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salvete is offline
Old 11-10-2014, 02:33 AM

**~ Salvete's 2014 Memory Jar ~**

Today is November 9th, and I realize we have less than two months before the new year. But, I wanted a special place to share my Mene-related and other memories until then, so here goes!

Avatar Gallery 2014

Halloween 2014

The Halloween 2k14 event was great!! It was my first time playing the Assassins game, and I ended up being one of the winners. I guess I'll keep my "victims" anonymous but for future reference, my target words were rain, idea, turn, and near. Anyway, I was so happy to receive 10k gold as a prize and ended up buying a ton of commons for my closet. :)

Note to self: next year, also play the Ghost Hunt more often! You're not too shabby at it :)

I'm getting kind of sleepy now, so I'll end the post here. Hope I remember to add more memories later on!

Last edited by salvete; 11-20-2014 at 03:54 PM.. Reason: center align title

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salvete is offline
Old 11-11-2014, 03:55 AM


Over the weekend, I enjoyed volunteering with a local park! We raked leaves onto tarps to make into compost, then planted daffodil bulbs in the ground! We used pointy shovels to pierce holes into the dirt, dug wells that were six inches deep, then filled them a bit with compost from last year. We dug six-inch deep holes to ensure that the daffodil bulbs would be below the frostline and survive the winter without freezing and dying. We then planted four to five daffodil bulbs in each hole (because the holes were rather wide), then covered them with dirt and more compost before patting everything down.

Because it was a very dusty and busy service activity, I was unable to take many photos of our bulbs. So, here are some images I found on the Internet:

The bulbs looked like little onions:

And I am so excited to revisit the park in the spring to see the daffodils that sprout!

As an aside, squirrels like to eat tulip bulbs. That's why we planted daffodils.

Also, monarch butterflies only eat milkweed. That's why milkweed can be found in many butterfly gardens.

Just some fun facts I learned from the park staff and volunteers! I loved working with them!!

Last edited by salvete; 11-11-2014 at 04:17 AM..

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salvete is offline
Old 11-11-2014, 04:56 PM

~*Natural Positivity*~

I am an optimistic realist. I guess I'm lucky in that respect. Despite having three part-time jobs, studying full-time, and being involved in various extracurricular activities...and not sleeping enough as a result, I still think pretty positively.

Here are some recent positive memories for my jar:
- My second (and only other) class was canceled today. Freedom!
- I won a free raffle and received a $25 giftcard! I'll probably spend it on textbooks but still great!
- I went ice skating for the first time in four years with some of my good friends. It was so fun! I think I fell a total of seven times (once also making my friend fall, sorry!) but hey, I figure if you're not falling, you're not trying hard enough :) hehe, just kidding.
- I think there's free doughnuts later...sure hope so because I'm hungry!
EDIT: Yup, there were lots of options from Dunkin Donuts. I went with the strawberry frosted donut, yum!
Click on thumbnail for full view

And then some things I'm really thankful for:
- I didn't do so well on my last homework for a class, and my friend offered to help me. Thank you!!
- My mentor took some time out of his busy schedule to look over something I wrote, even though he had a flight early the next morning. Thank you!!

And then of course, the realism:
- One of my pens ran out of ink while I was using it to take notes!
- I was removed from page admin for some page on Facebook that I created. Bleh!
- I have a midterm next week. Must study hard and ace it! Unfortunately, this class is not one of the most interesting. It's sort of interesting, but not really.

More later, need to use the bathroom.

EDIT: I realized that memory jars are supposed to only be for positive I will add that:
- I had plenty of other writing utensils to use instead.
- I got the free $25 gift card sort of for removing myself from page admin...of a page I didn't need to be admin of anymore. So, that's okay.
- I hope to ace the midterm next week so I can come back and say positive things about it then :)

I had my room vacuumed (yay). Also, I got a free $5 gift code and other stuff, so today was a pretty positive day.

Last edited by salvete; 11-20-2014 at 03:55 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 11-12-2014, 07:50 PM

~*Free Food*~

Today, I had pizza that looked like this:

Click on thumbnail for full view

It had artichokes on it and was really delicious. I'm not sure if I have ever eaten artichoke in another context (i.e. not on pizza), but it was free, and it was good!

