods happy! I didn't know if you'd have enough to respond to without it!))

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Old 11-03-2013, 05:23 AM

((o.o I didn't mind if you would've just found some random spot to have him drop my character off. Normally once my characters are like that, I don't mind them being used to be placed around. lol))

Throughout the entire time Kirito had laid there in the snow, his body temperature had kept on lowering down further and further. The only thought that he could still manage to get through his head was that he was going to die here, never did he even get a chance to live his life in reality once again; just for one more day. As he continued to lay there, each part of his own body had slowly began to numb itself as the wound began to bleed itself through the temporary bandages that he used to wrap around his body. The snow he was laying upon had once more began to suck up the blood that came from his wound only to cause it to turn to a dark reddish color just like earlier.

It wasn't till the sound of a wolf's howl did Kirito only slightly lift his head to see what he had heard. Were these more of the virtual monsters deciding to come and feast on the remains of whatever was left of his body now. The sight of a large black and grey wolf had put that thought straight into his mind before he had noticed how a woman with jet black hair was rushing over towards him as well from right behind the wolf. Another player. Just what he needed, someone to come and loot the rest of his body after he died.

The last thing to be expected was when both the woman and the wolf had arrived over toward him. She tried to get him to stay alive before helping his own body to get onto the wolf. Even if the pain may had affected the wound on his side, he fought through it had allowed the wolf to carry him away from the snowy plateau and towards the forest. While being carried at a quickened pace, Kirito could still feel the wound hitting him from each step the wolf had taken away from the area. Although the wolf was very careful, it didn't change that the pain was still nearly unbearable.

When another female voice had come up to instruct for the wolf and the other woman to stop. Kirito had been too injured at this point and still losing blood to even try and take a glance over at what or who was speaking to them. All that was really known was that after a little bit, the other female voice had given over something to the woman and they continued to go off into a slightly more warmer area than the snowy mountains. It wasn't till they reached the small cave that Kirito was helped down from the wolf's back and onto a softer surface. By this point, with the snow that was on his clothing melting away, with his clothing covered in cold water it didn't help his wound that he began to shiver from how cold he was.

When the potion was placed upon him, he couldn't help but wince from the sharp pain of the liquid touching his open wound even if it had a few bandages around it. Luckily enough though, after it was placed upon him, the shivering had finally come to a halt as his breathing steadied down to just a deep panting from how much blood lost and pain he was still in. The color on his face by this point was slowly growing paler by the moment since he couldn't help but keep on thinking about the deep wound in his side and the other minor wounds on his body. Once his head was held into the lap of the woman and his mind was being comforted at first to try and keep his head away from the pain was when he began to be able to think clearly about what got him to where he was now and how hurt he was.

It was during this time that his minor wounds; such as bruises and tiny cuts were being healed off. The larger gash in his side however seemed to only heal off the small damaged tissues around the outside of the wound first off. However, slowly enough it was indeed healing it very slowly. At the very least, his bleeding had stopped which also meant his health had stopped depleting as well.

((Just letting chu know Poppet, uhhh..I would guess that since your a lower level. Healing more higher levels would also help you get exp. to increase your skills at healing. Just wanted to put that out there, since your a really low level at the moment, I wouldn't mind if you leveled up a few times right after all this. I'm just putting this out there for everyone, basic abilities that classes can do should give a bit of exp rather then it be all fighting for that.))

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-03-2013, 06:22 AM

((Sounds reasonable.))

As the other woman worked on the man, the girl started gathering wood and building a fire. Soon enough there was a large roaring fire to help warm them all up. Once that was done, she made her way over to the woman, who was currently trying to heal her patient. Seeing that the man's largest wound was still covered in old bandages, she carefully unwrapped them so that the wound could heal freely. Then, she took a bottle of water from her inventory and started to clean the wound, trying hard not to hurt the man. "If you can hear me, try to stay still. You'll be better soon, and then we can round up some food." She said, thinking that the sound of a caring voice might help.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-04-2013, 04:45 AM

((Sounds like a good idea to me!))

There was a voice. It was distant and muffled. The fairy was speaking, but Naomi was somewhere else in her mind, focusing her energies. She sat there like that for some time with both hands held over the man's body. Her eyes continued to glow. A strange glow, almost like a tattoo appeared on her face and various other places on her body, though unseen under her fur coat.

