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Babyblueyez25 is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 08:58 PM

Well guess I'm kinda late to the memory jar party . I think I'm just now starting to figure my way round about menewsha and figured this is something I'd really like to do.
Guess I'll start with February, because I didn't know what a memory jar was in January. Don't think much actually happened anyway lol..
Let the madness begin I guess ..

Last edited by Babyblueyez25; 03-05-2015 at 09:06 PM..

Babyblueyez25 is offline
Old 03-05-2015, 09:10 PM

February was a pretty quiet month for me to start.
Nothing that exciting, well of course apart from my first ever live concert !! I went to see The Script live at the Glasgow hydro on the 20th
Look how close I got



My little boy turned 3 on the 22nd


Was kind of an awkward day lol. Was kind of a merged party both sides of his family. (His dads and then mine) gahh was so awkward never ever again lol!

All in all I had a pretty good February . Thought I'd add my song of the month. Of course its going to be a script song because um wow they where beyond awesome and what better than a video taken on the night I was actually there ..
Thanks February you where fun
The Script- Not Right For You

1. girls day for me is with my daughter I love snuggling up with her in our pyjamas and fluffy socks. She's addicted to frozen (she's 21 months old and she is a complete diva! Here she is:


2.Snack time.. Hmmm my favourite snack is probably dairy milk
3.I've made a wish in fact.. I always make a wish on a star. Its been the same one every night for a while now.. Lol and I can't tell you what it is because then it won't come true .
4.I don't play instruments lol hmm except air guitar I play that like a boss but Naw no instruments I mean I tried to play a few.. Trumpet, keyboard, stuff like that but I can really never stick to anything ever lol.
5.Imma use the 100 words prompt to describe this month so far in 100 words that's 20words per day not hard I don't think .

March has been a weird month so far with me. First of all I'm having some relationship issues. Nothing I'll go into on here but yea. Been a weird few days. I had this kind of parenting workshop with my kids nursery yesterday.. Weird lol was all about numeracy. Kind of silly. Ugh and yesterday I had a run in with some hair removal cream now I have like 3rd degree burns everywhere. Horrible it hurts soo bad! I'm also trying to find tickets to go see the script again lol. But I loved them! I'm kinda obsessed even my kids are all singing their songs.
Yay think I did it lol

6. New game. Hmm not sure what to right here except today I'm playing this new game today called I'm so freaking over chasing you! Be with me or don't no more freaking weak chasing bs from me!
7. My fave NPC is hmmm *thinks* either yan, nami or lance. Yan because he cracks me up and lance and nami because of the mafia game and the fact they dealt with my nonsense
8.If I ruled the world.. Hmmm now what would I do.. If I ruled the world I'm actually not sure I'm kinda glad I don't rule the world this place is a hot mess full of hate and violence and greed. I guess I'd take that away and the wealth barriers there would be no rich and no poor we would all be the same.
Other news today I was feeling kinda blah so I took the kids out to the park then to the waterside so they could feed the ducks . Then to a soft play area and some food from burger king . Spending time doing things like that with them is so therapeutic for me. I enjoy knowing they are having fun.

9. Feeling sick today severe migraine and struggling to focus or concentrate on anything I'll update later or tomorrow the song I hate if I can pick just one .

Yayy! I won my second star today which is just awesome!
Originally Posted by jellysundae View Post
Here's your Monday winner, bringing you a sparkly start to your week it's Babyblueyez25:

Who could resist this adorable little pixie! Look at them, coyly giggling over all the lovely gold at the end of their special rainbow. I wonder where they've just zoomed in from, wouldn't it be nice to leave a trail of pretty sparkles wherever you went!

But what I really want to know about is...the butterflies! Are they...part of the rainbow? Can you imagine, when a rainbow disappears it's actually breaking up into a million rainbow-coloured butterflies, which sadly we humans cannot see, we don't have the power, we can only see those because of the pixie magic! Yeah I wanna find a rainbow and watch it turn into butterflies now
10. Today I'm going jogging. Blah can see it far enough. I've gotten so lazy the past few weeks, time to get my ass in gear I think. Not sure what to write for the prompt for today hmmm.. So I shall just say nothing lmao. Headaches much better still there though . Blah lol.
11. Well what the hell there is no eleven
Anyway I've been quiet in this thread recently because of the event of course it was awesome fun. I couldn't tare myself away long enough to update this lol .
12.. Obsession.. Lol hmm a strange que word lol. Actually lol.. Im Sure I can think of a lot of things relating to that word but right now I'll behave . Right now I'm obsessed with salt and chilli chicken noodles I got an awesome recepie and I've eaten like every night for a week Hahaha!
Bad luck.. Lol speaks for itself. I actually do kinda have bad luck but! I have good luck moments too it all balances itself out right?
Last person I text was the man I love although.. He's a god damn asshat and so grumpy ughhh lol.

I've been not feeling very good recently.. And it has me worried a little .. A lot if I'm honest.. .

Well been a crazy few weeks, back and fourth from the doctors getting bloods and such. Now I'm awaiting results. Its driving me crazy I wish I'd just know if everything's okay or not ugh. Waiting makes me on edge.
In other new this week (or last) we had a total lunar eclipse here in Scotland and it was beautiful .

I should actually post a picture... Lemme find one:
This was taken at almost 10am the sky went black and that was the light through the clouds :
Beautiful right? won't be another full eclipse here till the 2090's I'm sure they said on the radio .

Last edited by Babyblueyez25; 03-24-2015 at 02:45 PM..

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Old 03-05-2015, 09:11 PM

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Old 03-05-2015, 09:12 PM


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Old 03-05-2015, 09:13 PM


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Old 03-05-2015, 09:14 PM


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Old 03-05-2015, 09:14 PM


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Old 03-05-2015, 09:15 PM


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Old 03-05-2015, 09:15 PM


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Old 03-05-2015, 09:16 PM


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Old 03-05-2015, 09:16 PM

And last one.


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