Last edited by salvete; 11-26-2014 at 10:08 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 11-13-2014, 04:17 PM

~*Being Thankful*~

I am fortunate to have someone whom I look up to as a mentor. I would like to dedicate this post to this person. In order to keep my mentor's identity anonymous, I will use Afrodonkey as a pseudonym and use he/him/his as pronouns to refer to him.

Afrodonkey came into my life four years ago. I was so young then (okay, not really), and didn't quite realize at the time why or how I came to be his mentee. But somehow, it happened. I mean, it wasn't just coincidence. After all, we had the same interests and similar goals. I guess the reason I word it this way is that I sometimes wonder how I was so lucky to meet Afrodonkey. He changed my life in so many ways.

He gave me support. Whenever I encountered a problem -- whether it was academic, work-related, or personal -- I came to trust his judgment of the situation. He is extremely wise, and has given me so much good advice.

He opened doors of opportunity. Whenever I had a dream -- and I have many dreams -- Afrodonkey would help me with my plan to achieve it, if he could.

He helped me grow. Not only am I four years older than when I first met Afrodonkey (heh) -- I feel that I am so much wiser and more experienced because he took me under his wing.

And, he's just great overall. Part of the reason I look up to and respect him is not only because of his accomplishments and how he has helped me achieve mine -- it is also because of my appreciation for how he is so approachable, responsive to questions, and flexible.

I'll end that here (maybe go into more detail in a future post if I have anything specific to add).

Just wanted to say...

Last edited by salvete; 11-20-2014 at 03:56 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 11-15-2014, 03:06 AM

~*Coding a Website*~

Today I made my first website! It was super simple and only took an hour to make. Well, that was probably because someone taught me how to make it. ^_^ It was a free class that I almost considered not attending today after rolling out of bed, taking a shower, and realizing I was super late for public transportation. But, I decided to hurry out the door on the spur of the moment, and I am super happy that I did! I have several years of experience with coding, but I had never actually made a website before with both html and css.

So I won't go into too much detail about what the website was actually about (since I think the class was publicized widely enough on the internet that, somehow, I'm sure people could figure out where and when the class was, discover who was among the attendees, and narrow it down to figure out who I am). But, I can say that I now:

- understand the difference between css and html in terms of what they are generally used for.
- know how to change the color, font, font size, and text alignment of text on a webpage.
- can write comments in both html and css :) love commenting everything!
- know the difference between parts of an html page, i.e. header, paragraph, body.
- understand that we have to tell the browser that the code is in html before we do anything else.
- have learned about functions in javascript, although I still cannot write them on my own.
...and I'll leave it at that. :3

I am super excited for the next class! We had a pretty good turnout for this one (despite the fact that I don't think everyone who rsvp'd was able to attend), which hopefully will translate to future free coding sessions by our enthusiastic teacher!

~*Avatar Gallery*~

Last edited by salvete; 11-15-2014 at 03:41 AM.. Reason: rearranging sections

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salvete is offline
Old 11-15-2014, 08:36 PM

~*I'm stuffed!*~

My belly is huge right now, stuffed with food! I just got home from lunch at a restaurant with extended family members. There were eight of us in total. I am in half a food coma right now, so let's see...where to begin?

I guess I'll talk about all the delicious food I ate.

So first, we ordered two trays of xiaolongbao, also known as soup dumplings because each one contains a pool of "soup" along with the meat. Delicious! Although I've heard that the soup inside is actually juice from the pork skin that they put inside the dumpling, this fact does not deter me from enjoying it. I usually eat xiaolongbao by itself, but some of my family members love to dip it in soy sauce and vinegar. I ate about five of these.

Then, we ordered three plates of shenjianbao, which is a pan-fried bun topped with scallion and sesame. I found these incredibly filling because of the bread-like exterior. I ate maybe five of these as well.

Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view
(Note: I didn't take photos at the restaurant, so all images are from the internet.)

We had two different soups. I couldn't find photos that resembled what we had, but basically:
Soup #1 had tofu and a green leafy veggie in it. It was a thick soup, like they had added corn starch.
Soup #2 was sort of like egg drop soup, but it had many different vegetables boiled together in it.

As for the dishes, we had white rice with one plate of each:
pork chops
chicken and cashew
shrimp and peas
Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

Last edited by salvete; 11-20-2014 at 04:01 PM.. Reason: It was actually pork chops that we ate, not lamb chops.