Even her hair seemed lighter, almost as if the gravity around it wasn't as strong, causing stray hairs to flit around her face and her braid to loosen. Little beads of energy appearing as golden streams of light would course through her black hair. And she would remain perfectly still, like a statue. Only the slightest movement from her chest as she breathed.

Zeus sat nearby. Well enough away from the fire that he could see beyond it without the light affecting his vision, already better vision than most, but also close to Naomi. She counted on him one hundred percent when she was in this state. She was nearly completely defenseless at the moment.

Some few minutes later, Naomi's eyes began to dull. They returned to their normal purple and blue color, and her hair fell around her face, disheveled. The energy had disappeared from her skin and hair and her hands fell to her sides, where they caught her from falling.

She was breathing heavily. "That's the best I can do," she said weakly. "He'll survive, and should be healed by morning." She paused, trying to regain enough energy to continue speaking. "I wish- I were stronger..." That was all she could manage. Zeus recognized this state and he was already beside her. She leaned into him as he laid down beside her.

"I just need... to rest... for a minute..." she said, her voice trailing off at the end. Her eyes drifted shut as her head met the soft cushion of fur. One hand rested on the man's shoulder protectively, not that it would actually protect him. Naomi did believe though that if she remained in constant contact with him, as her energy rose, some would transfer to him.

She wasn't exactly asleep, but certainly not awake. She'd more or less passed out from exhaustion, her body lacking enough energy to even remain sitting upright.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-04-2013, 05:03 AM

The fairy watched in amazement as the cleric transformed, became something more somehow, in her healing state. She waited with bated breath until the woman's appearance returned to normal, and she collapsed onto the wolf that was there and ready to catch her. Shuffling closer, the fairy took off her cloak and laid it over the man, then gently rearranged the woman so that she would be comfortable. "You'll surely gain some experience after all that. You'll get stronger, miss. You are probably stronger already. Rest now, and I'll keep watch until you both are well." She said.

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Old 11-04-2013, 06:18 AM

After the dark haired woman had finished up her healing on his body, Kirito remained motionless the entire time as he laid still. His clothing still drenched from the amount of water that was on it due to the snow melting on him, although from the warmth potion, he no longer felt the extreme cold affect his body as much. While the woman had healed his wounds, he was able to hear the faint voice of the familiar other woman who had handed them the warmth potion speak up. She spoke about being better soon and rounding up food once he reawaken from his slumber. It had been quite some time since Kirito had actually been able to eat any food to keep his nutrient levels to a proper rate. Just the thought of it allowed him to know that he truly was going to survive through this after-all.

Once the healing had completed with the wound being still a slight gash in his side but not being as bad as it once was. The color on his face and skin had slowly began to make it's way back into his body before the sight of his own chest breathing had steadied down to a proper and normal pace. Thanks to the cloak that was laid over his body as well, it allowed him to rest much easier until the next morning arose.

After several hours of rest and with the virtual world giving a new day to all the players in Zamonnia. Kirito had let out small groans as he reopened both of his eyes slowly, helping himself to sit up; he quickly held a single hand onto his side from the wound not completely being gone yet. The pain wasn't as bad as it once was when he had been bleeding nonstop yesterday, but it didn't change the fact that it was still there and hurting quite a bit.

Turning his attention towards his surroundings to see where he was, he had noticed there was two women around him and a wolf. The sight of the black haired woman immediately reminded him of what happened last night as he had reached over to nudge the sleeping woman with one hand. He wanted to make sure to thank the players that had helped him out in his time of dire need. As he shook the woman, he had noticed how the other female was also right by the two of them as the flame from last night was already out by this point. "Uhm..miss?" he had called out to the other woman as well as over towards the one that slept right nearby, wondering which of them would awaken first for him to thank them properly.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-04-2013, 06:54 AM

The small summoner, who had not slept the whole night, turned abruptly at the sound of a man's voice. Seeing that the wounded man was awake, she jumped up instantly and went over to him. "You're awake. I have been keeping watch all night. Are you feeling any better?" She asked, already gently pulling the cloak away to check his wounds. Having given up her cloak, she was rather cold herself, and her delicate yet powerful wings shivered slightly, but she paid it no attention. "She may need to sleep a bit more. She used up a lot of energy healing you, but I think she may have leveled up from it, too."