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salvete is offline
Old 11-17-2014, 02:37 AM

~*So Blessed*~

I just got off the phone with my mentor, whom I have probably mentioned, previously, is the best person ever. I am so thankful for his presence in my life...I was teary-eyed before and used up quite a few tissues, but I'm drying my eyes off now so I can concentrate on writing this.

So what happened was - I have interviews coming up, and I was looking up all the possible interview questions they could ask me regarding the industry and about myself. But, I found myself stumped by a ton of the questions that came up as possibilities. So, I narrowed down the list of questions and texted maybe six or seven of them to my mentor because I didn't want to overload his Sunday evening with my interview questions.

I expected him to eventually text back, or possibly send an email to me by tomorrow latest with some ideas that he had. I really did not expect him to call...but I found my phone ringing almost immediately, or at most a few short minutes later! And we ended up talking for half an hour about the questions and about interviews in general.

I am so thankful for him...I can't say this enough. I really didn't mean to take up thirty minutes of his limited time (he has a very busy schedule), but he took the time out voluntarily to help me with my questions. And that's just one of the things I hope that I will never forget. It's such a blessing to know that he is there to support me and answer any questions I have.

And not only did he answer the questions I had sent him -- he also went beyond and talked about my strengths as a candidate. I hope he couldn't tell over the phone, but I started tearing up as he began describing the things he himself had observed me do and accomplish. And these included things that I hadn't even thought of as strong points, but he showed that he really noticed things that I did, even in passing, or stuff I just do because I enjoy it that stuck out to him as my personal strengths...

Anyway, I really didn't expect to dedicate an entire post to my mentor (whom I had previously given the pseudonym Afrodonkey, now that I think about it) again, and so soon. But, I kind of just needed a place to share my experience immediately after it happened. After all, memories fade with time. So I'm glad I was able to get it down on paper (or rather, the Internet).

Thank you, Afrodonkey. I wish I could give back to you as much as you have given to me.

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salvete is offline
Old 11-18-2014, 01:46 AM

~*Seeing the Light at the End of the Tunnel*~

So, I have probably mentioned previously that I am super busy in real life right now. But, I just finished organizing my life schedule for the next two weeks, and it makes me feel so much better about things. I feel like I've really partitioned my time and planned out how I will prioritize everything. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel of this chaos.

Because I am super proud to have really managed and organized my time for the next half a month or so, I decided to share about it here. I even included some fun events that I will be attending because hey, work hard and play hard, right? :)

This is what my schedule looks like for the rest of the week:

Salvete's To Do List
Today (Monday, 11/17) - homework and studying for midterm exam
Tuesday, 11/18 - studying for midterm exam and interview!!
Wednesday, 11/19 - interview day!! and studying for midterm exam
Thursday, 11/20 - midterm exam day!! and homework
Friday, 11/21 - site visit, possibly work
Saturday, 11/22 - possibly work if I don't get to work on Friday
Sunday, 11/23 - homework
Monday, 11/24 - homework
Tuesday, 11/25 - homework
Wednesday, 11/26 - homework
Thursday, 11/27 - BREAK DAY!! :)
Friday, 11/28 - possibly work
Saturday, 11/29 - homework
Sunday, 11/30 - volunteering!

...and that's all I have for now. It looks like a super busy schedule, but I am so glad to have organized my time to be able to accomplish all that I want and need to! :D

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salvete is offline
Old 11-19-2014, 02:50 AM

~*Super Excited*~

And super nervous as well!! Just picked out my outfit for tomorrow and had it ironed. It looks a little something like this (the one on the right, that is...I didn't realize that the two photos were attached to each other, oops):

Click on thumbnail for full view

- long-sleeve white button-up shirt
- black suit jacket
- black dress pants
- black dress shoes/heels
- short pantyhose

I am so happy to be donning this formal outfit tomorrow, but my heart is racing and my fingers are getting numb! I don't even want to say what is happening explicitly for fear that I will jinx it somehow...

In addition to the rather formal attire listed above, I will be wearing my everyday watch, which is always set to the wrong time. I hope they don't notice it too much.

I really need to continue my studying and preparation soon, but for now I am trying to calm down by looking at soothing photos of adorable creatures.

Click on thumbnail for full view

Anyway, off to try to be as ready as possible for this event!! Wish me luck, you all. <3

Last edited by salvete; 11-20-2014 at 03:53 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 11-20-2014, 03:39 AM

~*Super Relieved*~
~*But AAAHH At the Same Time*~ went well. I am super relieved and thankful.

Meanwhile, guess what I have tomorrow...

I don't know how many hours I will get to sleep tonight...I would like to do well. Is sacrificing a few hours of sleep worth doing well on an exam? Seeing that it's my last midterm of the semester, I will have to go with yes on this one.

This is me before the exam:


Click on thumbnail for full view

And this is going to be me after the exam:

Click on thumbnail for full view

Last edited by salvete; 11-25-2014 at 02:19 AM..

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salvete is offline
Old 11-20-2014, 04:26 PM

~*Midterms Over!!*~

So, I didn't get to write very much yesterday. I had just returned from an extremely important formal event (see previous posts about my preparation for it) and had to immediately begin studying for my last midterm exam, which occurred today. I had had little time to study for it prior to last night, as I was also trying to study for the formal event. After the formal event went very well, I was determined to get through the relevant material in my post-it-noted textbook.

The morning started off with a potential disaster. I had set my alarm time to be a little earlier than usual, in the hopes that I could get to the exam room on time without worrying about traffic and transportation delays. I remember getting up to turn off the alarm...but then I went back to sleep!! Fortunately, a member of my family came to my bedroom to check on me -- but then I looked at my clock and realized that I had woken up 30 minutes after my usual time!

I was out the door within five minutes, running and gasping as the freezing air flowed into and out of my lungs. My legs were sore by the time I reached the place where I was going to take transportation. I didn't even get to eat breakfast or drink anything this morning.

Fortunately, when I arrived at the exam room, they were only five minutes in. I was still gasping as I plopped down on a seat. The exam proctor handed me the exam, and I immediately began reading and writing.

Anyway, I am now done with midterm exams! Yay.

This was me right after it ended:
Click on thumbnail for full view

I just have a quiz in two weeks, two final exams, and a final project. Also related to academics, I have more interviews coming up and presentations and research...busy bee, that's me! Actually, that wasn't grammatically correct, it would be busy bee, that's I...but then it wouldn't have rhymed.

Time for homework!

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salvete is offline
Old 11-22-2014, 03:00 AM


Hi, everyone! So, I had an excellent day of networking today. Not exactly networking with students and people in the exact industry I hope to pursue, but relevant nonetheless. I arrived by myself, but I had friends at the event. I don't really want to reveal what company or industry this networking involved, but I guess it can be implied by reading forward in this post.

We started off with a crisis response talk, with someone speaking about how she and her team have worked, over the years, on using technology to respond to things like the earthquake in Haiti and the tsunami in Japan. I was impressed by their filtering of irrelevant search topics and how anonymous volunteers assembled missing peoples' names and information on the Internet to allow family, friends, and other loved ones to find each other and share information on people they have seen during times of disaster.

Then, they held a career panel to answer any questions we had as audience members. First, the panel coordinator asked pre-written questions, just to get things going. I was impressed by the eloquence and down-to-earth-ness of each speaker, who connected well with the audience. I also appreciated the flexibility and supportiveness that I sensed about their workplace. Then, they opened up for questions from us, setting a microphone in the middle of the large room for any volunteers. I had a question and appreciated the opportunity to address it.

Afterward, we ate a pizza and chocolate chip cookie dinner. The cookies were delicious. The pizza was kind of average...well, it was pizza, after all :) When we had almost finished, two speakers told us about recruiting, interviews, and career opportunities. I was grateful to have another one of my questions addressed during this period.

Finally, we went on a guided tour of the facility. The building was lovely and fun. There were places to work and hold meetings, but there were also just places to chill. I was impressed that these areas were so close to each other, yet all the employees seemed, still, to be productive. They also gave us some things to snack on and imbibe during this tour.

Very productive day in terms of networking, but not productive in terms of homework! Have to set to work on that now!

See you later~

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 11-23-2014, 06:43 PM

~*Creativity + Family Dinner*~

I didn't get to document yesterday's events here, so doing this today!
Note: I am writing this as if it were still yesterday, just for clarification.

So I had made a really cool business card holder as a side project for my enjoyment, quite a few years ago. I revisited my project today, and made it even better! I love being able to express my creativity in using my hands to make and build things. I improved my project so that all of the business cards were arranged in alphabetical order. But more importantly, I made it so that it would be super easy to add or remove a business card from the holder. For example, if I had another business card to add, I would simply identify where it would go on the business card holder (based on alphabetical order), do some clipping and unclipping, and voila! The card has been added to the business card holder within half a minute. Also, I love that the project is super colorful.