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Old 11-05-2013, 06:08 AM

While Kirito had continued to shake the dark haired woman beside him to see if he could reawaken her only to get no response for a bit, he had thought for sure maybe it would've been best to let her rest for the time being. Viewing her stats and for what class she was, it gave away that she was no doubt the one that had healed pretty all of his wounds. So if he had thought back on how many wounds and how weakened he was, it must've taken quite a bit out of her to make her need the rest for it. Slowly releasing his grip on her to see if he could get her to wake up, when another female voice came up beside him; Kirito had quickly turned his gaze over toward the fairy that made her way over to him.

Not bothering to stop her from taking the cloak from his body to reveal that his clothing had dried up overnight, he listened as to how she stated that she stayed up all night to keep watch and her question on whether or not he was feeling any better. Taking a glance down at his body to notice that there were new bandages around his side where the wound was, the pain that was once in his side was now nothing more than a minor annoyance to him that would only become a large problem if something hard had hit him there. "Uhmm...yes. I am feeling much better. Thank you for helping me." He lowered his head down to a somewhat bow to be able to show his respects toward one of the two women who saved his life from being taken away because of this game.

Turning his gaze back over toward the other female who was asleep when the woman stated that the cleric needed more sleep. He checked her stats once again to check and see what level she was. It was true, she wasn't exactly extremely high in level but it was quite shocking she was able to heal up his wounds this much, so there was no doubt she must've been a lower level than what he was seeing at the time being and from when she was healing him. "She is very talented for her level.." He whispered silently to himself before glancing back over toward the dark-haired summoner. "So, may I ask your name..miss?" He questioned her lightly while he remained seated on the ground with both of his legs crossed.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-05-2013, 07:12 AM

The girl watched silently while the man checked himself, then looked over the other woman. He was probably checking her stats and level. That was what she had done, after all. Once he turned his attention back to her, the summoner gave a bright smile. "My name is Gemini Starr, fairy summoner level 30. It was no problem helping you, really. I barely did anything, anyway." She looked at the sleeping cleric. "You're right, she is quite talented. So, what is your name? And, if you don't mind my asking, how did you end up so wounded up here, all alone like that?" She asked.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 03:48 AM

Voices woke Naomi up, though she wasn't alarmed. If there'd been any reason to be alarmed, Zeus would have woken her by now. Her blue and purple eyes flicked open and Zeus nudged the side of her face with his muzzle. In his own way, he was telling her good morning, and asking if she was okay.

She smiled and rubbed his face, and her tummy growled. She sat up as Zeus stood. He looked at the others and back at Naomi. She nodded at him, and he disappeared into the forest. She looked at the male who seemed to be doing quite well. That was a relief. "So you've survived," she said, moving to the fire that was dying out.

Naomi poked at it and added more wood, blowing on it to rekindle it. "Zeus is hunting," she said to the pair. "We'll need the fire to cook." Though her voice was friendly, and she was of no threat to the others, there was an air of sadness about her. One would be able to hear it in her voice, even when she was smiling. It was always there. The sadness never left her.

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Old 11-06-2013, 07:00 AM

Watching as to how Gemini had given a brightly lit smile towards him before stating that she was a summoner at level 30 and that she was a fairy race, he nodded his head before slowly trying to help himself get back up to his feet. As he had done so, the slight bit of pain that jolted into the wound on his side had caused him to remain sitting on the floor with his breathing heavy again for moment. It was right then when the fairy had questioned him about how he had ended up alone and wounded like the way he was last night and for his name.

Staying silent for a few moments, Kirito had only paused for a bit of silence to be able to think through what had happened to cause him to had been as hurt as he was. Nothing much came to mind, unfortunately. "My name is Kirito..Kazuto. Level 47, human; twin swordsman. As for the reason behind why I had been hurt..I'm not too sure. I don't have much memory of what had happened, All I can remember was fighting some kind of beast out near the colder regions. I had been caught off guard by some kind of large ice worm thing..Whatever it was, it seemed like the acid the thing spat had some kind of blinding toxin to it. I can't really remember much after it spat at me. My apologies." He spoke lightly as the sounds of someone getting up had caught his attention.