I also had a wonderful dinner with family just now. We had a gigantic pot of chicken soup boiling on the table, into which we tossed in everything from fried tofu and fish paste balls to thin slices of lamb meat and spam slices to spinach and some other green leafy vegetable to tofu skin...the list goes on and on! I had all of these scrumptious meat and veggie dishes with bowls of white rice covered in a delicious sauce. I unfortunately do not know what the sauce contains, but it was brown in color and very yummy. Maybe it had some peanut butter in it? It was a little spicy as well.

For dessert, we had bought a mouth-watering cheesecake that was conveniently pre-sliced. That was super delicious, too. At first, I was unsure whether I would be able to finish an entire slice on my own, but after sinking my fork into it and taking a bite, I knew I would want to finish the entire cake (although I would be physically incapable of doing so...maybe...)

Click on thumbnail for full view

Anyway, I had a very enjoyable (although not as productive as I would like) day!

Last edited by salvete; 11-24-2014 at 01:19 AM..

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salvete is offline
Old 11-25-2014, 02:18 AM


I am extremely thankful to my professor, who has gone out of his way to explain concepts and clarify my questions so many times. He is an extremely good teacher and very kind and understanding person. I wish I could ace this class just to make him proud. I'm not even one of the top students in this class -- on the contrary, I find this course extremely challenging. But I love it! I think the material is super interesting, albeit difficult sometimes. I sit in the front row and pay as close attention as I can, but still get lost sometimes. I will have to take this Thanksgiving break to catch up on everything and really understand what we have learned in class so far.

In fact, I was going to attend a show today that had free food and performances...but then I decided to go home instead. I would feel a lot better in my house, cuddled up with the study materials, than spending several hours watching a show that I really don't need to see.

Tomorrow, though, there is a ton of free food...and I plan to attend and eat lots. But for now, lots of studying to do!

Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

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salvete is offline
Old 11-26-2014, 03:28 AM

~*Celebrating Thanksgiving Early*~

Today, I celebrated Thanksgiving early with two of my foodie friends and one of their other friends whom I just met today. There were two large free food events happening, and we went to both.

The first event was Thanksgiving themed, with mostly traditional dishes such as:
- turkey slices with the skin still on them
- cranberry sauce
- apple cobbler
- mashed potatoes
- mashed sweet potato
- veggies
Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

The second event was thai food, which included delicious:
- white rice
- pad thai
Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view
- ground beef that was spiced with green peppers
- delicious mochi! Both kinds covered in coconut; one had a sweet filling inside, but the other did not.
One of them looked exactly like this:
Click on thumbnail for full view
while the other one (couldn't find a photo) was long and yellow.

Last edited by salvete; 11-26-2014 at 09:48 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 11-26-2014, 10:04 PM

~*Favorite Animals*~

I would like to take this moment to talk about my favorite animals. ^_^ This is Part 1 of a series that I hope will continue for many posts in the future, because this is just something that makes me happy :)


Click on thumbnail for full view

The shiba inu is the smallest breed of spitz dogs and arguably the most famous, thanks to this adorable meme that is known as "doge" on the Internet. I have heard "doge" being pronounced in so many different ways, including "DOHj," "DOHg," "dahj," and "DAH-JEE." I was absolutely in love with the 2048 game based on this meme ^_^


Click on thumbnail for full view

Aren't corgi puppies absolutely precious?! They are so cute. If I were ever to get a pet dog, corgi would be one of my top choices to adopt. I was surprised to learn that corgis are herding dogs. They are so short with such stubby legs that it's kind of fun to imagine them herding gigantic flocks of sheep, heheh. ^_^

This is one of my favorite videos of corgi puppies:

Enjoy! ^_^

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 04:49 AM

~*Happy Thanksgiving!*~

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! So here are some stuff I did today!

This morning, I baked cinnamon rolls in the oven. It was my first time baking stuff in the new oven, and I had to take out a bunch of stuff because we were using the oven as storage. ^_^ Anyway, I was completely surprised by this container! The instructions said to use a spoon to pop it open, and holy cow did it make such a loud popping noise! I guess the whole thing is air-sealed, so once the spoon went in, the spirally cardboard container basically split open!

Inside were a container of icing and eight raw dough sections, each with one side topped with crackly cinnamon topping. This topping side, of course, was supposed to be on the pan facing up. The instructions said to grease the pan before putting the dough on it, but I didn't have cooking spray or anything, so I just wiped the surface with some vegetable oil. Pretty much did the trick.

After baking according to the instructions, it was time to put icing on top! I love icing a lot, and the cinnamon rolls turned out super delicious, especially right after coming out the oven, all warm and scrumptious. ^_^

Click on thumbnail for full view

I did not have a very eventful day, just did some work and spent some time on Menewsha. I had dinner with my beloved family members, though, and that certainly was not uneventful! Without going into too much detail...someone had given us some delicious stuff to cook, and it turned out to be super spicy! I only managed to eat one of each, as my tongue is burning a ton. I usually love spicy foods, but not when they are this spicy! My tongue was in pain for quite a while, and I ended up drinking maybe five cups of liquid and eating the rest of my food before the sensation settled down. But, I do appreciate that this person gave us this food, and it was very delicious besides the whole too-spicy-for-my-tongue incident. ^_^

I also celebrated Black Thursday today by going shopping! I had not planned to buy anything, but then I remembered there was one gadget that I wanted. I only went to one store and ended up purchasing two items that were on sale. One was that item I had thought of, and the other was an item I did not expect to buy, but figured it would come in handy (plus it is gorgeous! and the first item is also gorgeous!). I will not go into detail about what those items were, but just know that they were both related to electronics (because electronics are one of the big categories that see discounts or additional offers come this holiday). I have so far opened one of them, and absolutely love it, and plan to open the other one maybe tomorrow to try out.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 11-29-2014, 10:38 PM

~*To Do List*~

I'm pretty busy at the moment. I have a dinner that I am attending later, so will be posting about that eventually.

For now, I will be checking these to-do list items off as I finish them!

> Application #0 - DONE! ^_^
> Application #0 Improvement - DONE! ^_^
> Application #1 - DONE! ^_^
> Application #2
> Application #3
> Application #4
> Application #5
> Assignment #1 - DONE! ^_^
> Assignment #2 - DONE! ^_^
> Assignment #11 - DONE! ^_^
> Assignment #14 - DONE! ^_^
> Analysis
> Results
> Checking #4 - DONE! ^_^
> Checking #5 - DONE! ^_^
> Checking #6 - DONE! ^_^
> Study #1 - DONE! ^_^
> Study #2 - DONE! ^_^
> Poster - DONE! ^_^
> Preparation N - DONE! ^_^
> Preparation G
> Preparation S
> Preparation H

Last edited by salvete; 12-19-2014 at 03:31 PM..

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salvete is offline
Old 12-20-2014, 10:39 PM

~*So Much Stuff*~

So much stuff has occurred since my last post in this thread. I can't even seem to figure out where to begin...

Let's just word it this way:

Lots of free food.
Lots of spending time with beloved family.
Lots of hanging out with friends.
Excited for holiday things.
Gift-giving galore.
Lots of shopping.
Lots of catching up on television and movies.
Lots of regaining health and resting.
Much less stress.
Ability to stop thinking about stuff 24/7.
Lots more sleep.
More regular sleep schedule.
Lots more time to do productive stuff that I want to do.
Possibly regaining my singing voice.
Lots more cleaning.

EDIT: Yum! Had dinner with relatives. ^_^ Orange chicken with broccoli; black bean chicken with broccoli; green beans; salmon with tofu and ham; white rice; lo mein; jellyfish; and other yummy dishes!

Last edited by salvete; 12-21-2014 at 04:39 AM..

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salvete is offline
Old 12-25-2014, 11:57 PM

~*Merry Christmas!*~

My cousin is here!!! She's so pretty and nice. She made us homemade Korean barbecue beef with tofu, which had a yummy flavor. And my aunt and uncle made green beans, white rice, and various sauteed vegetables. My cousin and my other aunt also went and picked up some Chinese takeout dishes (orange chicken and broccoli; black bean chicken and broccoli; eggplant) to add to the table. And of course, I had a cup of milk with it all! Dessert #1 was homemade soup mochi with red bean paste inside. The mochi was green from juice squeezed out from vegetables for dumplings from another meal, I believe. Dessert #2 is some sort of cake. Don't know what kind yet, but will update when I find out!


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