Turning his gaze straight over towards where the cleric had been laying, Kirito had watched as how the wolf that carried him last night had ran off into the forest and the woman stated that he had survived. Nodding his head lightly as she stepped over towards the dying flames to bring it back, from her voice, he felt as though something had been a bit off about her. Almost as though she was upset, he wished to ask her what had bothered her but it seemed quite unfriendly to ask such a thing to someone that he didn't even know yet. " you miss.." He spoke out as he stayed seated still where he was, with whatever energy he had Kirito had bowed his head lightly towards this same other woman to show his respects for her saving his life as well. "Uhh..may I ask for your name?"

Last edited by happydeath; 11-08-2013 at 02:38 AM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 08:01 AM

Gemini listened intently to the man's story, noting the trouble he had when he tried to get up. Once he finished, she shook her head at his apology. "Don't apologize, it isn't your fault. The northern beasts can be quite difficult, though this is the first I have heard of one of them causing memory loss. Perhaps there was a glitch." She suggested, though that didn't seem likely. Right then, the other woman woke up and approached. Gemini turned to her and bowed politely, her wings fluttering as she did so. "It is good to see that you are awake, miss. I hope your energy has increased to a normal level." She said, smiling again.

Shikabane Hime
So...tired....just...let me....d...
Shikabane Hime is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 08:22 AM

The grass was somewhat crunchy, the leaves were different color shades of orange, yellow, red and the some browns. It must have been fall, or at least someone the beginning of it. The air was slightly cold and fresh, however it was a little gentle. Peaceful as ever, enough for a child to rest. The falling of leaves was the only think that was happening at the moment, well, that is how it was supposed to be. Someone was alive in this colorful part of the woods.

It was a creature, a very large creature, it was as tall as a normal human but only no legs. Its tail was long and slender, a hint of dark purple could be seen from the almost orange-ish colored ground. The jewelry on the being was a lovely color of silver, pale purple and hot pink. The being's torso was also a sort of pale color, but a little more brighter. Her ears were almost elf like and eyes seem to shine a bright gold and black color. Her hair was long with the colors of black, purple and mauve, it swayed lightly as she slowly slithered through the woods. This creature was different from most, she was a naga. She was one of a very important naga. She was the princess. Her name was Nausicaä Doitsu, the Naga Princess.

She slithered through the woods and looked around until she sensed something coming. She dove to the ground as a blue crystal blue appeared out of nowhere as it hovered over chirping softly. "Blue, quiet. We might be found." She said softly, placing her pointer finger on her lips. Blue bounced once as he hovered away, Nausicaä panicked and slithered over worried as she slithered after Blue. "Blue wait. Dang it." She whispered loudly, slithering over to him. She leaped and jumped towards Blue as he continued to hover around, she reached out a few times and missed each time until she managed to catch Blue then fell to the ground with a thud. A smile appeared on the young Princess's face as she held Blue close. "Blue, please don't do that again." She said softly smiling softly and held Blue close, her boobs smothering the crystal ball.

It wasn't until Nausicaä slowly looked over to her left and seen a wolf, her eyes widen as he curled her tail lightly, trembling as her cobra fan opened up a little more whimpering a little. "Oh dear, this is a series of unfortunate events." She said softly gulping lightly.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-06-2013, 10:33 PM

The fire was rekindled, very minimally, in a way that kept it hot, but flame free. "I'm Naomi," she offered, leaving it at that. It wasn't like she was going to stick around these people. They didn't need to know her and she didn't need to know them. They'd only end up split apart or dead anyway. She'd done her part, and that's what she'd intended to do.

She nodded at the woman. "I feel fine," she lied. She never felt fine. Not anymore. Anyway, she'd leveled up, and that was what was important she guessed. That's what he'd always said was important anyway, her fiance, before he died. It wasn't much longer before Zeus returned, carrying some kind of game forest creature in his mouth. Something with fur; Naomi didn't know the names of the creatures in this world yet.

Naomi patted the large grey and black wolf on the head, not something hard to do since his head came to her hip. She took the animal from his mouth before removing a small knife from one of the bags that Zeus typically carried on his back. She skinned the animal quickly and easily, having done it often for her and Zeus. Although Zeus didn't mind them with fur, Naomi did.

She found two rocks, and dropped them into the coals of the fire. She pulled another rock from one of the packs, a rock they carried with them for cooking. It was long and wide, though jagged, and fairly thin. She placed it on top of the two rocks, letting the heat carry up to its center and heat it.

She quartered the animal meat and laid it out to cook, but not before reaching into her bags once again for herbs. On three of the pieces she placed herbs for taste, and on the fourth she added herbs for healing, for the man. Then she sat beside the fire to wait until it was time to flip the meat.

Naomi pulled her legs to her chest, resting her head on her knees. One arm wrapped around her legs and the other, still holding her poker stick, poked around at the fire needlessly. One purple eye and one blue eye watched the coals burn as she ignored the others. Not to be rude, she just didn't want to make friends. She couldn't handle any more loss.

Zeus came over and flopped down beside her, sure to rest his side against Naomi. It was the only way the beast knew to comfort his companion.

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Old 11-07-2013, 12:11 AM

Being told from Gemini that she had known of the northern beasts of the game were quite difficult, but this being the first of her hearing of such a beast that caused memory loss, he took a sharp breath to himself that he didn't lose anything more than just his memory. As the other woman had made her way to poke at the camp fire to bring a bit more life back to it, just from listening to her words about how she was fine and her introduction being all so plain, Kirito had become slightly speechless of what to say next. "So..umm.." Those were the only words that he was able to speak out until the rapid footsteps of something arriving caught his attention.

Turning his head over to see that it was the same wolf that had ran off into the forest for hunting that had returned with some sort of animal, Kirito had stayed silent and remained seated as to where he was. Watching as how Naomi had skinned the animal of it's fur and began to cook it by the fire, he stared deeply into the camp fire, trying to figure out anything to say to these new people that had rescued him. " Naomi, Miss Gemini. May I ask what you two are doing this far out north?" He questioned them, even if Kirito had lost a bit of memory of what had happened to him, he still remembered quite well the reason to why he had went out that far north to the mountains.

He had remembered going to an old village and being told from an elderly woman that there was a great treasure that was hidden deep within one of the mountains that was told to grant a wish to each adventurer that could reach it. Maybe one of the wishes he could get was to leave this game or at the very least, cure him of this curse. Just the thought of the curse going through his head had caused Kirito to reach his free hand over to grasp a hold of the bandaged arm he still despised.

Non-royal Princess
EgotisticalNymph is offline
Old 11-07-2013, 02:40 AM

Strea flew north as she tried to keep her little body warm. "Oh come on.... Why does it have to be so far away... and cold." When Strea had heard about a wish granting treasure, she quickly flew away without grabbing any extra gear. "This is what I get for not being prepared." Just then a small wind blew and threw Strea sideways. "Stupid body, why do you have to be so small?"

As Strea was flying, she heard something off to the left of her. "Hello? Who is there?" She said. After no reply, she shrugged her shoulders and continued on. Just then, a bird came flying out of one of the bushes. Normally, it would only startle her. However, due to her now small size and her fear of large animals, she flew away, screaming at the top of her lungs. She continued to fly until she saw a glow in the distance. "Must be a camp fire!!" She quickened her pace, trying to reach the fire before her flying gave out.

As she cleared the shrubbery just outside the camp fire, she stopped just in time to almost hit a boy and to see that other people were sitting around the fire. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that people were..." Strea began to say. However, she then caught the sight of a wolf with them. Uncontrollably, she let out a high pitch squeal and hid behind the nearest person she was next to the boy she had almost hit.

Shikabane Hime
So...tired....just...let me....d...
Shikabane Hime is offline
Old 11-07-2013, 04:01 AM

The wolf was a silvery color with black patches on it's ears and tail. It stared towards the Naga girl as she curled her tail lightly, worried for any sudden moves from it. Nausicaä slowly moved away as Blue hovered in the air, escaping from Nausicaä's grip and hovered around in circles around her. "Hora!~ You don't see anything." She said slowly moving her hands around in circles in front of her. It was unexpected that she seen a wolf, especially now of all the times in the world. Blue slowly turned the color of purple, telling Nausicaä that the wolf was weak. "You know Blue, that doesn't help hora." She pouted softly, twisting her tail lightly as she puffed her cheeks.

Suddenly, the wolf went into aggressive stance, making Nausicaä jump a little. Out of defensive, Nausicaä shrieked and swung her tail in almost a complete 180 and a loud smack echoed. The next thing she knew, the wolf was gone and it was soaring through the sky as it howled and fainted. Nausicaä sweat dropped as she panicked, "Sorry hora!" She said curling her tail lightly and looked down to the ground in shame. "Oh dear hora." Nausicaä said, holding her arm lightly sighing softly.

Suddenly, the little naga princess got a whiff of a yummy smell. She sniffed the air and started to follow it. Curling her tail slowly around her as she continued slithering through the woods. She smiled softly as she made a kitty face and continued slithering. The dark purple scales of her tail shone in the light of the sun, it wasn't until she was close enough to a campsite that she dove into the nearby bushes. Blue laid next to Nausicaä was they watched the group of two girls and boy. One of the females had a wolf sitting next to her. She also seen another female come into the group, she appeared to be a fairy. "Interesting, I might stick around." She said whispering softly. Blinking lightly, the naga girl curled her tail slowly behind her scraping it lightly against the dirt, wanting to get the food she seen they were making.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-07-2013, 04:23 AM

"Good to meet you, miss Naomi." Gemini was puzzled by the sudden coldness of the cleric woman, but she shrugged it off.Shrugging her cloak back on, she turned to watch the meat cooking. After a moment, the man- Kirito, she corrected herself- spoke up, asking what they were doing so far north. "Well, I was just travelling to level up. I heard there were some strong monsters out here, but they turned out to be too high level for me. I was getting ready to turn back when I learned of a legend, something about a wish granting creature. So I decided to check it out. But I haven't been able to find a single thing." She added the last part dejectedly. Before she could say anything else, a small winged creature came hurtling towards them, nearly slamming into Kirito. The creature- a girl, she realized- got her bearings, spotted Zeus the wolf, screamed and hid behind Kirito. Blinking, Gemini tilted her head. "Um...what just happened?" She asked.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 11-07-2013, 04:26 AM

Naomi looked over at the man. The pair hadn't given her their names. No matter. She didn't want to know them. She continued poking at the fire. They were just wandering, going no where in particular. They had simply wandered North. Naomi always felt like she was searching for something, though she couldn't say what. Maybe she felt like one day she'd run into her fiance again, that his death would have been a cruel joke, that he'd never died, and that it hadn't been because she were weak.

"We were looking, for something," she finally said. After a moment someone appeared out of the bushes. Zeus heard the small girl before she had arrived and was standing in a protective stance beside Naomi now, towering above her in his huge size. Then the girl was shrieking. It was an awful sound. Even Zeus put his ears down.

When they could hear again, Zeus turned his head, picking up on another sound nearby. A low growl erupted from his throat. They were being watched, and he didn't like it. "Someone else is here," Naomi said to the group.

Seeker of Dankness, Defender of ...
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Old 11-07-2013, 06:15 AM

Yukina sighed as she came out of a wooden cabin and looked around."still cold out ,but it's nice",she said hopping onto the snow and stretched."it be a good day to get going again",she then blinked seeing a trail of smoke coming somewhere close by."there is actually someone else here?",she said to herself then turned back to the a cabin."Akito-San! ,,,,there are others here beside us! purhaps we should go and great them, and see if they two are having problems leaving!",she said happily.

Akito slowly dragged himself out f the cabin yawning."how on earth are you THIS hyper in the morning?",he asked rubbing his eyes. Akito himself was defiantly not a morning person, he then looked to where Yukina was pointing at."my my my, it seem's you are right, we should go and see who they are",he said then smirked."besides if their bad guys, you'r hair can be used as a cover , it matches the snow",he said with a laugh and ducked a snow ball being whipped at him."okay come on already",he said and started walking. With Yukina right behind him,not knowing what they could be in for he kept his guard up.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
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Old 11-07-2013, 06:26 AM

Two Figure's appeared out of the Shadow's, approaching the Small group. One was a Tall, Muscular Male, obviously a Knight. The other was Female, a Mage. Her face was hidden, and she gave of Warning signs all over. The male approached the small group, and looked at them all. "My name is Sauron De Barta. My Companion and I are looking for the Nearest town, could you please point us in it's general direction?" he asked them.

The Mage did not speak. She kept her face covered, and her eye's kept on moving from one place, to another. It was unclear to all, even to the knight, but this was Malum in se, The Morbid Chaos Elf Summoner. She wasn't in the mood for killing......yet. She was more hungry then blood-thirsty.


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